Reverse Growth Superstar

: The Thousand and Two: A Historic Night

   Due to the need to change the venue, there was a gap of two days between the fourth and fifth games of the finals.

   In these two days, all Memphis is preparing to celebrate the team's third championship.

   On the outer plaza of the Federal Express Arena, the Grizzlies made a large model of the O'Brien Cup in order to create a championship atmosphere.

   Inside the arena, everything is beautifully decorated. Photos of the Grizzlies' first two championships are posted everywhere.

   This is the most artistic arena in the league, and now it has become the most championship-like arena in the league.

   is not just an arena, but all the streets and alleys of the city have posters celebrating the championship.

   All the billboards of the high-rise buildings are replaced with content related to the Grizzlies' championship.

   On the street, almost all citizens are wearing Grizzlies jerseys or team T-shirts. Among them, the number 0 jersey is the majority.

  Even, some merchants also launched promotional activities to celebrate the establishment of the Grizzlies dynasty! The discount rate is similar to the annual Christmas.

   The atmosphere of the whole city of Memphis is very pleasant, as if it is a holiday, and a festival that only the talents of this city have.

The taste of    champion has begun to spread throughout the city.

   At this time, as the biggest protagonist of this "festival". Link was in Oklahoma City, 750 kilometers away from Memphis. He took his two previous championship rings and came to the cemetery he was very familiar with.

   Today, there are not many people in the cemetery. It is very quiet and suitable for conversation.

   Link walked to a tombstone and found that there was a bunch of flowers in front of the tombstone. The flowers have not withered or been taken away, indicating that they have just been placed here.

   Link looked around, but didn't see any familiar faces. No matter who it is, maybe they have already left.

   Link squatted in front of the tombstone, put down the flowers in his hand, then raised his hand, and shook his two championship rings against the tombstone.

"Have you seen Zick, I now have two championship rings in my hand! Not surprisingly, I will have my third championship trophy the day after tomorrow. I did it, and I became the greatest in the league. One of the players. No, we did it. Now on the streets of Memphis, people are wearing your No. 0 jersey."

"Unbelievable, really unbelievable. Now, I have won two regular season MVPs, two finals MVPs, one scoring leader, two defensive players, three doubles and one team. And, I will soon establish a three-game winning dynasty. .I’m very happy, Zike. It turns out that basketball players like us who were born out of the spotlight can be successful. By the way, your sister is about to graduate from college, so don’t worry. Your mother lives with her. Very well, they have moved out of the old neighborhood. Now, you don’t have to worry about them being harassed by the gangsters."

"I sent them all tickets for the fifth round of the finals, and they will come to watch me win for you. Your No. 0 will be sought after by the whole world! Also, I plan to give a girl this summer Er proposed. Hahaha, sorry to tell you so late. Actually, I met her very early, and we met when we were playing in the Development League. I don’t know why, since last year, I want to have a family with her It feels stronger and stronger. Maybe, this is where I really belong."

   Link looked at the tombstone, looked at the name on it, as if he saw Upshaw smiling in front of his eyes, and patted his shoulder and said, "You really are there, brat."

"Take a good rest, man, wait for my good news. Next time I come, I will bring her over. You have to know her, don’t you? Okay, I should go back. Let’s tell you, My ribs still hurt to death. The media and fans say that I am a tough guy and a hard ass. It’s just gritted my teeth. Is it possible that I have to shout out in the game? Good luck."

   Link stood up, stared at the tombstone for a few seconds, then turned and left.

  He will return to Memphis this afternoon to prepare for the final battle.

  As soon as Link left, a burly man walked from the big tree in the distance to the tombstone. The man looked at Link's back, opened his mouth, but quickly closed it, and still did not call Link's name.

   "Dad, wasn't that the one who appeared on TV every day?" Beside the man, a little boy pointed at Link who was walking away.

   "Yes, he is the one who appears on TV every day."

   "Do you know him? Why does he put a bunch of flowers here, just like you."

   "Because, we are good friends. should be considered."

   "God, dad, you actually know a TV star! When did you become good friends? Tell me about it!"

"This is a very long story. I have to start talking about it from years ago when I threw him to the floor in the training ground. At that time, my mother and I weren't you... Well, Edward, let's go home and tell this story."

   Joan Brockman took his child and walked out of the cemetery.

   He will watch the live broadcast of the game the day after tomorrow on time.


