Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 908: Cultivation Base Soars, Physique Changes!

At this moment, Jiang Tian suddenly felt extremely refreshed, as if a hungry man eats delicious food, and every cell in his body is cheering and screaming!

Speaking of which, it has been more than a year since Jiang Tian's last breakthrough on Jianzhong Island in the Arctic.

His cultivation on the first floor of the foundation has long been extremely stable, and his true energy is surging and vigorous, pointing directly to the second floor of the foundation.

It can be said that even if he doesn't use this kind of Peizhen Pill, but only uses a large amount of Peiyuan Pill or other medicines, he can force himself to the second floor of Foundation Establishment.

But Jiang Tian has never found a suitable introduction to the water system to transform the Gengjin physique into a water system physique, so he suppressed his cultivation and has not made a breakthrough for a long time.

At this time, Jiang Tian's body was frantically absorbing and refining the aura of abundant medicinal power, just like rain after a long drought.

The incomparably vast spiritual energy and medicinal power flowed endlessly in Jiang Tian's meridians and blood vessels like the Yangtze River.

With these medicinal powers, Jiang Tian used the Chaos Art of Creation to continuously refine them into thick Gengjin Zhenyuan.

And the real yuan blocks in Jiang Tian's dantian became more solid and thick, and the number continued to increase.

With almost a flick of a finger, a gold nugget is added to the dantian, which is equivalent to ten and a half months of penance.

In just one day, Jiang Tian's dantian was ten times its original size, and became more pure and concentrated, just like a fertile field, capable of breeding endless vitality.

And Ye Tianren could also feel the obvious changes in Jiang Tian.

The aura on Jiang Tian's body kept getting thicker, like a majestic mountain, getting bigger and higher, bringing him enormous pressure, making him terrified and suffocated by it.

He even felt that Jiang Tian's cultivation at this time was more than ten times stronger than that in the first battle at Wanghu Villa.

At this moment, Jiang Tian can wipe him out with just a snap of his fingers!

And this is just the beginning!

In the next few days, Jiang Tian's soul, physique, and breath continued to grow stronger!

A qualitative leap occurred in almost a day, breaking through a layer of barriers, and finally, finally stabilized on the fourth floor of the foundation.

However, every time Jiang Tian made a breakthrough, there was no huge spiritual energy fluctuation, and even if there was a fluctuation, the range was very small.

This is because the effect of the Peizhen Pill refined by consuming one demon pill and three demon cores is too strong!

Those are the demon core demon pills condensed by the four blue-eyed toads that have devoured the misty heart water lotus, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and many foundation-building monks for thousands of years!

Once again prepared by Jiang Tian's skillful hands, the condensed Peizhen Pill contains an inexhaustible spiritual energy!

At this time, Jiang Tian is not afraid even in the face of the Jindan cultivator, and he will be able to kill him within ten moves!

But Ye Tianren felt it again.

When Jiang Tian's breath swelled to a limit, he began to retreat rapidly, and finally stabilized on the second floor of the foundation.

"It's time to turn Gengjin into Xuanshui!"

Afterwards, Jiang Tian directly swallowed the Wuxin water lotus piece by piece without any refining!

This kind of heaven and earth spiritual thing follows the natural way of Taoism, and contains the original atmosphere of chaos, which is extremely pure.

Adding any other medicinal materials, or using any method to refine it, is a kind of pollution and damage.

Swallow it directly, but the effect is the best!


After Jiang Tian swallowed it.

Immediately, countless water mist filled the dantian, and the exuberant water of life fell like rain, nourishing the dantian.

"Gengjin Nine Transformations, Xuanshui Transformation!"

"Practice for me!"

With Jiang Tian running the Chaoshen Nine Changes Kung Fu transformation technique, another change occurred in his dantian.

Many waters of life continuously washed, collided and fused with the Geng gold block, and were finally completely absorbed by it, as if it had never appeared before.

But soon, after a violent tremor, the piles of Geng gold nuggets began to spray out mist.

The mist condensed on the Geng gold block, gradually forming streams of clear liquid.

The water flow gradually became more and more large, first it was a trickle, and then it gradually became a stream.

Then, one after another of streams merged into a torrential river, breaking through the barriers of Geng gold, and surging in the dantian like giant dragons.

"All rivers return to the sea!"

Following Jiang Tian's order.

Many rivers of water of life, like nine dragons arching beads, converge into a huge lake, lying across the dantian.

This lake is full of big waves, mist, and exudes vitality. It seems to be all-encompassing, and it can give birth to a world.

The vigorous vitality even changed Jiang Tian's entire dantian.

The entire dantian has received endless nourishment, becoming more delicate and viscous, and becoming crystal clear.

Geng gold nuggets, like the original precious gold, exudes thousands of golden lights, dazzling and magical.

At this time, Gengjin Zhenyuan not only became more condensed and powerful, but also contained vigorous vitality, laying some foundations for the birth of Jindan!

A cyan dragon with dense scales, as if made of lapis lazuli, manifested behind Jiang Tian with its teeth and claws.

"The cultivation base is stable on the second floor of Foundation Establishment, and more importantly, the second transformation of the Gengjin God Body's nine transformations, the Xuanshui Transformation, is done!"

Jiang Tian slowly opened his eyes, with a hint of joy at the corners of his mouth.

Within a few days, it broke through to the fourth floor of the foundation, and was forcibly compressed to the second floor of the foundation.

Moreover, Xuanshui Transformation was produced, and a kind of spiritual root was added, and it was the most powerful Qinglong Xuanshui divine body!

Nowadays, the supernatural powers of various water systems, both offensive and defensive, healing or destruction, Jiang Tian can be said to be at his fingertips, so wonderful that it is unpredictable.

