Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 983 Nalan Li’s conspiracy, Jiang Tian, ​​just wait to die

"Remember, Jiang Tian is our relative!"

Nalan Bo gently shook his folding fan and said calmly:

"We haven't supported him before. That's because the Aisin Gioro family has been blocking us! At this juncture, if we don't support him, what kind of relatives are we?"

"Our last chance is gone!"

A wise man like Nalanbo has always been scheming, taking one step, looking at two steps, and counting three steps!

From the moment Zhao Xueqing contacted him about returning to the province to visit the grave, Nalan Bo had already thought everything through.

There are always illusory legends about the Heavenly Star Realm and Immortal Ruins. Whether they can come or not is another matter.

The most urgent task is for the Holy See and the Brahmans to invade China on a large scale and destroy all kinds of Chinese orthodoxy in the name of demons from the East.

An unprecedented war between the East and the West is about to break out!

Whether it is China's secular government, military, sects, or the hidden royal family, the enemy is the same!

After all, this dispute involves national justice and the dispute between Eastern and Western civilizations!

This dispute involves so many areas and has so far-reaching influence that it is unprecedented!

Whoever goes to war with them will win the most support, and whoever wins will have the greatest reputation!

If Jiang Tianruo defeats these two great sects, what does the hidden royal family mean? You have to surrender to the winner!

"Old man, please see Jiang Tian!"

At this time, there was a loud singing.

Jiang Tian suddenly walked over under the guidance of the housekeeper.

"Please come quickly! Please come quickly!"

Nalanbo's expression changed, and he was full of joy. He quickly walked towards him and stretched out his hands from afar:

"Wonderful grandson-in-law, I'm sick and I didn't go to accompany you tonight. I didn't expect these losers to be so incapable of talking that they made you angry!"

Jiang Tian bowed and clasped his fists as if nothing had happened, and said: "Junior Jiang Tian, ​​I have met my grandpa! We are all one family, it was just a misunderstanding!"

"I'm about to ask them to go to Jin Zixuan to discuss this matter and express their attitude. What do you think?"

Nalan Bo and Jiang Tian joined hands, walked into the living room and sat down, saying with joy on their faces: "Don't worry, our Nalan family will support you unconditionally!"

"Yeah! Thank you grandpa for your help!"

Jiang Tian took the tea cup from the maid's hand, took a sip, looked at Nalan Li and smiled lightly:

"I still say the same thing. In my eyes, the Aixinjueluo family is nothing! Let them live in peace, otherwise, I will kill them!"

"Do you really want to say that?" Nalan Li hesitated.

Jiang Tian smiled and said nothing.

"What are you afraid of? We have the world's number one person here!"

Nalanbo shook his sleeves and snorted arrogantly.

"Yes, let's leave first!"

Nalan Li and the others quickly responded and bowed to leave.

The three brothers had already arrived at the parking lot, but Nalanbo chased after them, saying quietly but eagerly:

"Of course, you still have to pay attention to your wording! You can't provoke conflicts between Jiang Tian and the Aixinjueluo family!"

"Now that Jiang Tian is surrounded by enemies on all sides, we must stand on Jiang Tian's side and use the power of the hidden royal family! It will not be too late to resist the control of the Aixinjueluo family after we have used them!"

"Brother, what should I do? The old man wants to rely on Jiang Tian to get rid of the Aixinjueluo family!"

The three of them got into a Mercedes-Benz and drove on a starry night. They immediately rushed to Zhonghai to find Jin Zixuan to explain the situation.

The atmosphere in the car was very dull, no one dared to speak, and they were trembling as if Jiang Tian was following them.

It wasn't until he left Wuzhen for dozens of kilometers and got on the highway that Nalantu said angrily:

"But Jiang Tian destroyed Nalan Jun's brain and broke my hands. We can't admit it, right?"

"Yes, it's not smart for my father to rashly make enemies of the hidden royal family! There are immortals behind them!"

Nalan Yao also echoed:

"In my opinion, we should kill Jiang Tian and stand firmly on the side of the hidden royal family!"

Nalanbo and Jiang Tian both overestimated the ambition of the three brothers.

This kind of leaving old people and young people behind is a freak that combines feudal desires and refined egoism.

Whatever is good for them, they use that set of behavioral rules.

Jiang Tian beat them, humiliated and suppressed them, which made them hate Jiang Tian to the bone!

"We did underestimate him! This matter needs long-term consideration!"

Nalan Li's face was gloomy, his eyes were flickering, and he said in a cold tone.

When Jiang Tian showed his strength, he quickly thought it through!

If Jiang Tian agrees with the Nalan family, then he doesn't mind if the Nalan family submits to the Tianqing Sect!

But if Jiang Tian has no feelings for the Nalan family, or even harbors resentment, then the Nalan family will push him out and use him as a sharp knife to deal with the two great traditions in the world, the Jin family and even the major hidden royal families and the Dragon Guard lineage. !

When these forces are weakened, the Nalan family will naturally benefit!

You know, now, all Yanjing martial arts families have been exterminated by Jiang Tian, ​​and Jiang Tian lives overseas.

