Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

"Want to escape? It's not that easy!"

Jiang Tian stretched out his hand to take a photo, and a wisp of demonic energy surrounded the elder he fell in love with.

"Fellow Taoist Taichu, you..."

The Supreme Elder was shocked, thinking that Jiang Tian was going to kill him, but as soon as he raised his eyes, he found that the surrounding scene changed rapidly and was no longer where it was.

And the Nine-Headed Demon Lord, who had disappeared, reappeared not far away in front of him.

"What a speed!"

The Supreme Elder couldn't help but be shocked.

The bottom of the Immortal Forest Lake is the main battlefield of the Nine-Headed Demon Lord, and the Nine-Headed Demon Lord is an underwater monster. Its speed is so fast that only the Sky Eagle Demon King in this world can match it.

Of course, the premise is that the Sky Eagle Demon King is in the air, not in the water.

In other words, in the water, the Nine-Headed Demon Lord dares to be second in speed, and no one dares to be first!

But the scene in front of him was different.

Jiang Tian clearly came first, and he still had free time to take him with him!

This speed is really incredible.

At this moment, the Supreme Elder felt that Jiang Tian was so powerful that it was beyond his understanding.

A bold idea suddenly came to his mind: Jiang Tian might really be the reincarnation of a great power in the God Realm!

Otherwise, there is no way to explain Jiang Tian's ridiculous strength.

"It's now!"

After seeing the figure of the Nine-Headed Demon Lord, Jiang Tian raised his hand and waved, and a golden dragon thunder suddenly shot out.

"Although I can't beat you, there is still no problem in escaping!"

Ahead, the Nine-Headed Demon Lord couldn't help but feel proud.

As long as he can escape from the waters of the Xianlin Lake, he will have a way to teleport to the Abyss Jedi through the formation of the Xianzhen Sect's main hall!

That is the domain of the World-Destroying Immortal Emperor. No matter how powerful Jiang Taichu is, how can he be the opponent of the World-Destroying Immortal Emperor!

By then, this guy’s spirit must be extinguished!

To eliminate all the hatred in my heart!


Just when the Nine-Headed Demon Lord was feeling complacent, he suddenly heard a loud noise behind him.

Then, the entire bottom of the bottomless lake suddenly dazzled like daylight, and a golden dragon lightning flashing with golden light rushed straight towards it.

"Damn it! How could he possibly catch up with me!"

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord's heart skipped a beat as he flashed forward, and the golden dragon thunder passed past his scale armor.

The Golden Dragon Divine Thunder is the natal magic weapon of the Immortal Dragon Demon King. Although the Immortal Dragon Demon King is not as powerful as the Nine-Headed Demon King, the power of this divine thunder after being refined by Jiang Tian cannot be underestimated.

Immediately, there was a crack mark on the Nine-Headed Demon Lord's scale armor.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

This scale armor battle suit was made from his scales and had been warmed for millions of years. How had it ever been damaged?

Of course, being pierced by Jiang Tian's sword today was deliberately done by the Nine-Headed Demon Lord.

Other than that, nothing was damaged at all.

But now, it was split open by a divine thunder from Jiang Tian.

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord is furious, but there is nothing he can do. Who makes him weak?

He could only use the power of demonic energy and fairy spirits to increase his speed to the extreme, hoping to break through the Xianlin Lake and reach the main peak of Xianzhen Sect as soon as possible.

"Still trying to escape!"

Jiang Tian smiled coldly, and with his spiritual thoughts turning, the Golden Dragon Divine Thunder that passed by the Nine-Headed Demon Lord seemed to have spirituality, turned a corner, and came straight towards the Nine-Headed Demon Lord.

At this time, almost all the demonic thoughts of the Nine-Headed Demon Lord were guarding against Jiang Tian behind him. By the time he felt the threat of the golden dragon divine thunder, it was already too late.


The golden dragon divine thunder instantly struck the Nine-Headed Demon Lord.

The scale armor of the Nine-Headed Demon Lord was damaged in several places, but it did not dare to delay at all. It just swayed and rushed towards the lake at top speed.

"Fellow Taoist Taichu, kill this officer quickly!"