"Link is in trouble. He is caught between LeBron and Shumpert. The basketball is in his hands, but he can't directly score. The 24 second offense is about to end. Link must do it as soon as possible. The decision was made. He turned around, leaned back... Jump shot-Bang! The goal! The goal! Link scored again under double doubles. He deserves to be the King of Memphis! Such a difficult task The goal could not be difficult for him! The point difference was widened to 10 points and the Cleveland Cavaliers had no chance!"

   Mike Brin’s excited roar came from the TV.

   What is more excited than him in front of the TV are the Grizzlies fans. Those who cannot go to watch the game can only choose to witness this historic night in a crowded bar.

   Watching a ball in a bar, this is generally an operation only available in football matches. But today, in Memphis, all bars, big and small, are almost full.

  The whole city crowded together to watch the basketball game.

   After all, this will be a moment of honor for this city.

   "Good job, champion! We are champions!"

   "Three consecutive championships, dynasty! No one can stop us!"

   "Link, I **** love you!"

   "Yes, yeah, if I were a woman, I would marry him!"


   Such a scene appears in a bar where all Memphis fans gather. Tonight, the local police will certainly not have to worry about the crime rate.

   Because of the whole city, no one wants to miss this game.

   "Beer! I want more beer!"

   "Cheers! For the championship!"

   "Cheers! For the Grizzlies' dynasty! For the Link's era!"


   In the lively Federal Express Arena, the shouts of the fans on the scene have made Mike Brin even unable to hear his voice.

   The game is not over yet, the Clevelandans still have 1 minute and 22 seconds to fill the 10-point gap.

   But the Grizzlies fans are already celebrating unscrupulously, and they don't care about the "miracle happening here" bullshit.

  In the Federal Express Arena, only the Grizzlies can perform miracles!

   James wiped the sweat from his head, and again, Link scored a goal that made him helpless.

   Yeah, nothing can be done. After this round of the series, the biggest feeling for James is that he can do nothing.

   Losing to the Grizzlies two years ago, James didn't feel that way.

   He thinks he can fight Link, but the Heat's injury problem really makes James helpless and makes him hard to beat.

   But this year, James has no excuses. The Cleveland Cavaliers are younger and healthier than the Heat.

   But he still lost in the duel with Link. The loss was complete and powerless.

   Link did not celebrate like the fans, he continued to shout at his teammates to get them to focus.

   This is the NBA Finals. Even in the last minute, anything can happen.

   The game restarted, James began to madly attack the inside. He obviously wanted to attract the defense and then create three-point shooting opportunities for Irving and Love.

   But the Grizzlies players were not fooled. They resolutely implemented man-to-man defense and handed James to Link.

   James saw that there was no passing route, so he gritted his teeth and forced a layup. But Link didn't give in, he raised his arms and jumped up, forming a high wall in front of the basket!


   How many times have you heard this sound in this game? James can't remember.

   His attack today was blocked everywhere!

   "Link prevented James from making a layup! The goal was not scored and the Cleveland Cavaliers were getting closer and closer to the defeat!"

   Just like that, the game is getting closer to the end. But the score difference has not been significantly reduced.

   When there are only 30 seconds left in the game and the Cavaliers are still 8 points behind, it seems that even James wants to give up.

   He shot a three-pointer from beyond the three-point line, but failed to make it. In the crucial last minute, James didn't score a point!

   This reminds him of the second game of the series, which is also here, also in the last Link reversed the game with an incredible steal and jumper, but what about himself?

   James covered his head in pain after shooting, he gave up!

   "The game is over. Look at LeBron. He seems to have lost all his courage and fighting spirit in an instant. He has no idea how to finish the last few dozen seconds of the game."

   With 23 seconds left in the game, the basketball is in Conley's hands. The Cavaliers players had no intention of coming up to grab the ball. Both sides were waiting for the game to end.

   On the Grizzlies bench, players and coaches gathered on the sidelines, waiting for the referee's whistle, so they could rush in to celebrate.

   Celebrate this historic three consecutive championships!

   There are ten seconds left in the game.

   Link suddenly covered his chest and squatted to the ground. Finally, he didn't have to support himself!

   There are seven seconds left in the game.

   James stood on the court with his hips akimbo, and finally glanced at the championship pennants. In the end, he still did not bring this thing home.

   There are four seconds left in the game.

  The young Kelly Owen covered his face, seeming to be crying. For him, such a blow is indeed too great.

   With one second left in the game, Mike Conley threw the basketball into the air.



   "The game is over, the Memphis Grizzlies have established their dynasty!"

   Mike Brin yelled his throat, but soon his voice was drowned out by louder cheers...



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