Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 964: Attack the heart first, completely enslave

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

Originally, he could kill these three golden elixir true immortals, refine and absorb their golden elixirs, and rapidly improve his cultivation level.

But after all, they did not have a life-and-death feud with Jiang Tian, ​​nor were they the masterminds behind attacking the earth and plotting against Jiang Tian. Therefore, in the end, Jiang Tian chose not to kill them, but to use them for the time being.

"Want to surrender?"

Jiang Tian looked at the many powerful Celestial Stars and said calmly:

"Yes, but I don't worry. You have to make a soul contract with me!"

Although Yanjing Qin Zhong and other martial arts families surrendered at first, in the end, under the coercion and inducement of Tianxing Palace, they still surrendered to the Tianxing Realm and became their enemies.

Jiang Tian would not make a second mistake.

"I'm willing!"

The three golden elixir true immortals agreed without hesitation. Other strong men also bowed their heads and kowtowed.

Although they knew that Jiang Tian's black consciousness was surprisingly terrifying and powerful, and once they entered into a soul contract, they would surrender to Jiang Tian for life, but at this moment, they had no other choice.

Whoosh whoosh!

Hoo ho ho!

Jiang Tian's divine consciousness exploded, and the black and sticky soul-devouring consciousness danced in the air like tentacles. Hundreds of them branched out and entered the minds of hundreds of strong men at the leader and city lord level, leaving behind a clone of the soul-devouring consciousness.

"The leaders of Tianxing Palace and the three major sects and the giant city level come to Tianxing Palace to meet me!"

"Other small forces can come and watch the ceremony. There are some things I need to tell you to wait for!"

Jiang Tian stepped into the air and flew towards Tianxing Palace. The great demon Bai Ze immediately followed him.

Tianxing Palace is even more magnificent than Qingqiu Mountain, like the palace of the Immortal Family, with dazzling light, spiritual energy forming mist, and precious light filling the air.

The next day.

In the Yaoguang Hall, Jiang Tian stood high on the dragon chair on the stage, looking down at the audience majestically like a majestic immortal emperor.

Behind him, Ye Tianren, Great Demon Bai Ze, Jiang Haishan, Ding Lie, Ding Lingdang, Qiao Yingluo, Qiao Bashan, Jiang Yunhe and others stood respectfully.

"I'll wait to see Jiang Zhenxian!"

"See the Lord of the Stars!"

Under the stage, many sect leaders and city lords, led by the three golden elixir true immortals, knelt on the ground with nervous faces and did not dare to say a word.

Many family owners, gangs, and sect leaders who were watching the ceremony on the outside, such as Hongtian mercenaries, Feihong bounty hunter leaders, and others, were filled with emotion in their hearts.

Previously, the Tianxing Palace, the three major sects, and the four major cities were as high in their hearts as gods suppressing the continent.

Now, these veteran Jindan True Immortals all worship Jiang Tian, ​​completely subverting their perceptions.

Jiang Tianxian sacrificed a boat-shaped magical weapon, which was dozens of meters long.

"This is this?" Everyone was surprised.

This ship-shaped magic weapon is made of unknown metals and crystals, but it has a brilliant glow and is filled with rays of light. It is densely covered with Dao patterns and talismans. It is definitely extraordinary at first glance!

"I found this from Li Longyuan's palace!"

Jiang Tian smiled faintly and snorted:

"This is a space shuttle spacecraft that Li Longyuan spent countless resources to build!"

"Over the years, he has been plundering this world, but in fact it is not for the safety of the small world of Tianxing. Those rhetoric and grand blueprint are just to fool you!"

"He wants to escape, leave this world alone, and reach the Immortal Ruins! Or even further! And you can only stay here and wait to die!"

Later, Jiang Tian pulled out a piece of memory from Li Longyuan's soul and presented it to everyone using the magical power of "concentrating the image".

It was the scene of him and Li Qingxuan conspiring.

In fact, Li Longyuan did not think about completely rectifying those broken formations.

Those are just his names. His plan is to leave this continent that is about to collapse with Qingxuan Daozi.

"This little beast! He even deceived me!"

Before he finished reading, Yuan Zixuan cursed loudly and was filled with righteous indignation.

"Then Jiang Zhenxian, what will be done with this spaceship?"

Master Kuhai asked with a smile.

Who doesn’t want to go to the Immortal Ruins? I heard that it is the real holy land for cultivation!

Moreover, this continent can indeed only support three hundred years, and it will completely fall apart by then!

Jiang Tian also wanted to go to the Immortal Ruins. Jiang Tian must leave this spaceship and wait for the right time to fly to the Immortal Ruins.


