Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 988: Crush Jin Zixuan with one palm and kneel down in submission

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

"You, you dare to hit me? You dare to threaten me...Grandpa!"

Nalan Qinghe's mouth was bleeding, her face was full of peach blossoms, she looked at Nalan Bo imploringly and shouted in grievance.

But Nalan Boli didn't pay attention, but looked at Zhao Xueqing with hope and said:

"Qing'er, if these people in the Nalan family were useful, I wouldn't look for you anymore! It's just that we and the others are so unsatisfactory. If this continues, the Nalan family will be destroyed in their hands!"

"Grandpa, this..."

Zhao Xueqing was very confused.

She doesn't want to have such a tense relationship with the Nalan family and take her uncle's position. I'm afraid everyone will hate her!

What's more important is that she is now the mother of Sodoni, the mistress of a great church, and one of the most beautiful women in the world.

She has a supreme status and unparalleled power, so how could she take the Nalan family's small fortune seriously?

Seeing Zhao Xueqing looking over in embarrassment, Jiang Tian said calmly: "Grandpa, Qing'er is pregnant. I'm afraid I don't have time to be the head of this family! I reluctantly agreed, and I'm afraid I don't have much energy to manage it!"

Hearing this, Nalanbo's face froze, and the disappointment in his heart was palpable.

Nalan Li is a loser who doesn't know how to advance or retreat, and repeatedly offends and offends Jiang Tian. It would be strange for Jiang Tian and Qing'er to have no emotions.

It seems that this thigh cannot be hugged.

Next, Jiang Tian changed the topic and said: "But you were kind to Qing'er, and we will never forget it. If the Nalan family is in trouble in the future, I will help!"

"Okay, okay, with Jiang Tian's words, I feel relieved!"

Nalanbo smiled heartily, feeling very relieved.

At this moment, a sneer full of contempt and unruly came over:

"Who will be the head of the Dragon-Guarding Clan? Is it you, Nalanbo, who has the final say?"

I saw him surrounded by the old Imperial Master and several companions.

Jin Zixuan was dressed in a black gown, with a jade tree facing the wind, and a gloomy face. He climbed up the steps and came slowly.

Jin Zixuan stared at Nalanbo.

But the old Imperial Master's eyes were like lightning, staring at Jiang Tian with murderous intent looming in his eyes.

Zhao Xueqing didn't realize that Jin Zixuan was looking for trouble, so she shouted in surprise: "Uncle Jin! Why are you here?"

She still had a good impression of Jin Zixuan. In the beginning, he took good care of his mother and was very affectionate and loyal.

"Of course I'm here to kill you!" Nalan shouted sharply.

Nalan Qinghe got up and said with a proud smile:

"Jiang Taichu, I told you to get out, but you still dare to hit me if you don't! Now the hidden royal family has arrived! Let's see how you bear the wrath of the real dragon!"

Everyone else was also gloating over the misfortune!

The hidden royal family does not practice martial arts and magic, but the imperial skills from the dimensional space, which are cultivation skills!

Jiang Tian, ​​an ant from the earth world, how could he be his opponent!

Nalanbo took a step forward, cupped his fists and said with neither humility nor arrogance: "Mr. Jin, the Nalan family has been suppressing the Dragon Veins of Wuzhen for three hundred years. They have done their best and devoted themselves to their duties. Even if your love for the Xinjueluo family is as deep as the ocean to my Nalan family, Did my Nalan family repay the favor?"

"Guilty minister! You want to die! The ancestral family law is inherited forever. You can't change it if you want."

"You Nalanbo can either be a slave forever and obey the orders of my Aixinjueluo family. Or, die!"

Jin Zixuan's tone was like the Wanren Glacier, aloof, cold, and extremely cold.

"How many years have passed since the Qing Dynasty fell? At that time, your ancestors were ignorant and incompetent, lost power and humiliated the country, and plunged China into a state of eternal disaster."

Jiang Tian laughed, took a step forward, looked at Jin Zixuan with a sarcastic face, and sneered:

"Now you are still talking about your ancestors, and you are putting on such a lousy airs, claiming to be the king of the south, and claiming to be a loner and a widower. You are shameless!"

"I have never seen such a shameless person!"

"You are Jiang Taichu!"

Jin Zixuan's face was stern, his eyes were filled with murderous intent, and he was staring at Jiang Tiandao.

"That's right!" Jiang Tian nodded.

"You are really crazy!"

Jin Zixuan smiled instead of being angry, looked Jiang Tian up and down, and said, "You refused to cooperate with my hidden royal family?"

"What I reject is you, Jin Zixuan. I have no problem cooperating with the hidden royal family, but you must obey my orders!"

Jiang Tian smiled lightly and said:

"But you, Jin Zixuan, want to rob me, Jiang Taichu, of my dojo. Do you think I am a three-year-old child?"

Jin Zixuan's eyes flashed with anger, and he said in a cold voice: "Jiang Taichu, do you know that you have caused a huge disaster now!"

