The split between the northern and southern sects appeared in the second generation of the sect. At that time, a pair of young male and female monks were the direct disciples of the founder of the sect. They were childhood sweethearts and had a deep relationship. When they grew up, they first fell in love and became a pair of lovers, just like a couple of gods and immortals.

However, this female cultivator is a jealous person. As long as the male cultivator has any contact with other female cultivators, she will become furious and even kill the female cultivator.

When the founder of the sect was alive, some people suppressed him, which was fine. When the Patriarch of Kaipai went to Hexi, no one was able to suppress him. The female cultivator intensified her efforts. As time went by, the conflict between the man and woman became deeper and deeper. Finally, they were irreconcilable. In violation of the ancestral precepts, they each took away the male cultivator and the female cultivator. Xiu, split into northern and southern sects.

The two sides started a melee, competing for the position of the leader. Because there were too many casualties, the rules for this ten-year competition were set, with three wins out of five!

The two fought for a lifetime, each with their own victory or defeat, but until the day they drove west, they still had lingering hatred. They actually made a rule that they would fight every ten years, and the sect would never be destroyed, and the competition would never end!

However, when the descendants such as Mrs. Hu Zhu and Yue Qishui became the sect masters, they had completely followed their respective ancestral precepts. Perhaps they had a competitive spirit and did not have the slightest hatred.

But now, Yue Qishui's attitude was extremely low, and every word he said stood on the great cause of reviving the sect. Coupled with the persuasion of his seniors, Mrs. Hu Zhu was very excited for a while.

"Junior sister, there are many eyes and ears here, why don't you and I go to the sect's secret room to discuss it first. The two sets of secret books I got from the collection are confusing, and I hope you can give me some advice!"

Hearing this, Mrs. Hu Zhu hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded and said: "Yue Qishui, if you really want to revitalize the sect, I, Hu Zhu, am not an immoral or unreasonable person!"

Yue Qishui was overjoyed and said hurriedly: "Junior sister is generous and doesn't show off women to men. It's our sect's fortune. Please!"

Immediately he ordered Zhao Baixuan, "You entertain all distinguished guests, while I have something to discuss with your uncle!"


Yue Qishui apologized to all the guests present, and then he and Mrs. Hu Zhu jumped into the air and flew towards the depths of the sect.

Zhao Baixuan, on the other hand, guided many spectators to several halls of the sect, saying that he would hold banquets there to entertain everyone.

Sitting in a hall, eating the food as if it were chewed up food, Jiang Tianda felt confused. A big competition ended like this, but there was no trace or clue of Yang Dingtian, the lotus collector. This was completely different from what he expected.

"What exactly is the problem? Am I missing any details?"

"Is this a waste of time?"

I, Jiang Tian, ​​am very unwilling.

However, at this moment, a handyman disciple appeared at the door of the hall, took out a token branded with the mark of Hu Zhu’s soul, and said to Wen Yuzhu and several other female disciples of the Bei Sect: “Senior Sisters, please follow the instructions of Senior Hu Zhu. As ordered, all junior sisters are invited to come and pay homage to the founder of the sect!”

When Wen Yuzhu and others heard that their master was famous and they were paying homage to the founder of the sect, they naturally would not refuse and followed the disciple away with their swords.

However, looking at this handyman disciple, Jiang Tian's heart moved.

He felt that this disciple seemed similar!

Jiang Tian made a quick judgment, raised his wine glass, walked to Zhao Baixuan, and said with a smile: "Brother Zhao, here's a toast to you!"

"Mr. Bai, nice to meet you!"

Zhao Baixuan was very enthusiastic and drank until his glass was dry.

After all, the Bai Yujing I pretend to be, Jiang Tian, ​​is a member of Beijiang Gong’s clan and the son of the Lord of Boulder City.

"Who was the disciple who was summoned by that disciple just now?"

Jiang Tian asked.

