Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1982 Fishes and dragons change without a trace

Jiang Tian himself said: "Tell me, this time, you go and kill Yang Dingtian. Remember, you need to hide your traces and conceal your identity. Don't have any contact with Huang Ling'er, I'm afraid that the one above the Nine Heavens will notice."


Jiang Tian said, his eyes were deep and he nodded solemnly.

Huang Ling'er is from the earth, so let's be honest about this.

Once Jiang Tian had contact with Huang Ling'er.

The Immortal Emperor can figure out Jiang Tian's true identity in almost seconds.

Jiang Tian didn't want to think that every move he made for hundreds or thousands of years would be under the watchful eye of a giant from the immortal world.

"Death, I will sit in the back hall. During the housewarming banquet, it will be up to you to deal with the princes and suppress the forces behind them. You can kill more people, the more you kill, the better!"

Jiang Tian said in a deep voice.

"Why? Don't you think I'm reckless and too murderous?"

"I'm dead" Jiang Tian groaned dissatisfied.

"The giants of the fairy world overlook the heavens and the world, and their divine thoughts are as vast as the sea of ​​stars, which is naturally terrifying. However, they have limitations like ordinary people, and they are far from reaching the state of knowing everything and occupying the past, present and future."

Jiang Tian said in a deep voice: "They are overlooking the lower universe, just like ordinary people going to the library, first go to the branch library, then enter different areas, then look at the bookshelf, then the book title, catalog, until every chapter, paragraph and Word!"

"Unless they are very interested, generally speaking, the giants of the fairy world will not look into the lower world."

"Even if you occasionally glance at the bookshelf and the titles of the books, you won't open them and take a closer look. It's like you will only occasionally glance at the ant nest on the road, but never squat down to take a closer look. This is the relationship between high-level beings and low-level beings. Wait for the arrogance of living things."

"And what we have to do is to turn this housewarming banquet into a very eye-catching and wonderful book, or even an exquisite bookshelf full of books. But the matter of killing Yang Dingtian can only be a line of small words, hidden In a bad book. Only in this way can we avoid the prying eyes of the giant in the fairy world!"

Jiang Tian glanced at Shiwo and Daowo, and said in a cold voice.

I, Jiang Tian, ​​nodded without changing his expression, glanced at the actions of many sects and aristocratic families in recent days, secretly remembered them in his mind, and said, "Let's start taking action?"

"Yeah, I can't wait to kill!"

Said Jiang Tian, ​​his eyes were fierce and he was eager to try.

Jiang Tian himself sat on the cloud bed, nodded slightly, and said calmly: "You two, take action, remember, it is about your and my survival and destiny, so be careful!"


Jiang Tian said, "I started to leave. When I walked to the door, my body changed and I turned into a snake and swam into the grass. When I came to the pond in the back garden, the snake entered the water and startled a group of thin and thin swallows who were playing in the water. The maidservants in sarong bodies ran to the shore one after another.

The swimming snake seemed to be alarmed, and transformed into a big koi carp and swam along the river towards the blue river outside the mansion gate.

The blue river is full of spiritual energy, rich in water and grass, and nourishes all things. Many creatures have opened their spiritual wisdom, are rich in wisdom, and have almost become monsters.

However, they have lived together with the human race since they were young, and have been close to humans, so they have not been killed or expelled by humans.

The big koi fish flew on the shallow bottom, avoiding the pecking of the cranes and the sneak attacks of the snapping turtles. At the city gate, it turned into a frog and jumped ashore. After taking a few steps, it reached the woods and grass.

After a while, a white civet cat came out of the jungle and walked away from the trees. After darting around with its blue eyes, it kept moving in the shadows against the ground and walls. Finally, it climbed to the top floor of a restaurant and squatted there. Wait quietly.

Suddenly, a flying boat pulled by a wind spirit bird passed by. The white civet cat jumped and landed on the flying boat.

On top of this flying boat, there are several simple large characters, "Imperial Capital - Boulder City".

