Reverse Growth Superstar

: 995: LeBron brand meat grinder

     Before the game started, people knew that this would be a collision like sparks hitting the earth.

   But even so, everyone still underestimated the excitement of this game.

   Compared with today's finals, the previous battle between the Grizzlies and the Warriors was at best an appetizer.

   After being scored three unreasonably difficult goals by Link, James also completely entered the scoring mode.

   The two superstars scored each other on the court, playing well or not.

   At this moment, whether it is Love, Owen, Iguodala, Gasol, they have become supporting roles.

   This game turned into a star matchup in the true sense, and Link and James didn't intend to have reservations when they came up.

   The two sides alternately lead, James and Link also scored goals. After the first quarter, the score was 31 to 30, and the Memphis Grizzlies entered the second quarter with a 1-point advantage.

   Link scored 11 points in a single quarter with injury. James was not to be outdone. He repeatedly crushed Link's defense and forced into the penalty area to attack the frame, but he also scored 10 points.

   In the first quarter of the game, one-third of the points scored by the two teams came from Link and James. Fans have not seen such a wonderful matchup for a long time.

   "Unbelievable, Link's condition is incredible. The difficult shots he made in this quarter alone are enough for a whole year."

   "LeBron's performance is also very good, it is obvious that he has made up his mind to win this year's finals. Both sides are unstoppable today. I don't know who will win at the last moment."

  Kevin Harlan and Mike Brin are fascinated to see, this kind of truly top counterpoint is not always visible.

   23VS24 was so hyped back then, but it has never been realized.

   The direct match-up between two top stars in the same position in the Finals. Throughout the history of the NBA, there has not been such a situation several times.

   The fans watched it lively, but the coaches of both sides watched very worried.

   Especially David Blatter, it can be said that this game is not only in his plan, but also unexpected.

  In the plan, the Cavaliers players faithfully implemented his tactical arrangement, which made him very pleased.

   But unexpectedly, he really didn't expect that Link, who was injured, would actually be able to make a 50-50 match with James!

   Those **** that Link throws on the field will definitely be scolded under the hands of any coach.

   But those unreasonable goals can be scored in the end, and Blatter is stunned.

   At that time, Blatter even flashed an idea-NBA is too abnormal, I want to return to Europe.

   Now, Blatter has no strategy to change. The problem of the two teams now is not at the strategic level, but in the inability to contain the opponent's arrow characters.

   The Grizzlies have nothing to do with James, and the Cavaliers have nothing to do with Link.

   This situation cannot be solved by changing a few strategies. The final result of this game depends on Link and James...

   After the start of the second quarter, the Cavaliers tried to increase the variety of offense. Love and Owen both took the initiative to attack, but under the grizzly bears' brutal defense, their independent offensive ended in failure.

   Irving and Love are not unable to score, but unable to score as efficiently as in the regular season. But in the finals, the focus is on efficiency.

   Therefore, the Cavaliers' possession of the ball soon returned to James' hands, and the game once again became the "street singles" mode of Link VS James.

   At the end of the second quarter, J.R. Smith's buzzer three-pointer allowed the Cavaliers to enter the second half with a score of 61 to 58.

   Although J.R.'s buzzer shot was very exciting, it was only his first sports score today.

   After the first half, except for Link and James, no players scored in double digits.

During the intermission, David Blatter continued to encourage James, "Hold on and keep working hard! Link is injured now, so when his physical strength drops, his efficiency will definitely drop. At that time. , Is our chance to open the score! Work harder, and the victory will ultimately belong to us!"

  What Blatter said, James still quite agrees.

   Maybe in the first half, Link could still carry himself hard. But in the second half, he believed that the winner must be himself!

   In the last Western Conference Finals, Link did not play more than 30 minutes in the two games after his injury.

   But today, Link has played 22 minutes in the first half alone! There is no doubt that this has exceeded his previous maximum load.

   In the second half, James will step up his offensive and further increase Link's consumption!

   James still remembers the first game of the finals last year, which was also in this place.

   He and Link are equally fierce, and everything seems to be a replica of today.

   In that game, James left the field because of exhaustion and cramps at the last moment, and Link, who persisted until the end, won the game.

   James only learned afterwards that Link had been training before that game and had a considerable physical reserve. All, finally survived that game.

   But this year, things are completely different. James believes that he can change the final outcome!

