Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1974 Good big brother, little brother

"There is indeed a small matter with the Imperial Master..."

Dahei took out the national division token.

"Disciple, pay homage to the Imperial Master and receive your order!"

Bai Xianlin and others knelt down respectfully, with rigorous and meticulous attitudes.

"Kneel down!"

Bai Zhanyun knelt down too late, and Bai Xianlin's eyes trembled. He slapped Bai Zhanyun with a slap in the face, which made one of Bai Zhanyun's teeth fly out, and he knelt down hurriedly.

As soon as the imperial order was issued, it was as if Jiang Tian was personally present, with unparalleled authority, one person was less than ten thousand people, and the royal family and princes paid homage without any disrespect.

"In fact, Mr. Bai doesn't need to be so formal!"

Dahei helped him up.

"The etiquette cannot be revoked!"

Bai Xianlin pushed away for a few times before reluctantly getting up.

Dahei said with a smile: "The Imperial Master has announced that the new residence has been completed. He is very happy. He has specially prepared some wine and wants to invite colleagues, relatives and friends to celebrate the move tonight. The Imperial Master and his family are waiting for the arrival of the Duke and the Young Marquis at the Guanjiang Mansion. ”

"Okay, as it should be. I will definitely prepare generous gifts and come to visit you!"

Bai Xianlin agreed without hesitation.

"Then, I'll take my leave, brother! I still have to go to my next family to deliver the order!"

Dahei left immediately without any delay.

"Stay a step, little brother!"

Bai Xianlin hurriedly pulled Dahei's sleeve and said: "Little brother, I know that you are a big eater, and I am worried that you will not be able to eat enough and will be hungry, so I asked my servants to prepare three buckets of Tiandan for you to take with you. Snacks, if you’re hungry, just put it on the table!”

"Good brother, I know you are a loyal and considerate brother!"

Dahei wiped the non-existent tears from the corner of his eyes and said with a smile: "To be honest, our national teacher comes from a poor family. The poverty in his early years has left a shadow. I am frugal and stingy. My rations are often deducted. It’s really hard!”

On the side of the compartment, the maid has once again held a handful of Tiandan and put it in a small green gourd.

"What you said is biased. As the saying goes, frugality leads to self-cultivation, and diligence leads to virtue. This is true for ordinary people, and it is also true for monks. Master, you are practicing precepts and concentration!"

Bai Xianlin stuffed his arms into Dahei's arms and said with an affectionate smile: "However, you are a young man, and it is the time when you are growing up, so you still need to eat well. Don't worry, your eldest brother has contracted your rations. As long as you have a brother to eat, Eat, can I still make you hungry?”

"Just with these Tiandan, and your title of little brother, I will take over the contract from now on!"

Dahei looked very moved.

Bai Xianlin smiled and said: "Little brother, you and I hit it off as soon as we met. I have long recognized that you are an extraordinary person. If you don't dislike it, we will become brothers of the opposite sex. From now on, we will treat each other as brothers. What do you think?"

These words were very sincere.

"You are a majestic Duke, and I am just a servant, so how can I afford it?"

Dahei shouted excitedly.

The sworn vows in the world of cultivation are not like those in the secular world, where you can just bow casually to the gods you worship and make a vow.

Rather, a soul contract must be made and must be abided by.

Dahei doesn't want to be controlled by others.

Bai Xianlin smiled and said: "Brother Dahei, you are clearly hurting me by saying this. Let me ask you, what is your original surname?"

"Good brother, what are you doing?"

Dahei was stunned and thought: "How do I know what my last name is? When I fell to the earth, my soul was damaged, and I can't even remember my own name. I spent the whole day with Shi Lei and Qing Linzi in the Blood Orchid Waterfall of the Changshou Tribe. I played around and was worshiped by those little black devils, living happily day by day. Until I was rescued by my master, they didn't give me a name. It was only after I turned into a big black dog that they got used to calling me Big Black. …”

"Your surname is not Jiang. This surname was given to you by the Imperial Master!"

