Reverse Growth Superstar

: Nine Hundred and Eighty Four: The Real Warrior

After      Link finished stealing a dunk, the Warriors are already 3 points behind the Grizzlies.

  In the beginning, everyone in the Warriors looked forward to a hearty victory. But unexpectedly, the situation has become so tense now.

   Cole clenched his fists and sat on the bench. He had already lost the momentum he had when he said "We will win the entire series" in the morning.

   Harrison Barnes did not dare to act rashly anymore, he was completely conquered by Link in just one round.

   Now Barnes is no longer a question of whether he can beat Link, but a question of whether he dare to fight Link.

   Link's appearance made this game full of surprises even more elusive.

   At the same time, the balance of victory was completely tilted.

   After Link cut his throat at Green, Green became furious.

   The fact that Link was knocked down with one elbow made Green somewhat complacent.

   But now, when Link stood up again and challenged him, the sense of honor in Green's heart was instantly wiped out.

   Green is very hot now, he can't beat Link down with another elbow.

   But Green knew very well that he no longer had such a chance. The last time he did this, he has already attracted the attention of the league. If you do it again, it is inevitable to be suspended.

   And, the punishment will certainly not be too light.

   Although Green wanted to kill Link, he didn't want to pay the price of suspension. If the Warriors can really win the championship, then he would like to participate in every step of the championship.

   Besides, without Green, it is unknown whether the Warriors will win. Although Green is a little conceited, he is indeed an indispensable member of the Warriors.

   Now, Green can only endure it. Only by waiting on the defensive end can he let Link converge a little.

   This time the attack, the Warriors missed another opportunity. Link's appearance boosted the morale of the Grizzlies players. On the defensive end, every Grizzlies player is like a desperate beast.

   The Warriors endured a violent collision, which even made their off-ball running less smooth than in the past.

   Curry could only shoot against Delavidova's crude and aggressive defensive shooting, but even for Curry, this kind of shooting is too difficult.

   Delavidova has nothing else, but in terms of enthusiasm, he is definitely no worse than anyone on the Grizzlies.

   The basketball hit the neck of the basket, and the Warriors' offense failed again!

   Draymond Green rushed to the inside, trying to take offensive rebounds from Harris.

   But before Green rushed to the inside, Link was already in place and stuck in a favorable position!


   There was another fierce collision, and the intensity of the Western Conference Finals was definitely not mild at all.

   Link gritted his teeth. His current physical condition makes him suffer from rebounding.

  Moon is right, it is not easy. Playing with an injury is far more difficult than people think.

Yao Ming in the 2009 Western Conference semifinals, Kobe, who dragged two broken fingers to win the championship, and Nash, who suffered a back injury but still shocked Phoenix... God knows these people who played with injuries. How did it persist.

   But at least they have proven that as long as they bite their teeth and persist, there is nothing wrong with them.

   They explained what a real warrior is. Since they could do it before, why not do it now?

  Link once again forgot the pain, he held Green forcefully, then jumped up violently, protecting the rebound steadily.

   Green unwillingly began to return to defense, and at this time, Link had passed him with the ball.

   "Concentrate, retreat quickly!" Cole was already hoarse, and he couldn't accept that the score difference was pulled further.

   He knows better than anyone the consequences of losing this game.

   However, the speed of Link's push and counterattack is not something Cole can stop with a shout.

   The Grizzly No. 0 wearing a black protective gear in the jersey quickly traversed the crowd. In the middle, Klay Thompson tried to force Link to slow down, but Link used a change of direction that hardly slowed down and gave it a clean.

   Link is like a wild horse galloping on the grassland. Behind him is a group of lions hunting.

   Almost everyone in the Warriors gathered towards Link, and they were all trying their best to stop this guy who obviously shouldn't be here.

  So that the other four people on the Grizzlies were completely emptied.

   Link suddenly stretched the ball to the right while advancing quickly, but the next second, the basketball was passed to the left side opposite Link’s sight.

   Another one does not watch people pass the ball, the Warriors' defense is played by Link.