   Yes, so far, everything in this game is the same as last year.

   But the difference is that James will be the final winner this year!

   After the start of the second half, James really stepped up the offensive. His breakthrough is getting stronger and stronger, and he holds the ball more and more.

   In the middle of the third quarter, Link was even knocked down by James abruptly.

   This time, Link didn't stand up immediately after falling. In addition to the pain, but also because he is so tired!

   Even lying on the wooden floor to rest for a few seconds is a kind of enjoyment for him.

   Iguodala lifted Linkla up, as if Link had just walked out of the shower.

   "Are you okay?"

   Link just shook his head without responding.

  Perhaps, I don't even have the strength to respond.

   Then, Iguodala wanted to help Link on the defensive end. He did so, watching James break through again, Iguodala quickly made up the inside line!

   But James is not stupid, he is not Westbrook, and his head is easy to do unreasonable things.

   Seeing Iguodala approaching him, James immediately distributed the ball to Love who was emptied.

   The latter fired a shot from the bottom corner, three-pointed hollow into the net! Although Love came to the Cavaliers this season, the data plummeted.

   But his tactical position in the Cavaliers formation has not wavered at all.

   With him standing outside the three-point line, James doesn't have to be afraid of encountering a make-up defense. If the opponent insists on making up, then Love's three-pointer will severely punish this behavior!

   "Don't worry, I'll watch him!" After Love scored, Link shouted at Iguodala.

   Linken would rather let James attack alone, and would rather be destroyed by himself, and never let the Cavaliers take the three-pointer.

   Link knows exactly how terrible the Cavaliers' three-pointers are. Although the Cavaliers are not a team that focuses on three-pointers, their three-pointers are not as stable as the Warriors.

   But the Cavaliers have a higher convulsive attribute than the Warriors. Once their three-pointers are convulsed, even the Warriors will bow down!

   If you want to prevent the Cavaliers from picking up the three-pointer, you must do a good job defense, and directly don't give the opponent the chance to accumulate the feel.

   James smiled, and Link looked like he was about to collapse. He thought that maybe it would not be necessary to start the fourth quarter. It only takes another three minutes before Link will fall!

   This time the Grizzlies attacked, Link's three-pointer also knocked to the edge of the basket, which was obviously shorter.

   James' eyes lit up, this is a sign that Link is exhausted!

   He doesn't even have the strength to shoot!

   So James hit harder, and even more crazier was a collision with Link.

   But until the end of the third quarter, Link still stood on the court.

   The tenacity of No. 0 is more terrifying than James expected!

   But persistence is useless, James has gradually gained the upper hand in the game.

"At the end of the third quarter, the Cavaliers gained a 5-point lead! LeBron's performance in this quarter was almost dominant, while Link's offensive efficiency in the third quarter showed some signs of decline. We don't know, it's the first quarter. Will Link be able to survive the fourth quarter final battle."

   Mike Brin is a little worried. Link has only been sitting on the bench for three minutes so far with his injury.

   As long as James gets on, Link will get on. After James is off, Link will follow to catch his breath.

   However, competitive sports is not so passionate to talk about. Link's spirit is indeed worthy of praise. But if the Grizzlies lose in the end, the league will not refuse to turn the series total score to 1 to 0 because of Link's insistence.

   For Link, this is a real hard fight.

   Link sits back on the bench. He has always been known for his physical has never been so embarrassed by anyone.

   In the past, he used his abnormal physical abilities to oppress each other. Today, he finally feels the feeling of being oppressed.

   "Link, you have to take a few more minutes of rest in the fourth quarter. If this goes on, losing is a trivial matter, and you may be at risk of another injury."

   As soon as Georg came up, he caught the key point and said that now there is no more time to waste.

  Link only took a big breath, not even talking.

   He knew that if he continued to carry it hard, he would lose sooner or later. It's not a beautiful thing to fight a meat grinder like James for 48 minutes.

   Poor physical condition not only prevents Link from defending effectively, but also affects his difficult shooting percentage.

   So Link changed his strategy against James.

   "Four minutes, let me rest for four minutes after the start of the fourth quarter, and then I will play until the end of the game. These four minutes, no matter what, I must survive!"

   Linke had four fingers out, and he thought it would take about four minutes for his physical fitness to recover.

   And these short four minutes will be the biggest test for the rest of the Grizzlies...



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