Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 955 Defeat the Golden Pill with one finger, Jiang Taichu is too scary

At this time, although Jiang Tian's strength was very powerful, his cultivation was definitely not that of a golden elixir!

Because the Dantian of a strong Jindan is not like that at all!

A strong person with the golden elixir, after entering the fake elixir, will start to polish the Yuan elixir when he begins to condense it. When the elixir is condensed to the extreme, it will cause thunder disasters and even various catastrophes.

After such continuous tempering and going through thousands of difficulties and dangers, the true essence was finally compressed into a solid state and the golden elixir was condensed!

The Dantian of a strong Golden Elixir is as vast as the ocean, as heavy as a mountain, and as solid as divine iron!

So Jiang Tian can only be a fake elixir!

The fake elixir facing the golden elixir is like a three-year-old baby facing a prehistoric giant, it is completely vulnerable!

What's more, they still have immortal weapons!

At this time, few people thought Jiang Tian would be Shen Tiege's opponent!

"Immortal weapon? It's almost a fire!"

In the field, Jiang Tian sneered.

This Fangtian Painted Halberd is certainly good, but it can only be regarded as a top-grade spiritual treasure, and is still far from a real immortal weapon.

You know, real immortal weapons are usually refined through the blood essence and blood sacrifice of the tribulation monks!

How can this kind of magic weapon refined by the golden elixir monks be considered an immortal weapon? It can only be said that the people in Tianxing Small World are too short-sighted.

"Killing you is enough!"

Shen Tiege's eyes were as deep as stars, and his black hair was flying like a waterfall.

His fighting spirit surged like a tide, and he moved forward indomitably, walking through the air, and Fang Tian drew his halberd across Jiang Tian's chest.

The phantom of the real dragon on Fang Tian's painted halberd was very condensed, as if it were real. Thunder flashed between its teeth and claws.

These lightnings were transformed by the souls of wronged souls, and were mixed with true essence and energy. A single blast of lightning could kill a strong man in the late stage of foundation building.

Shen Tiege moved between heaven and earth at extremely fast speeds. In the blink of an eye, he covered a distance of hundreds of meters and arrived in front of Jiang Tian.

He wanted Fangtian Painting Halberd to pierce Jiang Tian's chest, destroy his body, and refine his soul!

"Get out! You are not qualified to fight with me!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were contemptuous and indifferent. When Fang Tian's painted halberd was about to come closer, he flicked his finger.

"This guy is so arrogant!"

"Yes, this is an immortal weapon. Even the strong ones with the golden elixir dare to use it with all their strength. Even the strong ones with the golden elixir dare not confront the enemy head-on!"

Many people present exclaimed in surprise, shaking their heads secretly, with a bit of contempt on their faces, thinking that Jiang Tian was being too trusting.

But the next moment.

Everyone's eyes nearly popped out, and their expressions turned into complete shock and disbelief.

Jiang Tian flicked out his finger, and the vast true energy finger light spread across the sky like a giant pillar!

boom! A loud sound.

The real dragon's shadow shattered, and Fang Tian's painted halberd exploded in the air like it was made of tofu.

The golden finger light continued unabated, like a high-speed train, hitting Shen Tiege's chest heavily.

"How can this be!"

Shen Tiege exclaimed, with a horrified expression on his face. He stepped into the air continuously and retreated like a meteor.


"Block it!"

In the midst of the violent shouting, many of his body-protecting magical powers were activated, and the defensive magic weapons exploded continuously, trying to block Jiang Tian's finger light.

But Jiang Tian's finger light is no longer what it used to be. It is powerful, heavy as a mountain, and its speed far exceeds the sound barrier.

Bang bang bang!

Muffled sounds erupted like thunder, and earth-shattering explosions set off torrential waves of air that spread in all directions.

Under Jiang Tian's finger light, Shen Tiege's many protective magic weapons and magical powers were shattered one after another like paper.

Shen Tiege's face was in pain, his body was shaking violently, and he was about to die in the next moment.

At this critical moment, a strange-shaped magic weapon shot out and blocked Jiang Tian's finger light.

But Shen Tiege was still blown hundreds of meters away, smashing several giant pillars of Qingqiu Palace into pieces, and rolled into the palace in embarrassment.

The whole place was dead silent!

The huge Qingqiu Mountain, with a radius of more than ten miles, was completely silent, and you could hear a needle drop.

All the people present were stunned, and no one could say a word.

Everyone looked at Jiang Tian standing in the sky with confusion, shock, inquiry, fear, and disbelief, as if they were seeing a demon.

"One finger defeats the golden elixir!"

"And he's a powerful golden elixir wielding a supreme immortal weapon!"

"Jiang Taichu must have surpassed Jin Dan!"

It took a full five seconds for everyone to come back to their senses, and there was a burst of whispering and discussion.

Everyone's evaluation of Jiang Tian was wildly refreshed again, and they were so shocked that they were almost numb!

"In the earth world, the spiritual energy is exhausted and the inheritance is cut off. When did such a terrifying existence appear?"

"Moreover, he is less than thirty years old now. How much cultivation will he have if he waits another ten or a hundred years?"

"This desire to destroy is completely blind. When did they build the second floor of the foundation?"

Everyone's hearts were in turmoil, and their bodies were shaking wildly.

Everyone looked in disbelief. They didn't believe it, as if they had seen a ghost, and they complained crazily about destroying desire.

"I really made a mistake! His Qi condensation skills are so superb!"

Mie Yu came to his senses completely and his face turned red with embarrassment.

Defeat the golden elixir with one finger!

That is clearly a strength above the Golden Pill, and it is already beyond the reach of the Explosive Yuan Pill!

Previously, Jiang Tian's performance on the second level of Foundation Establishment could only be due to one reason!

