Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 991: The war adjudicator, pointing across the sky

"Jiang Taichu, I didn't expect that after I killed Fan Qilong, you still dared to provoke me!"

Saint Augu's bloodthirsty and violent eyes had already fallen on Jiang Tian, ​​and he said with a ferocious smile:

"However, you really deserve to die. You call yourself 'Taichu', pretend to be a prophet and a god, and repeatedly provoke our Holy See! This adjudicator originally wanted to spare your life, but you dare to provoke me again regardless of life and death!"

"Then don't blame me for killing you after beheading you, and then killing your Tianqing Sect and slaughtering your entire family to shock and warn the world that we, the Holy See, are the most powerful orthodoxy on this earth, and we must not offend!"

Saint Augu said that he had the contempt and pride to dominate the world and punish all living beings.

He is the last chief judge of the Holy See Judgment Office. He is in charge of criminal law and intimidates the world. He once burned many scientists and heretics to death!

His hands are stained with blood, and there are thousands of innocent souls under his command. Even many gods, blood ancestors, and wolf ancestors will retreat when they see him, not daring to attack him. Naturally, he has the domineering power to kill!

He said with a sneer on his face:

"I heard that you have lost some of your cultivation. I won't bully you. How about I give you one hand!"

He put his left hand behind his back and held a spear in his right hand, saying with disdain:

"This Chief Judge, with only one hand, can crush you to ashes and turn you into a pulp in one move!"

When they met Saint Augu's murderous gaze, Nalan Li and the others felt as if they had fallen into an ice cellar and were pierced by the extreme cold, and they did not dare to move even a finger.

I was so frightened that I ran as far as I could, leaving Jiang Tian, ​​the god of plague, and severing my relationship with him.

In an instant, everyone retreated and scattered.

Nalan Qinghe even shouted:

"Lord Saint Aogu has found out clearly that Jiang Taichu has nothing to do with my Nalan family! You must not vent your anger on my Nalan family!"

Only Nalanbo stood with Jiang Tian and his wife. He was so angry that he beat his chest and feet, shouted to the sky and the earth:

"You bunch of evil beasts, you have no humanity and no blood. How could the Nalan family give birth to you bunch of scum! If we all join together, there is no chance of defeating each other!"

A girl wearing a leather jacket who looked to be less than twenty years old, holding a pistol, rushed over quickly and shouted:

"Saint August, you dare to commit evil in China! I won't let you go!"


Zhao Xueqing shouted softly.

This girl’s name is Nalanchu.

The granddaughter of Nalan Bo and a concubine, she didn't have a very high status in the family, but she was very kind to Qing'er at first and she always treated her like a biological sister!

Perhaps she didn't like the atmosphere of this big feudal family, so she left the family early and worked in the national security department.

These days, she has been chasing Saint Augu, and she just took a day off today and rushed back to see her cousin.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the family cemetery, he bumped into St. August.

"Cousin, brother-in-law!"

Nalanchu didn't know the strength of Jiang Tian and his wife. Although he was trembling with nervousness, he still protected the two of them behind him.

Pointing guns at St. Augustine with both hands, he shouted:

"Saint Aogu, Nalanchu, an investigator from our National Security Division 6, orders you to surrender immediately!"

When Jiang Tian saw this, he couldn't help but laugh. He didn't expect that the one from the Nalan family who finally dared to stand up was a little girl!

"Ah Chu, leave quickly! You don't know how scary this person is!"

Nalan Bo was so anxious that he stamped his feet, pushed Jiang Tian and shouted: "Tian'er, grandpa is sorry for you and has caused trouble for you. Run! Run as far as you want, leaving the green mountains without worries." Firewood!”

Jiang Tian stepped forward, with a calm look on his face, and said calmly:

"He has killed several of my men, Zhou Zhenghao and Zuo Zimu. I have to avenge this!"

He opened Nalan Bo's hands that were as thin as dead branches and tightly grasped his sleeves, and walked towards St. Augustus with a stern pace, his eyes were cold and authentic:

"Another one, he humiliated China. As a descendant of Yan and Huang, I have to teach him a lesson!"

"Saint Augu, today I will kill you with just one finger, but you, please use all your strength!"

Nalanbo stayed where he was, shaking his head, sighing, and stamping his feet. Suddenly, his eyes were red, and he felt like crying.

Nalan Li and others must have repeatedly humiliated and slighted him, forcing Jiang Tian to hand over Sodoni, which made Jiang Tian eager to prove his strength. After all, Jiang Tian couldn't operate on Nalan Li and others.

Now that I think about it, only Jiang Tian, ​​who values ​​love and righteousness and is strong-willed, is the hope of the Nalan family. The children of these families are useless.

