Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1987 Cat Demon Murder Case


Everyone was shocked, and each panicked and took out the weapons at hand. The defensive weapons they wore and the patterns on their armor all shone brightly. They looked around in panic, with confusion on their faces.

"Where are the people?"

Even Bai Yulong was so frightened that he felt like he was dead. He stopped his movements, wrapped his clothes tightly, and held out a series of flying swords that looked like swimming fish, surrounding him, and scanning the surroundings up and down with great vigilance.

The dead follower was at the pinnacle of the Golden Core after all!

But he was killed instantly!

Not only was it an instant kill, but no one even found out who it was and how it was done!

This shows that he is at least a Nascent Soul Heavenly Lord!

His strength is definitely not inferior to his!

Everyone looked around.

However, in the entire hall, apart from Bai Yulong's men, the only ones left were two weaklings, Kang Cheng and Lu Manhan, but they did not have such strength at all!

"Who takes action?"

"Who is it?"

"Is there... a sneaky monster?"

Everyone's hearts were on edge, remembering the many legends about monsters on the Snowy Mountains, they were trembling and uneasy, and drops of cold sweat slid down their foreheads.

Fear comes from the unknown!

"I am right in front of you!"

The white civet cat spoke human words, and the voice was vast, as if coming from the sky.

He jumped down from the beam and took two steps. Although he was a cat, his steps were vigorous and extraordinary, and the laziness just now was long gone.

"It turns out to be a demon cat!"

"He hasn't transformed yet, how can he have the strength of Nascent Soul!"

Among the many masters, some looked suddenly enlightened and breathed a sigh of relief, while others became more and more confused.

But in short, there is no longer the fear and trembling uneasiness.

"It's just a beast with four legs and hair! And I'm afraid it's just the demon elixir that has been condensed, and the Nascent Soul has not yet transformed. We, the Bai family, have killed many such demon beasts!"

Bai Yulong sneered again and again, as if he was encouraging his followers, but also seemed to be comforting himself.

"Oh, is it so?"

The white civet cat's pupils were cold and deep, approaching the crowd as if strolling in a garden.

He was obviously a "monster beast", but everyone suddenly felt that he was aloof, as if he were a god sitting on the nine heavens, looking down on all living beings.

As he approached, under the horrified gaze of everyone, the body of the white civet cat gradually grew larger, and suddenly it stood up and transformed into a young man wearing white clothes with an ethereal aura.

This young man has an incomparably handsome face and an ethereal aura that floats out of the dust. He is extraordinary and unparalleled, giving people an extremely sacred feeling. He is so high up there that he is almost like a god descending into the world.

"Nascent Soul Great Demon!"

Everyone's expressions changed with horror, and they retreated trembling in fear.

"It turned out to be..."

Bai Yulong was so regretful that he wanted to break his thigh. He was so shocked that cold sweat broke out on his forehead and he couldn't stand still.

He never expected that Lu Manhan, a girl from a poor family at the bottom of the family, would actually raise a Nascent Soul demon.

It's as incredible as if you saw a girl on earth who didn't even have enough to eat, raising a Bengal tiger!

He screamed in his heart that it was terrible. This time, he was kicked on the iron plate. Maybe he wouldn't even be able to save his life.

"Senior, I will discuss this with you..."

Bai Yulong forced himself to calm down, forced a smile and raised his hands, trying to persuade Jiang Tian with his sharp tongue.

Whether it is threats or inducements to beg for mercy, there is always a glimmer of hope.

After all, he is a branch of the Gongbai family in Northern Xinjiang, and the Bai family is huge and famous for revenge.

Even if they are monsters, they are not willing to offend the Bai family easily. Otherwise, the Bai family will seek revenge, even if they go to poverty and fall into hell, they must avenge their clan members.

Over the years, more than hundreds of monster lairs have been destroyed by the Bai family?

Therefore, he believed that as long as he made a strong statement, the demon cat would definitely retreat. I have already let your master go, and she has not received any substantial harm. Why should you do this?

However, he only said half of what he said. Jiang Tian had already taken action, and his jade-white right hand, as bright as mutton-fat jade, stretched out without a hint of fireworks.

A little higher in the air.


The white jade dragon's head exploded directly, and the red and white objects and soul fragments spread in the air like blooming fireworks. Then, the neck, chest, limbs, and even the golden elixir that was said to be immortal, all exploded one after another. , splashing in all directions.

Before Bai Yulong died, there was still a look of boundless shock on his face.

It seems that he can't believe that the other party is so cruel and decisive, and kills him before he can finish his words.

These flesh and blood remnants, before they were completely spread out, turned into puffs of smoke and ashes and dissipated invisible in an instant.

Only folding fans, jade tokens, storage rings and other various objects were left, which fell to the ground.

It's as if Bai Yulong has never existed in this world!

"Senior! I know my mistake! Spare my life!"

"The villain is not a villain. He has a high-ranking mother and a three-year-old child at home. The mother-in-law is in poor health and is even sick. The villain is just trying to make a living, so he has to work under Bai Yulong!"

"The villain has always been deeply disgusted by what this beast Bai Yujing has done, and has repeatedly tried to persuade him, but he doesn't listen because of his humble position!"

"Senior, you don't care about the villain's fault, just treat me like a fart and let it go..."

Many of the followers who used to show off their power were so frightened when they saw this scene that they rushed to throw away their magic weapons and knelt on the ground, kowtow and beg for mercy.

Although there was a huge difference in cultivation between Bai Yulong and the follower who was killed before, the shock of him being killed with a snap of his fingers was even greater, making everyone feel chilly.

Because Bai Yulong carries several Taoist-level defensive magic weapons on his body, he can withstand the attack of becoming a god!

But the originally vast and surging mana strangely did not explode at all, as if the runes had been obliterated and imprisoned!

This makes them unable to understand my Jiang Tian's strength at all.

But they know that even if all of them work together, they can't hurt each other at all!

Facing everyone's pitiful begging for mercy, Jiang Tian said calmly, his eyes were cold, and he didn't hesitate at all. Just like waving a pipa, I waved it with my fingers, and played it with my fingers!

Just listen to the bang bang bang explosions one after another, the bodies of all the followers exploded, turned into blue smoke, and floated into nothingness.

"Thank you, senior, for saving your life. Your kindness will never be forgotten!"

It wasn't until this moment that Lu Manhan realized what he was doing. He straightened his clothes, straightened his hair, and bowed respectfully in front of Jiang Tian.

"Senior, please teach me the skills!"

Kangcheng also reacted and bowed down excitedly, bowing three times and bowing nine times, showing gratitude and reverence.

Jiang Tian calmly accepted their three kowtows and nine bows, but he casually grabbed the items left by Bai Yulong.

Then he transformed into a white jade dragon under the disbelieving gazes of the two people.

His eyebrows twitched and his cheeks puffed out, as if he wanted to make his facial features stiffened by not smiling for a long time become more flexible.

After a while, Jiang Tian said with a smile, gently shook the folding fan, and said in a frivolous tone, vividly:

"From now on, I will be Bai Yulong, the son of the city lord. You two will come with me to watch the Snow Dance Sect competition!"

"Above the competition, the compassionate White Jade Dragon will help those in need, act chivalrously, fight with lotus collectors, and die together. You two, when the time comes, be a witness!"

"Yes, senior!"

"No, Mr. Bai!"

Lu Manhan and Kang Cheng looked confused, and they didn't know what kind of medicine Jiang Tian was selling in his gourd.

But no matter what, I, Jiang Tian, ​​have saved their lives. They must repay this kindness and of course they will obey my words.

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