With a snap of his fingers, Jiang Tian smashed the spacecraft into pieces, and many crystals and precious gold were scattered like clods of soil.

"Jiang Zhenxian!"


Everyone exclaimed.

Master Kuhai looked even more regretful. Jiang Tian had ruined his only chance to escape.

"Why? Don't you even understand this? A bunch of idiots!"

Bai Ze shouted angrily:

"Even if this spaceship can be used, how many people can it take away? One, two? It can hold ten people to death!"

"We are gone. What will happen to the tens of millions of people and millions of monsters in this world? Are they waiting to die?"

His eyes were red, he wiped his tears and said, "Master Jiang is telling us with practical actions that he will work with everyone to govern the small world of Tianxing and save millions of living beings!"

"That's right!"

Jiang Tian said calmly:

"Resources have been exhausted. It will take at least five hundred years of hard work to build another spaceship like this!"

"I have cut off everyone's thoughts, and I will also cut off your thoughts. Everyone on this continent can only survive if they manage this continent well! Escape is impossible!"

"I see!"

"Jiang Zhenxian's mind and courage really make us admire him!"

The three veteran Golden Pills sighed to themselves and knelt down one after another, full of reverence!

"Jiang Zhenxian, we are willing to work together, the demon race and the human race to work together to save this world!"

Everyone was moved to tears and knelt down one after another.

Look at this state of affairs!

Can Li Yongyuan compare?

He is a human being from the earth world, but his mind is vaster and broader than the Milky Way and the starry sky!

Remember the Heavenly Star Realm!

I had a chance to escape, but I didn't!

"My master, the eldest brother, is so sinister and shameless! Perhaps this is the necessary condition for becoming a master!"

Bai Ze touched his chin on the side and said to himself that Jiang Zhenxian's deception skills were also first-rate!

I wore his little clothes back then, and I haven't taken them off yet!

Now, he has put on small clothes for the entire top management of Tianxing Small World.

In fact, he and Jiang Tian discovered this spaceship together!

However, they unanimously concluded based on their rich experience in refining weapons.

The material of this spaceship is good, but Li Longyuan's weapon refining skills are mediocre, and he wastes all natural resources and damages the spacecraft.

There is no way to cross space!

And there is no possibility of repair and reuse!

If it works, Jiang Tian and Bai Ze, who has always dreamed of conquering the sea of ​​stars, may be the first to drive away!

It's useless if Jiang Tian doesn't smash it!

But at this time, Jiang Tian combined Li Longyuan's memory and acted like this just to win over people's hearts!

After all, Jiang Tian's soul-swallowing method is not completely unbreakable. Maybe the old monster Yuanying can break it!

Only by completely conquering their psychology can we ensure that they will never betray.

Just smashing a piece of waste made them so moved and so loyal, Jiang Tian was quite satisfied.

Sometimes it’s like this, it’s better to attack the heart!

Slavery is from the heart!

"The Earth Realm is the homeland of Immortal Ruins and many hidden sects and secret realms. Tens of thousands of years ago, we were one family! You all need to be respectful and affectionate."

After Jiang Tian became the master, he issued the first order and said calmly:

"From now on, you are not allowed to offend the Earth Realm in the slightest, but you must take it as your duty to defend the Earth Realm!"

As soon as Jiang Tian finished speaking!

"This is what it should be. I strongly opposed it at the beginning and even criticized the little beast Li Longyuan for attacking the earth world many times. But I didn't expect that after I fell asleep, he would still mess around! He really deserves to be cut into pieces!"

Taoist Master Kunling was the first to stand up, showing due indignation.

"We will definitely respect Jiang Zhenxian's instructions and implement them unswervingly!"

Yuan Zihua and Master Kuhai also quickly expressed their stance.

"The traditions of many sects such as Tianxing Palace, Giant Sword Sect, and Demon-Suppressing Temple all come from Demon King Bai Ze. In the final analysis, they belong to Shengtian Sect!"

Jiang Tian said slowly:

"You should not forget your ancestors and betray your master, let alone start another dispute with the demon clan!"

"From now on, the human race and the demon race should put aside their past grievances and jointly defend this continent and tens of millions of people!"

"The Shengtian Religion is rebuilt, with Bai Ze as the leader, and many sects in the world serve as their halls and respect him. What do you think?"

"I sincerely obey Jiang Zhenxian's decree!"

"The Master of the Stars has his destiny, and we and I will not dare to disobey it!"

No one dared to object, so they immediately agreed.

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