Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 993: A one-on-one challenge between the two most powerful lineages will shock the world

"Uncle... please help me by saying something. I, Jin Zixuan, swear to God that I will never be an enemy of Jiang Tian. If we meet in the future, I will stay away to show respect!"

Knowing that Jiang Tian would turn himself into flesh if he slapped her, Jin Zixuan shivered with fear and looked at Nalan Bodao pleadingly.

Nalan Bo also felt a little unbearable, and finally sighed, looked at Jin Zixuan and said:

"I can speak for you, but if Jiang Tian spares you today, my Nalan family and your Aixinjueluo family will no longer be monarchs and ministers, and we will no longer need to listen to your orders!"

"Of course! From now on, we will treat each other as equals and respect Master Jiang together. How dare Xiaoke make any mistakes..."

Jin Zixuan hurriedly agreed.

Nalanbo pulled Jiang Tian and begged in a low voice: "Jiang Tian, ​​can you give me some face today? In the face of a powerful enemy, we should first fight against foreign enemies. There is no need for us to cause the internal disintegration of China."

Not wanting Qing'er to be sad and hurt, Jiang Tian had no choice but to put down his palm, then stared at Jin Zixuan with cold eyes and sneered:

"Jin Zixuan, I will spare your life today, but please tell the hidden royal family not to meddle in their own business! Our Tianqing Sect is enough to deal with the Holy See and the Brahmins!"

When everyone heard this, they felt as if they were struck by lightning and couldn't believe it.

Originally, the hidden royal family came out of the mountain this time, and the Holy See and the Brahmins were blocked from the country.

If the hidden royal family no longer resists, won't they march straight in and become invincible?

How could Jiang Taichu and the Tianqing Sect be able to resist this!

Nalanbo's face changed wildly, and he stopped talking.

He was of the Dragon Guard lineage. He was a high official in the temple and an important official of the imperial dynasty, and he was well versed in the ways of power.

If the Tianqing Sect wants to defeat the Holy See and the Brahmins and become a great sect, the world's number one sect, of course it must use all available power, so that it can achieve twice the result with half the effort!

Moreover, wouldn't it be nice to take the opportunity to weaken the power of the hidden royal family?

But he didn't say anything after all. He believed that Jiang Tian must have his own reasons for such a plan!

"Okay, okay, I will convey Master Jiang's oracle to the letter! Don't worry!"

Jin Zixuan was slightly stunned, and then said quickly.

"Also! There are some things that you shouldn't say, just don't say them. If you dare to say them nonsense, I will crush you to ashes!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were sharp and he snorted coldly.

Another reason why he didn't kill Jin Zixuan was that Jin Zixuan never threatened him with the truth about Qing'er's life experience!

At least, he was kind to Nalan Yiran back then, and he had some affection for Qing'er, and he was still a bit humane!

Of course, if he dares to reveal the truth in the future, he will die, and Jiang Tian will not let him go.

Jin Zixuan glanced at Zhao Xueqing from the corner of his eye and said quickly: "Don't worry, Master Jiang, Xiao Ke understands!"

"Okay! Then get out! Let you people from the hidden royal family go back! I have a way to deal with it!"

Jiang Tian waved his sleeves as if to ward off flies.

As if he had been granted amnesty, Jin Zixuan, along with several guards, collected Fan Qilong's body and left in a state of utter confusion.

When Jin Zixuan came, he was arrogant and arrogant, but when he left, he had lost his troops and was disgraced. Several of the guards were trembling with fear and looked uneasy.

Nalan Bo was very depressed.

It was obviously a good thing, and the Nalan family could obviously rely on Jiang Tian, ​​how could it happen like this!

A great future and a thousand years of glory were ruined by the blind descendants and Jin Zixuan.

"Jiang Tian, ​​I am really ashamed of what happened today. I didn't expect Jin Zixuan to suddenly come in. These incompetent people... ugh!"

Nalanbo hesitated to speak, looking embarrassed.

"It's over!"

Jiang Tian patted Nalan Bo on the shoulder, smiled and comforted:

"Didn't I just say that you are no longer the guardian dragon clan? From now on, you will be completely independent!"

Although Nalanbo was Jiang Tian's elder, he didn't feel dissatisfied or uncomfortable at all when Jiang Tian patted his shoulder. Instead, he felt honored.

Seniority is seniority, strength is strength. Jiang Tian obviously has the strength to stand shoulder to shoulder with the hidden royal family, or even overpower them!

This shows that Jiang Tian does not regard him as an outsider!

Jiang Tian glanced at Nalan Li and the others with a half-smile, and said calmly: "For your sake, I can give them a chance! I think Nalan Chu is a good girl, and there is also a person with a small degree of transformation." With her cultivation, she can take on a big responsibility! Let her be the head of the family in the future!"

