Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1995: Act on behalf of heaven, a hero saves the beauty






This person seems to be full of evil thoughts, and the evil thoughts, stimulated by the women, are like adding fuel to the fire, but they have become more powerful!

The girls on the bed are all cultivators. All of them have graceful figures, curvy figures and are extremely beautiful.

Especially Mrs. Hu Zhu, she is better than the other women.

These female disciples are like delicate flower buds waiting to bloom. Then, Mrs. Huzhu is a flower that has fully bloomed, even bathed in rain, dew and sunshine, exuding an alluring mature fragrance.

"Should we eat the old one first or the young ones first?"

The handyman disciple touched his chin, smiled strangely, and finally his eyes fell on Wen Yuzhu, saying: "This little girl is very elegant, shy and timid, and her face turns red without saying a word. Her temperament is quite similar to that of Huang Ling'er. If Put on the ever-changing mask, haha..."

As he said that, he also took out a human skin mask from the storage ring.

With a wave of his hand, it landed on Wen Yuzhu's face, and the mask immediately merged with the person's skin, making it invisible at all.

In an instant, Wen Yuzhu seemed to have turned into a copy of Huang Ling'er.

And Wen Yuzhu also realized that the danger was approaching, his beautiful eyes showed a look of boundless fear, and his crystal tears rolled down like broken beads.

"Wonderful! This cry makes her look more like that little girl Huang Ling'er!"

The "handyman disciple" took out a few more human skin masks and shook them out.

Suddenly, even the other women, including Mrs. Hu Zhu, turned into "Huang Ling'er".

"Wonderful! I can not only play with Huang Ling'er, but I can also play with Huang Ling'er who has become fatter, thinner, and more mature! In this world, who can be as talented as me in terms of how to be a queen!"

He clapped his hands, showing a maniacal joy.

As soon as this word came out.

"Huang Ling'er!"

All the girls were trembling.

This person turned out to be Huang Ling'er's admirer on the Hundred Flowers Book!

"Little girl, you are very arrogant. You are just a casual cultivator from outside the river. You have no roots. I asked you to meet. It is a huge honor and a gift for you. But you don't know the current affairs and refuse again and again. To me. Today, I’m going to play with you! I’ll fuck you in eighteen different positions!”

The handyman disciple took off his clothes, revealing his explosive muscles like a jade leopard, while shouting, and finally, he fiercely pounced towards Wen Yuzhu.


Wen Yuzhu let out a mournful cry, his eyes desperate.

Right now.

Alas, a sword light like lightning and thunder suddenly lit up out of thin air, like an antelope hanging its horns, and slashed towards the neck of the "handy disciple" at an incredible angle.


The handyman disciple, who was at his most relaxed and excited moment, was naturally caught off guard and had no time to escape.

Fortunately, he was originally transformed from Yang Dingtian and had the ability to transform into a god. In desperation, he waved his hands and thunder and lightning grew, forming a giant shield of lightning.


There was another tooth-piercing sharp sound!

The sword light slashed through the giant thunder and lightning shield, but it still had power and continued to slash forward.

Blood splashed in the air, surrounded by thunder and lightning, and an arm fell to the ground, burning cracks on the jade ground.


The handyman disciple was in pain, his eyes were splitting, and he was gnashing his teeth. His face was distorted. He could no longer maintain his disguise and turned into another face. His entire body also expanded and stretched rapidly, becoming more than two meters tall. It is taller and looks more powerful.

"He, who is he?"

Wen Yuzhu and others were shocked and murmured in disbelief.

"It turns out to be Yang... standing in the sky!"

Mrs. Huzhu screamed in surprise.

Yang Dingtian is the eldest son of Leiyang Sect, and he usually presents himself as a young and handsome man.

But who knew he was actually a notorious lotus picker!

However, this is not the most incredible thing among the many strange things that happened tonight!

You know, Yang Dingtian is a powerful man who can transform into gods!

It can be said that in this small Snow Dance Sect, even in the entire Boulder City, there are not many people who can hurt him?