"Yes, indeed!"

Dahei nodded.

"Giving a surname is not a small matter. It means that the Imperial Master highly recognizes you and regards you as his junior. Since you are the junior of the Imperial Master, you are so prestigious in the empire. Even the princes and nobles must show courtesy to you. Three points for you!”

Bai Xianlin said seriously.

"Is that so? I'm still young, so I don't know the deeper meaning."

Dahei looked shocked, and then said seriously:

"Good brother, you think so highly of me. Brother, I am very touched. I totally agree. However, our national master is very cautious and is afraid that I will cause trouble outside, so he does not allow me to sworn sworn sworn lords at will. At this time, I have to report it first. Only the wise master can do it!”

"That's fine!"

Bai Xianlin rolled his eyes and asked: "It's just that the Imperial Master is holding a banquet tonight. Is it really just for the joy of moving into a new house?"

"At that time, Princess Mo Yu, the chief examiner of the Qianlong Examination, will also be here and will talk about the reform of the Qianlong Examination!"

Dahei "reciprocates love" and contributes intelligence.

"National preceptor and examiner, do you have any new ideas?"

Bai Xianlin asked.

The previous use of actual combat competitions to replace virtual assessments was the initiative of the Purple Shirt Marquis in order to stir up conflicts among the princes.

Now that the Purple Dress Marquis has been removed, the royal family will of course change their tune!

If you know Jiang Tian and Princess Mo Yu's opinions in advance, you will be able to make suggestions that are beneficial to you or make preparations in advance.

"Brother Dahei, this matter must not be spread to outsiders! Once the National Preceptor learns of it, he will definitely be heavily criticized!"

When Dahei was about to speak, Guo Chuandong next to him tried to dissuade him with an anxious look on his face. He was also an actor.

"Lao Guo, this is my good big brother. My good big brother has asked about it. Can I not tell you?"

Dahei yelled with a pale face: "Besides, you are just a housekeeper, in charge of internal affairs. To put it bluntly, you are driving for me when I come out this time. I am a special envoy, the representative of the Imperial Guard outside, so you still care Me? How can you say anything?”

"Don't think that because the Imperial Master and you are fellow villagers, you are great. I respect you, so I call you brother. If I don't respect you, you are just a servant!"

Guo Chuandong looked embarrassed and angry.

Bai Xianlin quickly acted as the peacemaker and tried to persuade him: "Brother Dahei, how can you talk like this? Lao Guo, please don't be as familiar with my brother. He is an outspoken person who means what he says but doesn't mean what he says. I apologize to you on his behalf!"

"I'll wait for you outside the house, hurry up! If the news leaks and reaches the master's ears, you need to remember that this matter has nothing to do with me."

Guo Chuandong flicked his sleeves and walked out the door.

"Damn it, you're still trying to get rid of me. I have only Nascent Soul cultivation, mediocre qualifications, and can only flatter others. If I am not favored as a fellow national teacher, how can I be qualified to be a housekeeper? I am the special envoy of the housekeeper. Take care of both inside and outside!”

Dahei snorted with disdain.

He and Guo Chuandong played out the old-fashioned drama of "the Hou family is as deep as the sea, and the servants compete for favor and power, and are jealous of each other."

"Brother Dahei, you are young and powerful, and your future is bright and limitless. But he is buried up to his neck in loess, and he will be like this for the rest of his life. Why do you need to argue with him, cause conflicts, and cause worries to the Imperial Master!" Bai Xianlin smiled. persuaded.

"He is such a fool!"

Dahei cursed again, and then whispered mysteriously:

"Good brother, this matter must not be spread to outsiders. Mo Yu and the Imperial Master have agreed that the Qianlong Trial will no longer be based on actual battles between princes' descendants to determine victory or defeat. Instead, a task points system will be adopted!"

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