Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 954 Killing three hundred immortals in a row shocked Li Longyuan

Jiang Tian's nine flying swords come from the Immortal Ruins and have been refined by Jiang Tian several times. They are considered top-quality spiritual treasures. Each one is powerful!

Meteor stars are made of meteorite iron from the sky and are the heaviest.

It rushed to the front, and with a clang, it split open a large hall.

The forbidden light of many large formations in the town hall burst out brightly and then dimmed and annihilated, the runes cracked, and the bricks and stones flew everywhere.

The remaining flying swords swarmed up like streaks of blue rainbows penetrating the sun.

The Spring Thunder Sword burst out thousands of lightnings in an instant, and a superior immortal was electrocuted into flying ash, his body exploded, and he died.

The other flying swords were not far behind. They brought out rainbow-like sword lights and danced wildly in the air. The sword energy was as dense as the sickle of death.

Every time the sword struck, more than a dozen waves of blood rose into the sky, representing the death of more than a dozen immortals.

The wind-controlling sword was the fastest, rushing towards the fleeing immortals like a meteor, strangling one of them with one sword, causing blood and flesh to fly everywhere and screaming in agony.

In an instant, among the hundreds of immortals, not a single one of them was able to unite! The screams of crying fathers and mothers were earth-shattering, and the strong men fell like rain!

No magic weapon, magical power, true essence, or mountain-protecting formation can escape the power of Jiang Tianfei's sword.

It was too late, but it was too late. Jiang Tian could kill three hundred immortals with a snap of his fingers!

Every time he struck with his sword, blood flowed into rivers and corpses lay everywhere, which made even the cold-hearted Fairy Goddess of Desire eclipse her, with cold sweat crawling down her back.

At this time, she was in a state of despair, her tall body trembling, and she couldn't help but think of Jiang Tian's words in front of Yujing Peak: "You should thank me for running away without a fight today!"

Originally she thought Jiang Tian was being tough and bluffing, but now she realized that Jiang Tian was not exaggerating at all.

It can be said that the combat power Jiang Tian is showing now is completely crushing the fake pill. If she goes up, she will not be able to last three rounds!

"Is this, is this his monstrous strength? Is this his trump card?

? "

Fairy Miaoyi stepped on the flying sword and watched from a few miles away with Ding Lingdang. She couldn't help but be stunned.

"Brother Jiang is so awesome! He can definitely compete with Li Yongyuan! My father can be saved!"

After Ding Lingdang was shocked and stunned, her face was full of excitement and she cheered.

"Why don't you come out and die? The thief is bald, Li Longyuan!"

At this time, Jiang Tian slapped the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Gourd again,

Suddenly, hula!

More than nine thousand flying swords spurted out again, and the flying swords were densely packed, overwhelming the sky and the earth, heading towards Qingqiu Palace.

Each of these flying swords breathes sharp sword energy and vast true energy!

The sword light is like a huge wave, like a mountain falling, like a tsunami coming, nothing can stop it.

If he were to attack the main hall of Qingqiu, he could tell from the momentum alone that the main hall would definitely collapse and few people would be able to survive.


At this moment, a cold snort suddenly came from the Qingqiu Hall.

Suddenly, Jiang Tian's many flying swords seemed to encounter an invisible barrier, hovering in the air, unable to penetrate even a single inch.

Then, the barrier shook, and many flying swords flew towards Jiang Tian.

"Haha, Li Yongyuan, are you finally coming out?"

Jiang Tian laughed loudly and waved his hand.

Many flying swords were like swimming fish, entering the sky-swallowing demon gourd in the blink of an eye.

"Li Yongyuan is coming out!"

At this moment, many people who were killed by Jiang Tian and crying for their fathers and mothers showed expressions of ecstasy.

This cold snort alone can block Jiang Tian's flying sword. Li Longyuan is indeed Li Longyuan!

At this time, in the Qingqiu Hall, a figure rose into the sky and ascended into the sky.

"So majestic!"

Li Longyuan's long clothes made a sound, he walked with his hands behind his back, walked out in the air, looked down at Jiang Tian, ​​and coldly snorted:

"I originally thought that I wouldn't need to personally take action today, so that I can let these disciples have some experience!"

It turned out that he was plundering the Celestial Realm, making the people miserable, and the middle- and lower-class monks and civilians were complaining.

This time, he asked the Nine Prodigies, Yu Yiwei, and many sect leaders to take action, just to reveal to the Star Realm the results of his years of tyranny!


I have trained many elites! Just pull one out and you can kill the number one person on earth!

From now on, our Heavenly Star Realm has a bright future, and our promotion to the third-level Hidden Sect is just around the corner!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Tian kept breaking records!

Destroy the Yu Yiwei, kill Zhou Yunkai, suppress the eight geniuses, suppress the two fake alchemy sect masters, and kill three hundred immortals with one sword!

It is simply invincible, and anyone who stands in its way will perish!

How terrible!

The Star World has suffered heavy losses!

If this continues, I wonder how many more people Jiang Tian will kill!

At this time, Li Longyuan also had to come out.

Because at present, it seems that it is difficult for anyone else to be Jiang Tian's opponent!

Li Longyuan looked at Jiang Tian carefully, and even showed a hint of surprise:

"I didn't expect that at such a young age, your cultivation would be so strong, that you would be qualified to let me take action!"

"You are indeed extremely talented. You are worthy of being the best person in the earth world. In a place where spiritual energy is lost, you can still achieve such a level of cultivation! If you wait a hundred years, I may not be your opponent!"

