Reverse Growth Superstar

: Nine hundred and ninety-four: Two people can't help it

     Link chases after James.

   This made all the Cavaliers look at it.

  Who is LeBron James? Once he initiates an impact, no one can stop him.

   In the usual training, if James hits the basket, everyone will flash to the side with interest.

   No one wants to experience the feeling of being hit by a big truck.

   But just now, Link kept up with James' counterattack with incredible running speed and blocked James' dunk from behind.

   The guy wearing the thick protective gear just stood up from the ground as if out of gravity, and he was shocked by the height of James.

   Everyone was dumbfounded. Everyone understood why the Heat lost to the Grizzlies for two consecutive years.

   This is still an injured Link, the uninjured Link before, how terrible...

   James is a pervert among ordinary players, but not the most perverted.

   Link's block gave the Grizzlies a chance to counterattack quickly, and Butler leaned on Shumpert to make an easy layup.

   The advantage of the Cavaliers hasn't been established for long, and it has been shaky.

   James got up from the ground, he was still too careless.

   Even if Link is injured, he must not be treated like an ordinary person.

   If James’ dunk was successful, now the Cavaliers’ morale will be boosted. But Link's blocking reversed all of this, and now the morale has become the Grizzlies, they are ready to take back their opponents.

   The situation of basketball games sometimes changes so rapidly.

   The Cavaliers second attack, James handed the ball to Irving.

  Owen is playing in the finals for the first time, and he is not as experienced as Conley. He wanted to flicker and then break through, but Conley didn't give him such a chance at all, and went straight up and used rough confrontation to stop Owen.

   The Cavaliers were confronted in advance, and the Grizzlies were naturally not far behind.

   Seeing Owen was forced to stop, Love immediately cut to the basket. He believes that he should be able to eat Harris raw by virtue of his height and tonnage.

   Owen immediately passed the ball to Love, but Harris never gave Love to catch the ball!

   He struggled to squeeze, crossed between the basketball and Love, and took the ball directly.

   Link's attack just now is equivalent to filling the mailbox of his teammates with gas.

   Now, the Grizzlies team is full of motivation!

   "A steal, and the Cavaliers missed two consecutive offenses! Irving is still too impatient. On such a stage, he must be more calm!"

   The Cavaliers are indeed younger than the previous Heat. Being young has the advantage of being young, but it also has its disadvantages.

   If Wade and Bosh were dealing with the ball just now, they would definitely not make a mistake. However, Love and Irving's two finals debuts would not be so thoughtful.

   This is the price to be paid for being young.

"This is a game for the two of us, no one disturbs. This is what you said, LeBron. Don't let Kelly Irving hold the ball, come by yourself." Link was involved in the offense while playing with James. spray.

   The Grizzlies’ offense was not fast, and Conley slowly took possession of the ball past half-court, ready to play a positional battle.

   The Cavaliers once again offered a tight man-to-man defense. Although the Grizzlies seemed to reverse the situation, Link has not scored yet.

   At least this shows that the Cavaliers' defensive strategy is effective.

   Link did not face off with James outside the three-point line this time, but instead sat in the middle distance and asked for the ball with his back!

   Because the Cavaliers use man-to-man defense, Link gets a lot of space and can move freely.

  Link didn't flinch, but just scheming.

  Since the Cavaliers want to force singles, let them regret it!

   James roughly tried to push Link away from the basket, but Link had to be very stable.

   He has a rib injury, but his back is still firm.

   After finding the position, Link opened his thugs and asked for the ball. Conley dropped the ball steadily. Although it was all passes, Conley's pass was much more beautiful than that of Irving.

   "Link played LeBron on his back, can he succeed this time?"

   As soon as Mike Brin's voice fell, Link turned over and shot a jumper!

   James responded very quickly, and he sealed it up almost immediately. His hand covers the basketball, and it's only a few inches away from the cover.

   Although it can't be blocked, it is definitely a serious interference enough to make Link miss a shot.

   Mozgov and Love both got stuck in position, ready to protect the defensive rebound.

   But the basketball went over their heads and went directly into the net!

"Go in, Link's turnaround jumper is still solid! LeBron's defense has done a great job, but Link doesn't seem to be affected in any way! Link may not be able to play as aggressively as before, his punching the frame It may be difficult to beat LeBron. But even so, Link is still the best scorer in the league!"

   James shook his head. Although Link scored, James thought his defense was successful.

   Defending against a player like Link, it is naturally impossible to achieve a complete clean. But as long as he is allowed to shoot under severe interference, he will sooner or later miss.

   However, 20 seconds later, when the Grizzlies attacked again, Link scored again.

   Moreover, it is still a goal scored in serious interference.

   In this round, Link continued to be forced to single out with James. The fans are feasting their eyes today and have played very well every round so far.