The Supreme Elder was led behind by Jiang Tian. Seeing Jiang Tian chasing the Nine-Headed Demon Lord leisurely, he obviously had some spare energy, and he was suddenly confused?

Do you really want to capture the Nine-Headed Demon Lord alive?

Isn't that a joke?

After all, the Nine-Headed Demon Lord is also the top powerhouse in this world. Even if he cannot defeat Jiang Tian, ​​there is still no problem in self-destruction!

"Are you teaching me how to do something?"

An indifferent voice came from the front. Jiang Tian used the Kunpeng Law and still followed the Nine-Headed Demon Lord unhurriedly.

"I know I was wrong!"

The Supreme Elder's soul trembled and he quickly closed his mouth.

"The speed is not bad. It seems that the strength has not been lost much!"

Jiang Tian in front raised the corner of his mouth slightly after seeing the speed of the Nine-Headed Demon Lord.

He raised his hand and waved, and eight golden dragon thunders gathered together and went straight towards the Nine-Headed Demon Lord. For a moment, the entire lake was illuminated by the eight divine thunders, and the world around this side was as dazzling as daylight!


The eight golden dragon thunders were extremely fast, twining alternately, flashing with lightning, and struck the body of the Nine-Headed Demon Lord impartially.


A line of scales fell off the Nine-Headed Demon Lord's body. Demonic blood spilled from the corners of the Nine-Headed Demon Lord's mouth. His body trembled violently and almost sank to the bottom of the lake.

At this moment, what made the Nine-headed Demon Lord even more furious was that he found that his Xutian seemed to have been injured by the eight golden dragon thunders, and cracks appeared faintly.

As early as when he was fighting with Jiang Tian at the bottom of the lake, a golden dragon thunder killed and destroyed his Xutian. He spent a lot of effort and even paid some price to completely wipe out the golden dragon thunder.

Unexpectedly, at this time, after being hit by the eight golden dragon thunders, the remaining energy of the golden dragon thunder in Xutian seemed to have revived again.

"It's too much to deceive others, it's too much to deceive others! When I find the master, your soul will be destroyed!"

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord was so angry that he couldn't help but want to turn around and fight Jiang Tian to the death.

Demons and demons actually have a lot of similarities.

For example, many of them are cruel and bloodthirsty and like to attack human monks.

In addition, the biggest thing they have in common is that they have difficulty controlling their emotions.

This is reflected in the monster clan, which is easy to go berserk. If the number of monster clan is large, there will even be a tide of monster beasts.

For example, the beast tide launched by Demon King Li Zhen before.

As for the demons, they are easily demonized and reveal their true form. By then, the demons will increase in strength and completely lose their minds.

Sometimes, even the same kind will not be let go.

At this time, the Nine-Headed Demon King, although half-demon and half-demon, was already on the verge of becoming a demon and going berserk.

But the thought of escaping still made him stop. He only paused for a moment. Seeing that the lake was approaching, he rushed towards the lake again.

Victory is right in front of you, and you must not fall short!

“I really don’t know what this fellow Taoist Taichu is thinking!”

The Supreme Elder did not dare to speak to urge him anymore, and could only keep complaining in his heart.

Afraid that Jiang Tianzhen would become ruthless, he raised his hand to kill him.

"It seems that this guy still has some energy left!"

Seeing that the Nine-Headed Demon Lord was still running away without stopping, Jiang Tian decided to work harder.

It is necessary to drive the Nine-Headed Demon Lord to the edge of demonization when it breaks through the lake.

His mental thoughts turned, he raised his hand and patted his waist, the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Gourd was launched, and the giant-beak demon knife flew out and landed in Jiang Tian's hand.


Jiang Tian pulled back his right hand to accumulate strength, and stretched his back like a dragon's spine, like throwing a javelin, and threw it at the Nine-Headed Demon Lord.

The giant-beak demon sword instantly broke through the lake water, leaving not even an afterimage behind.

"Haha, I'm finally out of trouble!"

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord emerged from the bottom of the lake with a thud, looking up to the sky and roaring.

But the next second, a long knife entwined with the power of fairy spirits, demonic energy, and demonic energy stabbed through the scale armor and penetrated his body.

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