Looking at China, or even the whole world, is there any decent martial arts family?

The one who gained in the end was naturally the Nalan family who was watching the fire from the other side!

The Nalan family only shouts but does nothing!

When the time comes, all the orthodoxy and forces in the world will be abolished, who can the Heavenly Star Realm choose?

It can only be the Nalan family!

In fact, neither Nalanyao nor Nalantu are stupid people.

It was just that I was limited by my old thinking patterns. Now when I heard the words, I suddenly realized it.

"However! Jiang Taichu's strength is unfathomable. He is truly a cultivation wizard who has never been seen before!"

In the end, Nalan Li still had a solemn expression on his face and explained uneasily:

"This move of ours is very dangerous. If you miss the slightest bit, you will be wrong by a thousand miles. If you make one careless move, you will lose the whole game!"

"So, you must hide behind, fan the flames, and don't jump out easily!"

They were very dissatisfied with Jiang Tian, ​​and finally decided to intensify the conflict and push him out, making him not only have to stand up to the Holy See and Brahmins, but also the hidden royal family of China!

"Hmph, Jiang Tian, ​​Jiang Tian, ​​you are so disrespectful of family and relationships, disrespectful of your elders, and attack us elders!"

A trace of cruelty appeared in the depths of Nalantu's eyes:

"Let me see how you can withstand the anger of the Aixinjueluo family when the army is overwhelming!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​when I was old-fashioned and old-fashioned, I still didn't receive the ashes and burial place of Qing'er's birth mother, which hurt Qing'er's heart. You must not blame her..."

After Nalanbo returned to the living room, he quickly clasped his hands and said sincerely.

After hearing the news, grandma also came out, weeping silently on the side, talking about how Nalan Yiran had been wronged because of the pressure from the Jin family.

Jiang Tian waved his hand and comforted Wen Yan: "Grandpa and grandma, this matter has passed. Don't take it to heart. The situation was also compelling at that time!"

"Besides, Nalan Jun's soul is injured, don't worry, as long as he doesn't mess around, I will help him repair it!"

"The soul is damaged, can it still be repaired?"

"Jiang Tian, ​​you are really capable!"

Nalanbo and the old lady were immediately overjoyed.

In any case, Nalanjun is also their grandson, and the palms and backs of his hands are full of flesh. Of course they don't want Nalanjun to suffer.

"I just used some means to punish him. I didn't want to harm him!"

Jiang Tian smiled, then changed the topic and asked: "But what mistakes did Qing'er's biological mother make back then? The ashes and spiritual place have not been able to return for a long time. They even called Qing'er a monster that brought trouble to the fetus!"


Nalanbo and the old lady hesitated for a moment, then smiled bitterly and sighed: "They are all old sesame seeds and rotten millet, so don't mention them!"

"In short, now in our minds, Nalan Yiran is our good daughter!"

Jiang Tian said seriously: "Grandpa and grandma, I'm not curious about that period of history, but the baby in Qing'er's body has the same constitution as hers. Qing'er's current constitution is very weak!"

The expressions of Nalanbo and the old lady suddenly changed, and the old lady even trembled with shock.

"Don't worry. If you speak now, Qing'er won't notice anything at all!"

Seeing that Nalanbo and the old lady were still hesitating.

Jiang Tian flicked his fingers repeatedly, and the Gengjin True Yuan in the shape of water was condensed with runes, completely covering the three of them.

Nalanbo and the old lady looked at each other and nodded. Then the old lady slowly said:

"Girl Yiran's pregnancy is very strange. She insisted that she had never had a relationship with any man, but she got pregnant out of nowhere! We checked afterwards and it was indeed the case!"

"But like Qing'er, she has a compassionate heart and thinks Qing'er is innocent, so she insists not to abort her!"

After hearing the old lady's words, Jiang Tian's head immediately buzzed! There was a sound on the ground, his face turned pale, and his heart plummeted into the abyss.

The old lady didn't know how to lie. She even took out some brittle and yellowed medical records. They were Nalan Yiran's many physical examinations when she was pregnant. They were from more than 20 years ago and were definitely not forgeries!

At this time, Jiang Tian's eyes flickered and he was sure!

Qing'er's biological father is not Zhao Hucheng, but her biological mother, strictly speaking, is not Nalan Yiran!

It is very likely that the super power from the depths of the universe used a secret method to insert the embryonic Qing'er into Nalan Yiran's body, and borrowed Nalan Yiran's body to give birth to Qing'er!

Just like a test-tube baby, no, it should be said like a surrogate pregnancy, Nalan Yiran just borrowed her uterus and blood.

But, what does this great power intend to do?

Jiang Tian frowned and thought hard.

Are you just borrowing Nalan Yiran's life to avoid the fate of being swallowed by Qing'er, who has the Immortal Phoenix Body?

"Qing'er's physique is unique among billions, and it can smelt all things, but the destroying star has swallowed up most of the spiritual energy of the ancient earth..."

"Is Qing'er's origin related to the Destruction Star?"

It was like a thunderbolt in Jiang Tian's mind, and a sudden flash of lightning shook his body.

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