Who is it?

He was able to seriously injure Yang Dingtian with just one blow!

I'm afraid that his cultivation level is definitely not ordinary, above all else.

Under everyone's extremely astonished gaze, they saw the void rippling like water waves. In the blink of an eye, a young man dressed as a noble prince stepped out of it and landed on the ground.

"Hiding space, is this a sign of becoming a god?"

"Huh? It's actually Bai Yulong! How is this possible?"

Mrs. Huzhu and other girls all had expressions of disbelief on their faces, as if they were falling into a dream.

Beizong, that’s where beauties gather!

Bai Yulong is also a prodigal son who is famous for his lust!

It would be strange if the two sides have no intersection!

However, in their memories, this Bai Yulong was simply an uneducated person who was sensual and lascivious all day long, taking pleasure in bullying men and dominating women.

As for cultivation, Bai Yulong is only a mere early-stage cultivation of Jindan, and it is a product of the family's tiger and wolf medicine. It has not been tempered and tempered, and the foundation is not stable at all. How can he have such tyrannical skills!

But Yang Dingtian asked with a gloomy face: "Who are you? Don't pretend to be a fool, hide your head and show your tail, show your true self!"

"The person who killed you, Bai Yulong!"

I, Jiang Tian, ​​waved his folding fan and said with a cold smile: "A certain person, I have always cared for women and cherished beauty. Today, I will do justice for heaven and be a hero to save beauty!"

He said to me, Jiang Tian, ​​and even glanced at Mrs. Hu Zhu and the other girls deliberately, and said with a flattering smile: "If I succeed in saving the senior sisters, madam, you must betroth one of them, no, at least two of them to me." me!"

In line with Bai Yulong's "lustful and romantic" character!

My dear friend, Jiang Tian, ​​has already laid down a second level of restrictions to deceive the heaven and the earth.

Everything that happens here, theoretically speaking, cannot be detected by the great powers of the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm!

But that's not enough!

He also planned to erase the memories of the girls after the incident was completed.

In this way, even if the giant detects abnormalities and clues and searches the memories of the girls, he cannot find relevant information.

However, the Taoist Jiang Tian is a sign of the future of Jiang Tian's true self. The goal he pursues is as sacred and upright as immortals and Buddhas, and as ruthless and cold as the great road, eternal and immovable. His actions are even more meticulous and cautious than Jiang Tian's own, and he can be said to be watertight.

Erasing the memory is not enough, it also needs to deepen the impression that "the rescuer is Bai Yulong". If the giants of the Nine Heavens Immortal World recover their memory fragments, they will not be able to see the clues.

"Really you? Bai Yulong, I've heard of you. You're just a playboy. You don't know any shit."

I, Jiang Tian, ​​am so powerful in my mystical skills of deceiving the sky and concealing the truth from the earth that even Yang Dingtian believed that the person in front of him was Bai Yulong.

Of course, it is not inexplicable that Jiang Tian critically hit himself just now - it may have been a one-time Taoist-level magic weapon. After hitting himself, it ran out of mana and exploded, rather than his own strength. .

Hiding in space can also be accomplished using Taoist tools.

Yang Dingtian's face was full of contempt and he snorted coldly:

"Want to do justice for heaven and be a hero to save the beautiful? You must also have this ability! Why do you do that? I have encountered fools like you, not even a thousand, but also eight hundred, and there are many Nascent Soul-level masters among them. But The result? These people are sleeping soundly underground! I don’t mind one more unjust death!”

"Why should I? Just because I am the son of the Lord of Boulder City, and just because I am a member of Beijiang Gong's tribe!"

Jiang Tian has an arrogant face, stern eyes, righteous words, and domineering posture, which is consistent with Bai Yulong's "reckless and arrogant" character.

In the worried eyes of the girls, he shook his folding fan coquettishly, took a step forward, and said:

"Moreover, I am very close to several good sisters from Beizong. In my family's territory, you bully my friends, tell me, am I qualified to take care of this matter?"

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