"Brother-in-law... I am the head of the family?" Nalanchu looked stunned, feeling as if he had found a treasure.

I just came here to make soy sauce and became the head of the family?

"Okay, okay, it's up to you!"

When Nalan Bo heard this, he was overjoyed and trembled with excitement. He bowed and clasped his fists and said, "Master Jiang, your mind is really as broad as the sky! I admire you so much!"

Then he looked majestically at everyone in the Nalan family and said in a cold voice:

"What are you waiting for? Why don't you hurry up and meet the new head of the family and the Tianqing Sect? From now on, our Nalan family will join the Tianqing Sect!"

Nalan Li and others hesitated for a while, but although they were unwilling to do so, they finally knelt down in front of Jiang Tian, ​​his wife, and Nalan Chu.

Jiang Tian contacted the Chinese Dragon Group again and announced to the world that Saint Aogu had been sniped!

It wasn't until he walked out of the cemetery, got into his car, and drove more than ten kilometers out of Wuzhen that the fear in Jin Zixuan's heart gradually faded away and he regained his composure.

Jiang Tian left some room. Although Jin Zixuan was beaten to pieces, the ointment passed down by the royal family still remained in the family. Now that it has been used, he can recover in a few days.

"Prince, what should we do in this situation now?"

A staff member looked solemnly and asked.

"Hmph, we have underestimated Jiang Taichu after all. Being able to control a country and a religion in modern society does have some strength. It is indeed domineering, like a real dragon!"

Jin Zixuan touched his painful face and sighed with complicated eyes.

"Then, are we going to give up on our centuries-old plan and give up?"

The staff member was also a little confused at this time.

As Jin Zixuan's right-hand man, this staff member is extremely good at resourcefulness. Otherwise, the Jin family would not retain its bloodline and occupy a place among the many hidden royal families!

But facing Jiang Tian, ​​who was as powerful as a dragon and as powerful as a dragon, he felt like a dog biting a hedgehog, no, like a puppy scheming against a huge beast from ancient times, and he couldn't stop talking.

"Although Jiang Taichu is powerful, he may still be a thousand miles away from facing the Holy See and the Brahmins!"

Jin Zixuan remembered how he was trampled by Jiang Tian, ​​and his teeth itched with hatred. His face was filled with resentment and disdain, and he snorted coldly:

"He refuses our help from the Hidden Royal Family. Okay, then we won't care! Not only will we ignore it, but we will also publicize it! When the time comes, I want to see how many nails he can crush with his iron body! "

In the late Qing Dynasty, the country was poor and weak, and foreign powers invaded.

In fact, there is not only the competition between armies, but also the confrontation and collision of top masters!

In order to resist the Holy See and the powerful European royal families, six or seven hidden royal families of China came out to help!

But it still failed miserably!

The strength of the Holy See is unfathomable, not to mention that this time the Brahmins have joined forces to take action, and even many hidden royal families in Europe are ready to make a move!

Even if Jiang Tian is a Heavenly Immortal, he has only practiced for a few years, but his foundation in the Tianqing Sect is so deep!

Not an opponent at all!

"I understand! My lord's clever plan!"

The staff member patted his thigh and said with a smile:

"We, the Jin family, and many hidden royal families, sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers and tigers. When the Vatican, the Brahmans and the Tianqing Sect are all defeated, we will come out to suppress them, and even take down Sodoni and the Vatican together!"

"Kill with a borrowed knife, kill with a borrowed knife!"

Jiang Taichu pointed his finger across the sky and killed Saint Augu, the last chief judge of the Holy See Judgment Office in Wu Town.

When the news came, the entire Chinese cultivation world was shocked, even Cao Shixiong was alarmed.

St. Augustus, the last chief judge of the Vatican, a veteran holy king, suppressed the immortals, and was in charge of the punishment of the Vatican. He was the most favored and powerful man of St. Paul and the current pope.

There were countless halos around his body, like a god.

Such a being who once walked sideways in Europe, and even around the world, was actually killed by Jiang Taichu with a single finger. Many people couldn't believe it, as if he was struck by lightning.

"It seems that Jiang Taichu's cultivation may not have been lost. He finally took action..."

"It's too strong!"

Many Chinese martial arts masters looked excited, as if a huge supporter had arrived!

Can be followed immediately.

The second news, under the control of Jin Zixuan, also spread quickly.

Jiang Taichu was unreasonable and arrogant, refusing the help of his family Jin Zixuan and many hidden royal families!

He must single-handedly challenge the Holy See and the Brahmins!

Shocking to the whole world!

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