Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 2171 Nine-Headed Demon Lord!

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

This giant turtle is like a giant mountain in the sea, covering hundreds of miles around the bottom of the Xianlin Lake. Its limbs are like the pillars of the sky. Its back is wrapped with demonic energy. The dark golden light is constantly flashing. Every time it breathes in, it will move the entire area for dozens of miles. The water waves at the bottom of the lake form a tide.

It really swallows up the sky and blocks out the sun, and its momentum is unparalleled.

"What a terrifying aura! Fellow Taoist Taichu, I'm afraid this giant turtle will be difficult to deal with!"

Having been hit by Jiang Tian's Fallen Spear before, the Supreme Elder almost lost his soul. Now when he saw the giant turtle again, he was so frightened that he backed away, fearing that he would be infected by the demonic energy again.

Moreover, looking at the realm of General Turtle, it is at least the perfect realm among Demon Lords!

Demon versus demon, I wonder if Jiang Tian can be his opponent!

"Only now do you realize that it is difficult to deal with it? It's too late! Today, I will swallow you into my belly, and your body and soul will be destroyed!"

The giant turtle roared with thunder and slapped out its claws, causing huge waves to rise at the bottom of the lake.

At the same time, endless demonic and fairy energy gathered, wrapping the giant claws and pressing towards Jiang Tian.

It looks like it will kill you with one blow.

"You are so humble, but you dare to do whatever you want!"

Jiang Tian held the Jue Tian Sword in his hand and waved it casually.

As soon as the giant sword formed by the supreme sword intention appeared again, the surrounding demonic energy and fairy spirit energy were drained out again, and gathered directly on the giant sword as if for free.


The giant claw and the giant sword collided instantly.

A huge wave suddenly arose at the bottom of the lake, and boulders weighing hundreds of tons were blown hundreds of miles away like catkins in the air. For a moment, the bottom of the lake trembled, like the doomsday before an undersea volcano erupted.

"What a terrifying power!"

The Supreme Elder's expression changed wildly, and he retreated hundreds of miles away. He mobilized the power of the mountain-protecting formation and formed a protective shield around his body before he could stop himself.

After a while, the bottom of the lake returned to calm.

"This this……"

The Supreme Elder looked up and saw that the giant turtle covering hundreds of miles was cut in half!

Even the indestructible turtle shell was cut open by Jiang Tianna's giant sword, which was so smooth that it was really effortless!

The giant turtle's blood surged violently, and the entire bottom of the lake turned a gray blood-red color!

This is a magical beast that reveals its true form!

At least a demon beast that was in the perfect state of the Demon Lord was cut in half by Jiang Tian's sword!

Is this Jiang Tian still a human?

Seriously, if God blocks God, he will kill God, and if Buddha blocks Buddha, he will kill Buddha!

"Damn it! I will kill you!"

General Turtle roared wildly, condensing the power of the fairy spirit and demonic energy, trying to fuse the two halves of his body.

"Better die!"

Jiang Tian stretched out his hand to grab it, and the fairy power and demonic energy that had been gathering madly at General Turtle flew directly towards Jiang Tian as if being pulled by some kind of force.


Seeing the fairy power and demonic energy draining away rapidly, General Turtle let out a heart-rending roar.

Within the palace.

"Little beauty, today is your and my wedding day, why do you have to do this! As long as you obey me, I will treat you well!"

A man sat on a large chair and looked at Jiang Beibei with interest.

He was wearing a red dress, his skin was red, he looked charming, his eyebrows slanted into his temples, but he looked very strange.

If you look closely, you will find that his eyebrows are not made of hair, but composed of four fish connected head to tail.

His eyebrows are slightly arched, and a ferocious fish head is embedded in it, as if it is ready to break through the skin at any time and swallow everything.

"Wishful thinking! What a nine-headed devil, stinky fish, it's so fishy! Stay away from me, or I'll blow myself up!"

