Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1988 An unprecedented grand occasion

The other side.

Imperial City!

In the past few days, the area around the Imperial Prefecture, or the entire imperial city, has been busier than ever.

From the East Gorge, the West Ridge, the Northern Territory, the Southern Basin... from all over the country, princes and their heirs, city lords, and giants from aristocratic families came in droves. Many giants even came from the neighboring empires such as Black Moon. This housewarming party surpassed Lin Daier's imagination from the beginning.

When she arrived at the Imperial Master's Mansion, she saw a series of shining flying boats, cloud towers, and fairy birds and beasts, all landing on the square in front of the door. Many of the Qilin beasts, Qiongqi, and even dragons, blue phoenixes, white cranes, and peacocks who serve as mounts have reached the Nascent Soul level, and their strength is no less than hers.

Those aircraft such as Feizhou Yunlou are all extremely valuable, and none of them are lower than the Taoist level.

Judging from the Dao patterns and casting styles, some come from the weapon refining firms of the nobility and royal families, while others come from famous sects or other empires.

There are already a lot of guests coming, but more are still on the way.

The dazzling rays of light that shook the sky suddenly descended from the imperial capital tower and turned into aircraft. After being verified by the city defense, they turned into a rainbow that penetrated the sun again and flew towards the direction of the Imperial Prefecture.

"Oh my God, it's a joyful occasion for the Imperial Master's Office to move into a new home. The battle array is so huge! So many Taoist and real weapons! It's simply too many to count!"

In the capital, countless residents looked up, feeling the vast mana fluctuations, and were shocked to see the majestic and magnificent aircraft.

"Not only did the great marquises of the empire come to congratulate, but they even said that other countries sent special envoys. What's even more exaggerated is that some hidden sects came!"

One person said with his face flushed with excitement.

"I heard that the Saint Qing Jue Fairy from Jiu Xuan Sect is here! This, this is so embarrassing!"

"Really? Not only that, there is also someone coming from the Ancient Medicine Palace! An ancient elder is here!"

"The whole world celebrates the joy of the Imperial Master's relocation!"

Everyone was excited and rushed to sing the praises. Some people even took out fireworks and set them off as if it were a festival.

"All nations are coming to court, and thousands of sects are coming to congratulate me! I heard that even the crown prince of the obscene Black Moon Empire in the south is here. This is simply an unprecedented grand occasion, a glory! This is an unprecedented glory! This Sage Siqing, It adds glory to our empire!”

"Brothers, this prosperous age is as you wish!"

In the old tavern, a lame veteran took a swig of strong wine, his eyes were reddish, and he was crying.

"Yes! I heard that Saint Siqing's strength is earth-shattering. He can stand shoulder to shoulder with the giants of the Holy Land Shen Sect, and is no less than the old saints of the royal family! Moreover, he is young and powerful and is in peak condition. After he becomes the national advisor, he will definitely bring difficulties to the empire. Imagine the changes and developments!”

In fact, after hearing that the Imperial Master was a casual cultivator from outside the river, the natives of the empire were very resistant and dissatisfied. They were all talking in the streets, alleys, taverns and teahouses, using all kinds of belittling and disdainful expressions.

Why do you have unknown origins and use destructive means to gain power?

What harbors evil intentions will cause chaos in the empire!

If virtue is not matched, there will be disaster!

Especially the die-hards within the royal family made all kinds of criticisms. Even though they knew that the princes were rising and becoming more powerful, and that the royal family was weak and precarious, they still clung to the old and had a high self-esteem, looked down upon the common people and immigrants, and were unwilling to bring in new blood.

However, when he saw this scene of endless powerful men coming to congratulate him, the direction of the wind changed unknowingly.

The first people to recognize Jiang Tian were the indigenous people, followed closely by the princes and ministers. In the end, even the die-hards in the royal family had to admit Jiang Tian's terrifying influence.

