Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1983 The Bottom of the Empire

A young girl in red fur, about seventeen or eighteen years old, walked out of the cabin of the cloud building with light steps and walked down the stairs. In her arms, she held a white civet cat with an arrogant look and indifferent eyes. .

It is exactly what I, Jiang Tian, ​​transformed into!

"No matter how you tease you, you ignore me! You are indeed a proud little cutie!"

The girl scratched the top of the white civet cat, pouting her bright red lips, feeling helpless and loving at the same time.

"Nanny, where did you get a civet cat?"

Her parents, a middle-aged couple, greeted her with kind smiles on their faces.

The man was tall and tall with long hands and feet. His hands had scars and calluses from burns and frostbite. He was wearing a body-protecting and warming instrument. The runes on it were about to disappear due to too much time. At first glance, it was clear that The kind of low-level mortals who are destroyed by conservative life.

"I picked it up on the road. It's so cute!"

The girl ran over happily, threw the cat into her father's arms, hugged her mother's waist, rubbed her little head on her neck and face, and said coquettishly: "Mother, it has been three years since my daughter went to the capital. I haven’t seen you again, I really miss you!”

"Don't pick up living things of unknown origin. You are already a grown man, so why are you so ignorant? If it is a violent monster, then we will suffer!"

The man scolded with a straight face, but deep in his eyes, there was pride and love that could not be hidden.

The man's surname was Lu, and their ancestors were monks from beyond the river who came from afar across the sea of ​​​​stars. They were Nascent Soul cultivators.

However, he is old and frail, and has been unable to find a suitable job, cannot get credit points, cannot earn crystal stones, and naturally cannot obtain a household registration in a large city. He goes around in circles, being harassed by monsters, and being powerful. The monks oppressed him and went through countless hardships. In the end, he could only settle in this small town on the border.

Boulder City was originally a very cold place and was not suitable for living. Moreover, there were no large-scale spirit gathering formations like those in Beijing and Jianghan City, so the conditions for moving to a household registration here were also extremely low.

The monks outside the river are not taken seriously in the empire. Moreover, on the mainland, the avenue is strong and the laws are suppressed. The Nascent Soul outside the river can often only display the strength of golden elixir or even qi refining.

In Boulder City, the ancestor's status was not high, and he did not have any decent assets or accumulation. He could only hunt some monsters in exchange for crystals and materials, and barely survive.

After decades of struggle, he finally got married to a local female cultivator with poor cultivation and had several children. He was able to establish a foothold on this continent.

It just means that since their ancestor, there have been few children with extraordinary abilities in their family.

In addition, several sets of exercises brought by the ancestors from outside the river are not in line with the laws and avenues of this world, and the inheritance of combined cultivation is gradually cut off. By the time the girl's generation is already the fifth generation, they have become A thoroughly earthly home.

A man surnamed Lu runs a blacksmith shop. Because of his kind people and high-quality iron, he is never short of money. There are many regular customers in the northern generation of the city. Everyone affectionately calls him Brother Lu.

Although the family is very poor, her daughter has found a good job in the capital, working as a maid in a prince's house. The salary for a year is not small, and she can also secretly learn some cultivation methods. The master also lets her do whatever she wants. Not restrained.

Men sometimes dream in their hearts. One day, will their daughter be able to become a monk again, become a master, and honor her ancestors?

"Dad, don't be mean to me. After all, I am also a foundation-building practitioner now, and my spiritual consciousness has been opened, so I can naturally tell whether it is a monster! It is just an ordinary cat!"

The girl said proudly.

"That's right. My daughter finally came back, but she didn't even take a bite of the hot meal, so you're acting fierce. Besides, your daughter has some cultivation skills, do you have it?"

The mother of the Lu family doted on her daughter without any principles, and she immediately became fierce towards her husband.

"Aren't I worried that she will suffer a loss? In short, there is nothing wrong with being careful."

The father of the Lu family turned red after being attacked by his wife. He seemed a little at a loss and defended helplessly:

"Man Han, half a year ago, the young man from the Li family in Changle picked up a white fox when he was playing outside the city. He thought it looked good-looking, clever and cute, so he took it home. Who knew it was actually a white fox that had been cultivated to the demon elixir? The demonic beast devoured several members of the Li family that night, leaving no trace of their heart, liver, spleen or lungs. "

The father of the Lu family was talking nonchalantly.

The family of three walked through the snow and headed north of the city.

Longxugou in Chengbei District is an out-and-out slum, which was originally the sewage channel of Boulder City. Later, it was abandoned, and the lower-class residents gathered. The dilapidated houses were in shambles, and the ground was extremely low. They were covered with ice and snow for many years, and sewage flowed through and turned into ice crystals.

The black paint peeled off due to the wind, snow and sunlight, revealing the white logs inside. The family of three walked through the cramped courtyard filled with furnaces and blacksmithing equipment, exuding a faint smell of rust, and walked into a room. Big house.

"By the way, daughter, didn't you send a summons and tell me that you can only go home once in three years? Why suddenly... could it be that you got into trouble and made the master unhappy?"

After the Lu family's father sat down, he asked worriedly.

The white civet cat squatted on the ground, looking at the wind and snow outside the window, its ears cocked, as if listening to something.


Lu Manhan smiled and said:

"The new Imperial Master, Saint Siqing, moved into the Guanjiang Mansion in the Prince's Mansion and held a housewarming banquet. The Marquis and his descendants who I served were also going to attend the banquet. Moreover, this banquet was very grand and lasted for ten days and ten nights. During the banquet, the master will not return to the house, so there is no need for us to serve him. "

She poured herself a cup of tea, drank it gurglingly, wiped her mouth, and said with a smile: "Besides, the national master's ascension to the throne is also celebrated by the whole world. We all have ten days off. So, the master's family will give it to us servants It’s time to visit relatives during the holidays!”

"The new Imperial Master..."

The Lu family and his wife just listened and didn't take it to heart.

This kind of big man was so high up in the world, so far away from them. They even said that they had never heard of the name Sage Siqing. The mountains and rivers here are harsh, the people's livelihood is poor, the people are sparsely populated, and even the news is very limited.

I just saw that my daughter didn't get into trouble, so I felt relieved.

Duh duh duh!

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Manhan, Manhan! Are you back? Where are you?"

With cheers all over, a boy of fifteen or sixteen years old also ran into the yard happily.

"It's that kid from Cancheng who's here!"

"In the past few years since you were gone, he has been talking about you every day!"

The Lu family couple immediately showed kind smiles, spoke to their daughter, and quickly opened the door to let the young man in.

This young man is their neighbor, named Kangcheng.

The ancestor of the Kang family was also a monk from outside the river. He had a sworn relationship with the ancestor of the Lu family. They once traveled around the empire to make a living together. They killed monsters and fought bandits together. They were the people who could turn their backs to each other.

However, after a thousand years, the Kang family has lost its glory and has been lost to everyone. The Kang family's father is a hunter, and his mother works as a maid in a wealthy family. She usually sews, mends, and washes clothes to supplement the family income.

The two families have been friends for generations and are neighbors, so the relationship is naturally close. Kang Cheng and Lu Manhan can be described as childhood sweethearts, loving each other as much as siblings.

Especially in the past few years when Lu Manhan was away in the capital, Kang Cheng had been helping out with the Lu family. When the old couple was injured and sick, he was the one who rushed back and forth to get doctors and medicines. If there were any gangsters around who wanted to bully them, it was him. Protect the two elders and stand up for them.

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