Reverse Growth Superstar

: 986: Of course, of course there is no chance

     Before this game started, even Grizzlies fans could hardly imagine that they could win.

   After all, the Warriors are not ordinary opponents, but they have scored 67 wins in the regular season.

   What's more, the Warriors' strength has been further improved after the formation of the five-death team.

   Want to defeat the Warriors without Link, everyone admits that this is a very difficult thing.

   However, the fact now is that the Warriors are 23 points behind the Grizzlies in the last minute of the game...

   This is the biggest difference in the Warriors' playoffs so far this year!

   Link was already seated on the bench. To be precise, he had already started to rest two minutes ago.

   As planned, Link didn't play too much time today and only played 25 minutes.

   But his performance was not discounted due to the shortened playing time.

   24 points, 7 rebounds, 6 assists, 2 steals and 1 block. Link, who wears thick protective gear, is still the best player today.

  His performance is scary. Although the number of breakthroughs and dunks is less, Link has solved most of the problems with shooting defense.

   Many star players will experience a painful adjustment period after their physical fitness declines.

   During this period, if a player can find a new way of survival, then his residual heat may last for a few more years.

   But if he can only rely on his declining body during this period, his dominance on the court will only get worse.

   Kobe found a new path after his physical fitness declined. His back-and-back jumper and a series of superb skills helped him win the last two championships.

   Howard? Under the torment of a back injury and aging, he has gradually moved away from his peak. But to this day, he is still eating his old roots and has not developed new skills.

   So now the "Warcraft" playing in Houston is very struggling, and the performance is far behind the Magic era.

   These are the two most typical examples.

   This is why some stars will jump off the cliff when they get old, while others are still good players until the day they retire.

   Link is now equivalent to a decline in physical fitness, but facing this situation, he doesn't have to adapt at all!

   Because Link and the others are the other way around, his growth is completely reversed.

   When he was young, his physical fitness was the worst! When he first came to the Grizzlies for a trial, he was only capable of Old Hill, acting like an old man.

   Link’s strong physical quality was only later available. Therefore, Link knows better than anyone how to play with less physical fitness.

   This is what he did when he first entered the league.

   Therefore, Link’s performance today is not discounted at all. This is not because the injury has no effect on him, but he is fully able to adapt to the impact of the injury.

   So Link hit such a terribly efficient stat.

   Originally, the Grizzlies had a high morale today, and everyone played very well.

   In this situation, coupled with an efficient link, it would be really incredible if the Warriors could win.

   "This is an incredible game, no one expected this result in the end. I don't know if you can see it, but Oracle Arena is completely silent now!"

   Mike Brin said and took off his headphones. Sure enough, the surroundings are very quiet.

   Nearly 20,000 fans from Oakland are sitting here, although the game has entered garbage time and not many people left early. But this golden rice field is lifeless.

   The fans stared at the stadium with blank eyes, all in silence.

   Everyone knows what it means if the Warriors return to Memphis with a 1 to 3 score. Now, this "if" will soon become a reality.

   This kind of despair fills the air in the Oracle Arena.

   67 wins in the regular season, second in MVP, best record in team history...

   All of this will be possible for nothing!

   After another 30 seconds of the game, Cole also removed all the main players.

   Curry walked off the court with a look of loneliness, Thompson covered his head with a towel.

   Draymond Green's chest was violently up and down, he raised his head and looked at the large screen at the scene, and then hung down quickly.

   He was just looking at Link's data, and Link's data made him feel ashamed!

   30 seconds later, this unexpected game ended in a harsh electronic buzzer.

   121 to 105, the Golden State Warriors lost 16 points at home! The Grizzlies almost gave up defense in the last minute, which allowed the Warriors to reduce the point difference to less than 20 points.

   But what's the use? everything is over!

"For the Golden State Warriors, this is really desperate! After four games, they only won one of them! Now, the Grizzlies have the match point. After returning to Memphis, the Grizzlies will definitely not Will easily miss the chance to end the game. The Golden State Warriors, who have brought us countless surprises this season, are now dead for a lifetime."

"Yes, it's no exaggeration to say that the Warriors were destroyed by Link. Not only in the game, Link completely defeated the Warriors mentally. They were too immature and too young. Such a tragic situation. , Leaving them at a loss!"

   Along with the voices of two commentators, the live footage showed Link, the man who changed the trend of the entire series.

   Link did not have the joy after victory. What people can see in his face is still hideous and painful.

   But Link was still akimbo, standing on the court, facing the lost Warriors fans, embracing his victory.

   Iguodala looked at Link's back, feeling very pleased.

   He still remembers that in the finals of last season, Link fell directly to himself after a hard fight. In the end, Iguodala helped the exhausted Link and walked back to the dressing room.

   At that time, people still compared the image of Link falling on Iguodala with the image of Jordan falling on Pippen.

   That picture is still in Iguodala's room.

   But this year? Link still stood erect, glaring at his opponent.

   He has experienced greater ordeals and more difficult tests than last season.

   But now, the mature Link will no longer fall.

   This guy is in his prime!

   Iguodala walked to Link's side and put his arm on the sturdy shoulder of size 0.

   "We won, Link, a beautiful victory! In the next game, we can send the Warriors home in Memphis!"

"Yeah, a big victory. Of course, it is also a very difficult one. The process of this game is not as easy as the score seems." Link took a deep breath and tried to let go of all the fatigue and feeling of pain.

   "But you can always overcome difficulties, don't you?"

   "Hey, at least it's okay for now. Let's go, Andre, let's go back. I really want to see what the expressions of the Oakland reporters clamoring to defeat us at the press conference."

   "Do you need me to help you?"

   "I can do it myself, Andre."

   Link and Iguodala walked off the court side by side, he is stronger than last year.

  Steve Kerr is the last one to because he knows very well that this is likely to be the last playoff game in Oracle Arena this season...

   He prepared a plan for a full year and officially announced the abortion!

   From summer signings to death of the fifth elementary school, from 67 wins to the Western Conference finals.

   Cole's plan may seem flawless, but in fact, Cole overlooked the most important point.

   A real superstar will not be restricted by tactics and play styles!

  Death Five Elementary School may be able to deal with most people, but here in Link, he can only win the next game...

   At the player's passage, Cole was stopped by reporters.

   The reporter’s question is very clichéd, "Coach Cole, do you think your team still has a chance?"

   "Of course, of course." Cole didn't even look at the camera, answered two words at random, and left in a hurry.

   Cole's answer was very perfunctory, because that was not what he really wanted to say.

   The true thought in his mind is, "There is no chance, not just the Warriors. All teams in the league, no matter who meets the Grizzlies in the Finals, they will have no chance."

   A brand-new dynasty has been established by everyone, which is unstoppable.



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