Jiang Beibei held a long sword and pointed at the Nine-Headed Demon Lord with a wary look in his eyes.

Today, she just wanted to catch a black nine-headed fish, but unexpectedly she was knocked unconscious by a wave of water.

When she woke up again, she found that she was surrounded by several mermaid maids. In addition, she was put into bridal clothes by them.

She was shocked and turned pale. After questioning, she found out that she was kidnapped by the Nine-Headed Demon Lord to become the Demon Queen.

Jiang Beibei naturally refused.

She still wants to follow Jiang Tian to find her mother. How can she be a devil queen?

However, the Nine-Headed Demon Lord was very powerful, so she did not dare to resist and could only delay.

She knew that Jiang Tian would definitely come to save her.

But after waiting and waiting, Jiang Tian didn't appear.

At this time, the Nine-Headed Demon Lord was impatient and wanted to have sex with Jiang Beibei in the bridal chamber, but Jiang Beibei resisted decisively.

"Self-destruction? It's not up to you! Even if you want to self-destruct, you have to wait until I get tired of it!"

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord completely lost his patience. He raised his hand and waved, and a chain transformed from demonic energy directly surrounded Jiang Beibei's hands and feet.

The sword fell to the ground with a clatter.

"Dad, I can't wait for you any longer!"

Seeing the Nine-Headed Demon Lord approaching step by step, Jiang Beibei felt sad and wanted to blow himself up.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

There was a sound of earth shaking, and the whole palace couldn't help but tremble.

"what's the situation!"

The Nine-headed Demon Lord frowned, and his demonic aura surged, covering the entire palace, "Oh, little beauty, it seems that our father is here to save you."

"My dad is here!"

Jiang Beibei was overjoyed.

"But don't be too happy too early. In this world, even the human race's monks who have returned to the void and have reached perfection cannot defeat General Turtle at all."

The Nine-Headed Demon King took back his demonic energy and explained with great interest: "A spring night is worth a thousand pieces of gold, so let's enjoy ourselves in time."

As he said that, the Nine-Headed Demon Lord grabbed Jiang Beibei with his big hands.


There was another loud noise.

This time, the entire palace trembled violently, and even the tea cup on the table fell to the ground with a clatter and fell apart.

"What a bullshit General Turtle, he can't even survive three moves in my dad's hands!"

Jiang Beibei looked at the Nine-Headed Demon Lord proudly: "You stinking fish, if you know what's going on, let me go quickly, otherwise, I'll let my dad catch you and make soup!"

"Shut up!"

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord was irritated, and once again emitted demonic energy to explore the situation outside the palace. "General Turtle has actually appeared in his true form. It seems that the matter has been settled."

He looked at Jiang Beibei and said with a bad smile: "You should serve me honestly! Haha!"

With that said, Xiang pressed directly on Jiang Beibei.


A huge explosion sounded again.

What was different from the previous two explosions was that this one actually hit the palace's protective formation directly.

The complex array pattern suddenly lit up, then glowed brightly, and there was a faint tendency to crack!

"What the hell is this General Turtle doing!"

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord was furious, his demonic energy emitted, and he saw a terrifying scene.

At this moment, General Turtle had been cut in half by a giant sword.

He wanted to gather the demonic and fairy energy to repair his body, but a human monk actually absorbed all the surrounding fairy and demonic energy!

"Damn it! If you dare to ruin my good deeds, I will definitely destroy your soul!"

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord's eyebrows trembled, and the ferocious-looking red fish head between his eyebrows almost broke through his skin.

He opened his mouth slightly, and it suddenly became larger, and then his whole head turned into a fish head, and he sucked in suddenly.

"Ah, so disgusting!"

Jiang Beibei shouted loudly, but she was still carried by the smelly lake water and flew into the huge mouth of the Nine-Headed Demon Lord.

"Little beauty, come with me to kill your father, and we will do good things again!"

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord stepped on the water and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

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