Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1984 Childhood sweethearts

"Kangcheng, you, you have grown taller!"

Seeing Kang Cheng come in, Lu Manhan stood up suddenly, full of ecstasy, and walked quickly to meet him, wanting to hug him, but he retracted his hand.

Suddenly I realized that we are no longer children, we are already grown up girls and boys, and there are differences between men and women.

"Sister Manhan, you have become taller and more beautiful!"

Kang Cheng scratched his head in embarrassment, his face turned slightly red, and there was surprise, admiration and affection deep in his eyes.

The original big sister next door turned out to be so beautiful, and subtle emotions also stirred in the young man's heart.

"Cancheng, sit down quickly!"

The Lu family's father picked up the iron tongs and opened the stove. The fine silver charcoal inside immediately turned red, exuding hot vitality.

This "silver charcoal" is petrified from the burial of silver fir trees in ancient times. The scorching energy it emits can withstand the invasion of the cold energy and laws here. It must be burned for an hour and a half a day, otherwise, the house will immediately turn into a lump of ice.

Of course, its price is also extremely expensive. Half of the Lu family's income is spent on this.

"Child, eat it!"

The Lu family’s mother also brought ginger tea and refreshments.

"Thank you, uncle and aunt!"

The four of them laughed and chatted for a while, and the distance gradually became closer.

What Kang Cheng is most curious about is what the outside world is like. He always asks questions, showing the unique curiosity of a teenager.

Lu Manhan slowly talked about the magnificent capital, the prosperous life, and the countless monks, which made Kangcheng envious.

The more he listened, the more excited he became. There was a little fire in his eyes, and he clenched his fists and said excitedly: "I will tell my father tonight that I will also leave Boulder City, go to the capital, and go to the bigger world to take a look."

However, Lu Manhan did not say that she already had foundation building skills.

Because she knew Kang Cheng had always wanted to practice.

However, there is no chance to join any sect, nor to enter the Imperial Academy.

Because the empire has no academy at all!

The old system of the empire was not replaced by hereditary feudal lords.

The family is the world, not the country is the world.

The imperial power was weak. The six ministries of the imperial court and the official positions they established were only equivalent to sending representative agencies. They had no law enforcement power in the territories of the princes and were in name only.

Government-run colleges for ordinary people do not exist at all.

The promotion channels for the lower class people are almost completely blocked.

Not everyone is so lucky to be able to find jobs in the houses of princes and get close to monks like him. Moreover, this prince is still good-tempered and benevolent. He doesn't care about his own cultivation and just lets it happen.

Only the rise of Saint Siqing, the national preceptor, gave her a glimmer of hope.

Because he is also a monk outside the river.

Many monks outside Hebei are spreading rumors that the National Preceptor Association will implement a series of new policies that are beneficial to monks outside Hebei. Moreover, some of them have been implemented now.

"You just came back, I'll treat you to dinner! Let's go to Songhe Tower!"

When it got late, Kangcheng suddenly stood up and invited with a smile.

"Songhe Tower? It's so expensive! This kid, your dad earned a few small bucks from hunting, it's not easy, don't waste it!"

The father of the Lu family quickly stopped and babbled: "I'm going to cook and cook a chicken and snow lotus. Your dad also sent a deer leg some time ago. I made bacon, steamed it, and made another dish. Good food, a pot of wine, let’s get together!”

"This this……"

After saying this, Kang Cheng's face turned pale and turned red, and he was in a dilemma.

Deep down in his heart, he wanted to treat Lu Manhan to dinner, and there were many things he wanted to ask her and tell her.

Moreover, the money he used was earned by doing hard work outside, not from his father.

However, he is indeed a loyal, filial and benevolent child. He knows that in order to maintain the family's life, his father often endures hardships and hardships. In order to save money, his mother would not even burn silver charcoal when sewing and repairing alone at home, and her hands were covered with chilblains from the cold.

Shouldn't we just eat at home?

"Old guy, are you confused? Don't you think you've had enough of that orange-skinned face that Kang Cheng has been looking at all day long? If you have anything to eat with me! Just go out and eat!"

Mother Lu suddenly pinched her husband and cursed.

"Oh oh oh, yes, yes. Your sister and brother haven't seen each other for a few years. Let's talk about it!" The old man from the Lu family also understood immediately and laughed.

However, Mother Lu called her daughter into the inner room, took out a small cloth bag from the cabinet, which contained a few scattered pieces of low-grade crystal stones, and said: "Daughter, you must not let Kang Cheng spend money. He has not spent money in these years." Don't help our family. If you take this money, it should be enough for a meal!"

"Mom, I have money!"

Lu Manhan quickly shied away.

"The cost of living in the capital is high, and we are registered as non-resident cultivators outside Hebei Province. We have different pay for equal work. Your salary is low, can you save money?"

Mother also asked worriedly.

The royal family is the most noble, followed by the princes, followed by the civil servants, military generals and common people!

But all natives are higher than monks outside the river!

The first generation of loose monks outside Hewai and the loose monks within the fifth generation are all listed in the household registration. Even if they perform the same work as the indigenous monks and the same workload, the remuneration they receive is often only one-third of the latter, or even less!

"At least in the capital city, now people with household registration outside Hebei and indigenous people have equal pay for equal work!"

Lu Manhan said half joyfully, half jokingly:

"Moreover, the prince I serve is also a man who adapts to the changing circumstances. In order to please the imperial advisor, before the holiday, he also increased my salary in the previous years several times and paid it all. Now I have There are tens of thousands of low-grade crystal stones!”

"So much money!"

Mother Lu immediately fell into ecstasy and shock. Then she grabbed her daughter's sleeve and asked in confusion: "But why did the princes increase your remuneration in order to please the imperial master?"

"Hey! Because that National Master, he is a casual cultivator from outside the river, and it is rumored that he comes from the Black Sun Star Territory!"

Lu Manhan said with a proud smile: "And we are also from the Black Sun Star Territory. When the princes met the Imperial Master, the Imperial Master was so happy. After all, this Marquis also took care of his fellow countrymen. 'Well!"

"Ah! Do we still have such an incredible genius in the Black Sun Star Territory? He actually... reached the position of National Master!"

Mother Lu was immediately shocked.

"I just gave this civet cat some deer leg meat, but it didn't eat it. It's such a picky eater. I couldn't bear to eat it myself. I want to use it to drink!"

When Lu Manhan turned around and went out, he heard his father grumbling.

"It understands human nature. It probably wants to eat the delicious food from Songhelou!"

Lu Manhan picked up the big white civet cat and walked towards the door while smiling: "Look at it, it looks smooth and smooth. It looks like it comes from a wealthy family and has not lived a hard life. Deer legs, for him Come on, it’s too unpalatable!”

"Here, I'm inviting you back!"

Behind him, the Lu family's father sighed helplessly.

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