Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 956: Defeated Li Longyuan in one move and stepped on him

"Jiang Taichu, do you think I don't exist?"

Li Longyuan shouted loudly, pointed the star tree in his hand, and a bright starburst erupted, deflecting Jiang Tian's finger.


The golden finger light hit the ground and exploded. The field of life and death shook violently, creating a huge pit with a radius of 100 meters.

“Quack, quack, quack—!”

Chu Yunxiu was so frightened that she couldn't even cry. She covered her mouth and didn't dare to speak.


At this time, she was sweating profusely, her teeth were chattering like a machine gun, and her whole body was shaking like chaff.

If that finger light had hit me just now, I might not even be left with any scum left.

"Jiang Taichu, I am here and will not allow you to kill people randomly!"

Li Longyuan shouted with cold eyes.

The Star Realm is his world, and he is like an emperor.

The people here are his subjects!

He can kill, but Jiang Tian is absolutely not allowed to kill!

"Tch, you are a tyrant, a single man in the world, and you are pretending to be a wise saint! Damn you!"

Jiang Tian smiled disdainfully, then glanced at everyone and mocked:

"It's too early for you to be happy. Do you think I'm really no match for this old man like Li Longyuan?"

"Are you happy too early?"

Li Longyuan looked angry and sneered:

"Jiang Taichu, you are indeed a very talented person. You are even the most talented person in the earth for thousands of years! If you wait another ten years, you may not be able to surpass me, Li Longyuan!"

He looked at Jiang Tian with disdain:

"I have said that you should never do it. When your cultivation level was still shallow, you provoked the small world of Tianxing and offended our generation of immortal cultivators! If I kill you now, it will be like killing a chicken!"

"Today, I will cut you into pieces and refine your soul for a hundred years, so as to declare to the earth world the consequences of defying my heavenly star world! I will also avenge my beloved son who died tragically!"

As soon as he said these words, his murderous intent suddenly became overwhelming.

The Big Dipper tree in your hand is like a sacred tree that opens up the vast mist and opens up all the heavens and realms, blooming with thousands of radiances.

Suddenly, the vast starry sky was filled with bright stars, and the vision of the Big Dipper appeared behind it.

The starlight like water waves seemed bright and peaceful, but it contained endless murderous intent and was moving towards Jiang Tian.

Visions are originally a kind of existence that far exceeds the sword strokes, sword intentions, and sword radiance.

Some are exotic beasts and birds of prey, some are divine objects and gods, some are mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, and some are stars and bright moons, but they are extremely difficult to cultivate.

The strange phenomena of the Big Dipper are of unfathomable power!

Three hundred years ago, Li Longyuan used this vision to wipe out thousands of monks and great demons. He was invincible and overwhelmed the small world of Tianxing. No one could take the lead.

"This, once shot, is a sure kill!"

Seeing this, Mie Yu's face changed wildly and he couldn't believe it.

"Too cruel!"

Ding Lie's face turned pale, his heart pounded, he clenched his fists and sweated for Jiang Tian.

The vision of the Big Dipper was passed down from the hands of the leader of the Holy Sky.

But many people believe that Lord Shengtian may not be the true creator, but was created by an ancient power.

This set of exercises is by no means unfounded, it is extremely powerful. It is said that this set of exercises can tear the sky and the earth apart, destroy mountains, and destroy giant cities when practiced to the extreme.

Over the past hundreds of years, countless great demons, demons, and clan leaders were no match for them, and were easily killed, destroyed, and even ground into powder.

Ding Lie once saw with his own eyes that Li Longyuan killed a rebellious and fake elixir master with just one starlight.

"Brother Jiang, be careful!"

Ding Lingdang also lost her beauty and shouted in the distance, but it was too far away and Jiang Tian might not be able to hear it at all.

Clang, clang, clang!

The Big Dipper is like a planet rotating. It is very real. You can even see mountains and hills on it. It is as bright as jade and its light is soft.

One after another, like feathers, like steel needles, or like starlight like broken crystals, they are crystal clear, and there is a faint sonorous sound coming out.

The stars were shining one after another, and wherever they passed, the void twisted and trembled, as if it was about to collapse and annihilate.

On the hard ground of the Square of Life and Death, terrifying cracks appeared, half a meter wide.

Cracks were like spider webs, covering the entire square in an instant. Even the huge bamboo peaks trembled violently, as if they could not withstand the pressure.

"Quickly retreat!"

Even if he didn't directly bear the pressure of the starlight, he was just affected.

Shen Tiege, Cang Songzi, Mie Yu and other sect master city lord-level experts all felt that their bodies were about to be torn apart, their magical powers were suppressed tightly, and their consciousness was almost wiped out.

They were extremely uncomfortable and retreated towards Qingqiu Hall.

The starlight shines brightly through the void hundreds of meters away, and its terrifying power has spread to other mountain peaks.

A strong Foundation Builder was pierced by a tiny ray of starlight, and his body immediately exploded and turned into a rain of flesh.

In a matter of seconds, in just one breath, those starlights were about to spread to the top of Jiang Tian's head, piercing and shrouding him.

"Haha, you are just a person with a golden elixir cultivation level, but you can also imitate other people's Nascent Soul powerhouses to evolve strange phenomena, how dare you think about it!"

At this moment, a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of Jiang Tian's mouth, and he took action boldly.

Boom! There was a loud noise that shook for ten kilometers.

