Reverse Growth Superstar

: One Thousand and Three: The Age of Link

   Link sat on the floor of the Federal Express Arena with a very strange expression.

   Because at this time, he wanted to laugh, but also had to grin because of the pain in his ribs.

   Then, a strange expression appeared on his face that was both laughing and enduring pain.

   He looked at the cheering fans, looked at the teammates who were jumping up and down with excitement, and then shook his head.

   Anyway, it's all worth it!

   Link stood up, and did not appear to be very excited. He may be one of the calmest people in the audience now.

   He walked towards James, not forgetting to say goodbye and hug his opponent.

   So, gentlemanly demeanor and sportsmanship are things that winners deserve to talk about.

   Link and James have nothing to say, their relationship is actually very weird.

   The two have played against each other in the finals for three consecutive years, but they have never had any personal relationships.

   In the era of "black and white hegemony", "Magic" and Bird were enemies on the court, but they were close friends off the court.

   In the 90s of the "War of the Gods", Jordan and his opponents were enemies on the court, but still enemies under the court.

   But what about Link and James? They are enemies on the court, but they are more like two strangers off the court.

   James didn't want to have a personal relationship with his old enemy, Link was also not interested in it.

   But the two also know that their grievances are limited to the arena and have not yet developed to the point of mutual hatred.

   Therefore, after the game, the hostile relationship between the two sides is not so strong.

   So the two of them just touched their fingertips lightly, and they had shook hands.

   cold, still cold. But Link knew that James and his grudge would not disappear because of indifference.

   After sending off James, Link can finally turn around and embrace the victory.

  Off the court, Jimmy Butler took a championship commemorative baseball cap and put it on Link's head.

   Then, he hugged and cheered with his teammates.

   "Three consecutive championships, three consecutive championships! We have established a dynasty, belonging to the Memphis dynasty." Marc Gasol roared, changing his usual elegant personality.

   As a veteran player who has played for the Grizzlies since entering the league, no one on this team has a deeper feeling for the Grizzlies than Gasol.

   He has personally experienced the whole process of the grizzly bear from the belly to the establishment of the dynasty. At this time, his heart must have mixed feelings.

   Old Carter couldn't cry. He knelt on one knee directly on the wooden floor of the Federal Express Arena and kissed the Grizzlies logo in the center of the venue.

   The nightmare of 14 years and the long-cherished dream of a championship, Carter finally realized this stop in Memphis.

   Later, Vince Carter will also have a championship ring.

   Iguodala laughed happily, with a cigar in his mouth. At this time, he looked like a big business man.

   He said he wanted to protect Link’s glory, and he did it. Randolph took the initiative to cut his salary last summer in order to keep him, he did not let Randolph sacrifice in vain.

  He is very lucky that he came to Memphis that summer three years ago. He is very fortunate that he has reached the pinnacle of his career here!

   Jimmy Butler embraced Link with excitement, from the little devil who just entered the league who didn't know anything, to now become Link's right-hand man.

   He has not forgotten every night and every summer that Link trains with himself.

   He still has a lot to say to Link, and he has his own plan to inform Link.

   But at this moment, he just wants to enjoy this wonderful moment of winning the third championship.

  Rachel stood in the stands and clapped vigorously.

   "Aren't you going to go up and celebrate with him?" Grizzlies owner Robert Perla laughed beside Rachel.

   "It's their time now, I still won't bother." Rachel shook her head. She hadn't forgotten the scene of Link kissing herself in front of the world when she won the championship last year.

   That kind of experience, once is enough happiness.

   Pella nodded, and walked off the court to prepare for the award ceremony.

   Yeah, now is the time for Link and his teammates. But Pella knew that it won't be long before Link and Rachel's moment will come.

   After the Grizzlies players calmed down a bit, the reporter finally had the opportunity to interview Link.

   "Congratulations for creating a new history for the team, Link! After 13 years, you have established another three-game winning dynasty in the NBA. Anything you want to say?"

