Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

With Jiang Tian's strength, how could he be strangled even if he activated the mountain-protecting formation?

Besides, that existence would not agree at all.

Also, this mountain-protecting formation has been integrated with the Taishang Elder, and the Taishang Elder is now with Jiang Tian. Whenever the mountain-protecting formation moves, the Taishang Elder will react immediately.

Zhao Wuji actually said such mindless words, he was really stupid.

Is this kind of person really suitable to be the Holy Son of the Immortal Zhen Sect? Do you really have the strength to take charge of the Immortal Zhen Sect?


Mo Xianlin waved his hand and knocked him away, saying angrily: "If you dare to talk nonsense again, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"Yes! Master!"

Zhao Wuji's mouth was bleeding and he could only lower his head.

"You are here to take care of me, while I go to other places to check in case there are monsters invading! Remember, don't act rashly!"


Many elders of Xianzhen Sect said so.

Now that the elder Tianshang has surrendered to Jiang Tian, ​​and Mo Xianlin has been standing by Jiang Tian, ​​Mo Xianlin must have kept his position as the leader of the sect.

How dare they disobey?

Mo Xianlin glanced at everyone, stepped out, and disappeared.

It is said that after Mo Xianlin left, he did not patrol the sect as he said, but returned directly to the main peak of Xianzhen Sect.

At this time, he was already in that mysterious space.

Within the space, demonic energy and fairy energy were still intertwined, and a misty voice came from the huge skull at the front:

"I already know the matter."

"Then Jiang Taichu is very powerful, so he might be disadvantageous to Master Jiutou. What should we do?" Mo Xianlin asked as he lay on the ground.

"It's just a fish. If it dies, it dies."

In a faint voice, the World-Destroying Immortal Emperor said: "Only if Jiang Taichu can really kill the nine-headed devil fish will he be truly qualified to be my cauldron. You must not interfere in this matter."

"My subordinate understands!"

"Go ahead."

The misty voice fell, and Mo Xianlin was surrounded by laws. After getting up, he had returned to the main hall of the Xianzhen Sect.

Xianlin Lake, bottom of the lake.

"This, is this a palace?"

At this time, the Supreme Elder looked down at a magnificent palace and was stunned with shock.

This palace is extremely huge, with carved beams and painted buildings. There are shrimps, soldiers and crabs wandering around from time to time, and there are also many enchanting mermaids.

At the very back of the palace, there is a statue hundreds of feet high.

This statue has a human body and a fish head, holding a bloodthirsty steel fork. The steel fork is exuding a strong demonic aura. The nine fish heads all have angry eyes and bared teeth, which is extremely terrifying.

There is a fairy formation surrounding the palace, but this fairy formation seems to have been modified to be able to circulate the power of fairy spirits and demonic energy at the same time.


Jiang Tian felt a little calmer.

At this moment, Jiang Tian could still sense the aura of the Soul-Calling Bell, which had not been completely eliminated. In other words, Jiang Beibei was not in danger.

Moreover, based on the guidance of his spiritual consciousness, Jiang Tian was sure that Jiang Beibei was in this palace.

"Fellow Taoist Taichu, what should we do?"

The Supreme Elder frowned slightly.

When he went deep into the bottom of the Immortal Forest Lake, he suffered a big loss. Now, looking at the palace surrounded by the spirit of the immortals and the devil, he actually flinched a little.

"What should I do? Salad!"

Jiang Tian grabbed the sky and the Jue Tian Sword was already in his hand.

Immediately, the spirit energy and demonic energy intertwined and gathered on it. For a moment, the water and rocks collapsed at the bottom of the lake, and the undercurrent rolled.

"How dare you, this rat, attack my Nine-Headed Demon Palace!"

Just when Jiang Tian was about to cut through the palace-protecting immortal formation with a sword, a rough and crazy voice came.

Immediately afterwards, a figure with a human body and a turtle head appeared.

Different from the traditional image of the turtle prime minister, he has muscles all over his body, actually has two heads, carries a thick turtle shell on his back, and holds a giant mountain-breaking ax in each hand. Above the giant axe, there is a strong sense of evil surrounding him. Weird.

"It seems that the one who split the Haotian Divine Beast Mirror with an ax was the mountain-breaking axe!"

The Supreme Elder was horrified. He did not expect to meet his old enemy today.

"It turns out it's you, old boy! What? Could it be that the Nine-Headed Demon Lord is holding a wedding banquet today, and you're here to make a living?"

General Turtle stood opposite Jiang Tian and the Supreme Elder, looking at them with a sneer.

"How presumptuous! The one you kidnapped is the daughter of fellow Taoist Taoist Master Taichu. Let her go quickly, or else we will be wiped out in ashes!"

The Taishang Elder's panic lasted only for a moment. Thinking that Jiang Tian was by his side, he suddenly became more confident.

"Are you the Demon Queen's human father?"

General Turtle was quite surprised, and then he said unscrupulously: "You humans don't often say that parents order matchmakers. It just so happens that you are here today, so you can witness the grand ceremony of the Demon Lord and the Demon Queen!"

"However, I tell you, you'd better be honest. If you make Lord Nine-Headed Demon unhappy, you will be left with nothing to eat!"

"I give you half a quarter of an hour to hand over my daughter, otherwise, you will die!"

After learning that Jiang Beibei was fine, Jiang Tian felt reassured, but what was a little funny was that the nine-headed devil fish captured Jiang Beibei and wanted to marry Jiang Beibei!

"act recklessly!"

General Turtle snorted coldly: "I only invited you because you are the father of the Demon Queen. I didn't expect you to be so arrogant!"

"Forget it, Lord Demon Lord doesn't care anyway. I will chop you into pieces and feed you to the fish today!"

As he spoke, General Turtle swung his mountain-breaking ax and struck at Jiang Tian.

Immediately, the spirit energy and demonic energy gathered together, forming the shape of a giant ax intertwined in black and white, with a lot of water laws mixed in.


Jiang Tian swung the Jue Tian Sword and slashed forward, easily and casually.

But this seemingly ordinary sword didn't even cause much water splash. After it was slashed, it instantly absorbed all the surrounding fairy spirit, water law and demonic energy to form a giant sword that opened the sky. .


The giant sword directly cut through the black and white giant axe.

The surrounding water rippled, water and rocks collapsed, and the entire palace wall was shaken by the huge roaring sound.

In the palace, there were many shrimp soldiers, crab generals and mermaids. None of them could stand firm and fell down.

But the giant sword slashed by the Jue Tian Sword showed no intention of stopping, but continued to attack General Turtle with unrivaled momentum.

"What the hell!"

The mouths on both heads of General Turtle opened at the same time. He was obviously frightened, and he threw his two axes suddenly, trying to escape.

But the next second, the giant sword had already struck his thick turtle shell.


The thick turtle shell cracked directly.

This huge force also directly knocked General Turtle away and hit the city wall.

"What a tyrannical force!"

The Supreme Elder was horrified.

It stands to reason that General Turtle was trained by monsters under the water. This battle at the bottom of the lake was his home field. Unexpectedly, he was slashed away by Jiang Tian with a sword!

You know, this General Turtle was able to almost cut open the mirror of the Haotian Divine Beast with an axe!

Jiang Tian's strength is so terrifying!

"This general will tear you apart and feed you to the fishes today!"

General Turtle was so angry that he kicked his legs on the city wall, and his body flew out like a cannonball.

The next second, the entire bottom of the lake was swaying with water and rocks, and huge waves were spreading crazily in all directions.

A two-headed giant turtle appeared in front of Jiang Tian.

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