Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 989: The strong man from the West has arrived, and he is so domineering

"Jiang Tian, ​​forget it!"

Zhao Xueqing couldn't bear it and stepped forward to stop her, admonishing her: "No matter what, he has taken care of my mother!"

"Hmph, returning to the hidden royal family and returning to the crown prince are just ants that I crushed casually!"

"Give you a chance, don't live or die!"

Jiang Tian sneered, raised his right arm, and Jin Zixuan fell behind the national master like a dead dog.

The old man with white hair tied into a whip helped Jin Zixuan up, and then slowly approached Jiang Tian: "Jiang Taichu, you are really crazy. Today, we will learn from you your brilliant moves!"

Jiang Tianhan said: "The last imperial master of the Qing Dynasty and the former head of the Kongtong Sect, Fan Qilong?"

"It's our family!"

The old master's feet did not stop, and his murderous aura surged.

"I heard that in the late Qing Dynasty, your cultivation level surpassed that of Situ Xiao, and you had a set of Snake Saliva Wind-Chasing Claws. You were extremely proficient. When you were in your thirties, you entered the realm of gods and was known as the number one person in China in the late Qing Dynasty. Now you live longer In the third hundred years of the Yuan Dynasty, there should have been earth immortals already cultivating?"

Jiang Tian asked again.

"The past glory is not worth mentioning!"

Fan Qilong's voice was hoarse, but his murderous intent was still strong.

"You are quite humble!"

Jiang Tian said with a smile.

"I won't mention our past glory because our family wants to make a comeback, kill you, the number one person in the world, sweep away the Holy See and the Brahmins, and climb back to the top of this planet!"

Fan Qilong continued to step forward, his eyes were cold, and his hook-like nails trembled slightly, like a Wolverine.

"Haha, forget it, bad old man, I won't fight you! You are already three hundred years old, and your vitality and blood are drying up. Even if I don't kill you, you won't live much longer!"

Jiang Tian mocked.

"National Master, kill him! Then take down Tianqing Sect and rule Sodoni!"

Jin Zixuan was humiliated many times and hated Jiang Tian so much that he lost his patience and encouraged him passionately.

He has 100% confidence in Fan Qilong.

"Fan Qilong is the trump card of the Aixinjueluo family. How can Jiang Taichu be his opponent?"

Seeing the Imperial Master taking action, Nalan Li, Nalan Tu, Nalan Qinghe and others all lost their depression and fear, and their expressions became very excited, as if Jiang Tian was dead.

You must know that Fan Qilong was the headmaster of Dong Dong. At the beginning, he was a being who could compete with the Kunlun Sect and Qingcheng Sect.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Fan Qilong, as the protector of the country, was invincible.

When Lafayette was driven out of the capital by the Eight-Nation Allied Forces, except for the eunuch Li Lianying, he was his personal protector. He once killed thousands of pursuers with one sword and defeated the Holy King-level powerhouse of the Holy See!

He even taught Yihequan.

It is said that his disciples are good at "divine fighting". They can make hand gestures and recite mantras to invite gods into their bodies. They can hit bullets hard and are not afraid of artillery fire.

Jin Zixuan's martial arts was also taught by him! He is truly a powerful Earth Immortal!

"Even if you are called an immortal, I'm afraid you don't live up to your name! After all, you are only in your thirties, have shallow knowledge, and lack of combat experience. How can you be the opponent of this old monster who has fought all over the world and lived for hundreds of years?"

At this moment, Jin Zixuan was full of confidence, his eyes were shining with wisdom, as if Jiang Tian was already a dead man.

"Hahaha, Fan Qilong, the number one man in China in the late Qing Dynasty! Jiang Taichu's head belongs to me, you have no right to kill him!"

But at this moment, a strange roar pierced through the cracked gold and stone, soared upwards, and even the clouds were shattered.

"Get out of my way!"

This strange roar was like a tiger roaring deep in the mountains, shaking the surrounding areas. The drizzle was flying in slanting directions, and the mountains within a radius of three miles were shaking.

Everyone in Nalan's family was so shocked that they stumbled back, feeling dizzy, feeling sick to death, and vomiting.

Even Nalan Li Jin Zixuan, who was half-step to the divine realm, couldn't bear it and his face turned pale.


Suddenly, rocks flew everywhere and mud arrows exploded.

A deep pit with a radius of five or six meters was sunken into the marble floor.

The billowing waves of air pushed out horizontally, with a terrifying momentum. Everyone in the Nalan family was shaken to the point of flipping over, with frightened eyes.

