Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 982 Nalanbo’s anger and clear attitude

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

"That's it! That's it!"

In an instant, many complicated expressions flashed across Nalan Li's face, including shock, anger, unwillingness, and confusion, but in the end, they all turned into endless fear, and his face was as depressed as death.

His waist was hunched, as if he had aged ten years in an instant. He sighed deeply, bowed and saluted:

"It's true that the Nalan family underestimated you, Jiang Taichu. It's me, Nalan Li, who is blind and doesn't recognize the real face."

"We, the Nalan family, surrender and obey Master Jiang Xian's orders! Please, for Qing'er's sake, let us go!"

The rest of Nalan's family, including his second uncle and other elders, were all trembling and shaking.

They never expected that Jiang Tian's magical power would be so incredible!

A negotiation that was originally guaranteed to win was unexpectedly reversed by Jiang Tian and ended like this!

"As long as you don't hurt Qing'er, I said, I won't argue with you!"

Jiang Tian said in a deep voice:

"I think you will give Qing'er a suitable explanation for what happened today!"

"Don't worry, I have made my own decision and will never reveal anything!"

Nalan smiled bitterly and promised.

“Get ready for Qingming Festival!”

"Also, tell Jin Zixuan that for the sake of Qing'er's mother, I won't argue with him, but please respect yourself and don't try to provoke me! What kind of hidden royal family, in my eyes, are like ants!"

Jiang Tian snorted coldly and walked away.

In this way, the party ended in a hurry.

When Jiang Tian returned to Canglongwu, Qing'er was pregnant and very sleepy, so he took a rest early.

"Jiang Tian, ​​there are powerful enemies outside now. If you accompany me back like this to pay homage to your mother, are you delaying something important?"

Seeing Jiang Tian come back, Zhao Xueqing got up and took Jiang Tian's hand, apologetically.

"It's okay, it's your business, no matter how small it is, it's still a big deal!"

Jiang Tian held her little hand covered with cold sweat and said with a smile:

"Uncle has promised to move your mother's ashes to the clan ancestral hall on Qingming Festival!"

"Will they agree?" Zhao Xueqing couldn't believe it.

After all, she had spoken about this several times, but the Nalan family's attitude was still very firm.

"Qing'er, don't worry! Of course I have to agree!"

Suddenly, Nalan Li knocked on the door and walked in with Li Rouxi and Nalan Qinghe who looked complicated, and said with a smile:

"Qing'er, what you and Jiang Tian have achieved now is the glory of our Yiran and the glory of our Nalan family! We have long wanted to move Yiran's ashes back!"

"Thank you, uncle!" Qing'er wanted to stand up and say thank you.

"Qing'er, don't get up! You're pregnant now, so don't move too much!"

Li Rouxi said with joy on her face:

"Qing'er, how do you feel? You ate too little at night. I've asked my servants to make ginseng soup. It will be brought over soon!"

Nalan Qinghe also pinched the quilt and exclaimed exaggeratedly: "Cousin Qing'er, this quilt is too thin. It will be very cold if you get cold at night. I will quickly change you to a new one!"

"Cousin, no need, I'm not cold!"

Zhao Xueqing felt that their enthusiasm was a bit too much, and she was a little frightened towards Jiang Tianshi, and glanced at Jiang Tian suspiciously.

Li Rouxi helped Zhao Xueqing up, and Nalan Qinghe quickly made the bed and folded the quilt, muttering enthusiastically:

"Sister Qing'er, those servants and maids are always careless. If you want anything to eat or drink, tell me and I will make it for you! You can also let sister have a taste of my craftsmanship!"

Zhao Xueqing was flattered and thanked her repeatedly.

This cousin has had a high opinion of herself since she was a child, has set her sights higher than the top, treats herself insincerely, and even often insults herself.

Why are you so warm and considerate now?

Jiang Tian looked on with cold eyes, smiling and saying nothing.

Nalan Li still has some abilities. His son's soul was injured, and Nalan Tu's arms were cut off. This is a big deal.

But he was able to cut through the mess quickly, suppressed it, and even brought his daughter and wife to express his stance.

"Okay! Qing'er is already sleepy, it's time to rest!"

Jiang Tian coughed, and the three of them took their leave after hearing this. Qing'er wanted to send him off, but they didn't let him go.

"I don't know why my grandparents didn't let my mother's ashes go back to the ancestral hall!"

After the three of them left, Zhao Xueqing went to bed again and said with gratitude:

"But no matter what, this can be regarded as fulfilling my mother's long-cherished wish. Husband, thank you!"

"Thank you, why are you thanking me...I didn't do anything!"

Jiang Tian smiled.

"When I was a kid, even though I wasn't very sensible, I could still feel that although my grandparents loved me, my uncles, aunts, and cousins ​​didn't like me very much!"

Zhao Xueqing smiled and said:

"Before, I had proposed that I want to send my mother home, but several uncles refused to agree and even looked very angry!"

