Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1985 Snow Dance Sect Competition

"Hehe, have you heard! Tomorrow night, the Snow Dance Sect will hold the once-in-ten-year competition! This time, it is said that the South Sect and the North Sect are determined to win the Snow Dance Palace!"

"The little girls from the Beizong are no match for the beasts from the South Sect! If I remember correctly, the Beizong has not won for sixty consecutive years!"

"Feng shui is changing. It is said that in recent years, Mrs. Hu Zhu of the Northern Sect has opened the gates to accept disciples, but she has accepted a few disciples with good strength. She is expected to succeed in challenging the Southern Sect!"

"Whatever! No matter who lives there, we won't live in the Xuewu Palace! It's just a group of men replaced by a group of women!"

"I really hope that the girls from Beizong win this game. I heard that all of them have ice-cold muscles and jade bones, with peerless appearance, stunning beauty, and pure and flawless bodies. The aristocratic children of the empire like to marry their wives. Where is the disciple?"

“It would be great if I had a chance to go and see it!”

"How do you have the qualifications to see it! You must at least have a cultivation level of Foundation Establishment or higher to be qualified!"

On the Songhe Tower, Taoist Jiang Tian, ​​who had transformed into a civet cat, sat cross-legged on a chair, his eyes closed tightly, snoring loudly, but his ears were bent, silently listening to the discussions around him!

no way!

This silly kid from Kangcheng is so enthusiastic that he keeps feeding him food!

In order to calm the Taoist heart and prolong the journey of becoming a mortal, Jiang Tian himself lingers in the world of mortals.

It’s just that I, Jiang Tian, ​​was born in this world, and is more transcendent than Jiang Tian. I am the incarnation of his ideals, the direction of the future, and the goal he pursues. I am infinitely close to becoming a god, and I have the characteristics of a saint. How can I eat these mundane things? . It's simply torture!

Only by pretending to be asleep can this kid calm down.

Just saying, on this road and in Songhe Tower. What I heard the most about was the Snow Dance Sect competition.

The winner of this competition will be admitted to the Snow Dance Hall.

The loser will leave, become homeless, and find another place to live.

This Snow Dance Sect is just a small sect in the northern part of the empire. Compared with the behemoth like the Ancient Medicine Palace, it is like an earthworm compared to a real dragon. Its sect master is only at the peak of Nascent Soul, and most of his disciples are just golden elixir foundation builders.

"Snow Dance Sect, who has mastered ice and snow techniques, has ice muscles and jade bones, and is a stunning beauty..."

Just saying, when I, Jiang Tian, ​​heard this, a lot of information connected in my mind. In the flash of lightning, the memories of the "past life" shared with Jiang Tian were suddenly evoked, and some hidden memories surfaced.

This year in the previous life, during the competition in Xuewu Palace, a master suddenly broke in, defiled all the women of Beizong and then killed them.

No one else was spared, and they were all killed.

Lotus Picker, made by Yang Dingtian!

However, the Xuewu Sect was originally a small sect. There were not eight thousand, but ten thousand in the empire. This matter was naturally buried in the vast sea of ​​history, and even Jiang Tian could not recall it instantly.

After all, he has a long life, and he also stayed in this world for a long time in his previous life. There are so many things and information, how can he remember them in an instant?

"Oh, it would be great if I could take a look!"

When Kangcheng heard the discussions around him, he couldn't help but sigh, full of yearning.

It has been learned that in this competition, in addition to inviting some masters from the Northern Territory to watch the competition, there are also some places open to the public. However, this quota is not available to just anyone. Either give one hundred thousand crystal stones, or you must have a cultivation level of Nascent Soul or above!

Of course, Cannes does not have these two things!

Just, at this time.

A young man dressed in luxurious clothes walked in casually, followed by seven or eight guards as guards, each of them had a serious bearing and a high level of cultivation.

This young man is handsome, but his eyes are sinister, giving off a sense of viciousness and cunning. He is wearing a white mink cloak, but he is still holding a folding fan swaying in the cold weather, which labels him as "pretentious". "Slut" tag.