A towering and majestic figure hit the ground heavily like a meteorite falling from the sky.

In the billowing smoke and flames.

boom! Amidst the muffled sound, a foot stepped out of the deep pit.

On that foot were metal boots covered with mysterious runes, like immortal gold!

As soon as this foot stepped out, the atmosphere in the entire cemetery was stagnant, enveloped in coldness, and violent pressure suddenly pushed out.

Except for Jiang Tian and Zhao Xueqing, everyone felt difficulty breathing and almost suffocated!

A strong European man wearing medieval armor and holding a blood-stained spear stepped out of the smoke and steam.

He has long curly blond hair shawl, a beard, a high nose and deep eyes, a pair of eyes as blue as the sea water, with a piercing light, and his eyes are cold and wild, like a wolf that chooses people to eat.

He has a complex temperament that is intertwined with divinity and animality!

It is holy, cruel, bright, and bloodthirsty, as if it can overlook the common people and punish the world!

"This, this is Saint August!"

When he saw his face clearly, Fan Qilong instantly let out a thud, his heart dropped into the abyss, his face turned pale with fright, and his whole body began to tremble violently.

When the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded, Fan Qilong had fought against St. Augustine, but he was no match at all!

After all, the other party is the last chief adjudicator of the Holy See and the tombkeeper of the Holy Tomb of the Holy See.

His fighting power is that of a holy king. His holy skills are all over the sky and the earth, and his spear is unpredictable!

"It's him!"

Jin Zixuan's face also changed wildly, as if he were mourning for his heir, and he looked at Saint Augu with fear.

Nalan Li and others were so frightened that their faces changed wildly, and cold sweat broke out instantly.

"Fan Guoshi, I heard that you want to sweep the Holy See and ascend to the throne of the world's strongest person? Why not pass me first?"

St. Aogu's eyes were arrogant, and he walked steadily, step by step, making a muffled sound, and the armor all over his body rubbed against each other, making a heart-wrenching sound of gold and iron.

He speaks very pure Chinese, even with a bit of Beijing accent.

Such strong men used to travel all over the world, challenge and fight everywhere, and could master almost all languages.

"Old man, I, I... don't dare!"

Fan Qilong was panicked and his eyes were filled with fear.

He shrank like a little white rabbit seeing an evil tiger, staggering and retreating step by step!

What he said just now, that is, when the war started, was just a bluff and a bluff. How could he really dare to defy the Holy See?

He had the courage and ability. How could Lafayette have been chased by the strong men of the Holy See and lost his armor?

"Haha, do you want to admit defeat? You are really weak, then kneel down and surrender to my Holy See!"

Saint Aogu stood still holding the spear in both hands, looked at Fan Qilong with disdain, then glanced sideways at Jin Zixuan, and said with a smile:

"Are you a descendant of the decadent Qing Dynasty royal family? A ridiculous yellow-skinned monkey, a weak chicken! Kneel down too!"

Jin Zixuan was speechless, but did not dare to speak. His whole body was as cold as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and he was trembling with fear. His soul was all gone, and his face was pale.

From the time he can remember, his father and brother have instilled in him the power of the West, not only strong ships and cannons, but also holy magic.

When he was a teenager, he once bumped into a white international student on the street.

The white international student scolded him as "a ridiculous yellow-skinned monkey, a weak chicken, get down on your knees!" and gave him a few big mouths!

After his father Jin Luanxiong learned about it, not only did he not help him, he even forced him to kneel down and whipped him!

He was beaten almost to death, and since then, he has been left with a deep psychological shadow.

In fact, when he saw the faces of Europeans, even ordinary people, he felt a little scared.

This fear has formed a kind of thinking inertia and is deeply implanted in his brain.

What's more, we are facing a real holy king now!

"Saint Augu, don't be aggressive, bully the weak, or bully others too much. We in China are a country of heaven and a country of etiquette. We always convince people with reason and don't want to fight with you! I'm not afraid of you!"

Fan Qilong was trembling all over, but still mustered up the courage to shout at the top of his lungs.

He even cried, like a resentful woman who had been bullied.

Jiang Tian shook his head gently, feeling sad in his heart.

This is a majestic national master of a country, yet he is so fearful of the enemy, so cowardly!

"It means bullying you and humiliating you, so what? You want to convince others with reason? What a joke! The weak are not qualified to reason with the strong!"

Saint Augu looked at Fan Qilong as if he were a fool, and said mockingly:

"I'll give you three seconds to think about it. Either kneel down and surrender and submit to my Holy See, or die!"

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