"But this time, as soon as you opened your mouth, they agreed immediately!"

"All this is because of your achievements today. A mother is valued by her daughter, and a mother is respected by her son-in-law. They don't dare to underestimate my mother anymore!"

"I think your grandpa's family are quite kind! Maybe that's just your illusion."

Jiang Tian smiled and comforted:

"Okay, stop thinking! You are going to sleep, and the baby is going to sleep too! I'm going to talk to grandpa about something!"

"Well! Jiang Tian, ​​wait until I fall asleep, can you leave again?"

Qing'er looked at Jiang Tian with nostalgia and said coquettishly:

"I've been feeling restless lately. I dreamed last night that my child and I were separated from you, and we would never see you again!"

"What are you thinking about! Our family of three will be together forever. Go to sleep, and I will go back to you when you fall asleep..."

Jiang Tian's heart twitched, and he pinched her nose, full of tenderness.

"I really hope we can be together like this forever, so quietly, peacefully and joyfully..."

Qing'er rested her head on Jiang Tian's big hand and murmured softly. Her eyelids became heavier and heavier, and she gradually fell asleep.

After leaving Jiang Tian and his wife's room, Nalan Li immediately went to Nalan Bo to report on the meeting tonight.

After Nalan Bo heard this, his face turned livid, his eyes were spitting fire, as if he wanted to eat people.


Nalanbo threw the fine Yuan blue and white antique tea cup to the ground and smashed it to pieces.

"Yes, Jiang Taichu is such a bastard. He cut off my hands and damaged Nalan Jun's soul! He simply turned his back on me and refused to recognize me!"

Nalan Tu fanned the flames and said.

"I said you were bastards!"

Nalan Bo was so angry that he was trembling all over. He slapped Nalan Tu on the face and shouted angrily:

"Have you forgotten what I said this afternoon? Don't intimidate Jiang Tian, ​​don't belittle Jiang Tian, ​​don't underestimate his strength! If you are so aggressive, Jiang Tian will kill you!"

"Jiang Tian wants to kill you, can you resist?"

"Are you turning a deaf ear to my words? You are all to blame for this!"

"Father, I realized my mistake!"

The three Nalan Li brothers were so frightened that they all trembled and kowtowed to the ground.

"Did I tell you, don't have any inclination, just convey the opinions of the hidden royal family!"

Nalanbo's eyes were red with anger and he shouted: "Who told you to intimidate her like this!"

"You even threatened him with what happened to Yiran back then. Do you want to show some shame?"

"But, after all, we are the Dragon Guard family of the Jin family, and we are their ministers. Moreover, when he treated us, the Nalan family, he treated Yiran very well, and the child also took it into consideration..."

Nalan Li explained in vain.

"Shut up!"

Nalan Bo raised his eyebrows, his eyes were so sharp that they could kill, and he shouted in a cold voice: "Don't you know the real surname of our Nalan family?"

"My child knows, Yehenala!" Nalan said solemnly.

"That's right! We are the descendants of Yehenala of the Jurchen tribe, but our tribe was destroyed by Nurhachi of the Qing Dynasty!"

A hint of vicissitudes of life appeared in Nalan Bo's eyes, and he said in a deep voice:

"Speaking of which, they are the biggest enemies of our genocide!"

"Our ancestors couldn't defeat them, so they had to submit to the Aisin Gioro family!"

"Yes, Aixinjueluo treated us pretty well after we took refuge with them!"

"But as a lineage of guardian dragons, we have suppressed this dragon lineage for three hundred years. We have been loyal and fulfilled our duties. What a kindness, but we have not fully repaid it? Do we still want to be his slaves?"

"Father, what do you mean..."

A little confusion appeared on Nalan Li's face.

"Even if we want to welcome the arrival of the small world of Tianxing, there is no need to form an alliance with the Aixinjueluo family!"

Nalan Bo’s eyes were blazing and he said:

"When the time comes, the Heavenly Star Realm will choose the strongest force seen on Earth as its agent! It doesn't necessarily have to be the hidden royal family!"

"We choose to form an alliance with Tianqing Sect, support Jiang Tian, ​​and declare war with the Holy See and Brahman!"

"What? Father, what are you..."

Nalan Li and the other three all felt their heads were muddled, and they couldn't come back to their senses.

"Dynasties change, and so do the times. We must also pay attention to strength and people's hearts!"

Nalanbo said calmly:

"Now Sordoni is the world's largest military power and one of the top five economies in total. The country is peaceful and the people are safe, and they have a spiritual tradition. They have strong soldiers and horses. What does the hidden royal family have?"

"Besides, their dragon veins are either sleeping or damaged. They are exhausted and unable to recover!"

"Then if we stand with Jiang Tian, ​​wouldn't the Holy See and the Brahmins want to take action against our Nalan family?"

The three Nalan Li brothers were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

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