Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 2175 The Demon Lord Escapes

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

"Nine heads swallowing magic power!"

After the Nine-Headed Demon Lord Jiejie laughed strangely, he let out a sharp and harsh cry.

Immediately afterwards, the scale armor suddenly turned from red to black, and bursts of black energy escaped from the armor, forming devilish fish with dark skin and sharp teeth.

This devil fish had a ferocious face. It had just come out of its scales, and before it came into contact with Jiang Tian, ​​it was like a cat that smelled fishy, ​​trying to get into Jiang Tian's body without its life!

"It's a big deal, it's a bad thing!"

The Supreme Elder suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

With his eyesight, he can naturally see that this devil fish is definitely not easy to deal with!

Either it is extremely aggressive, or it has a devouring effect!

"You little human monk, you are so stupid! This scale armor suit of yours is transformed from the scale armor of your own body, how could it be easily pierced by you!"

Seeing that the black fish transformed by demonic energy had completely eroded half of Jiang Tian's body, the Nine-Headed Demon Lord knew that the overall situation was decided, and he laughed arrogantly.

"Treacherous person! How dare you sneak attack and plot!"

At this time, most of Jiang Tian's body had been completely eroded by the black fish. The power of the fairy spirit continued to gather, but it could not keep up with the speed of the devil fish devouring it.

"I am a treacherous person? Then who are you!"

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord was furious and roared crazily: "Aren't you a treacherous person just now when you planned to use the Golden Dragon God Thunder to plot against me? I am just treating others with their own way! "

He said with a ferocious face: "My nine-headed demon-swallowing skill was taught by the World-Destroying Immortal Emperor. It can devour all things! In endless years, I have devoured countless powerful people. How is it? Doesn't it taste good?"

"It was actually taught by the Immortal Emperor of Destruction!"

Although the Supreme Elder is in the body of a divine soul, he still can't help but his heart is beating wildly at this moment!

Although Jiang Tian is extremely talented, he can use his spiritual cultivation to shake the monks who have returned to the void, and he can even raise his hand to kill them!

But the technique used by the Nine-Headed Demon Lord now was created by the World-Destroying Immortal Emperor!

How could Jiang Tian defeat the Immortal Emperor of Destruction!

Is Jiang Tian really going to die?


At this time, most of Jiang Tian's body had been swallowed up by the black energy emitted by the demon fish, leaving only his face unoccupied.

He frantically gathered the power of the fairies, but seemed unable to succeed.

"Hey! I don't have time to talk nonsense with you anymore, you should just be swallowed up by me!" The Nine-headed Demon Lord's eyes were cold, and the ferocious fish head between his eyebrows poked out, trying to erode Jiang Tian's body.

"no, do not want!"

Jiang Tian suddenly shouted: "I am willing to surrender to you!"


The Nine-Headed Demon Lord raised his eyebrows and suddenly laughed wildly: "Haha, I thought you were so brave! It turns out it's nothing more than that! Haha!"


The Supreme Elder couldn't help but feel moved when he heard this.

Logically speaking, Jiang Tian should be happy because he surrendered to the Nine-Headed Demon Lord.

After all, Jiang Tiancai was the culprit who turned him into a divine soul.

But at this time, he had a feeling of sadness from the bottom of his heart, as if the rabbit died and the fox died, and things harmed their own kind.

Maybe it's because he remembered the scene when he surrendered to Jiang Tian, ​​or maybe he lamented that genius has finally come to an end.

"You know what's going on."

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord said with great interest: "General Turtle happened to be killed by you, so it's not like I can't accept your request. However, you must open the divine treasure and allow me to inject a wisp of demonic thought into my body. "Puppet!"

"Becoming a puppet?"

Jiang Tian was suddenly startled, gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, but I have a condition."

"Say!" the Nine-Headed Demon Lord said calmly.

"I want to see my daughter before I become a puppet!"

At this time, Jiang Tian's entire body was wrapped in the demonic energy emitted by the demonic fish. His whole body was dark, but he was still gathering the fairy energy to resist.