"You are raging with ferocious flames, killing people and annihilating clans at every turn, causing a bloody storm, arousing the anger of both humans and gods. The Holy See and the Brahmins will all take action against you!"

"so what?"

Jiang Tian flicked his sleeves and sneered:

"I have never said that I am a good person! However, my domination of the world has aroused the anger of both humans and gods. How can it be better than your Aisin Gioro ancestors who were humiliated by foreign enemies and waggled like a pet dog for mercy, causing the mountains and rivers to be broken and the people to live in dire straits!"

"The foreigners are happy, but the common people will suffer! To Europe, the United States, and the East, I want to be a lion and a vicious tiger, but I am better than your ancestors who were like docile sheep and were slaughtered by others!"

"I, the hidden royal family, stand between the Holy See and the Brahmins for you. This is your attitude!"

Jin Zixuan was furious and shouted:

"You know, we have been wiping your Jiang Taichu's butt! Without us, you Jiang Taichu would have been killed!"

Like a nobleman in the sky, he said proudly:

"You think Gu is willing to take care of you! I'm helping you just for the sake of Qing'er's biological mother!"

He looked down at Jiang Tian like an ant, looking at Jiang Tian with disdain, and coldly snorted:

"Now, if you agree to Gu Yuan's request, I will lead the hidden royal family to help you get rid of this disaster!"

"This is Gu's ultimatum and your last chance! Don't make a mistake!"

"Jin Zixuan, do I have anything to do with your hidden royal family? Do I need your help? I'm so pretentious!"

It was okay not to mention this issue, but Jiang Tian became a little angry when he mentioned it.

"We, the Tianqing Sect, have declared that we do not need your assistance. Are you deaf?"

Originally, the Tianqing Sect and the Huaxia Dragon Group had arrived at the southwest border with the mobile Kuilian. They opened their bags and waited for the Holy See and the Brahmins to get in and bombard them into ashes.

However, the hidden royal family went there to stop the attack, causing Tianqing Sect and Huaxia Dragon Group to wait for a long time and found nothing.

After all, the hidden royal family is inseparable from them!

You can't just kill all the people from the Hidden Royal Family! After all, they are also Chinese!

"Jiang Taichu! I'll give you one last chance!"

Seeing that Jiang Tian was not getting enough food and salt, Jin Zixuan was so angry that his face turned livid, his whole body was trembling, and he shouted loudly:

"You kneel down and kowtow to Gu immediately, otherwise, I will definitely kill you badly!"

"Haha! Let me kneel down! You are looking for death!"

Jiang Tian snorted coldly, stretched out his jade-white palm, and took a leisurely photo.


With a radius of three kilometers, the heaven and earth shook, and a golden giant palm of Gengjin True Yuan suddenly descended.

The giant golden palm pressed down on Jin Zixuan like a mountain, trying to force him to his knees.

"You! How dare?"

Jin Zixuan roared, his robes instantly puffed up, royal aura emitted, and a black dragon-like aura could be seen emerging behind him, rushing along his spine, rushing to the top of his head, trying to soar into the sky.

He once practiced the Black Dragon Emperor Kung Fu, which was inherited from the Heavenly Star Realm and was considered a true cultivation technique.

In addition, his cultivation level is half-step to the divine realm, and his combat power is not much weaker than that of ordinary earth immortals. That's why he dares to be so bold and provoke Jiang Tian!

"The black dragon is out of body!"


He roared, and the Black Dragon Emperor's energy surged, becoming more than ten meters tall, trying to break through the restriction.

But something unexpected happened.

The imperial black dragon could only hold on for half a finger, and then shattered together with the many protective winds.

Immediately afterwards, infinite power fell from the sky!

The Gengjin giant palm easily crushed the Imperial Qi Black Dragon, and with a bang, he was crushed to the ground, completely surrendered.

With one palm, he crushed the crown prince Jin Zixuan.

"How can it be!"

Everyone in the surrounding Nalan family was shocked.

The Jin family and many royal families practice the Emperor Kung Fu. Even if Jin Zixuan faces a strong Earth Immortal, he can calmly deal with it and retreat while talking and laughing. But now, he was crushed by Jiang Tian with just one hand.

"Jiang Taichu, you, a commoner, dare to kneel down on me..." Jin Zixuan's eyes were splitting, he couldn't accept it, and he roared angrily.

A member of the royal family with noble blood, Jin Zixuan has always been proud of himself and full of arrogance!

Now he is being forced to his knees by Jiang Tian. This is a great shame, even worse than killing him!

"Caomin? Try calling another one!"

Jiang Tian picked him up, bang! A slap in the face caused blood to spurt from the corner of his mouth, and several teeth flew out.

"Jiang Taichu! If you have the guts, kill Gu! Otherwise, I love the Xinjieluo family and will destroy your entire family!"

Jin Zixuan roared angrily.

"You think I don't dare to kill you, as you wish!" Jiang Tian's eyes flashed with purple lightning, and he was about to kill him!

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