Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 963: Kill Li Longyuan and become the ruler of the sky star

"Mie Yu, I won't kill you! But you will never escape your punishment!"

Jiang Tiancai didn't bother to pay attention to their shock, and looked at Mie Yu calmly, setting the tone!

"Although you are not a treacherous person, your personality is too extreme and stubborn, arrogant and cold, and you lack the overall perspective!"

Jiang Tian stood with his hands behind his hands, his eyes cold and authentic.

"You slap your own lips for thirty years as a warning. From now on, you need to remember that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world!"

"Disciple knows his mistake!"

At this moment, Mie Yu was convinced. He knelt on the ground, raised his hand, and slapped himself.

At this time, Jiang Tian finally lowered his eyes, looked at Li Longyuan mockingly, and said coldly:

"Li Longyuan, this battle is all because of you. If you and Tianxing Palace hadn't coveted the Earth Realm, I wouldn't have come here! Nor would so many people have died! Today, you must die!"

"Jiang Taichu, the laws of nature are cyclical, and retribution is not good. You have caused a bloody storm today, and you will definitely receive retribution!"

At this time, Li Longyuan knew that he would definitely not survive today, so he risked his life.

He laughed ferociously, his blood-stained face twisted ferociously like an evil ghost, mercilessly killing the hatred!


Ding Lie stepped forward, kicked him on the head, and said in a cold voice: "When you killed people, set fire to people, and oppressed good people, why didn't you talk about retribution?"

He kicked it down one by one and shouted angrily:

"Why didn't you talk about retribution when you went around killing people and stealing magic weapons?"

"How many crimes have you committed, including killing three-year-old children and Taoist monks! How many orphans and widows have you left behind!"

"What you've ended up with now is the retribution for the evil you killed back then!"

"Have you finished the fight?"

On the contrary, Li Longyuan seemed very calm and said calmly:

"You idiots! You don't even know the crisis that exists now!"

"The small world of Tianxing is no longer good. It will collapse in three hundred years! I am searching for heavenly materials and earthly treasures not for myself, but to be promoted to the third-level small world and for us to have a new place to live!"

"I don't think I did anything wrong now! Speaking of which, I am just a winner and a loser!"

Hearing this, Jiang Tian smiled and said nothing.

There is no need to pay attention to this idiot.

Besides, is he really doing it for Tianxing Little World? He is just doing it for himself!

"Jiang Taichu, don't laugh, don't be proud!"

Li Longyuan looked at Jiang Tiandao mockingly:

"The small world of Tianxing is just a fourth-level hidden door space. There are three-level hidden doors and the Dragon Gate World above it, as well as many second-level hidden doors, and the Supreme Immortal Ruins! There are clouds of golden elixirs and even strong Yueying Nascent Souls there. By!"

He laughed heartily and said coldly:

"There is a space shuttle formation that has come to the Star Realm! They come to inspect it every once in a while!"

"Moreover, they already knew that there was a strong man rising in the earth world, and they had already decided to kill him! Counting on it, they will be here soon!"

"When the time comes, they will discover your existence and that you occupy the small world of Tianxing. You will die miserably! They will crush you like ants!"

He yelled crazily:

"Jiang Taichu, Jiang Taichu! Cherish this time, because you won't live for a few more days! When the powerful men of the Immortal Ruins are dispatched, that will be the day you fall! Hahaha!"

He glanced ferociously at the monks around him and roared:

"And you, for betraying the Immortal Ruins and surrendering to an earthly ant, you will also be completely liquidated by the Immortal Ruins—"


Jiang Tian snorted coldly, and his soul-devouring consciousness exploded.

It surged out like black tentacles and swallowed his soul.

"Ouch! I won't give in. I am an eternal wizard! I am an eternal wise king!"

Li Longyuan screamed miserably, like a resentful ghost, but suddenly his eyes turned white and became dull, and his soul had been taken away.

At the same time, green light flashed on Jiang Tian's body, and the whirling sacred tree exploded.

Green branches stretched out like ghost hands and eagle claws, scratching his Dantian, and grabbed a brilliant golden elixir.

Bang bang bang!

He also plundered all the stored magic weapons and magic weapons and put them into the Sky-Swallowing Demon Gourd.

Finally, purple lightning flashed in Jiang Tian's eyes.

Two lightning bolts of electric pythons as thick as arms surged out, beating Li Longyuan to a crisp.

There was dead silence.

Everyone was stunned and felt heavy in their hearts!

Li Yongyuan is dead!

Everyone realized that Li Yongyuan's era had come to an end, completely over!

"True Immortal, we are willing to submit to the command of Jiang Shangxian and do the work of dogs and horses!"

"From now on, the entire Heavenly Star Realm will respect True Immortal Jiang, but no one dares to obey orders!"

"You are the co-resident of the stars, the ruler of this world!"



Taoist Kunling, Yuan Zihua and Master Kuhai all rushed to kowtow down, kowtowing like pounding garlic.

When the three super giants knelt down, the others reacted with excitement and knelt down in unison.

"Chen Qixuan, the leader of Tianlang Sect, pays homage to Jiang Zhenxian!"

"We are willing to respect Master Jiang and become the new master of the Heavenly Star Realm!"

One by one, the sect leaders, city lords, religious leaders, and monks knelt down in obeisance.

For a moment, like wheat blown down by a hurricane, a moment later, the entire Qingqiu Mountain, tens of thousands of monks, all knelt down and surrendered, fearing that they would be judged on the spot by Jiang Tian if they were a step too late.