That's because Jiang Tian's Qi Lian technique is superb, or his true energy is so thick that it's unbelievable.

At this time, everyone realized that regardless of whether Jiang Tian was a golden elixir or not, he had the power to kill the golden elixir!

How terrible!

I don’t know how many people were scared to death and trembling!

"You bastard! I'm going to cut you into pieces!"

Shen Tiege's heart guard was broken, his body was stained with blood, his hair was disheveled, and his handsome face was covered with black ash.

He rushed out of Qingqiu Palace again in embarrassment, gnashing his teeth and glaring at Jiang Tian with overwhelming hatred.

He couldn't stand this frustration!

He finally broke through to the golden elixir and wanted to kill Jiang Tian to become famous and become a blockbuster!

However, Jiang Tian broke the immortal weapon with one finger and flew hundreds of meters away like a dead dog!

He became a complete joke!

"Shen Tiege, stand back! Today, I will personally kill this beast for my master!"

Li Longyuan took back the Dao Qi Sect magic weapon.

It is a tree of stars that shines brightly.

There are seven branches on it, and at the top of each branch there is a star-like ball, arranged in the order of the Big Dipper, emitting thousands of clear rays, with an aura that commands the stars.

"The Big Dipper Tree, this is the magical weapon used by the Shengtian Cult Leader back then to overwhelm the Golden Pill Immortal and frighten the Heavenly Star Realm!"

"I didn't expect that Li Longyuan would even use such magic weapons in order to kill this earthly ant!"

When Cang Songzi saw this, a look of shock appeared on his face, his eyes were hot, greedy and envious, and he swallowed a few mouthfuls of spit.

Then he regained his sense of superiority and looked at Jiang Tiandao proudly:

"Jiang Taichu, Jiang Taichu, Palace Master Li personally took action and used such a powerful magic weapon. This time, you are dead! It is no exaggeration to say that killing you is like killing a chicken!"

Seeing that Li Longyuan was about to take action, Zeng Hongyuan, Shen Tiege, Chu Yonghui and others all let out a long sigh of relief.

"Master, please take action to suppress the evil spirits!"

"My mentor has great talents and great strategies. He has unified the stars for thousands of years. Killing Jiang Taichu is like killing a chicken and a dog!"

"The monks from the Earth Realm are like insects, unable to pass a single move in front of the Palace Master!"

Many disciples of Tianxing Palace were shocked, and then they bowed down deeply to Li Longyuan, with a flood of flattery and flattery.

"Master finally took action!"

"Master is our great savior!"

Some were even so excited that they burst into tears and cried loudly.

Tianxing Small World has formed a structure similar to a political power, and Tianxing Palace is like a court.

Li Yongyuan is also mean and ungrateful. If he wants to do well in Tianxing Palace, flattering is the basic skill.

But at the same time, Li Longyuan is indeed an amazingly talented person. He was the first strong man to break through to the golden elixir after many formations collapsed and the spiritual energy was imbalanced. He is also very good at cultivating personality, so much so that these disciples respect him as a god. generally.

"Jiang Taichu, even if you have a golden elixir cultivation level, I'm afraid you are only on the first or second level! How can you be Palace Master Li's opponent?"

Zeng Hongyuan was originally too frightened by Jiang Tian to show his face, but at this moment, he regained the feeling of showing off his power.

"Jiang Taichu, if Senior Li takes action, you are dead today, haha!"

At the edge of the square, Chu Yonghui also laughed happily.

The fighting power that Jiang Tian just unleashed was truly astonishing. If Li Longyuan cherished his reputation and didn't take action, everyone would be in bad luck today.

Because everyone could see that Jiang Tian was really angry and wanted to go on a killing spree. It would be a bloody massacre.

But so what!

Once Li Yongyuan takes action, everything will be rewritten!

After all, he is a strong person at the third level of Golden Core!

Chu Yonghui gritted his teeth and coldly snorted: "Do you really think that there is no one in our Heavenly Star Realm?"

"Do you really think you, an ant from the earth world, can walk around here?"

Chu Yonghui looked up to the sky and laughed, his eyes showing the madness that he was about to get revenge.

Not only him, but everyone present felt reassured and resumed their previous disdain and contempt for Jiang Tian.

Indeed, Jiang Taichu is very strong!

Especially those who are able to rise up in the earth world, a wasteland lacking in spiritual energy, cultivate a golden elixir, and be able to refine the demonic energy into the body. He is an amazingly talented and beautiful person, and can be said to be a genius rarely seen in thousands of years!

But the slightest difference in cultivation can make a huge difference! Talent cannot make up for it!

After all, Li Longyuan has been practicing for hundreds of years and has already reached the third level of the golden elixir. Even if Jiang Tian reaches the second level of the golden elixir, he is no match for him!


Jiang Tian flicked his fingers.

With a snap, a finger pierced through!

Chu Yonghui's head exploded, scattering red and white stuff, and the headless body fell to the ground on its back.

"You really think I can't kill you? I just forgot about you ant, but your roar reminded me!"

Jiang Tian chuckled calmly.

Originally, the reason why he didn't kill the Chu family father and daughter was to regain the great demon Bai Ze!

Now that the goal has been achieved, what are they left to do?

"Ahhh! Daddy-! You died so miserably!"

Chu Yunxiu was suddenly stunned, and then she cried loudly while holding her father's headless body, but she did not dare to insult Jiang Tian.

Because Jiang Tian is just like Jiang Tian said.

It's not that Jiang Tian can't kill them, it's just that they are too weak and Jiang Tian is too lazy to pay attention to them.

"Is it difficult? Then I will let you go, and you can die too!"

Jiang Tian flicked his fingers and shot towards Chu Yunxiu with another finger light.

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