Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 907 Intimidation and temptation, crazy breakthrough

When Qiao Yingluo returned to Yujing Peak, the sky was already bright.

She went to the dining hall to eat, and immediately heard everyone talking about the battle at Blackwater Lake last night.

Qiao Yingluo snorted very complacently, how did you know that the Zhenyin Immortal Master who is famous in the Star Small World is my brother Jiang?

Just halfway through the meal, a maid came and said with a smile, "Yingluo, Miss, please come over!"

Qiao Yingluo hurried to Yujing Commercial Firm and met Chu Yunxiu.

"Yingluo, what do you think of you marrying Huang Zhizhong?"

Chu Yunxiu restored her former image of a strong woman, and asked with a smile.

"No! I want to marry a hero, not a mortal!"

Qiao Yingluo shook her head firmly.

"What's wrong with Huang Zhizhong?"

Chu Yunxiu smiled and said:

"In the future, he will be a hall master anyway, earning more money than your father, and can give you a better life!"

"I can't see him!"

Qiao Yingluo said with contempt on her face:

"I've already inquired about Huang Zhizhong. I heard that he is a fat man with internal strength and is very lecherous. He often goes to Chunxiang Building to find girls. He is extremely dirty and greasy. Don't talk about marrying him. When I think about it, I want to vomit!"


Chu Yunxiu drank lightly, her face turned cold, and said with a half-smile, "What's so strange about a man having three wives and four concubines? Besides, you'd better recognize your identity."

"Your family is just a little rich family, and it can't be compared with Huang's family."

Her clear and beautiful eyes shot out sharp and cold lights, and she said calmly: "And you are now in the body of a crime, once you are found by the detective bureau, who will protect you?"

"Won't you protect me? When you were a child, you said that you would protect me for the rest of your life!"

Qiao Yingluo's heart skipped a beat, her eye circles were slightly red, and she felt extremely wronged.

Seeing that she was about to cry, Chu Yunxiu's heart softened, thinking of the good times when they were young.

She stood up, touched Qiao Yingluo's small face, and said softly:

"You are still young, you don't understand the cruelty of this world. My sister can protect you now, but she can't protect you for the rest of her life! You must find a husband who loves you and loves you!"

"I don't even know him, how can I love him? Sister, help me, I don't want to marry him!" Qiao Yingluo said aggrievedly.

Chu Yunxiu thought to herself, it seems that this girl is still unwilling to give up on that surnamed Jiang, and this matter needs to be figured out gradually.

She changed the subject, smiled and said, "Yingluo, did you go to the Black Water Lake yesterday?"

If before, the innocent Qiao Yingluo couldn't bear to deceive Chu Yunxiu.

But just now, she felt the coldness and murderous intent in Chu Yunxiu's eyes, but at this moment she had no psychological pressure.

"Where do you dare to go! I just walked around outside!"

She shook her head with a wry smile, even pretending to be afraid, and said in a trembling voice:

"But even if the distance is ten kilometers, it still feels terrible! It's so dark! There is a kind of mosquito, bigger than a dog, it's scary!"

"Hehe, now you can clearly see the true face of the surname Jiang. It's just a waste who likes to talk nonsense!"

Chu Yunxiu said contemptuously:

"He came from the earth realm, at most he is in the god realm! Earth warriors, here, they can only serve as slaves!"

"Yeah, hehe..."

Qiao Yingluo smiled wryly.

Chu Yunxiu asked again: "Where is that Mr. Jiang? You let him come over, and I will arrange an errand for him."

"What errand?"

"Being guards for Huang Biao and his son!"

Chu Yunxiu said lightly:

"It's nothing more than a godly cultivation level, it's vulnerable. It's okay to be the head of the handyman. But the head of the bodyguard is not qualified. But if you agree to marry Huang Zhizhong, I will give him this job!"

"He didn't come back and said he wanted to find some cultivation resources outside!"

Qiao Yingluo snorted coldly in her heart.

Huang Biao and his son, what kind of rubbish is that?

Even your fiancé is useless, well, he's not even worthy to lift Brother Jiang's shoes!

"This person is so naive, even ignorant and stupid!"

Chu Yunxiu said with contempt on her face:

"This area is very dangerous, and the gods are like ants. If you want to go out to find training resources, you must form a team. His move is clearly to die!"

"And ignore the rules in the firm, not for your face, I will let him go!"

Qiao Yingluo held back her anger and said nothing.

Although she has just entered the Devil's Cave Mountain, she has already felt the danger and cruelty of the cultivation world.

Just like Wu Tengying, who regards human life as worthless, and wants to kill them as soon as he raises his hand.

Just like Taoist Shi Mo, he looks heroic and generous, but in fact he harbors evil intentions and is as vicious as a snake and scorpion.

"Okay. You go to work in the firm, starting from the counter!"

Chu Yunxiu waved her hand in a dispirited way.


And in the nameless cave, Jiang Tian had already immersed himself in alchemy and cultivation.

Three demon cores, one demon pill, and many spiritual herbs and medicines collected in advance, Jiang Tian finally refined dozens of high-grade Peizhen pills.

Jiang Tian has cultivated the truth for thousands of years, and the elixir he refined is so high-end, it can be said to be the best in the elixir.

When the alchemy is completed, suddenly, there are thousands of auspicious colors, and thousands of rays of light bloom.

Moreover, in the crystal clear green elixir, there is actually the soul of the blue-eyed toad jumping and moving in the elixir, which is very miraculous.

