Returning from the Immortal World

Chapter 925: A short cut to become a woman of Tang Xiu (seeking a monthly pass)

On the night sky, countless stars scatter on the earth, and the heat in summer also makes the wind full of heat waves. Tang Xiu and the lonely smoke, Xue Yu trio returned to the ground, Tang Xiu immediately decided to return to Ning Cheng. However, he faintly noticed that the relationship between the two women is a bit wrong.

"You all know what you know, and you already know each other. So we will be our own people in the future. I hope that you will get along well in the future."

Standing on the hillside, Tang Xiu looked up at the starry sky, and the voice was very low.

The solitary smoker took the arm of Tang Xiu and silenced it for a long time before he slowly said: "Master, I don't want to be lower than her."

Snow Yu said coldly: "I don't care."

Tang Xiu smiled bitterly: "Smoke, Xueyu is my woman, I..."

The solitary smoker raised his hand and interrupted the words of Tang Xiu. He said, "Master, my mind is the clearest. For the past thousands of years, the only thing I can survive is to find you, accompany you, even if The immortal world is destroyed, even if hundreds of millions of souls are completely destroyed, you will not leave. You, other women, I don’t want to control, but I can’t control it. But I must follow you, no one can separate us.”

Tang Xiu was a little distressed and patted the shoulder of a solitary cigarette. He said softly: "Silly child, where will I abandon you. You are my grown-up, and my most loved disciple, in my heart." No one is more important than you. Even if it is my mother, it is the same as your position in my heart."

The lonely smoker said with excitement: "I know that I am also the most important thing in Master's heart. However, I am not the original little girl, I have grown up, thousands of years, my age. I can already be the ancestor of her ancestors. If I am lower than her, I am not happy."


Tang Xiu is somewhat overwhelmed.

Snow jade eyes open, she is a woman, can clearly feel the feelings of the lonely smoke to Tang Xiu, even before the underground space, she learned the true identity of the lonely smoke, but also very admired this woman . After a moment of silence, she broke the deadlock and said: "Tang Xiu, since she is not leaving you, you should not give up on her. For thousands of years, she has already come over, even if the ugly wife has already become a woman." I think that your apprenticeship has long surpassed any feelings, why do you have to stick to the festival. Your woman has already had a lot of women, and she is not much, she is a lot less. I want to say that she does not want to be lower than me. For the first generation, let her be your woman too."


Tang Xiu screamed.

The eyes of the lonely smoke lit up at this moment, and her eyes were filled with surprise light. She looked at Xue Yu and asked, "Do you really think so?"

Xueyu said: "Yes. In fact, I am also a latecomer. If I use the name on the earth, I am a good lover. I am not a good person. I am a junior, a small four, a small five...

The solitary smoker immediately said: "Okay, then you will call my sister later! I call you a jade sister, you call me a smoker sister."

Xueyu gently nodded and said: "Smoke sister."

The lonely smoker said with satisfaction: "Jade sister, since we are already sisters, I have to give you a gift when I first meet. But what should I give you?"

The solitary child frowned, thinking for a few seconds, just at the moment when Tang Xiu wanted to talk, he suddenly surprised: "I remembered, since your current cultivation has reached the realm of the late stage of the gods, then I will send you a flying sword! This Feijian is a snowy star that took thousands of years to collect and collect countless treasures from the fairy world. Even if it is placed in the fairy world, it is also a great fairy."


In her hand, there was a thin sword like a flap, and a fairy sword with a blue glow. This Xianjian has just appeared, causing a huge turmoil in the surrounding space, as if the space is to be split.

Xueyu can feel the extraordinaryness of this fairy sword. It is only the pressure that is emitted when it appears in an instant, which makes her cold. At first glance, she deeply liked this sword.

"Thank you for your sister."

Xue Yu is a thank you for this time.

The solitary child kissed Xue Yu’s hand, then cut her finger with a fairy sword, and then taught her how to put away the sword and the method of the cultivation of the sword. This is proud to say: “Jade sister Don't thank me. We are a family in the future, and the family doesn't say two words."

She is satisfied.

very satisfied.

Before she knew that Tang Xiu always cared for her teacher and apprentice, and she was not willing to have any relationship with her. But now, she seems to see a shortcut, a shortcut that allows Tang Xiu to accept her and become his woman.

That is... get the approval of all his women.

Tang Xiu had some headaches and looked at the two women who suddenly became relatives, especially Xue Yu’s name for the lonely smoke, and her attitude towards her. He wants to reprimand the two women, but he is afraid that the lonely smoke will be sad, and he will only be able to hold that depression in his heart.

"Smoke, you should go back."

Lonely smoker Yan Yanxiao said: "Master, don't worry. I just came out, don't go back so soon. Right, where are you going next? I will send you in the past?"