"act recklessly!"

"Haha, Jiang Taichu, you are indeed crazy, but if you offend my Holy See, you will have to pay the price with your life!"

Saint Augu's face was furious, his aura surged, his eyes were as cold as a knife, he dragged his spear towards Jiang Tian and said in a cold voice:

"Today, I am not going to kill you all, I will only kill Jiang Taichu. I just ask you all to bear witness to me. He is seeking death on his own, not me, Saint Aogu, who took advantage of his injury to bully him!"

Everyone's expressions were ecstatic when they heard this.

Jiang Taichu dances well!

Unexpectedly, he actually angered Saint Aogu and allowed himself to save his life!

Jin Zixuan's eyes showed a hint of coldness as he scanned the surroundings.

It is a great shame and humiliation for me to kneel down and surrender today. If this word spreads, it will make all the great people in the world laugh!

As for Jiang Tian's death, it can be somewhat covered up. If he kills the Nalan family, the news will not spread at all.


Saint Augu's eyes were fierce, and he walked faster and faster, and finally ran out like a tiger emerging from the dragon, with a terrifying momentum.

The heavy spear dragged on the ground, and the sharp spear edge rubbed against the marble floor, causing sparks to burst out.


He stepped down, and the bright holy light burst out from under his feet, as if an extra sun appeared out of thin air, blazing and dazzling.

The marble beneath his feet turned into powder, and a deep pit with a radius of ten meters collapsed.

The violent air waves carried debris and scattered in all directions.

The surrounding tombstones were banged and banged by gravel, pushed around by the air waves, and even cracked and exploded.

"Eternal fire in hell, eternal punishment, Jiang Taichu, you will taste the pain of sinking day and night!"

Saint Augu roared, raised his spear, and stabbed out wildly.

Suddenly, wherever the spear tip passed, black air filled the air, and within a radius of several thousand meters, the sun and moon lacked light, and it was pitch black.

The air was scorching hot, and red flames were erupting like a volcano erupting with lava flowing across it.

The angel of darkness roared ferociously, wielding weapons to strike, the nameless monsters bared their teeth and claws, and the strong earthly fire seemed to burn the heavens and all evil!

A tragic, chilling, and indescribable pain enveloped Jiang Tian!

Seeing this, countless people looked extremely solemn and exclaimed:

"The Book of Revelation once recorded, 'The bottomless pit of darkness is burned by immortal worms and unquenchable fire, causing people to suffer eternal pain day and night.' St. Augustus actually simulated the divine punishment of hell with a single shot!"

"It's so terrifying! It's ten times more powerful and cruel than the one that defeated Fan Qilong!"

"I'm afraid that even if Jiang Taichu is at the peak of his immortal state, he won't be able to withstand it! What's more, he has been injured and his cultivation has dropped greatly!"

"This time, Jiang Taichu is dead!"

"It's better to die, so that he won't have to covet our Nalan family's property and compete with me for power!"

"Saint August is just a vanguard, but he is so powerful! How powerful must the pope, the last holy saint of the Holy See, St. Paul, and the awakened gods in the holy tomb be! In this battle, Jiang Taichu is dead! "

Everyone in the Nalan family and the Aixinjueluo family had different moods and expressions.

Some were frightened, some were gloating about the misfortune, and some were filled with sadness as if a rabbit had died or a fox had died.

However, Jiang Tian chuckled with disdain:

"This is the ultimate trick. Is this the divine punishment of your Holy See? It's too weak!"

"Oh, forget it, let me show you what true divine punishment is!"

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed. He raised his crystal clear right hand and pointed out with just one finger, as if he was squeezing an ant to death.

But, this point out.

Boom! With a sound, all space and time within one kilometer in front of Jiang Tian froze.


A golden finger, densely covered with supreme Taoist texts, resembles the laws of heaven and earth, filled with the natural atmosphere of ancient and vicissitudes of Taoism. It exudes a bright golden light and shoots out like a missile in the sky!

Under the shining of Gengjin light, many dark angels, undead poisonous insects, filled with surging black air, and gushing lava fire, as if they were made of foam, exploded into pieces, turning into air currents and shattering.

"not good!"

In an instant, Saint Aogu's face was full of horror, and his heart was full of warning signs.

These holy magic visions of his are capable of killing gods alone. It took Saint Augu hundreds of years of painstaking efforts to condense the holy magic, but they couldn't resist it for even a second.

Jiang Taichu is so powerful!

He stepped into the void with both feet, and the holy light burst out from the soles of his feet, roaring like a rocket in the sky, dragging the spear, and the man turned into a black light, like a meteor chasing the moon, and his body retreated violently.

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