Jiang Tian went from a humble outsider cultivator to an unparalleled giant, a man of astonishing talent and beauty, and even became the hope of the empire.

"Hmph, all living beings are like frogs at the bottom of a well and ants under the leaves. You have narrow vision, how can you know Jiang Siqing's strength? I have seen it with my own eyes!"

Lin Dai'er, who sensed these discussions with her mind, secretly sneered and sneered with a sense of superiority.

However, when she realized that she was actually proud to have seen Jiang Tian's strength, she felt sick in her heart and thought even more with a sense of superiority: "Huh, what a bullshit national master, saint, you can't rely on our Lin family Get supportive!”

Looking at it, Fang Maguyu couldn't help being horrified.

I originally thought that only the princes came to congratulate me, but I didn’t expect that other empires, even the hidden sects and even some of the Holy Land Sects would send people to congratulate me!

"It seems that I have underestimated the influence of Saint Siqing!"

Fang Maguyu said in shock.

At this time, she was wandering around the house with her brother and sister Lin Yang.

The Imperial Preceptor's Mansion is too big. It was rebuilt from the Prince's Mansion, and it also annexed the mansions of several nearby princes, making it a spectacular place.

There are countless sights, and you will never get bored even if you visit for three days and three nights, and many of the sights are composed of spiritual grass gathering arrays, which are conducive to improving your cultivation.

"Yeah, it's awesome!"

Lin Yang was very happy for Jiang Tian and said quite proudly: "When I first saw him, I thought he was extraordinary. Now, look, this formation is famous in the mainland and can be called an unparalleled giant. My vision , it’s just good!”

Although Lin Dai'er didn't speak, she was secretly frightened.

She originally felt that Jiang Tian could not suppress the many princes, but now she had to admit that Jiang Tian might really be able to realize the reform of the county system!

"Brother Lin, Sister Gouyu, Sister Dai'er!"

A soft and pleasant voice came.

Everyone looked around and saw a girl walking through the woods.

The girl is tall and graceful, with curvy figures. She is wearing a passionate red dress. She has delicate facial features, greasy skin, flaming red lips, and a pair of big watery eyes that seem to be able to talk. She is sexy and cute at the same time. She is a stunning beauty.

"Long Juxue, the daughter of Duke Dongxia!"

Fang Gouyu felt wary.

Because the Dongxia Gonglong family was relatively close to Beijiang Gong and Zishanhou back then, it was more distant from the Fang family and the Lin family.

Moreover, Long Juxue was extremely beautiful and was sought after by Bai Zhanyun, Yang Xuan and other princes' descendants, forming a small group who took pleasure in trampling on Lin Yang. Although Fang Gouyu focused on the overall situation and didn't care about these small disputes, seeing the big things from the small ones was enough to show their attitude towards the Lin family.

Although Fang Maguyu was wary in his heart, his face was full of smiles and he said enthusiastically: "Sister Xue'er, your face is rosy. It seems that all the poison of cold evil has been eliminated from your body! Congratulations!"

"Yes! I have to thank Saint Siqing for this!"

Long Juxue gathered her trousers and saluted, with a perfect demeanor, and said with a smile:

"Back in Frozen City, I wanted to buy the sun-falling stone for treatment in the branch of the Ancient Medicine Palace. But it was bought by a saint. Later, we asked to see an alchemy master and found out that the sun-falling stone was extremely fire-poisonous and could not be cured at all. The cold poison in my body will be cured, and the poison of jealousy will attack my heart, causing my body to explode and die!"

"I originally wanted to express my gratitude to Saint Yisi Qing, but the Saint is now the master of a country, and he has many things to do and is busy with affairs. How can I have the chance to meet him!"

"This favor can only be extended to you. Now that the housewarming party is over, I will entertain you three again!"

She has beautiful eyes, is very approachable, has long sleeves and is good at dancing, and is two-faced. Compared with the arrogance and arrogance she used to have, she seems like a completely different person.

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