Carter, who had just made a lore in the left corner of the last game, received the basketball again at that position. Link's pass was very comfortable. He knew that Carter was most confident in the left corner, so he immediately The ball was passed.

   After receiving the basketball, Carter didn't need to adjust at all, he just shot it!

   So, the Warriors fans in the Oracle Arena recalled the nightmare they had just experienced the night before.

   Carter's left corner shot went straight into the net, and the three-pointer went into the net!

   The Grizzlies' counterattack was unstoppable. Link's assist gave the Grizzlies a 6-point lead!

"It's 6 points. Steve Kerr's timeout didn't have any effect. In front of Link, all his plans seemed to have been ruined. Link staged the drama of the return of the hero. Although clichéd, every time Exciting!"

   Link raised his head and looked at the big screen. It was only a short while before the end of the first quarter. He will fight to give the Grizzlies a double-digit lead before the end of the first quarter!

   "What a **** bastard!" Green was very unwilling, he couldn't accept that his team was crushed by a broken guy.

   This time, Green set up a cover for Curry. But when the screen was completed, Curry did not shoot, but quickly penetrated the ball to Green who cut in.

   Harris hurried to catch up, but Green waved his hand and left Harris behind.

   At this time, Green only sees the basket. He just wants to score, no one can stop him!

   At the same time, Link started from the bottom corner to drive into the penalty area. Everyone held their breath. Everyone knew that this would be a collision like Mars hitting the earth!

   Green saw Link rushing towards him from the side, but he did not intend to slow down.

   If the two sides really collide in the air, they will definitely turn their backs on their backs.

   Green knew that Link could catch up with him, but he didn't believe Link really dared to do it!

  Anyone is afraid, and Link is no exception!

   Green took off on one foot, clutching the basketball in his right hand, and flew towards the hoop.

   Link, who came from the bottom corner, did not back down either. He raised his long arm in the air and aimed at the basketball in Green's hand.

   In terms of athletic ability, Green cannot be compared with Link. Therefore, Link soon suppressed Green in height. He squeezed the basketball in Green's hand, and then used his force!

   Green was not willing to give up easily, he was still competing with Link in the air. Both of them have lost their focus, but no one intends to give up.

   In the end, Link's power still surpassed Green, pushing the basketball in his hand to the rebound.

After    was sealed, the enemies both fell to the ground and turned on their backs.

"The referee didn't blow the whistle. He thought that Link encountered the basketball first. He thought it was a risk! Link gave Draymond Green a lesson. He didn't let that guy do whatever he wanted in the three-second zone! "

   Delavidova grabbed the out of control basketball and the Grizzlies fought back again!

   And what about Green and Link? Both of them seemed to fall hard. After all, they did not protect each other in the air, nor did any party save effort.

   Every collision between Link and Green is destined to be quite intense. This is a real head-to-head aerial confrontation.

   Green lay on the ground and quickly got up. He really couldn't believe that Link dared to rush to stop himself so desperately when the fracture was not healed!

   He knew he had a bad chance just now, he was betting on Link not to do it.

   But it turns out that he lost the bet.

   Green has always felt that he is the number one ruthless man in the league, but today, he has seen one more ruthless!

   The real ruthless man is not just showing no mercy to the but also showing no mercy to himself!

   Link? He knelt on one knee, with one hand resting on the ground, and the other hand covering his chest.

   The intense pain is burning him, making him unable to get up as quickly as before.

   But he survived after all, stood up again, and continued to fight!

   Link ran through halftime and just received a pass from Delavidova just a step away from the three-point line.

  Without hesitation, this Grizzly bears No. 0 and cast it. He seemed okay, as if only Green was the only one who fell down hard.

   Green’s blockade was slow, but he knew it was irreversible.


   The tumbling sound of the Nets sounded, and Link raised his right arm to shoot the ball and stood on the floor of the Oracle Arena.

   points difference becomes 9 points, just one more round, Link can achieve his goal!

   just fell heavily, and immediately ran over to participate in the attack, and also threw the ball in...

   Can Link really be knocked down?

   The problem Cole has been reluctant to face, echoed in his mind again.



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