"Hahaha, what a deep love between father and daughter! What a deep love between father and daughter! I am so touched! Okay, I will promise you!"

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord laughed wildly, and after taunting him, he opened his mouth wide and the unconscious Jiang Beibei flew out.

"It's okay!"

Jiang Tian's eyes moved slightly and he breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Okay, my daughter has also seen it. Let's open the divine treasure quickly." The Nine-Headed Demon Lord ordered.

"Okay! I will open the divine treasure now!"

Jiang Tian, ​​who was enveloped in black energy, raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"After all, we are no match!"

The Supreme Elder sighed and had already carved several large formations at his feet, preparing to escape.

Just the next second, he suddenly saw Jiang Tian, ​​who was completely wrapped in demonic energy, suddenly changing his figure.

The ghost head, which had been exuding a rich black aura, popped out from the back with a bang.

Then, there was another bang, and another snake head exuding strong demonic aura broke through the black demonic aura and emerged from the arm.

Bang bang bang!

Next, Jiang Tian's whole body made a crackling sound like a firecracker.

"What...what's going on!"

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord suddenly felt something was wrong, and an ominous premonition arose from the bottom of his heart.


After a loud noise, Jiang Tian, ​​who was wrapped in the black energy of the devil fish, had completely shattered it.

On Jiang Tian's back, dozens of snake heads had emerged, and all of a sudden, all the demons danced wildly!

"Follow my daughter!"

Jiang Tian did not deal with the Nine-Headed Demon Lord immediately, but instead released a wisp of demonic energy, wrapped Jiang Beibei and threw it towards the Supreme Elder.

Today, Jiang Tian has already reached the perfect state of becoming a god, and there is also a god who can suppress the Demon Emperor.

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord is just a half-demon and half-demon body, and the demonic energy he emits is not pure at all. Even with the nine-headed demon-devouring technique tailor-made for him by the World-Destroying Immortal Emperor, the demonic energy he emits is not pure at all. Nothing can be done about Jiang Tian!

The reason why Jiang Tian was so conceited was just to ensure that Jiang Beibei was safe!


The Supreme Elder was suddenly startled and quickly drew up a large formation to wrap up Jiang Beibei.

"Asshole, I was deceived by you again!"

At this moment, the Nine-Headed Demon Lord finally reacted.

He, the dignified Nine-Headed Demon Lord, was deceived by Jiang Tian again.

"How can I be cheated or not? It's just your incompetent rage because of your lack of strength!"

Jiang Tian carried dozens of ghost-headed snake heads on his back, with thick and long horns on his head, rising straight into the sky, like a miniature version of the prison-suppressing Demon King god.

After handing Jiang Beibei to the Supreme Elder, Jiang Tian no longer had any worries. Dozens of snake-headed demon heads swallowed up all the demonic energy emitted by the Nine-Headed Demon Lord in a matter of seconds.

"How is this possible! My demonic energy has been swallowed up by you!"

The eyes of the Nine-Headed Demon Lord were as wide as copper bells. It was enough that Jiang Tian had a demon god. He did not expect that this god would be even more powerful than the devouring power of the demonic energy he exuded!

"This kind of devilish energy of yours is also called devilish energy? It's so despicable!"

Jiang Tian thundered and looked at the Nine-Headed Demon Lord with disdain.

"Damn it! I'm going to kill you!"

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord grabbed hold of the air, and the bloodthirsty trident appeared in his hand. In an instant, the demonic energy and fairy energy gathered and stabbed Jiang Tian.

This blow is no small matter, and given the close distance, its power cannot be underestimated.

"What? Are you scared?" Jiang Tian dodged a hundred steps away with the Jue Tian Sword.

"I don't have time to play with you anymore!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the demon palace array behind the Nine-Headed Demon Lord suddenly lit up, surrounding the Nine-Headed Demon Lord.

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord actually escaped!

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