Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 965: Ten Thousand Immortals Come to the Court, Taichu Dominates the New Deal

It turned out that Jiang Tian was telling the truth.

In the beginning, under the rule of Demon King Bai Ze, humans and demons lived in harmony without distinguishing each other.

The demon race is born with divine power, like a giant spirit god. It is best at opening up territories and civil construction. It has helped the human race cultivate many huge cities, dojo buildings, and canal avenues.

The human race, although weak in strength, is ingenious and good at farming, weaving, alchemy, medicine, and making magic weapons.

The two sides share each other's needs and complement each other's advantages, making the civilization of the small world of Tianxing highly developed, with the emergence of golden elixirs, and a third-level cultivation dimensional world.

But for his own benefit, Li Longyuan went against the grain, murdered Bai Ze, and deliberately provoked conflicts and struggles between the human race and the demon race.

Only in this way can he gain a reputation, unify the power of the human clan, and have the opportunity to centralize power in the world!

In fact, this method is common for any ruler, and it is a sneaky way to play.

Use national or racial conflicts to divert internal class conflicts and confuse people's hearts, thereby achieving the goal of a high degree of centralization!

Later, Jiang Tian changed many systems in the entire Tianxing Realm, and then each received rewards.

According to Jiang Tian's design, the small world of Tianxing is divided into two parts: secular and cultivation!

Establish the Tianxing Kingdom, with Ding Lie as the emperor, who will rule and manage the entire secular world and many giant cities, reduce burdens and taxes, and improve the status of civilians!

Shengtian Sect is the state religion and governs many sects in the entire cultivation world. Bai Ze is the national teacher of Tianxing Kingdom.

The many monks of the Shengtian Sect are equivalent to a special army, supported and enshrined by the state.

But they must take it as their duty to guard the secular world, and no monks can interfere with the secular order.

Jiang Tian is the supreme ruler of Tianxing Small World, and both Bai Ze and Ding Lie must be loyal to him and be responsible to him!

Those who had followed Jiang Tian before, even the stinky monkey, were reused and became the lord of the small town.

"The great road is nothing more than the common people's daily use! Without the common people, there would be no foundation for cultivation civilization, and cultivation would be just a tree without roots!"

"We can invade, occupy, and enslave the outside world of civilization! Because this is for survival, and respecting the strong is the way of heaven and earth!"

"But within civilization, the strong cannot bully the weak, but must fight to protect the weak! Let them live a good life! If the people are unable to survive, we will all be incompetent!"

"There are no creatures in the world who are not of the same mind as me, and they are all of my race!"

"The demon race may not be evil, and the human race may not be good. All depends on their words and actions!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were sharp and he spoke earnestly, just like the ancient Immortal Emperor, his words were sonorous and resounding!

At this time, he showed his commanding demeanor and extraordinary vision, which was definitely not comparable to that of Li Yongyuan.

Monks cannot be superior. In addition to practicing, they also have to work and share worries for the secular world.

Such as casting spells to change the celestial phenomena and climate, cultivating city residences, and resisting possible invasions from other small worlds.

"Shengtian Sect, many sects and halls, open their doors wide and teach the cultivation techniques to the secular world! Everyone can practice it!"

"The way of a sage is only to be known and practiced by everyone. Otherwise, even if it is a marvelous knowledge, it is just a paragraph and empty talk on paper!"

Like an ancient emperor, Jiang Tian's pen was as broad as a rafter, swaying freely, outlining the grand blueprint of Tianxing's small world.

According to Jiang Tian's design.

In the secular world, anyone who is qualified and passes the assessment has the opportunity to enter the Shengtian Religion.

Moreover, Jiang Tian will team up with Bai Ze and three veteran Jindan to develop a set of basic exercises that everyone can practice.

In addition, the Shengtian Sect will open up trade channels with other dimensional worlds, stabilize the price of urban residences, reduce taxes, realize that everyone has a place to live, and use weapon refining and foreign trade as the main sources of annual tribute!

These policies have far-reaching influence and will bring blessings to all generations.

In the end, Jiang Tian built the Tianxing Realm into a superstar with prosperous cultivation civilization.

This period of history, this period of changing policies, is known in history as the "Resurgence of the Holy Heaven" and the "New Deal of the Supreme Beginning"!

"Jiang Taichu won!"

This news, like a hurricane, swept through the entire small world of Tianxing and shocked everyone.

The battle in Qingqiu Mountain was earth-shattering, with swords soaring into the sky and treasures shining brightly. In fact, many people saw it, especially the people in Star Capital City.

Many people originally thought that the Heavenly Star Realm would win, but unexpectedly it was Jiang Taichu from the Earth Realm who won!

"Jiang Taichu killed six hundred immortals with one sword!"

"Cang Songzi, Master Xixiang and other sect leaders have fallen, and the Star God of War Shen Tiege has fallen!"

"The Lord of Tianxing Palace and the number one person in the Tianxing Realm, Jindan True Immortal Li Longyuan, has died!"

"The great demon Bai Ze was born to help Jiang Taichu and suppress the three old golden elixirs, a master-level powerhouse!"