Nowadays, Jiang Tian's strength is beyond their ability to predict, and it makes them stand tall in admiration!

After losing two golden elixirs in a row, even the Demon King Jie Ying surrendered!

Nowadays, I am afraid that except for the huge Immortal Ruins, not many people in the second and third level small worlds can do anything to him.

Such a strong man, as the master of the small world of Tianxing, no one would not surrender.

On the mountain peak further away, looking at those stomping feet, the veteran Jindan and the sect master city master all knelt down and surrendered to Jiang Tian. Everyone felt that what they saw today was more exciting than what they had seen in their entire lives!

Everyone realizes that an era has ended, but a new era has begun!

This battle has a far-reaching impact and completely rewrites the history of the Star Realm!

It will definitely cause huge waves, and even affect the entire Hidden Sect Secret Realm and the pattern of many dimensional worlds!

"One person dominates the world! I didn't expect that he actually completed it!"

In the crowd, Chu Yunxiu's pretty face was full of astonishment, she couldn't believe it, everything felt so unreal.

Many scenes of her acquaintance with Jiang Tianchu flashed before her eyes like a revolving lantern. Every time Jiang Tian made a bold statement, she thought it was nonsense, and her impression of this person became worse and worse.

In fact, because of her preconceived belief that no one in the Earth Realm could ever challenge the Heavenly Star Realm, even if Jiang Tian showed his strength, she firmly believed that Jiang Tian would not win. She first sought refuge with Bai Ze, and then tried to seek refuge with the Heavenly Star Palace. One wrong move, and in the end, you will be completely doomed.

At this moment, thinking of her repeated offenses before, she couldn't help but be horrified, her face turned pale, and the strong regret in her heart was rising and falling, and even if she poured out all the rivers and seas, she couldn't wash it away.

After all, when Jiang Tian first came to this world, he was like a duckweed without roots. The first thing he wanted to do was to find allies and supporters.

Moreover, Jiang Tian's ultimate goal is the Immortal Ruins, and Jiang Tian does not want to live here forever. These supporters will also become Jiang Tian's agents in this world.

The first big force that Jiang Tian came to visit was Yujing Feng. If she had a keen eye for pearls, her current status would be so lofty, she would be inferior to one person and above ten thousand people.

But her mood didn't last long.

Jiang Tian glanced at him.

"Well, it's quite fresh. I haven't been thinking about this girl for a day or two anymore!"

The old dragon rushed forward, opened his bloody mouth, and swallowed her alive amidst her shrill screams.

Her death did not even attract the slightest attention from others.

After all, she is just a nobody.

And in the distant sky, Fairy Miaoyi's pretty face has complex emotions, and the taste in her beautiful eyes is difficult to understand, maybe a little bit of shock, joy, frustration, and bitterness.

"His lover...the lover in the earth world, how lucky he is to have the opportunity to be with him!"

But in the end, all her countless emotions turned into a sigh.

Such Jiang Tian, ​​who dares to challenge the Five True Immortals and the Hundreds of High Immortals by one person, who can conquer an entire world by himself, is not what she should have imagined, nor is she worthy of it!

She threw away all illusions and was just very envious of Jiang Tian's lover whom she had never met before.

Because Jiang Tian is not only powerful, but he is not like other monks who, in the name of Taoism, are heartless, ruthless, or go to the other extreme to be overly sentimental.

Jiang Tian's love for Zhao Xueqing is as deep as the sea.

"Brother Jiang wins!"

But Ding Lingdang was beaming with joy, cheering and jumping up and down, the bells on her wrists and ankles jingling.

"Win! Finally win!"

The cute and cute Qiao Yingluo was so happy that she burst into tears and her voice choked up.

"As Jiang Zhenxian's little brother, if I go to Chunxiang Tower to play, it should be free. Haha!"

The smelly monkey was so excited that he somersaulted several times and almost fell off the cliff.

"Ahem! Monkey, don't be embarrassed, okay! In this situation, you must be upright!"

Jiang Yunhe coughed lightly to remind him, feeling very happy in his heart.

Although he and Jiang Tian had never known each other before, he never betrayed Jiang Tian again.

"No... Come on He'er, pinch me and let me see if I'm dreaming!"

Jiang Haishan couldn't believe it at this moment.

He knew that he made the right bet this time and made a lot of money. Jiang Tian would definitely clean up a group of people and re-employ a group of people soon.

But there are too few people who follow Jiang Tian loyally from beginning to end, and there are too few people available. He is at least the lord of a giant city!

At this time, thousands of sects surrendered, and the Jindan True Immortal knelt down.

Jiang Tian put his hands behind his back and glanced at the group of heroes, especially the three veteran Jindan.

"Xiao Bai, these three veteran Jindan were once your disciples, and they betrayed you. Whether to kill or retain them, you make the decision!"

Jiang Tian said calmly.

Bai Ze's face flashed with vicissitudes of life and complexity, as if thinking of the past, he was also a little angry, a little sad and regretful.

Finally, he took a deep breath, clasped his fists respectfully and said:

"My lord, you are the master of this continent now. It is up to you to make the decision on this matter! Everything should be based on the overall situation. Personal grudges are just small matters."

"Xiao Bai, you have a good sense of the overall situation!"

Jiang Tian patted his shoulder, his mind made up, and his sharp eyes fell on the three veteran Jindan.

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