Tang Xiu thought for a moment, suddenly his eyes lit up and smiled: "If this is the case, then you will do something with me! Ningcheng, Haiqing Province, you take us now."


The solitary smoker regained the arm of Tang Xiu and gently grasped the shoulders of Xue Yu. With a huge breath, the figure of the three disappeared instantly.

After a while.

When Tang Xiu and Xue Yu only felt a whirlwind, the three had already appeared in a remote place in the eastern city of Ningcheng.

"Come on!"

"Are you here?"

Snow jade looked around the eyes, and his eyes showed an incomprehensible look.

Tang Xiu smiled and said: "Smoke is the strength of the immortal, let alone such a distance, even if it is to the moon, she can arrive in a moment. Let's go! Since we have arrived in Ningcheng, we will not have to Anxious. Let's go to the Miao family first, then make plans."

Xueyu will be suspicious of seeing Tang Xiu. Although she suddenly became a real powerhouse, she has now reached the realm of the late stage of the gods, but she has not learned any spells after all, and naturally she does not know the speed of flight.


When three people took a taxi and entered the bustling downtown streets, she really realized that they had indeed returned to Ningcheng. The shock at the bottom of her heart made her want to learn how to fly after she How happy it is to fly freely in the sky.

Miaojia Villa.

When the taxi driver was forced to drive to the gate by Tang Xiuwei, Tang Xiu smiled and handed several hundred yuan bills to the taxi driver, and then entered the interior of the villa in the respectful eyes of the six guards of the Miao family.

"Tang Laodi."

After receiving the news, Miao Wentang is already coming to his residence. After rushing out, when he saw the two women around Tang Xiu, the mouth instantly grew tall and his eyes were as good as Tongling.

"And... another beautiful woman?"

Tang Xiu dumbly laughed and said: "Miao Ge, are you showing this expression? I will introduce you to her, she is a solitary cigarette, my apprentice."

"It is also a woman of Master."

The solitary smoker hurriedly added a sentence.

Tang Xiu was annoyed and gave her a look. This said: "Miao Ge, don't listen to the smoke."

Miao Wentang calmed his heart and said with a smile: "Tang Laodi, I am convinced. The woman around you, one is more beautiful than a beautiful woman, it seems like all the beautiful women under the sun have become your woman."

Tang Xiu did not cheer well: "You are all a lot of age, don't make fun of me here. Let's go! Let's sit down and have a cup of tea, let Awu come over and report the situation. Let's go directly to the cheap family and destroy this evil family."

Miao Wentang heard the words behind Tang Xiu, and suddenly suppressed the shock in his heart. His expression was dignified and said: "Lianjia is not removed, it is always a tumor. But we can't take action now? In case..."

Tang Xiu waved his hand and said: "Nothing, if you don't have full control, I naturally won't start with the cheap family. Miao Ge, you put your heart in your stomach!"

Miao Wentang confused: "Don brother, your card is..."

Tang Xiu pointed to the lonely smoker and smiled: "Since this baby apprentice has come, it happens to let her activities and activities. Even if we don't do it, the cheap family must be destroyed today.

Miao Wentang looked at the lonely smoker, incredulously said: "Don Tang, you mean lonely lady? This... How is this possible? You should not joke with me."

Tang Xiu said with a smile: "Looks down on a woman?"

Miao Wentang shook his head and smiled: "If it's just a woman, I don't mean to look down. But Miss Lone is young, and still your apprentice, how could she have a way to deal with the cheap family. Tang, brother, We are serious things, but we can't harm the lonely lady."

Tang Xiu eccentrically smiled: "You know the Baiyan Restaurant, but do you know who created the Baiyan Restaurant?"

Miao Wentang nodded and said: "Of course I know, the little boss, Lonely Snow, Master! You...what? You mean..."

Tang Xiu nodded and smiled: "Yes, the smoke is the master of Xiaoxue. Now, you should understand?"

Miao Wentang desperately swallowed his mouth and looked at the lonely smoke and said: "It turns out that repairing to reach a certain realm can really keep youth. Lonely... No, it is a lonely senior. I didn’t expect the founder of the Baiyan Restaurant to have such a young beauty.”

Tang Xiu dumbly laughed and said: "Oh, don't flatter. This trick doesn't work for smoke."

Lonely smoker smiled and said: "Master, I think his words are very useful. I am really beautiful, really young and promising, or else, how can I deserve the Master?"

Miao Wentang’s head is short-circuited, but now he can’t see the true relationship between Tang Xiu and the lonely smoke.

[I am sorry, these days in Singapore, I was really tired during the day. I went back to the hotel at 9 o'clock in the evening. I just wanted to stay in bed for a while and I was tired. I fell asleep and missed the update time. Let the brothers and sisters wait for a long time, and also ask the brothers and sisters to see the support of the monthly ticket in the case of constant nights, and thank you for the ^_^]

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