The news is more shocking than the last, like a heavy hammer hitting everyone's heart, making people breathless.

Whether it is the common people, warriors, monks at the lower level, or the sect leaders and heads of aristocratic families, they all feel that the sky is about to collapse.

Li Longyuan's policy of obscuring the people was very good, and many people believed in him as if they were a god. Especially since Jiang Tian had killed a senior monk from the Demon-Suppressing Temple, everyone felt that Jiang Tian was just like a demon.

But most of them just watched indifferently and even set off firecrackers to celebrate.

Li Yongyuan weakened the world and plundered endlessly, making the people miserable, but if there was resistance, he would bloody suppress it!

No matter how ruthless Jiang Taichu was, he had killed people from the Demon-Suppressing Temple, but had he ever killed any civilians?

Immediately afterwards, many of Jiang Tian's new policies were passed down, but many people were stunned and then overjoyed!

The first one is to reduce burdens and taxes, cancel many hard labors, and allow farmers to have their own land. Many living beings with no cultivation are so grateful that they burst into tears, and they all call themselves saints and worship in the direction of Tianxing Palace.

The second human race and the demon race have a truce, build a giant city together, and live in equality and harmony.

The monsters are extremely powerful and have profound magic power. They help the human race cultivate fields and divert water, and build many cheap residences so that the monks can have their own homes.

Later, the vast sect was opened to many people at the bottom and middle levels, and anyone could practice.

In fact, by opening up the space of speech, anyone can offer advice, suggestions, or even criticize and abuse Tianxing Kingdom’s policies!

New policies came one after another, which were as shocking as earth-shattering, subverting people's cognition.

People never thought that the world could still be like this!

It turns out that I am also a living person, and it turns out that the free air is so comfortable!

Jiang Tian quickly gained the widest public support and was praised as "the most wise king in the star world through the ages" and "the first master"!

After Wan Xian came to court, Jiang Tian dealt with some aftermath matters and prepared to return to Earth.

These days, he misses Qing'er and Ling'er all the time, and misses the warm feeling of touching the little life in Qing'er's belly.

However, before leaving, Jiang Tian called the great demon Bai Ze and the three veteran Jindans and gave them some instructions.

"Master, I don't want to be a national master. I really want to travel among the stars and the sea!"

Demon King Bai Ze groaned with a look of resentment.

"Xiao Bai, you don't know how blessed you are when you are surrounded by blessings. It would be great to be a national teacher, respected by all the people. If you don't do it, I will do it!"

Lao Long glared at him and said.

"Just forget it."

Jiang Tian attacked him:

"You can't turn into a human form yet. At least emotionally, the human race is very repulsive to you! Is it fair for a dog to jump up and down all day long and claim to be an immortal?"

"Master, you are embarrassing me by saying this! I turned into a dragon, and I am very majestic!"

Old Long wanted to cry but had no tears, and said with a frown and eyes closed.

"No more kidding!"

Jiang Tian looked serious and frowned: "Bai Ze, I'm afraid you really have to stay here for a few years!"

"Because I have observed the broken formations in Chilei Mountain and it will take at least three years to successfully repair them!"

"Can the repair be successful?" Bai Ze couldn't believe it.

Next to them, the three veteran Jindan practitioners were also shocked.

At the beginning, Bai Ze once led many great demons, sect masters, and city lords to repair the formation, but instead fell into the turbulent flow of power!

Slowly, they lost this idea!

Those formations appeared in the hands of the ancient powerful tens of thousands of years ago, or even millions of years ago. They were too complex and too superb!


Jiang Tian said:

"Although it has been damaged to a certain extent, the formation base and formation are still there. You only need to repair the damaged parts to stabilize the gravity, balance the spiritual energy, and prevent the miasma from erupting!"

"After the repairs are completed, we will conquer the Immortal Ruins together, set foot on the Star Road, and conquer the stars and the sea, okay!"

"Great! Based on your ability and your master, I am determined to follow you!"

Bai Ze was really overjoyed, and it was a double happiness.

Of course Bai Ze wants to conquer the stars and the sea and embark on the ancient road in the starry sky.

However, he is the ancestor of all monsters after all, and he still has great feelings for those monster people. He cannot leave and watch the continent collapse and thousands of humans and monsters die.

Jiang Tian's consciousness moved, and suddenly, a huge flow of information poured into the minds of the great demon Bai Ze and the three veteran Jindan.

These information flows include the original designs and construction drawings of many giant formations, as well as their current dilapidated conditions, subsequent repair construction methods and required materials, etc., and are vast.

If printed into a book, it would probably be over a thousand pages.

This flow of information is so huge that most people simply cannot bear it.

But Bai Ze and the others have strong cultivation, so there is no problem.

After the information flow was transmitted, Bai Ze looked through it in his mind, his eyes suddenly lit up, his whole body was trembling with excitement, and he sighed with admiration on his face:

"That's it! Master, your knowledge of formations is so profound! I'm convinced, Xiaobai, I'm completely convinced this time! I'm willing to be the loser!"

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