Reverse Growth Superstar

: One Thousand and Seventeen: Taking Money is Not Money

   When Link returned from Canada, it was almost July.

   He didn't know whether Nash would accept the Grizzlies' invitation. Nash did not give a clear answer until Link and Pella left.

   But Nash is still hesitating, which shows that the Grizzlies have succeeded in half.

   At least, this proves that he is really seriously considering this issue.

   Is Nash a good teacher? Can his arrival really help the Grizzlies?

   For Link, this is simply an indisputable question. Because long ago, Nash had served in such a role and achieved success.

   Since 2009, Nash has actually been a mentor.

   Like Billups in Denver, he taught by example and taught the young people around him.

  He instructed Dudley on how to eat and stay healthy, and taught Dragic some tricks like a master. Whether on or off the court, he taught his experience to his teammates without reservation.

  Nash never dips into sugar, deep-processed foods and fried foods. He and Grant Hill once persuaded each other not to eat chocolate.

   Hill once admitted in an interview, "I still get caught by him occasionally, and Steve, I really haven't seen him make an exception."

   When a team has a leader who is so exquisite from diet to training, the positive effects he brings are immeasurable.

   As a result, Nash made the young bench of the sun the strongest ever!

   So in the 09-10 season, the Suns once unexpectedly dominated the Western Conference chief, and after the All-Star game, they played 23 wins and 6 losses. In the end, they reached the playoffs as the third in the Western Conference. And compared with the No. 1 Lakers in the Western Conference at the time, it was only three wins away!

   In the playoffs, the Suns slammed into the Western Conference Finals, and in a dignified way, they fought the championship Lakers to Game 6 of the year.

   This is the impact Steve Nash has on a team as an excellent mentor.

   If such a positive influence is grafted onto a grizzly bear... Link believes that this grizzly bear can burst out even more powerful forces than the sun of the year!

   After returning to Memphis, Link continued to prepare for his wedding. At the same time, the annual summer transfer market also opened again.

   There are not too many big-name free agents in the transfer market this summer.

   Compared with James' free transfer to the Cavaliers in the previous two years, Durant joined the Warriors as a free agent. Horford, Rondo, Ross, Howard and other stars who entered the free agency market have less influence.

   But even so, it didn't stop the madness this summer.

  Although there are no major players, this year, the level of spending money on each team has risen to another level again!

   With the sharp rise in the salary cap, the amount of NBA free agent signings this year has exceeded everyone's knowledge.

   A veteran like Paul Gasol joins the Spurs and can earn 31.5 million in two years!

   The Mavericks took Harrison Barnes away from the Warriors with a four-year contract of up to 94 million yuan.

   Nicholas Batum, who averaged less than 10 points per game last season, signed a 5-year, 120 million super contract with the Hornets!

   120 million in 5 years. In the past, this price tag was only available to the top stars of the league. But now, it appears in a player who is not even an All-Star.

   Of course, these are not the most exaggerated.

   A few days after the free agent market opened, more and more jaw-dropping transfers appeared.

   Ryan Anderson is a big man who is almost useless except for three-pointers. The Rockets gave him 80 million for 4 years, with an average annual salary of 20 million a year!

   What is the concept of 20 million annual salary? The fourth position is also known for projecting, Dirk Nowitzki, a top superstar, has an annual salary of less than 20 million at his peak!

   Of course, someone would say that Anderson averaged 17 points per game with the Pelicans last season. Even if he did it, the data is pretty good.

   People have data, and taking a big contract is justified.

   The Lakers signed Mozgov and Lor Deng with 64 million in 4 years and 72 million in 4 years, which is really unreasonable.

   Although Mozgov followed the Cavaliers to the finals for two consecutive years, both the statistics and the actual effect on the court are actually quite inconspicuous. To put it bluntly, even if there is no Mozgov, the Cavaliers should still enter the finals.

   The total salary of the Russian center's previous six seasons is only 24.05 million. But now, the Lakers gave him 64 million in one go!

   Lor Deng is a former All-Star player on the surface. He also averaged 12+6 per game in the Heat last season. But Lor Deng is 31 years old, and his state of decline is very obvious.

   Offering him a large contract worth 72 million at this time is obviously unreasonable.

   If Ryan Anderson is averaging 17 points and 20 million per game, that makes sense. The signing of Mozgov and Lor Deng is really totally confusing.

   However, these two magical signings happened in reality.

   This is the state of the free agent market this year. Everyone’s worth is rising, and every team doesn’t take money as money.

   After this, there have been many similar signings.

   Evan Turner entered the Celtics with 70 million in 4 years, and Biyombo, a pure blue-collar, can also join the Magic with 72 million in 4 years. Delavidova, a veteran of the Grizzlies who would never be seen, has also been favored by the Bucks for 4 years and 38.5 million.

   Last season, the Cavaliers offered Delavidova 5 million a year, which shocked people. And now, Dravidova's worth has almost doubled!

   Of course, in such an environment, the value of star players is even more exaggerated.

   DeRozan renewed the Raptors contract with 139 million yuan, Al Horford entered the Green Army with 113 million yuan, Bradley Beal remained with the Wizards with 128 million yuan, and the Pistons also left Drummond with 130 million yuan.

  Billions of millions of contracts are now everywhere, and it's not surprising at all.

   Among them, the Grizzlies' renewal price for Conley is the highest.

   A few days after the opening of the transfer market, the Grizzlies announced a five-year contract renewal for Conley at a price of 140 million.

   This time, Pella and the others did not let the championship puzzle go away. They shot very decisively, and Conley also stated very firmly that he only wanted to renew his contract with the Grizzlies.

   Other teams' offers, Conley even ignored them.

   Keeping Conley is the first good news for the Grizzlies this summer.

Although Gasol only renewed his contract last season, and this season he took out a 100 million yuan contract to accept, but with the salary cap soaring, the Grizzlies still have room to operate. .

   As for the five-year maximum salary of 93 million signed by Link and the Grizzlies in 2014, it is not a problem from the current perspective.

   With money in hand, the Grizzlies began touring the free agent market, hoping to find the kind of second position they desire.

Originally, Pella liked Eric Gordon, the No. 7 rookie in 2008, who had a frustrating life with the Pelicans last season. Gordon can shoot three points and has experience. He has good scoring ability, although his height and wingspan are poor on defense. It's a little bit, but it's very good. It can be said that it perfectly meets the needs of the Grizzlies.

   But in the end, Gordon chose to join the Rockets. He thinks he can play better under D'Antoni.

   Later, Pella came into contact with the experienced "Superior Dragon Set" Courtney Lee. But Li chose New York without hesitation, where the exposure is greater, and most importantly, New York is forming a multi-giant team, and the prospect of winning the championship seems better.

  So much so that Pella almost got his brains hot, ready to scratch Chandler Parsons' "lottery ticket".

   Fortunately, he was finally persuaded by Link and Chris Wallace, and this did not re-enact the historical tragedy...

   In the free agency market, the Grizzlies are smashing their heads again. The disadvantages of small cities and the end of the golden age last season have begun to affect the operation of the Grizzlies.

   At this moment, a major news burst in the free agency market.

   On July 5, an ESPN reporter broke the news, "Dwyane Wade and the Miami Heat are over!"



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