Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

"This must be a clever plan made by the National Master Saint!"

Bai Xianlin showed admiration on his face and said with emotion: "Master Imperial Master, you are truly a great talent of your generation. He cultivates himself, manages his family, governs the country, and brings peace to the world. He is a talented person!"

These words are not false, they actually come from the heart.

The purpose of the Qianlong Trial is to stimulate the enthusiasm of the descendants of the princes to practice and improve themselves, and to avoid the degradation and weakness of the princes. Previously, the system of bombarding magic weapons and measuring cultivation levels was adopted, but it was inevitably inaccurate. You know, cultivation does not represent combat power.

The actual combat competition reform proposed by the Purple Shirt Marquis has indeed avoided the disadvantages of inaccurate testing and can truly reflect the strength of the princes' descendants.

But it will cause the annexation of princes, especially the decline of the princes' descendants, and serious internal strife. In fact, this is indeed a policy basis laid by the Purple Shirt Hou in order to provoke conflicts between the princes and the royal family.

But this reform by Jiang Tian and Princess Mo Yu avoided the shortcomings of the reform of the Purple Shanhou, and it was greatly beneficial to the empire.

You must know that in the empire, there are also bandits who occupy the mountains and become kings, and there are also monsters and beasts that harm one side.

But in the past, the princes were selfish and only wanted to take care of their own one-third of an acre, and would not care about the disasters and chaos in other princes' territories.

For example, if there is a group of bandits in the territory of Zhenyuan Marquis, the army may not be able to catch it and cannot be wiped out at all. It would take ten or eight princes' armies to join forces to annihilate it. However, the other princes do not cooperate, which leads to the bandits becoming more and more powerful. big.

It is even said that there are some bandits who are raised by the princes and used to rob other princes, known as "smearing the captain" and "gold mover".

But this time the "task points system" reform is amazing.

Assign tasks. If the descendants of the princes do not conscientiously kill monsters, annihilate bandits and complete the tasks for the royal family, then wait until the title is deprived and the territory is taken back!

"They are all doing things for the royal family."

Dahei laughed, then clasped his hands and left.

Bai Xianlin naturally sent him all the way.

After returning to the mansion, several living fossils and powerful worshipers from the Beijiang Duke's mansion gathered around, talking about it, and waiting for orders.

"There really is no weak person among the disciples of a saint. This saint Siqing is very strong. I didn't expect that his servants and disciples are also so strong!"

"He took so many heavenly pills in one breath, but he was unscathed, and his face didn't even change at all. It's so outrageous!"

Everyone was shocked.

"He is indeed very strong. I felt heartbroken when I saw him trying to eat three Dou Tian Dan in one breath, but I couldn't catch up with him even though I used my extreme speed! His Nascent Soul cultivation level is actually also the ability to transform into a god, at least in He is no weaker than me in terms of space escape!"

The corners of Bai Xianlin's eyes trembled, as if he was distressed or shocked.


"This kid is too scary!"

"He is terrifying. The National Preceptor Saint is even more terrifying!"

For a moment, the entire audience gasped one after another.

Bai Zhanyun's face looked extremely depressed, as if he had lost his soul.

He had previously wanted to catch up with Jiang Tian, ​​and even wanted to take revenge after surpassing Jiang Tian. But now, he sadly discovered that he was not even as good as the boys under Jiang Tianzuo, and even not as good as his father who he regarded as his idol.

"However, I am surprised. This boy named Jiang Dahei has never appeared around the Imperial Master before."

"Could it be that he is a high-ranking disciple of the Shen Sect in a certain holy land? He has laid a solid foundation, taught his skills as a disciple, and entered the sect of Sage Siqing. It would make sense to have such cultivation skills!"

At this time, a living fossil gently stroked his long forehead, frowned and thought.

"I wonder if he is a disciple of a certain Holy Land Shen Sect?"

"Yes! What's the background?"

Everyone was confused and guessing for a while.

However, Bai Xianlin's face became strange, and the corner of his mouth twitched, and he said: "How can he be a direct descendant of the Holy Land Shen Sect and an elite disciple? He is the National Master...that big black dog!"


"It's actually that black dog demon!"

"His strength is so strong!"

Everyone's eyes were wide open, and ten thousand pigs and dragons were rushing past in their hearts.

"My father-in-law is actually not as strong as a dog?"

"My father-in-law actually called himself brother to a dog?"

Thoughts appeared in their minds uncontrollably.

Bai Zhanyun's mouth twitched, his heart was in turmoil, and he wished he could hit his head and die on the spot. He has returned to the top and has broken through to the Nascent Soul level, but his strength is not as good as a dog raised by Jiang Siqing! Is this, is this justified?

"It's really boring to be a human being, it's more fun to be a dog!"

Jiang Dahei and Guo Chuandong walked arm in arm on the streets beside the Canglan River, eating street snacks bought from small vendors and looking at the customs and customs around them.

"I feel the same way as you. The more I interact with people, the more I enjoy being around dogs!"

Because they are both foodies and have similar body shapes, Guo Chuandong and Jiang Dahei get along very well and think they are authentic.

"Climb for me!"

Jiang Dahei's face suddenly darkened, he kicked Guo Chuandong on the butt, and said proudly: "I really treat your Lord Hei as a dog. It's just that I walk at night in brocade clothes and like to keep a low profile. My bloodline, I want to be noble, and the master personally and I said it!"

"Hehe. I know, I know!"

Guo Chuandong realized that he was speechless and laughed.

The two of them traveled very fast down the Canglan River and announced one by one that dozens of mansions including Dongxia Gongfu and Xiling Gongfu were arriving quickly.

Everywhere they went, the two of them were treated with great courtesy by their masters. They drank and chatted with the duke, called themselves brothers and sisters, avoided the princes and ministers, and accepted all kinds of bribes. They returned home with a full load, their mouths were full of food, and they were delicious. .

However, soon, they arrived at the residence of Zhenyuan Hou in the capital.

"Oh, Brother Guo, I heard the magpies chirping when I got up early in the morning. I expected something happy to happen, but I didn't expect you to be here!"

“This handsome young man—is actually Brother Dahei!”

When the two escaped from the light and descended, one after another, guests, ministers, and guardians rushed over to greet them respectfully and cordially.

"Brother Dahei, you have lost weight! You need to eat more! I have two elixirs here, but they were bought from the branch of the Ancient Medicine Hall! Give them to you!"

There are also people who are familiar with each other, who like them and feed them directly.

The elixir isn't cheap either, but it's not a loss-making deal.

Although they are all servants, they are also divided into three, six or nine levels.

He is now a servant with the honor of his master, and has become the steward and special envoy of the Imperial Prefect's Office. Even the princes and nobles must show courtesy to him when they see him. His status is too high. If you can get closer to Dahei and Guo Chuandong, you may even have a chance to be blessed by Jiang Tian in the future!

"Haha, hello brothers!"

Guo Chuandong was very happy. He felt like he was returning home in fine clothes and felt proud.

"Today, the Imperial Master is meeting with the Marquis. Please give me a report!"

Guo Chuandong expressed his intention.

However, everyone has not had time to report it yet.

A voice of command filled with disdain and a hint of coldness instantly resounded in everyone's ears.

"If you don't guard your respective positions properly, how can you gather together and make noises? How unbecoming it is!?"

Everyone turned around and saw Lin Dai'er coming from the sky with an unhappy look on her face.

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