   Link attacked with the ball frame, he had intended to take advantage of Gasol's screen to break through. But after bypassing the screen, Link suddenly braked and retreated a jumper!

   The moment James saw Link retreating, he rushed forward. This time his take-off timing was just right, and he could even directly block Link's shot!

   But Link will lean back in the air to avoid the cover, which surprised James!

   The core strength of this guy has not been weakened by his rib injuries!

   Link leaned back at a great angle, as if he was lying reclining in the air.

   In this posture, it is difficult to score goals even if there is no defense, let alone James' defense is very tight.

   The basketball passed James' fingertips smoothly, and Link successfully avoided James' blockade.

   The arc of basketball is high, but the parabola is perfect. This is a ball that everyone seems to be unlikely to hit, but it passes gently through the net.

   For the second time in a row, Link made a difficult shot under James' strict defense!

   The Grizzlies scored consecutively, and the Cavaliers were overtaken again!

"It's in again, this is personal ability! I have to say that LeBron's defense is very good in these two rounds, but he can't stop Link from scoring! This is the role of superstars, and this is why the Grizzlies can three consecutive times. The reason for reaching the finals this year."

  David Blatter is a little at a loss now.

   His strategy was to play out, but the result was not what he wanted.

   Link is indeed entangled to death, but he can still score!

   Can an injured Link explode with James? At first, David Blatter thought this was impossible.

   But now, Link has made the impossible possible again.

  Everything has changed since the chase.

   In the next round, James once again used his own "bulldozer-style" attack to kill the basket and successfully layup. The two sides once again alternated the lead.

   But James couldn't feel the joy of scoring at all. He knew that he had to stop Link from shooting to get a real lead. This kind of situation where you score one goal and I return one goal is not what James wants to see.

   Seeing the Grizzlies counterattack, all the fans in the stands stood up and cheered.

   Everyone wants to see how Link will score goals on James this time.

   James was guarding in front of Link. This time, he quietly put his hand behind his back, and then made a gesture at Xiang Potter.

   Link did not notice this secret movement. He pocketed from the right to Conley, who was holding the ball at the top of the arc, and struck him.

   Link went into the three-point line and James was like a "roast mountain" blocking Link. Link really has no way to force James to break through, so he takes the opportunity to take off and drifts without completely getting rid of the defense!

   Link just jumped up, only to find that Shumpert was also leaping towards him! For this ball, Link will complete the shot under the defense of James and Shumpert!

   James had just called for support and was about to interrupt Link's continuous scoring momentum.

   "It's done!" Blatter saw Link being disturbed by the two and waved his arms.

   James almost covered Link's shot, and Shumpert blocked Link's field of vision.

  This kind of ball, besides Kobe's pervert, who else can score?

   Link's shot looked very reluctant. In order to avoid the block, he had to shoot the ball in advance, so the entire shooting action did not seem very smooth.

   The basketball finally knocked on the neck of the basket and bounced high.

   Everyone thought that Link missed this shot, but there was no way. It was too difficult to shoot under the interference of two people.

   Link is no matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to do anything beyond common sense.

   However, the basketball that fell again after hitting the neck of the basket did not leave the range of the basket, but fell directly into the net!

   "This..." Blatter's fist, which he was about to swing vigorously, hung in the air, making him completely dumbfounded.

   Link smiled slightly, and he said, his shot just now felt very good. Unfortunately, it's not a hollow ball.

"Still in. Link still made the ball under the defense of James and Shumpert! My goodness, Link has made three consecutive goals under extremely tight defense! The Grizzlies scored again! In order to take the lead, Link did his part and did not let James take any advantage! Before the game, everyone said that Link, who was injured, could not withstand LeBron's impact! But it turns out that it is difficult for LeBron to completely watch Lin. K, even an injured Link!"

   Mike Brin swallowed, UU Reading www.uukā Link’s three shots were too unreasonable. But is it reasonably useful? If you can score a goal...

   is powerful, and he can do whatever he wants.

After scoring the goal, Link looked at James jokingly and shook his head, "What about the one-on-one that is good? No one disturbs the one that is good? It's really mean to secretly move the rescuers. Next time you think about it. If you do, remember to call one more person over. Two people are too few. If you have three people, you might still have a chance."

   Link’s trash talk caused James to suffer tons of damage, and he was severely humiliated!

   Yeah, neither of them caught the opponent, what else can I say? Deserves to be humiliated!

   James was very satisfied with his defense at first, but now, when Link proves that he can score consecutive goals under severe interference, James is extremely disappointed.

   It seems that it is impossible to defensively contain Link today. Since neither side can guard anyone, it's better to make a good attack!

   Whoever scores more goals is the winner!

   James gritted his teeth and took the baseline serve from Mozgov. He believed that both himself and Link’s personal score today would be very scary...



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