Reverse Growth Superstar

: Ninety-five: The most glorious moment

     The Grizzlies held the ball on the final attack of the first quarter.

   At this time, the fans in the Oracle Arena were silent.

   Their mood is like riding a roller coaster. In the morning, they yelled to win the entire series and show off in the finals.

   But now, they are beginning to worry about whether they can survive today and survive the devastation of an injured player.

   Link controls the basketball from beyond the three-point line, and in front of him is the exhausted Draymond Green.

   In order to defend Link, Green has played a whole quarter.

   It may still be common for a player to play a whole quarter in the regular season. However, playing a whole quarter in such a high-intensity game requires a lot of physical exertion that ordinary people cannot imagine.

   Large drops of sweat fell along Green's chin on the wooden floor. He knew he had to guard Link now. If it can't, everything will fall apart.

   Link slowly approached with the ball, he could feel Green's fear. His eyes, his body movements, his heavy breathing, all these show Green's emotions.

   Link raised the corners of his mouth slightly. This guy is nothing more than a paper tiger now.

   The time on the backboard timer passed by, and Link glanced at the number on it, and then suddenly accelerated!

   Green retreated quickly, and he couldn't stop Link for the first time by moving horizontally. The only way to prevent him is to stick to Link's side and interfere, forcing him to slow down slowly.

   Just when Link was about to completely rush through Green's defense, Link suddenly paused and slowed down urgently!

   Green knows Link too much. He knows what Link wants to do. This is his usual trick.

   This guy wants to take a step back jumper!

   Green immediately changed his center of gravity and blocked it, preparing to stop Link's shot. But after Green had thrown all his focus on top, Link accelerated again without warning!

   Link just made a sudden stop, and Green was frightened and overreacted.

   After a simple emergency stop, Link cleared Green.

   That guy just thought he knew Link.

  Leaving Green, Link continued to break through. And before the backboard glows red, throw the ball to shoot.



   Basketball hit the net, and Link made a buzzer shot at the last second of the first quarter!

   At the same time, this ball also expanded the point difference to 13 points!

   33 to 20, Link scored 9 points, 2 rebounds, 2 assists, 1 steal and 1 block when he came off the bench in the first quarter!

   If it is said that the Grizzlies and the Warriors were inextricably played before Link played. After Nalink played, the Warriors became completely powerless to resist!

"Great first quarter, great Link. He showed a very efficient performance in a limited time. Before Link played, the Grizzlies only led by one point. But now, they have a 13-point lead. Entering the second quarter!"

"Link's performance is incredible. The Golden State Warriors have nothing to do with him. In fact, the Warriors struggled very much after the Grizzlies took out the five death minis to deal with the Warriors in the last game. They went to the end of the game. It took one minute to finally tie the score. But today, the Oaklanders may not be so lucky."

  The live commentators praised Link's super performance, but Link did not stay on the court to celebrate the goal.

   Link quickly walked off the court and sat down on the bench without saying a word.

   He covered his chest, panting, looking hideous.

   Everyone knows that physical pain is often directly proportional to the hideous degree of facial expressions.

   But he did not complain, did not gnaw. Rather, he should regain his strength every minute and every second and wait for the game to restart.

   Everyone looked at Link with concern, and the chief team doctor Moon also went to Link to check his condition.

   "I said, it won't be good. How about? Do you want to continue?" Moen blamed himself, after all, it was his idea.

   "My wife is so painful. Every time I collide with the other party, it will aggravate my pain." Link shook his head. He didn't intend to hide his true feelings.

   Hearing Link said this, Moon thought that Link would have to retreat. But the next second, Link raised his head and smiled slightly, "But now we are ahead by 13 points, so all this is worth it, isn't it?"

   This is the first time Link showed a less ferocious expression today.

  George looked at his players, suddenly his nose was a little sour.

   This is not the first time they have played the Western Conference Finals, but it is definitely the most special one they have ever played.

From Gasol and Whiteside having to give up playing time, Jimmy Butler and Tony Allen showing the strength of the best defensive lineup under no one's optimism, Vince Carter's lore to break the nightmare, to Today Iguodala's second but true "affectionate confession", and then Lin Keqiang resisted the pain of appearance...

   Everyone on the Grizzlies has fully dedicated themselves and has stimulated their full potential.

   Their perseverance, cohesion, friendship and perseverance have all been fully revealed!

   Yes, the Grizzlies have won two championships. Georgel once thought that he was the most glorious moment for him and the Grizzlies.

   But today, he no longer thinks so.

   The most glorious moment of the Grizzlies is now! He is honored to work with such a group of players.

   Such a good group is impossible to lose!

   "Guys!" Georg yelled, focusing everyone's attention on himself.

"Energetic, we still have three quarters to play! The Golden State Warriors want to end us at home, want to break our rule. Go up and tell them, who the **** is the first in the West! Three consecutive championships are in sight, no Anyone can stop us!"


   The Grizzlies’ championship heart is blazing, but the Warriors’ courage is rapidly diminishing.

   After the start of the second quarter, Link sat back on the bench. As planned, he will only come off the bench today.

   But the Warriors did not feel that the game has become easier, and Iguodala has not forgotten his promise.

   Today, Buddha instantly incarnates as a superstar, threatening both offense and defense.

   In the absence of Link and Carter, the Warriors adopted a strategy of shrinking defense. As a result, today Iguodala's three-pointer has become a string.

   If you dare to let go, he dares to enter.

   The scariest thing about Iguodala in this game is that he can seize most of the open shots.

   This seems to be nothing remarkable, but it is enough to make it difficult for the Warriors.

   Link, who lives on the bench, shook his head, no wonder in the original history, Iguodala can get FMVP...

  Under Iguodala's brave performance, the Warriors worked hard to finally reach the sixth minute of the second quarter, chasing the point difference to only 6 points!

   But after a timeout, Link returned to the court.

   At that moment, Cole knew that all his efforts had been wasted again. Their attempt to tie the score was shattered again.

   Sure enough, Link was still unstoppable. If it weren’t for the protective gear in the jersey and the look of Link’s hideous expression from time to time in the camera, people might have forgotten that Link was a wounded except that he didn’t like to dunk as much as before. , Link's performance is almost the same as usual.

   In the last quarter of the last game, Link's shooting percentage was affected anyhow.

   But now, Link is used to playing in this state, which makes Jean's shots as precise as ever.

   The Warriors retreated steadily, and Curry and Thompson were eclipsed by Link's halo, seeming to have completely lost the magic of the regular season.

   Yes, these two young defenders, where they have experienced such a tragic battle, where they have experienced such an unusual scene, they are completely frightened.

   The lower the cheers in the Oracle Arena turned out to be, Cole's expression changed from serious to at a loss.

   He almost gave up the game.

   In the third quarter of the game, the Grizzlies have led by 18 points. And this time, Link did not fall again.

   "The last 12 minutes are left in the game. These 12 minutes will directly determine the trend of the entire series. I don't know if the Warriors can turn the tide this time!"

   Mike Brin threw a question with little suspense at the end of the third quarter.

   Everyone knows, it's impossible.



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