This kind of rapid improvement, such a strange change, even if you look at the cultivation world, few people can achieve it for thousands of years.

Speaking out, it is simply appalling, like a myth.

But this is the frightening thing about Jiang Tian's skills. The Super God Nine Changes Kung Fu was created by an immortal emperor-level sage after hundreds of years of hard work, just to create a miraculous chaotic physique!

The predecessors and sages who created this technique can be described as eternal geniuses, but they still have great flaws!

Moreover, this technique is extremely difficult to control, and it can be said that the slightest loss is far from the thousand miles.

For hundreds of millions of years, many geniuses in the comprehension world attempted to cultivate this kind of exercise, but they all ended up harming themselves.

In the previous life, after Jiang Tian acquired this exercise, he had to repair it for hundreds of years, and later invited more than ten immortal emperors including Immortal Emperor Renming to add it together, otherwise, this exercise would still be impossible to practice.

"This kid didn't protect Qiao Yingluo, why did he come back?"

With a sweep of Jiang Tian's consciousness, he saw that the big black dog was already at the entrance of the cave, talking to Ye Tianren.

Jiang Tian strode out.

The big black dog immediately went up to her, and said anxiously: "That girl Yingluo has an accident, master, you have to go to Yujing Peak immediately!"

"What's wrong?" Jiang Tian asked.

"Chu Yunxiu told girl Yingluo about a marriage. Girl Yingluo wanted to run away, but she was controlled. Qiao Bashan tried to stop her, but was injured!"

said the big black dog.

"Who wants to marry her by force? You won't take action to suppress it? You are also the strength of the second floor of the foundation!" Jiang Tian frowned and reprimanded.

"I wanted to eat them, but Miss Yingluo wouldn't let me!? He didn't let me bother you, so I sneaked out!"

The big black dog had a stupid and cute face, and said with shy eyebrows:

"Besides, Qiao Bashan was only slightly injured. She didn't suffer any injuries, but she was under control! Several people followed her every day to prevent her from escaping and not letting others approach her!"

"You are a coward! Without me, you can't do it! Let's go!"

Jiang Tian was a little relieved, and he didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, so he stepped on the flying sword and flew them towards Yujing Peak.


Today, Yujing Peak is decorated with lanterns and festoons, gongs and drums are blaring, and guests are like a cloud, making it very lively.

Today, Yujing Peak held an annual meeting, and it was the day of Jiang Yunhe and Chu Yunxiu's engagement. It can be described as double happiness.

The masters of the peaks, cave masters, kings on the mountains, business owners, hall masters, or emptying their breath and walking in the sky, or riding flying swords or spirit birds, came one after another.

Even Immortal Mieyu from the Ruthless Sect and Ding Lie, the lord of Star Capital City, came personally!

It can be said that the distinguished guests are like clouds, and the rich are like rain. Make this main peak radiant and dazzling!

At this time, in a room in Yujing Peak, Qiao Yingluo was full of distress and sighed.

Three days ago, Chu Yunxiu summoned her again to discuss her marriage with Huang Zhizhong, with a very tough attitude.

Chu Yunxiu threatened her that if she didn't agree, Qiao Yingluo's family would be kicked out.

Only at this time did Qiao Yingluo realize Chu Yunxiu's cold-blooded and ruthless true face.

But she has a strong personality and is not a vegetarian, so she immediately said that she can leave now.

But Chu Yunxiu was aggressive and went one step further, if she persisted, she would hand over her family to the border deserted city.

Now Qiao Yingluo is a Muggle.

She was worried that Jiang Tian would be exposed!

Now Jiang Tian is retreating, as if the door of Buddhism is wide open, where is the opponent of Tianxing Palace?

Brother Jiang is in the critical moment of retreat, how can he easily interrupt and delay the major event of cultivation?

In desperation, she could only use the tactic of delaying the attack, and promised to contact Huang Zhizhong for a try.

Huang Zhizhong has a deer head and mouse eyes, and a fat brain, greasy, lustful, and frivolous behavior.

Those lustful eyes could make Qiao Yingluo sick to death.

Qiao Yingluo immediately wanted to sneak out of Yujing Peak.

But Chu Yunxiu was already prepared, and sent several Transformation Realm powerhouses to follow around, never leaving a single step.

When she saw Jiang Tian appearing suddenly, Qiao Yingluo threw herself into Jiang Tian's arms in an instant, and cried aggrievedly: "Brother Jiang Tian, ​​you are back! They scare me every day..."

"Don't worry. With me here, absolutely no one will dare to force you!"

Jiang Tian patted her on the shoulder.

Qiao Yingluo was the first person Jiang Tian met when he came to this space.

Moreover, she has always regarded Jiang Tian as a big brother, taking care of Jiang Tian's life, being Jiang Tian's guide, and being considerate.

As for Jiang Tian, ​​he really felt like an older brother.

Based on this, Jiang Tian did not allow her to be wronged in the slightest.

"Brother Jiang, don't let this trivial matter of mine affect your retreat!"

Although Qiao Yingluo was young, she was very sensible. She wiped away her tears and said with a forced smile:

"Don't worry, I can still handle it, they will definitely not take advantage of me!"

"I'm done retreating!"

Jiang Tian touched the top of the little girl's head, and said softly:

"Don't worry, I have my brother here. Let's talk about Yujing Peak slowly, even if the Master of Tianxing Palace is here, he has no right to bully you!"

"Trash, who are you? How dare you get your hands on Young Master Huang's woman!"

At this time, the master of transforming realm who followed Qiao Yingluo to monitor, yelled harshly: "Get out of here! Don't make Young Master Huang angry and tear you to pieces!"

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