"The mysterious power of deceiving the heaven and the earth is the best at changing. I and others can change without a trace. Even the giants of the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm must not be able to detect it!"

Jiang Tian sat upright on the cloud bed, withdrew his consciousness, and sighed quietly with a calm expression on his face, with some relief in his tone.

"Is it time for me to appear?"

I, Jiang Tian, ​​am so carefree and free, which makes my late Jiang Tian envious and impatient.

Outside the door, princes from all walks of life have come in droves, and I, Jiang Tian, ​​really want to go out and kill them.

"There's no rush. We'd better wait until I find the clues, and when we're about to take action, we'll take action at the same time."

Jiang Tian himself is neither arrogant nor impatient.

Jiang Tian now has a very high status. He is a great Celestial Master of a country and plays an important role. The joy of moving to a new house should also be quite grand and the rituals should be complicated. If you want to open the door of your house, you will invite friends and guests and give a banquet to the guests for ten days and ten nights.

During this period, the princes will not live in the Imperial Prefecture or leave. Therefore, Jiang Tian had plenty of maneuvering time.

Glancing at Guiwo, Jiang Tian put his hand on his forehead and said helplessly:

"You need to change your appearance and look more like a national master, okay? Even if you are a violent national master, you are still a national master after all!"

The far north of the empire.

The sky is full of wind and snow, the sky is dim, and the snowflakes are as big as a palm. When they fall on people, they even feel heavy.

The streets are covered with ice and snow all year round, and the buildings in the city are as magnificent as jade sculptures carved from ice.

The temperature is extremely cold, and when a person exhales, the water vapor in it immediately turns into ice crystals and falls.

The temperature is extremely cold and cool, and the most popular stores on the street are liquor stores. Mortals must wear thermal instruments to survive, otherwise, they will immediately turn into ice.

Under the sky covered with lead clouds, a blue luan bird spread its wings and glided steadily, landing in a post station.

A cloud tower carved with fire runes opened on the bird's back. Many travelers came down listlessly, yawning, or looking around curiously, and were shocked by the magnificent but cold ice and snow giant city.

The Wind Spirit Bird is not a high-level spiritual bird. It is mostly used for long-distance navigation by secular people. The speed is not very fast. It takes five days to reach Boulder City. However, I, Jiang Tian, ​​also changed "free mounts" several times in the middle, and arrived at Boulder City on the third day.

In fact, the place where Yang Dingtian committed the most crimes was in Manshuang City.

But it certainly makes sense for me, Jiang Tian, ​​to choose this place!

The Six Doors are not just a bunch of people. The generation in Manshuang City has the most crimes. Naturally, they have deployed many checkpoints and police officers in Manshuang City. There are more than thirty arrests in the Nascent Soul stage, and it is even said that there is a high-level arrester at the level of a god who goes to supervise the investigation and pursuit from time to time.

As for Heisen City, it is adjacent to Manshuang City, with thousands of miles of snowfields in the middle. It is unobstructed and is also within the radiation range of Manshuang City. Moreover, Yang Dingtian also succeeded here twice in a row. Therefore, the city's defense is also tighter.

As for Boulder City, there is an iceberg of ten thousand feet separated from the two cities. The key is that on top of this iceberg, there is also a place where monsters are entrenched and contaminated by evil energy.

Therefore, it is also very difficult to reach Boulder City from Heisen City and Manshuang City. Moreover, to the north of Boulder City are the borders and neighboring countries!

Very easy to escape!

After all, the agents and soldiers of your Eastern Empire cannot enter other countries at will.

You have to report to the guardian of other countries and get permission, otherwise, it will be considered an invasion.

Reporting naturally takes a certain amount of time. By this time, Yang Dingtian had already escaped.

The orbit of the cross star is getting closer and closer to the mainland. The laws of thunder and the avenue fluctuate strongly, interfering with the physical and mental state of the monks in this attribute.

I, Jiang Tian, ​​believe that Yang Dingtian will commit a crime in Boulder City soon!

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