Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 992: Kill the chief judge with a snap of a finger and scare Jin Zixuan to urine

St. Augustus was indeed impressive. He broke twice the sound barrier in an instant, and his speed had reached an incredible level. Even if he was shot repeatedly by a Barrett sniper rifle, he could dodge it.

However, Jiang Tian's fingers were faster.

In the blink of an eye, he covered a distance of hundreds of meters and was only a few meters away from St. Augustine.

"Block me! Holy magic, shield of holy light!"

St. Augustine roared loudly, like thunder on the ground, making everyone's eardrums seem to burst and their foreheads buzzing.

He shook his big gun, and dazzling and blazing holy light filled the air. The tip of the gun trembled rapidly and drew several arcs.

Suddenly, the bright holy light formed a huge shield with a radius of three meters.

There are cross graphics on it, thorns and flowers are entwined, and angels are flying, which looks holy and magical.

But everything collapsed again in a second, and the finger light shattered the holy light shield and hit the spear tip.


A shocking crack spread rapidly from the tip of the spear along the barrel!

The entire spear exploded inch by inch in the blink of an eye, flying in the air like pieces of paper.

Saint Aogu's body was shaking violently, his hands were stained with blood, and he was so frightened that he even screamed: "Holy Light, hurry up!" He wanted to use a secret method to escape.

But it's too late.

Gengjin's finger light surged in speed, volleyed a little in front of his chest, broke through the numerous holy light defenses and armors, passed through his chest, and then flew back.

St. Augustus, the body that could withstand volleys of artillery fire and was not afraid of cluster missiles, exploded directly in the air, turning into a crystal rain of flesh and falling down one after another.


There were bursts of air waves, and the aftermath was endless. A mountain with a radius of one kilometer below was directly razed to the ground!

Jiang Tian pointed his finger across the sky, breaking the divine punishment of hell, then breaking the shield of holy light, then shattering the spear, and finally, killing Saint Aogu, the last chief judge of the Holy See Judgment Office!

The whole place fell into dead silence and silence.

No one expected this outcome.

All members of the Nalan family were horrified, and no one dared to speak.

It only took a few minutes from the time Saint Aogu arrived at the scene to when Jiang Tian killed him with one finger across the sky.

But everyone's mood seemed to be on a roller coaster, going up and down, turning everything upside down!

Whether it was Saint Augu's unrivaled power that defeated Fan Qilong with one shot, or Jiang Tian's finger that stretched across the sky, they were all deeply shocked!

Is this still human power?

Especially when Jiang Tian pointed his finger across the sky, it was as powerful as a missile and shattered their souls!

"It turns out that you are so powerful! You can kill the Holy King of the Holy See with one finger in the sky!"

"No wonder you don't even pay attention to the hidden royal family!"

Nalan Qinghe's beautiful eyes widened, almost popping out of her sockets!

Nalan Li was so frightened that he could not wait to give himself a few slaps.

With his good looks, he dares to miss Saudoni!

The rest of Nalan's family members all regretted it. If they had known that Master Jiang was so powerful, they would have fawned over him!

Jin Zixuan's body softened and he collapsed directly to the ground, feeling extremely desperate.

This Jiang Taichu is really too strong. If I offend him, I'm afraid there will be no chance of survival today!

Only Nalanbo looked ecstatic, elated, and laughed, as if he had discovered a big ingot and decades of stagnation had been wiped away!

It seems that the strength of my grandson-in-law is much stronger than I imagined. Even the strong men of the Holy See are vulnerable to a blow!

With such strength, do you, the Jin family, still want to enslave our Nalan family? Scared you to death!

"Cousin, who is your husband? Why is he so powerful?"

Nalanchu took Zhao Xueqing's hands and looked at Jiang Tian with astonishment and admiration, as if he was seeing a true god.

"His name is Jiang Tian, ​​and his other name is Jiang Taichu!" Zhao Xueqing said softly.

"Ah? It's him! Oh my god! He is my idol! Sister, your husband is so awesome! You are so lucky!"

Nalan Chu's beautiful eyes almost popped out of her sockets, full of shock and surprise, as well as deep envy of Zhao Xueqing.

Zhao Xueqing touched her big belly, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and there was deep pride in her eyes.

Yes! This is my husband! My invincible and omnipotent husband!

Only Jiang Tian stood with his hands behind his back, his face calm, neither sad nor happy.

To others, the Holy See is one of the strongest orthodoxy in the world, but to Jiang Tian, ​​it is not worth mentioning at all.

In the eyes of everyone, Saint Augu is the tombkeeper of the Holy Tomb, the last adjudicator of the Holy See, and a powerful Saint King who has lived for hundreds of years. No matter which title he holds, he is scary to death.

But to Jiang Tian, ​​it was just a bed bug that Jiang Tian could kill alive with one finger!

Jiang Tian can even crush the powerful Jindan level warriors in the small world of Tianxing, and once killed six hundred immortals with one sword!

