Returning from the Immortal World

Chapter 924: Preparing for the rainy day (seeking support for the monthly ticket)

Tang Xiu’s heart sighs, if it’s not too fast, it’s too late for him to stop, otherwise there will be no problem of identity exposure. However, fortunately, the Confucian scholars belong to the fairyland and the decent disciples, and the sects of this sect are all a group of scholars.

Confucianism, Tang Xiu has research.

The person who can go to the position of the elders of Zongmen in Confucianism is extremely demanding in terms of mentality. That is to maintain the "rule of governance", to advocate "rule of virtue" and to attach importance to "rule by man." Among them, etiquette and morality are the most important things.

As long as you can let this strange person make a promise today, the crisis brought by his identity will be reduced to a minimum, unless he violates his heart, leaving a hidden danger in his mind, and he will not want to make a breakthrough in the future.

Tang Xiu looked at the strange real people who worshiped, and after a long silence, he said indifferently: "The Qingru Emperor is the third-rate sect of the immortal world. Even if it occupies a fairyland, I want to remove it and only use the mouth. Only However, I have paid attention to your Qingru Emperor, and there is no evil feeling for you. I blame the real person, today you only promise me a promise, I will not send someone to find your sect. Sometimes, if you can help me a little busy In the future, I will not only give you a gift, but also give you a fairyland of Confucianism."

The stranger hurriedly said: "Supreme Lord, please tell me."

Tang Xiu said: "My avatar appears on the earth, you must help me hide it. Xue Yu is a woman on my planet. Since she worships you as a teacher, there is a bit of cause and effect between us. I hope that she will fly to the fairyland in the future, you can shelter her."

The strange man’s pupil shrinks and looks up at Xueyu. He immediately said, “I blame the real person for swearing to himself, and will never reveal your half-point news on the earth. In the future, your lady... In the fairy world, I will go all out to shelter."

Tang Xiu nodded happily and said: "I am very curious, how can you stay in the earth, have you ever been flying from the earth to the fairy world?"

The stranger respectfully said: "Yes, I was a man of the Tang Dynasty, the Confucianism was declining, and the Dharma was prevalent. Originally, I completely died of the inheritance of staying here, but I did not expect that someone could open the six-star star under my cloth today. Yao Yao, I gained my inheritance."

Tang Xiu nodded and said: "It turns out that it seems that there is a huge gap between the time on Earth and the time of the fairyland. OK, let's get up."

The stranger got up cautiously, looked at Xueyu, and looked at Tang Xiu. Suddenly, he asked: "Supreme Master, how can you..."

Tang Xiuxiao asked: "You want to ask, how can I be on the earth, right? In the fairy world, is there any rumor about me?"

The blame of the real person said: "There is indeed a rumor about you in the fairyland, saying that when you are in the ascendant world, you will disappear and the soul will fly away. Even many of your disciples, your subordinates, and personally Go to a place where you used to live in a large-scale memorial."

Tang Xiu said faintly: "Is it a joke? If I didn't have a tie at the beginning, it would be very easy to fly up the gods. Forget it, the fairyland has nothing to do with me for a while, so I will re-go in the future. Go back and see those old friends!"

The strange real person looked at Tang Xiu in front of him and hesitated: "Supreme adults, but your looks...and your cultivation, how..."


A breath of scent, instantly coming to this underground space. A white dress, like a lonely smoke of a fairy, appeared in front of a few people out of thin air. When her eyes fell on the blame of the real person, the fingers suddenly swayed, and the bottom of the eye burst into a murderous murder.

"You are..."

The strange man was shocked and was about to swear, but after seeing the face of the lonely smoke, the back words were suddenly swallowed back into his stomach. With a deep fear, he screamed and screamed: "The 236th generation of the Qing Confucian sects blame the real people and meet the Rakshasa Sin."

Snow jade face changed, and it was blocked in front of Tang Xiu. She is now a strong man of the gods, but she still feels a huge threat from the lonely smoke. It seems that the beautiful woman who is suffocating in front of her eyes is a mountain that she needs to look up to. Even she has a feeling that if the woman who suddenly appears in front of her wants to kill her, it is absolutely easy.


The solitary child’s brows are slightly sloppy, and the indifference looks at the snow jade, which is against the Tang Xiu Ying Ying.


Snow jade is dumbfounded. She turned her head and looked at the smiling face of Tang Xiu. She looked at the suffocating solitary smoke of the beauty, and there was a strange emotion in her heart.

And blame the real person fortunately at this moment is just a god, if he is really here, it will be shocked by the "master" of the solitary smoker. Who is this female devil in front of me? That is the horror female Shura in the fairy world.

The millennium ago.