Jiang Tianzhen's energy exploded, and the Xuanshui Qinglong body appeared.

Suddenly, a mighty green dragon that was one kilometer long appeared behind Jiang Tian.

The domineering figure of Qinglong was surrounded by black water. Dazzling lightning burst out and shone, thunder exploded, and the area turned into a sea of ​​black water and thunder and lightning!

Suddenly, a huge coercion spread out in all directions, smoke and dust billowed, and the ground shook, making everyone unbearable and terrified.

"This, what is this?"

"A blue dragon?"

"Is it also a vision? Or is it the condensation of true energy?"

Everyone felt like it was difficult to breathe. Even the fake elixir masters could not withstand the terrible pressure. They were suppressed to the point where their bones rattled and their internal organs seemed to be crushed.


Soon enough, the huge green dragon's scales were fierce, and its huge eyes were full of fierce light. He bared his teeth and claws, opened his bloody mouth, roared, and sucked in the many stars.

Click, click, click!

Under the Qinglong's breath, water-like starlight, sharp starlight, and even seven planets were vulnerable to a single blow and collapsed in an instant.

The green dragon is like a whale swallowing a cow, swallowing many starlight planets in one gulp.

" is this possible!"

Li Longyuan's face changed wildly, he was dumbfounded, staggered, and almost fell from the sky.

He came up with the most powerful killing move. He originally thought he could wipe out Jiang Tian in an instant, but he never expected that Jiang Tian transformed into the body of Qinglong Xuanshui and swallowed him alive, which caught him off guard.

There was a dead silence in the whole place, everyone was dumbfounded and couldn't believe it.

This green dragon is simply terrifying! It can actually annihilate the starlight and swallow the strange phenomena of the Big Dipper!

"Die to me!"

Jiang Tian invoked the magic formula and used his magical power. The Qinglong Xuanshui Divine Body suddenly violently shot out, bursting out with endless power.


Xuanshui Qinglong's giant claws with a radius of ten meters covered the sky, and with crackling thunder and Xuanshui, it struck Li Longyuan heavily.

"You can't kill me!"

Li Longyuan roared angrily, and the Big Dipper tree in his hand showed ripples of starlight, rising into the sky, emitting endless power, annihilating pieces of space, and seemed to be able to lift the sky.


The scaly green dragon's giant claw hit the Big Dipper tree, and suddenly, destructive power erupted.

The mighty black water and lightning smashed and annihilated the space of hundreds of meters in radius, forming a vacuum, and violent airflow poured in from all directions.

Suddenly, Zeng Hongyuan, Shen Tiege, Mie Yu and Cang Songzi seemed to be attracted by the black hole and couldn't help but fly inside.

They used many magical powers and secret techniques to barely stabilize themselves after flying more than ten meters.

But some monks with lower cultivation levels were not so lucky. After being sucked into that space, they were crushed and torn to pieces.


The Big Dipper tree was suspended in mid-air, trembling crazily. After barely holding on for three breaths, it suddenly made a crisp sound, terrifying cracks appeared, and then collapsed miserably.


The green dragon's giant claws slammed down wildly, and Li Longyuan's protective body shattered in the wind. From a height of hundreds of meters, it hit the ground heavily, smashing the solid square into a huge deep pit with a radius of about ten meters.

The body that was said to be immortal for thousands of years was actually torn apart, with broken bones and tendons, and blood flowing profusely.

In the deep pit, his brocade robe was torn, his face was gray, his hair was disheveled, he was in a miserable state, and he kept coughing up blood and moaning.

He slowly resisted, but was suppressed and entangled by Qinglong's mysterious water aura and thunder and lightning, unable to even move his fingers.


"Li Yongyuan was defeated!"

Mie Yu, Cang Songzi, Shen Tiege, Zeng Hongyuan, and many other sect masters and city masters felt their hearts pounding, and they were all stunned and in disbelief.

"Li Longyuan can't even withstand a single move, can't even resist a real immortal weapon?"

"What kind of cultivation level does Jiang Taichu have?"

Everyone was dumbfounded. A cold air rose from the bottom of their hearts and went straight to the sky along their spines. Their whole bodies felt as cold as falling into an ice cellar.

"No matter what his cultivation level is, at least his combat power has reached the middle stage of Golden Core!"

Mie Yu's eyes almost popped out, his scalp was numb, and his head was buzzing as he thought it was going to explode!

Today, her impression of Jiang Tian was refreshed again and again by the cruel reality!

From a cripple who has lost all his cultivation, to a fake elixir, to a golden elixir, and then to the middle stage of the golden elixir, he has made rapid progress all the way up to 90,000 miles, which seems to be endless.

Now, she even had a feeling that made her look up from a high mountain, overlooking the bottomless abyss, which was unfathomable and unable to see through Jiang Tian!

Chu Yunxiu was also dumbfounded, her beautiful eyes almost bulged out, and her pretty face was full of disbelief.

I just feel that Jiang Tian is like an ancient giant with the eternal blue sky above his head and endless time under his feet. He can tear the sky with one hand and smash the Star Continent to pieces with one punch!

"Li Longyuan, didn't you say that killing me is like killing a chicken? Aren't you very strong? Come on, come on, get up and fight me!"

Jiang Tian took the Qinglong Xuanshui Divine Physique back to his Dantian, then looked down at Li Longyuan with disdain and said calmly.

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