"Oh, isn't this Mr. Bai? Welcome, welcome! There is a seat in the private room upstairs!"

A waiter also had a happy face and greeted him servilely.

"Master Bai!"

"Master Bai is here to eat!"

Everyone present stood up one after another and greeted him warmly, with looks that were either fearful or flattering.

This young master Bai is the son of the city lord of Boulder City, and his name is Bai Yulong.

A distant relative of Duke Beijiang has a certain cultivation level, and is also a golden elixir cultivation level.

Locally, no one dares to mess with him.

However, the moment Kang Cheng saw clearly that it was Young Master Bai, a hint of fear and trembling appeared on his face, and his body trembled slightly.

Three years ago, the Lu family's father built a batch of iron armor for the Bai family's private soldiers. The Bai family owed wages, and Kang Cheng helped to ask for it. He happened to be caught by Mr. Bai and was almost beaten to death by him. Kang Cheng had been lying on the bed for a little while. It took half a year before I came back to my senses.

"What's wrong? Kangcheng..."

Lu Manhan asked softly with a look of worry and surprise in his eyes.

"It's okay! Eat food..."

The stubborn young man did not want to show his cowardice and cowardice in front of the girl he loved, so he smiled reluctantly and pretended to be calm and collected food for the girl.

"Everyone, young and old, have a good meal and a good drink!"

Bai Shao and Bai Yulong didn't notice the existence of the two of them, and casually held their hands around and said hello.

Suddenly, he took out two gilded invitations from his storage ring, patted them in his hands, and said with a smile: "Everyone, who wants tickets for the Snow Dance Hall competition? I have plenty here, hehe..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the crowd suddenly became commotion.

Immediately, a young man dressed as a nobleman stood up and said, "Mr. Bai, I'm offering 30,000 low-grade crystal stones. Are you willing to part with one?"

"Thirty thousand? Brother, did you just wake up from a dream?"

Next to him, a guest dressed as a wealthy businessman immediately shouted: "This is a grand competition of the Snow Dance Sect! The participants are all stunning beauties, and they have strong cultivation. Not only is it highly enjoyable to watch, but it can also increase their knowledge and inspire them." Potential, realize your ultimate sublimation! ”

"We can't say how much it will cost. The one with the highest price will get it!"

Bai Yulong smiled and said.

"One hundred thousand low-grade crystal stones, one piece, give it to me!"

"And one hundred and fifty thousand, an invitation!"

"I offer two hundred thousand, I want one!"

For a time, the whole place was filled with shouts of bidding.

"Is this the charm of cultivation?"

After hearing this, Kangcheng couldn't help but be stunned and smacking his lips. He felt that this visit to Songhe Tower was worth it and it was an eye-opener.

An invitation to watch a game can actually be worth twenty years of my family's income. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it.

A moment later, the two invitations were bought by a wealthy businessman with golden elixir cultivation for a high price of 500,000 low-grade crystal stones.

This small auction has come to an end.

"Sister Manhan, I heard that joining a cultivation sect like the Snow Dance Sect requires millions of low-grade crystal stones as offerings every year. I don't know if it's true or not!"

Seeing that Bai Yulong seemed to be leaving, the young man felt relaxed and asked with bright eyes.

I am full of curiosity about the world of cultivation.


After all, Lu Manhan had stayed in the capital and had gained more experience. He smiled gently and said:

"Because within the Snow Dance Sect, there is a dispute between the northern and southern factions. They are expanding aggressively and recruiting talents, so the standards of offerings have been lowered. In fact, under normal circumstances, if you want to join such a sect, you have to pay more than Just do it several times over!”

"Sigh. I don't know when I will be able to join such a sect and become a monk!"

Kang Cheng couldn't help but sigh.

However, at this moment, a mocking voice suddenly sounded from beside him:

"Eh--? Isn't this Kangcheng from the Orion family? You healed pretty quickly, and you can get out of bed! But, who is this beauty next to you? Can you introduce me to this young master!"

Turning around and seeing Bai Yulong's malicious smile, Kang Cheng's heart fell straight into the abyss, secretly screaming "Oh no!"

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