He used to follow the elders of the division and saw the Rakshasa Star in front of him. He also clearly remembered that in the front of the hand, this clashing room killed countless mortals in the ancient country, countless immortals. At that time, the fairy sky was stained with red blood, and the scene was implanted in his heart. Even after the millennium passed, he still could not forget.


However, this fairyland is so hot that it is like a mad-like devil, how can it be the apprentice of the Supreme Adult? You must know that although the Supreme Adults used to kill countless Buddhas, they never kill innocent people!

Tang Xiu did not know the idea of ​​blaming the real person. He smiled and asked: "Smoke, how come you?"

When the solitary smoker waved his hand, he had already banned Xueyu and pushed her to a few meters away. This revealed a sweet smile and said: "Master, I have sensed that this world has a huge fairy spirit. Appeared, so I came over to investigate. I did not expect that there are people in the fairyland here."

Tang Xiu laughed and said: "Let them go!"

The solitary smoker smiled slightly, and after catching the arm of Tang Xiu, he immediately removed the spell that she was banned from blaming the real person and Xue Yu.

Xueyu ran to the other side of Tang Xiu and watched the lonely smoke with a vigilant question: "Tang Xiu, she is your apprentice? Have you ever been a fairyland supreme?"

Tang Xiu smiled and did not explain to her, but said to the strange real person: "Remember your vows, I hope you don't go against it. In addition, if you come to this way, I am afraid I will not go back. The power of this fairy will be left to Xueyu! She is your apprentice after all."


The stranger is respectful.

Tang Xiu took a deep breath and said: "I will also remember my commitment to you. As long as you can do it, I will naturally help you to a higher level in the future. Even I will send you a Confucian scholar. A big chance."

"Thank you for the Supreme Adult."

The blame of the real person respectfully replied, and carefully looked at the solitary smoke, this turned into a force of the spirit, integrated into the snow jade body.

Tang Xiu said: "Snow jade, you will absorb the power of this fairy, and it will be of great benefit to you. I know the doubts in your heart, I will tell you when you absorb the power of the Faerie."


Snow jade promised, and walked to the side and sat down.

The solitary smoker looked deep into the snow jade and immediately said, "Master, why haven’t you just let me kill the strange god? He is a fairyland, in case he reveals your news in the fairy world. I am afraid it will be very bad for you."

Tang Xiu looked at the lonely smoker and said softly: "I just had the way to destroy the strange man who is the real person. Can you follow his **** to enter the fairy world and destroy his fairy soul?"

The solitary child looked stiff and shook his head and said: "My strength has not recovered, and even the realm of Jinxian can not be reached, there is no way to destroy his fairy soul."

Tang Xiu nodded and said: "This is it. If you can follow his gods into the fairy world and directly destroy his fairy soul, I will naturally let you kill him in the first place, just in case. But you can't do it now, I can't do it. So, I can only gamble, bet he will follow the vows and conceal the news of us in the fairy world. Smoke, don't worry too much, Qingru Xianzong In the case, I still know something. Once this sect of disciple violates this vow, the price will be very, very large, unless it is a last resort, otherwise he will not easily reveal their traces."

The solitary smoker silent for a moment, or shook his head and said: "I still feel a little uneasy. Otherwise, let Ji Xiao charm leave the earth, first go back to the fairy world to remove him?"

Tang Xiu shook his head and said: "This is not a problem. I am afraid that it is not easy to return to the fairy world. In addition, although her injury has healed, it is not so easy to repair to the peak. In addition, although the Confucianism of the Confucianism is a third-rate sect of the immortal world, there are still some strongmen in the realm of the Great Luo Jinxian in Zongmen. Once the attack is not successful, they will be exposed more quickly."

The lonely smoke said helplessly: "What do we do then?"

Tang Xiu’s eyes flashed through a cold light, and Shen Sheng said: “From today, we will race against time. Try to return to the fairyland as soon as possible. As soon as we return to the fairy world, I will immediately take you to a special place. When I got there, even if those who harmed me knew that I was still alive, they couldn’t help us.”

The solitary smoker focused on the key and said, "Master, what do you need me to do?"

Tang Xiu said: "The most important task for you now is healing. When your injury is good, you can begin to recover. And I will speed up the cultivation. Once I can break the world in the future." If you fly to the fairy world, there will be a way to bring a large number of people to the fairy world. One day, the fairy world is our battlefield."

The lonely smoker said: "Master, I will take time to heal, and I will take time to restore my strength. You can rest assured that I will take time to cultivate a large number of elites."

Tang Xiu nodded and said: "As soon as possible! I always feel that the earth is very special. There is a problem with the time and the time of the fairyland. In case of the general experience with me, the year of the earth, the fairy world has passed for a thousand years. In the future, our enemies will be stronger, and we will become more and more dangerous."

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