Who on earth can stop him?

The strength of the Holy King is only equivalent to that of the early stage of foundation building. To Jiang Tian, ​​it is nothing at all.

"Master Jiang, you are the Nine Heavenly Dragons, blessed by heaven. I love the Xinjieluo family and am willing to respect you!"

Jin Zixuan's face turned pale, he moved his knees, crawled on the ground and threw himself in front of Jiang Tian, ​​wagging his tail and begging for mercy:

"Master Jiang has learned that I am the deputy leader of the Hidden Royal Family Alliance. If I open my mouth, many hidden royal families will obey your orders!"

"In addition, my hidden royal family has gone to the southwest border to defend against powerful enemies. There is hard work without merit, and fatigue without hard work. I also hope that you will show mercy..."

"Do you think I'm a three-year-old kid that's easy to coax?"

Jiang Tian snorted coldly, raised his right hand slowly, slapped him on the face, and said coldly:

"You have repeatedly offended and provoked me. If I don't kill you, where will my majesty, Jiang Taichu, lie?"

Jin Zixuan was beaten dozens of meters away and rolled to the ground like a dead dog. His cheeks were torn and bloody, and several of his teeth were missing.

The few guards under him who had shown off their power before did not even dare to fart, they just knelt on the ground and shivered.

Jiang Tian raised his hand to catch him, holding his throat with his right hand, and said with a cruel arc at the corner of his mouth:

"Are your hidden royal family strong? Are you destined to be blessed by heaven and given imperial power by heaven? If you have the guts, come and fight me!"

"Xiao Ke doesn't dare, because Xiao Ke has blind eyes and cannot recognize the real dragon! In front of you, I am just an insect. I apologize..."

Jin Zixuan was grabbed by Jiang Tian's throat and lifted up. He was completely suffocated. His face turned red from holding back, his tongue was sticking out for a long time, and he felt that the real energy in his body was rapidly draining, and he couldn't help but be horrified.

"Apologise? Why did you go already?"


Jiang Tian slapped him again, causing his nose to bleed wildly and the bridge of his nose to become crooked.

"You dare to threaten me, do you know what the three words Jiang Taichu mean?"


Another crisp slap in the face.

Three of Jin Zixuan's teeth flew out, and the skin on his face was so raw that even his cheekbones could be seen. He was beaten so hard by Jiang Tian that he had a splitting headache and couldn't even utter a single retort.


Jiang Tian threw Jin Zixuan to the ground hard, and Jin Zixuan made a deep hole in the ground, with his skin and flesh torn open and his clothes stained with blood.

Jiang Tian stepped on his head, glanced at everyone in the Nalan family, and sneered:

"Nalan Li, Nalan Tu...everyone, this is what you rely on, this is the so-called True Dragon Emperor!"

"It's too weak, it's too disappointing for me!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​no, Master Jiang, this is all a misunderstanding..."

The three brothers Nalan and Li were so frightened that they were as silent as cicadas, not daring to say a word.

Nalan Qinghe almost peed.

"When I lose all my cultivation, and I have this trash as my backstage, how dare you come to bully me?"

Jiang Tian kicked you, Jin Zixuan, rolling on the ground like a football, and mocked:

"If I kill him now, what can the hidden royal family do to me? What can you do to me!"

Nalan Li and others were stunned by Jiang Tian, ​​and they were so shocked that they fell out of their wits!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Tian was so domineering and powerful that even the hidden royal family would dare to step on him and kill them!

If Jiang Tian hadn't cared about a little bit of affection, I'm afraid the Nalan family would have been slaughtered by him!

"Qing'er, do you still remember Uncle Jin? Uncle Jin once hugged you. I was the one who sent your mother away on her last journey..."

Jin Zixuan was disgraced and crawling like a dead dog. He rushed to Zhao Xueqing, kowtowed and begged for mercy, and shouted in a tearful voice:

"Hurry up and say something to your uncle. Jiang Tian loves you so much, he will definitely listen!"

Zhao Xueqing looked embarrassed and had mixed emotions.

To be honest, Jin Zixuan just shouted to Jiang Tian to kill her, and she also had murderous intentions.

If Jin Zixuan kisses her again, how can she kiss her own husband?

But the woman is soft-hearted after all, especially now that she is pregnant, she feels even happier, safe and joyful, and is unwilling to let Jiang Tian kill anyone.

Moreover, what Jin Zixuan said is indeed true.

At the beginning, he was indeed deeply affectionate and loyal to Nalan Yiran, and he spent the last desolate time with his mother.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xueqing hesitated for a moment and said softly: "Jiang Tian, ​​why don't you forget it, he is too pitiful!"

"This boy is sinister and vicious, as cunning as a fox."

Jiang Tian sneered, the cold murderous intent in his eyes not receding.

"Qing'er, letting him go today is like letting the tiger go back to the mountain. I'm afraid he will cause trouble again!"

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