"A handyman disciple, I don't remember his name!"

Zhao Baixuan asked: "What? Are you familiar with him?"

"In the past, Master's message was conveyed, but this person is responsible for it?"

Ask me, Jiang Tian, ​​again.

"How does he qualify? Only elite disciples must be qualified. The handyman disciples have no qualifications to directly contact the master. I don't know how he is so lucky today!" Zhao Baixuan kept talking, and he was also very confused in his words.

"Haha! So it turns out, I have a little too much, I can't drink any more!"

I, Jiang Tian, ​​laughed and immediately concluded that there was something wrong with this disciple.

People who have never met before actually have a sense of déjà vu!

"I said, Jiang Tian quickly took Kang Cheng and two other followers and walked out of the hall."

His consciousness spread out mightily and he chased after the handyman disciple, Wen Yuzhu and others.

However, what surprised Jiang Tian was that the disciples who had sent the message and Wen Yuzhu all disappeared. It was even said that the law fluctuations left by the female disciples had disappeared.

"It's so weird!"

Jiang Tian said with cold eyes.

The speed at which his consciousness spread was definitely far faster than the traveling speed of the handyman, Wen Yuzhu and others. But now, they are actually avoiding it.

"Huh? It's Yue Qishui! To be exact, the aura of that handyman is very similar to Yue Qishui! This kind of aura is the extension of vitality and laws! Could it be that there is something wrong with Yue Qishui? I'm going to keep it secret. !" Jiang Tian sorted out the information in his mind, and suddenly his heart was shocked!

As soon as I, Jiang Tian, ​​thought of this, I immediately activated my spiritual consciousness to the extreme, like a river surging, running wildly, like mercury pouring down the ground, penetrating everywhere!

"found it!"

Soon, Jiang Tian's eyes lit up and he found a clue.

Originally, with Jiang Tian's spiritual consciousness, the formations and restrictions of the Snow Dance Sect were too low-level. His spiritual consciousness was like entering a realm of nothingness, without any obstruction.

However, when his consciousness invaded the dense forest in the back mountain, he was obviously blocked!

It's obvious that a Taoist-level forbidden array is deployed here!

Moreover, it is very exquisite, second only to the Holy Soldier level!

How could a third-rate sect like the Snow Dance Sect afford a Taoist-level forbidden array?

Only god-transforming monks can control it, and only first-class sects can control it!

What's more, this dense forest is, to put it bluntly, a barren forest, not a garden or an important land.

Even if the Snow Dance Sect has a ban on Taoist weapon leveling, there is something wrong with their brains if they are placed here!

This lotus picker, or Yang Dingtian, simply has three hundred taels of silver in this place!


I, Jiang Tian, ​​swayed, rolled up his sleeves, and disappeared from the spot with two "entourages". The next moment, he entered the dense forest and passed through the restriction in an instant.

However, these two "followers" were left outside the restriction.

Within this restriction, there is a small cave, which is a palace.

The palace cave is not big, but it has all kinds of decorations. The most eye-catching thing is the jade bed, which presents an even more heart-breaking scene.

The six most beautiful disciples of Beizong were also placed on both sides of Mrs. Hu Zhu.

The three on the left are already like little lambs.

Wen Yuzhu and the other three girls on the right, although they still have room to hide their shame, their clothes are still half-undressed, their shoulders are half-exposed, and all kinds of wonderful scenery are looming.

At this time, all the girls on the bed also showed boundless horror, looking at the handyman disciple standing at the head of the bed.

"Tsk tsk, as expected, the greater the risk, the greater the reward. Haha, all the little girls in the Northern Sect of the Snow Dance Sect were all wiped out by this sect!"

This person's voice was a bit evil and weird, his eyes flashed with electricity, sometimes white, sometimes blue, and his hot and greedy eyes swept over each beautiful body. From his throat, he made a strange sound like the roar of a beast or the rolling thunder. .

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