Suddenly, he showed a look of disdain and sighed:

"What a pity, you are too eager. Now you are just trying to challenge me with just a fake alchemy cultivation! Today, I will crush you to ashes!"

"You talk too much!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were cold and he was about to take action.

Shen Tiege also took a step out of the hall, flew behind Li Longyuan, and sneered:

"Jiang Taichu, you are just an ant in the wasteland of the earth. You accidentally learned some heresy, but you try to provoke the small world of Tianxing. It is really ridiculous and overconfident!"

He held a Fangtian painted halberd, pointed at Jiang Tian, ​​and mocked:

"Haha, do you think the first person on earth is great? In fact, it's just a wasteland!"

"Ants will always be ants, and barbarians will still be barbarians. You are just a bigger ant! You are throwing yourself into a trap!"

In the crowd, Ye Tianren took a step forward and yelled loudly: "You are also from the ancient earth in ancient times. The earth is your ancestral land and hometown. What qualifications do you have to laugh at and despise!"

He has always hated the so-called hidden world and those superior immortals.

At this time, he vomited quickly.

The relationship between the earth and the hidden dimensional world is very simple!

For example, it is like a wage earner who left his hometown with all the resources and financial support from his relatives and achieved some development in the city.

Now the wage earners are rich and prosperous, but they despise the poverty and backwardness of their hometown!

He even restricted the development of his hometown and even annexed his hometown and turned it into his own private property!

"Am I an ant? Haha, today, I, the ant, will tear you into pieces!"

Jiang Tian Leng shouted.

"Jiang Taichu, those battles just now were just a test for you, just an appetizer! Today's battle has just begun!"

Shen Tiege's armor is bright and his red shirt makes a hunting sound, just like a peerless warrior.

At this time, with an angry look on his face, he stepped up into the air and smashed Fang Tian's painted halberd towards Jiang Tian.

This painted halberd in the sky looks like a horned dragon. The long pole is densely covered with dragon scales. The branches on the painted halberd are like dragon claws and the sharp edge is like a dragon head.

The moment Fang Tian's painted halberd was struck down.

A green dragon soared into the sky, hundreds of meters long, stretched out its huge claws, and grabbed Jiang Tian.

"Die to me!"

Shen Tiege roared like rolling thunder, and his Dantian shone with endless cyan light, spreading out a huge halo of light hundreds of meters in radius, making him like a god spanning the world.

"What? Shen Tiege actually broke through to the golden elixir level!"

Cang Songzi stared at his Dantian, her face changed wildly and she exclaimed.

Shen Tiege was once a direct disciple of Li Longyuan!

A hundred years ago, he was Li Longyuan's loyal minister. He established various sects for Li Longyuan, shocked the entire Celestial Realm, achieved immortal achievements, and made great contributions.

But he has always stayed at the fake elixir level. Although he has retreated many times, he has not made any progress for hundreds of years.

But I didn’t expect that I would break through to the golden elixir recently!

"Yeah, you can't believe it. I have been in seclusion for twenty years and finally stepped onto the first level of the golden elixir!"

Shen Tiege had been hiding his cultivation before, but now he finally broke out.

At this time, he was so full of passion and pride that he roared triumphantly:

"Jiang Taichu, today I will kill you, the number one person on earth, to lay the foundation for me to ascend to the path of supreme immortality!"

"Shen Tiege broke through to the golden elixir!"

Mie Yu's face was shocked. At this time, Shen Tiege's combat power had surpassed his own, and he sighed:

"This Fangtian Painted Halberd was made by a senior Jindan expert from Tianxing Palace who mixed the soul of a real dragon with Taiyi fine gold! Over the course of hundreds of years, it was fed and nourished by countless souls who died tragically. It took hundreds of years to refine the immortal halberd. Tool!"

Next to her, Cang Songzi couldn’t believe it either:

"Previously, Shen Tiege was unable to activate this fairy weapon even with his fake elixir cultivation. Now, he has finally unleashed his full combat power!"

"Golden elixir! Tianxing Palace has launched a second golden elixir!"

All the thousands of people present were shocked, looking at Shen Tiege with admiration and envy.

"Shen Tiege actually broke through to the golden elixir!"

However, Qiao Yingluo, Ding Lingdang and Fairy Miaoyi showed deep nervousness.

The most powerful opponent Jiang Tian had faced before was Cang Songzi.

But Cangongzi is just a fake elixir.

It just condenses the structure of the golden elixir, which is not solid enough, and is somewhere between foundation building and golden elixir.

As for those who are strong in the golden elixir, their true essence is extremely compressed to form a solid golden elixir. Their true essence is ten times vaster, their physical body is ten times more powerful, and their combat power is increased ten times!

This is equivalent to ten Cangsongzi, ten powerful men at the level of sect master and city lord, attacking Jiang Tian together.

What's more, he also holds a copy of the fairy-level magic weapon that was sacrificed by the strong man of golden elixir?

"Shen Tiege, you live up to your hundreds of years of hard teaching as a teacher! You live up to your efforts as a teacher in whipping the world and collecting training resources!"

Even Li Longyuan showed a hint of approval.

Qingxuan Daozi was his biological son, and of course he loved him the most.

But Shen Tiege is his most proud disciple! I have obtained 80% of his true heritage!

"Coupled with the use of immortal weapons to suppress him, Jiang Taichu will definitely die!"

Li Longyuan's face was sarcastic, and he made the final decision!

He was too lazy to look any further. He flicked his sleeves with disdain in his eyes, turned around and walked towards Qingqiu Hall.

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