"Before the finals started, I thought we should win the championship. We are the best team in the whole world. I have the best coach, the best teammates, and the best fans! This is for Memphis. Don't underestimate us "Tennessee Countrymen"!"

   Link's speech was as arrogant as ever, but the reporters didn't think it was wrong.

   Three consecutive championships, this is the biggest arrogant capital!

   is now the pinnacle of Link’s life. He is standing on the cloud of happiness. He can enjoy all the compliments, praises and praises of everyone, the joy of standing on the top of the world, and the pleasure that many people will never experience in a lifetime.

   "I am glad that we are champions again, not once, not twice, but three times in a row!"

   Link shot three fingers out of the camera, and also emphasized the pronunciation of the word "again."

   Then, he took off the championship cap and made a gentleman's salute to the camera.

   Goodbye, all enemies! You can only do it again this year and watch me climb to the top of the world!

   After a while, the on-site awarding platform has been set up.

   The cheers on the scene made people excited. Sure enough, the feeling of winning at home is really wonderful.

   Link first saw Bill Russell, and he embraced the old man friendly. After all, the old man is about to award himself the FMVP trophy for the third consecutive year.

   Then, Link finally saw the head of the Union President Adam. Joke.

   The jokes also have a smile, but his smile is as rigid as an outdated female celebrity whose face has collapsed after plastic surgery.

   Link can't help but feel proud, jokes want a better league appearance? Sorry, it can only be me!

   Even if I always swear words, always end the big box office games early, always rebellious, and with yellow skin, but it can only be me!

   Jokes and Bill Russell are already in place, but no one stepped onto the podium.

   This is the tradition of the Memphis Grizzlies. Before Link takes the lead on stage, even Robert Pella, the team owner, will wait below.

   Let the king go first!

   "This is the tradition of the Memphis Grizzlies. They did the same for the first two championships at the American Airlines Center. Link will always be the first to come on stage, and after that, other talents will follow!"

   Mike Brin smiled, Memphis fans must be very happy, this time, they can finally witness Link's coronation ceremony with their own eyes.

   Link was not modest either, and took the lead along the stairs to the podium.

   After Link took the stage, the Grizzlies fans in the stands chanted Link's name and praised him for winning another championship trophy for the team.

   There are many fans who directly burst into tears, and being able to witness this historical night at the scene makes them very excited.

   Link looked at the joke, it was obvious that the joke was not as happy as it seemed on the surface.

   "Congratulations, Link." Although it was indeed disappointing, as the president of the league, the joke still stretched out his hand and took the initiative to show his favor to the champion.

   "Thank you." Link simply shook his hand and left, looking very cold.

   The joke is really embarrassing, he originally wanted to say a few But in this situation, his best choice is to end the awards as soon as possible, and then leave this ghost place as soon as possible.

   Give an award to someone you don’t like, and you must applaud to echo it... This may be the most uncomfortable moment in the world.

   At this year’s All-Star, Jokes had just experienced such embarrassment. Unexpectedly, I will experience the second time so soon.

   The Golden State Warriors and the strong lineup of Cavaliers have no choice but to take the Grizzlies. Xiao Hua shook his head. It seems that the league needs a stronger super team to end all this.

   The joke finally handed the golden O'Brien Cup to Link, who should have been the first to hand it to the team owner. However, this is another tradition of the Grizzlies different from other teams.

   "Mr. Joke." Link approached the trophy and called to the president.


   "No matter how embarrassing, remember to keep smiling."

   Link finished speaking, took the trophy from the joke, and then held it high above his head.

   The corners of the joke's mouth are twitching with anger, Link is really such a complete bastard!

   But there is no way, he can only forbearance, he can't gaffe in public!

   But at this moment, no one cares about the joke at all.

   The endless cheers came like ocean waves, and the huge roar drowned everything on the scene.

   It feels good to be holding the cup at home.

   "Long live, Memphis Grizzlies! Long live, Dynasty! Long live, Link!"

  Link era, officially established in Memphis!



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