Peizhen Pill is a must for foundation-building monks to break through.

It's as if Peiyuan Pill is indispensable when practicing Qi.

But Peizhen Pill is a hundred times more powerful than the aura contained in Peiyuan Pill, more than a thousand times!

But Peizhen Pill is only the basis of Jiang Tian's breakthrough, not the key!

"This is the most important thing! Fog Heart Water Lotus!"

With a flip of his hand, Jiang Tian sacrificed a lotus flower from the Heaven Swallowing Demon Gourd.

This lotus flower looks very magical.

The wide lotus leaves are like flowing jasper, the red petals are carved like red agate, and the lotus roots at the root are like pink jade. The lotus seeds are very clear and round, like gem beads with excellent water head!

The whole lotus flower is crystal clear, shimmering and radiant, as if it is completely made of water.

Whether it is lotus seeds, lotus leaves, lotus roots, or petals, they all flow out of rich vitality, as if they can create a world alive!

Especially above the lotus heart, the mist is filled with vitality, and it is gorgeous and dazzling. It seems that people have returned to the initial era of the creation of the world, and there are traces of the original breath of the primordial spirit oozing out!

"Master, what is this?"

Ye Tianren was shocked, his eyes almost popped out, he couldn't believe it.

Throughout his life, he joined the Kunlun sect, entered the Brahmans, and visited the Holy See. He was invincible to China for a century.

His insight is so good, his vision is so broad, but he has never seen such a miraculous treasure!

"The water lotus with the heart of the mist is a remnant of ancient times when the world first opened, and it contains the water of life! It just serves as the introduction of the water of life for my Geng Jinsheng!"

Jiang Tian stared at the strange lotus, a hint of relief appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In fact, the concept of the first opening of heaven and earth is a saying in the world of comprehension.

In short, it should be the plant that was born when the ancient earth was conceived, absorbing the oldest water of life on the ancient earth!

In fact, Jiang Tian never expected that he would meet such a supreme spiritual medicine as Wuxin Water Lotus in this world!

After all, the small world of Tianxing escaped from the earth, and it also went through time and space travel, space winds and vibrations and many other dangers, so it is a great fortune to be able to survive!

"It turns out that Master killed the blue-eyed toad just by the way, and the real purpose was this strange lotus!"

Ye Tianren suddenly realized.

He clearly remembered that after Jiang Tian killed the blue-eyed toad, he uprooted the lotus.

"That's right! The value of the blue-eyed toad is not worth as much as the value of this misty heart water lotus!"

Jiang Tian leisurely sighed:

"With the aura of the Tianxing Small World, in fact, it is difficult to support the survival of ancient relics like the blue-eyed toad!"

"It was the primordial aura emanating from the misty heart water lotus that mutated a few ordinary toads into blue-eyed toads. Moreover, one of them actually reached the level of golden core!"

"Then Master, if you swallow it, the effect will be extraordinary! You can break through quickly!"

Ye Tianren was very happy for Jiang Tian.

"That's right. Originally, these Peizhen Pills could help me reach the second or even third floor of Foundation Establishment! After all, it contains a Golden Demon Pill and three Demon Cores of Foundation Establishment!"

Jiang Tian sat cross-legged on the ground, looked at strange light, and said with emotion:

"But if I add this ancient medicine that contains the essence of the water of life and exudes the primordial aura of the primordial spirit, I may break through to the fourth foundation building!"

"Wouldn't that be one step to reach the middle stage of foundation establishment! There will be a qualitative transformation!" Ye Tianren was ecstatic.

"But I'm in no hurry!"

Jiang Tian said unhurriedly: "I will do my best to compress the cultivation base of the true essence to about the second floor of the foundation building!"

"In this way, the true essence is vast and solid. When I break through to the third foundation building layer, my physique can undergo another change. The Qinglong Xuanshui divine body will transform into a wood-type divine body!"

What Jiang Tian wanted was the physique of the five elements plus the three mutant physiques in order to evolve into a chaotic divine body and reach the point where there are thousands of supernatural powers and endless changes.

He will not be eager for quick success, nor will he let go of any opportunity to transform Yunsheng Linggen.

"Compressed cultivation? That combat power..."

Ye Tianren was a little worried.

After all, what Jiang Tian wants to kill is Li Longyuan, who is a strong Jindan. If Jiang Tian's cultivation base is too far apart, it will not be safe.

"Cultivation and combat power are two concepts, and combat power will not be affected in the slightest!"

Jiang Tian said lightly:

"This method of forcibly suppressing cultivation has no disadvantages, and even benefits! It will only make the foundation more stable, but it will not affect the combat power at all!"

"Furthermore, the spiritual consciousness of a strong Golden Core may be able to see through my cultivation, but it will definitely not see through my true combat power!"

"Then the master is doing calculations with his mind and no mind, and the chances of winning are actually greater!"

Ye Tianren realized it in his heart and was overjoyed.

"Okay! There is not much time left for us, I will start to refine the elixir, transform the spiritual root and physique! You protect me!"

Jiang Tian opened his mouth slowly, with a hint of determination in his eyes, and opened his mouth to swallow a Peizhen Pill.

"Yes, Master!" Ye Tianren bowed and agreed with a slightly dignified face.


A vast and surging medicinal power flowed from Jiang Tian's belly like rivers and rivers towards the limbs and bones, and many meridians frantically rushed.

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