This Bai Yulong was a well-known playboy. He often raped women from the streets, humiliated them in every possible way, and even tortured them to death. His reputation was even worse than that of lotus collectors.

Regardless of whether he is the son of the city lord or a distant relative of Duke Beijiang, he has overwhelming power. Even if he has no cultivation level, he cannot afford to offend him.

Besides, he is still a dignified Jindan monk, and he can turn a prisoner like himself into a pulp with just one slap!

"This is my neighbor, Lu Manhan!"

Kangcheng bites the bullet and introduces.

"Master Bai, we've finished eating. Let's take our leave now! Please take your time!"

His heart was full of worry and fear, and Kang Cheng didn't want to stay any longer. He forced a smile and threw down a low-grade crystal stone, pulled Lu Manhan and left.

"There are also civet cats..."

Lu Manhan wanted to pick up the civet cat, but saw the civet cat leaping onto his shoulder.


However, Bai Yulong swayed and stood in front of the two of them. The huge pressure of the golden elixir was released. It was so majestic that it was like a stormy wave crashing on the shore and Mount Tai pressing down on it. Kangcheng couldn't bear it at all. He stumbled back, like a huge wind. Like a dead leaf in the waves.

Lu Manhan could still hold on with all his strength, his face was unhappy, his eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and he said: "Young Master Bai, what do you want?"

"Huh? You actually have some cultivation skills, refining Qi? Building foundation... You are really both talented and beautiful!"

Bai Yulong praised with a smile, his triangular eyes full of greed caressing Lu Manhan's curvy figure wantonly.

He shook his folding fan and said with a smile:

"You seem to be very interested in the Snow Dance Sect Competition. To be honest, I also have this intention. You might as well go with me to watch the competition, confirm each other, and improve your cultivation and knowledge together. Wouldn't it be a beautiful thing? Moreover? , I know some experts from the Snow Dance Sect, and I can introduce them to you!"

He was not an idiot. He clearly coveted Lu Manhan's beauty, but his words were high-sounding and hard to refuse.

"Thank you Mr. Bai for your kindness, but I have just returned home and want to spend time with my parents, so I won't go!"

However, Lu Manhan clearly understood the deep meaning in his heart. At that moment, his pretty face tightened and he politely refused.

With that said, before Bai Yulong could react, he quickly pulled Kang Cheng out.


Bai Yulong stretched out his big hand, his true energy surged mightily, and the golden elixir master's power was used to pull the two people back as if they were under control.

"Run! Wonderful!"

He actually grabbed Lu Manhan's slender waist, put his right hand into the girl's skirt, and touched it up and down, showing an expression of extreme enjoyment.

"Mr. Bai, you've gone too far to bully others. What do you want--"

Kang Cheng fell to the ground, got up, glared at Bai Yulong and shouted angrily, but his words stopped abruptly.

Others have already made a move, but you still need to ask them what they want?

His beloved goddess was desecrated by the other party in front of her. Kang Cheng was enveloped in shock and anger. He was stunned. Blood rushed to his forehead. The veins on his forehead were pulsing. His eyes seemed to have turned blood red.

"Everyone, you've all eaten enough. Please give in!"

"It's all gone!"

"Guys, please leave! Today, Master Bai has reserved the venue!"

Several of Bai Yulong's companions were already accustomed to this and cleared the place with ease.

"Yes, yes, we resign!"

"Master Bai, enjoy yourself and have a beautiful night!"

Many wealthy businessmen and young people all left with indifference and made harmless jokes.

The imperial class was torn apart, not only between the nobility and the common people, but also among the common people.

The joys and sorrows of different classes are not the same.

The differences and distances between classes even exceed those between different species! In their view, the descendants of monks from outside the river, such as Kang Cheng and Lu Manhan, who came from humble backgrounds, were not considered the same kind at all. If they were insulted, they would be insulted. They even said, so what if they were killed?

"Cancheng, save me!"

At this moment, Lu Manhan realized the huge gap between the foundation builders and the golden elixir cultivators. It was like a chasm between heaven and earth. In the hands of the other party, she was quite content and proud of her magical powers. She could not use them at all, nor could she break away or resist at all. , tears filled his eyes, and he let out a shrill scream.


Lu Manhan's scream was like a bolt of lightning striking Kang Cheng's mind, waking him up and dispersing the bloody fog in front of him, allowing him to see reality clearly.

Like a drunk person, his head was in a state of confusion. Kang Cheng almost didn't know how he picked up a chair, rushed to Bai Yulong's side, and slammed it down.

He didn't know how Bai Yulong was able to summon up his true energy, which instantly sent him flying more than ten meters away, causing blood to spurt from his mouth and nose.

"So mellow!"

In the chaos, one big foot stepped down hard, as heavy as a mountain. Every time he stepped down, Kang Cheng felt a bone breaking.

Among the chaotic sounds, he heard Bai Yulong's joking voice.

No one noticed that the civet cat landed quietly on the ground, and its cold pupils suddenly turned into a blazing light, making it look even more weird.

In this flash of light, invisible mana fluctuations enveloped Songhe Tower, making the area suddenly dark and dark, like floating clouds covering the moon. The secrets of the sky were obscured, and no one could detect the inside story.

"Sister's a pity that I'm not a monk!"

Through the gap between the figures, Kang Cheng could see that Lu Manhan had been stripped of his clothes and was being held down by Bai Yulong.

Bai Yulong actually did that scandal in the hall.

"Haha, do you feel comfortable? Ant..."

Bai Yulong's mind was twisted and he had a bad taste. He was observing Kang Cheng's reaction while moving, as if he deliberately wanted Kang Cheng to see and appreciate his painful and twisted expression.

"Bai Yulong, you are worse than a beast, and your sins are heinous! One day, you will receive retribution and die a bad death!"

Waves of dull pain came, but not as severe as the pain in his heart. Kang Cheng's eyes were about to burst, he gritted his teeth, blood and tears rolled down, and he let out a hoarse roar like the roar of a wounded beast!

"kill him!"

Bai Yulong's cold voice sounded.

With a "chi la" sound, a follower waved his hand, and a sharp wind blade erupted from the palm of his hand, slashing towards Kangcheng.

The follower who took action had a cold face and full of confidence, as if Kang Cheng was an ant that could be easily crushed.

He is also a master at the Golden Elixir stage and has been called the True King!

Of course, this kind of cultivation is not outstanding at all in the capital and other places where talents are born. But at least in this city, he is a master, invincible, and has no opponent. What's more, he is facing only an ordinary person with no cultivation.

"This world is so... ugly and despairing!"

Feeling the approach of death, boundless anger emerged in Kangcheng's heart, and then extinguished, he fell into despair as deep and thick as the dead universe.

But, at this moment.


A sword light that penetrated the heaven and earth suddenly lit up, like a bolt of lightning that instantly broke through the endless darkness.


The follower suddenly let out a shrill scream.

His cold armor, which was strong enough to withstand the bombardment of magical weapons, suddenly cracked. Then, his whole body suddenly exploded, blood mist filled the air, and the crystal flesh and blood scattered like rain, covering the entire hall with a pungent blood. The smell arises.

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