Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand and eighteen: I want to win

Wade sat on the sofa, staring blankly forward.


   The living room is dark, and the TV set on is the only light source in this space.


   But obviously, Wade's mind is not on the TV.


   He looked at the clock, the hour hand was already between 12 and 1.


   The night is already deep, but Wade is not sleepy. He took out his phone again and looked at today's news.


   "The Heat offered an insulting price tag of 18 million for 2 years to renew Wade, and the negotiations are deadlocked!"


   "In this era when Ryan Anderson can get 20 million a year, and Nicholas Batum can get a 100 million yuan contract, Pat Riley only gave Wade 18 million?"


   "A shame! See how Cuban treats Dirk, bastard!"


   "Dwyane Wade did not make any response, most people think he will choose to leave Miami. At present, Wade's hometown team Chicago Bulls is actively negotiating."


   Wade smiled. He didn't expect that at his age of 34, he could actually cause such a big disturbance in the free agency market.


   Of course, this is just a self-deprecating smile. Because from the bottom of my heart, Wade is not happy at all.


   Abandoned by the Miami Heat, this is something Wade never thought about.


   Under the background that the salary cap has skyrocketed and everyone can get a big contract, as long as a starter can get 20 million.


   Wade can’t believe that Pat Riley would make such a decision!


   In fact, Wade does not desire much money. If necessary, Wade is even willing to voluntarily cut salaries for the Heat.


   As the city's signature, it is natural to cut the salary and stay on the team. However, the least respect is required.


   The point is that the Heat’s contract really lacks respect, and Wade wants respect.


   In fact, Riley had been playing softly with Wade two years ago.


   Last year, the two sides quarreled for more than half of the season, and finally settled with 20 million a year.


   Before the free agent market opened this year, Pat Riley never gave Wade a clear renewal reply. Combined with the experience of the previous two years, Wade's heart is already a little hurt.


   Now, Riley has offered such a humiliating price.


   18 million in 2 years, you know, just this morning, the Heat just signed Joe Johnson for 2 years and 22 million!


   That is to say, in the eyes of Pat Riley, his team spirit is not even as important as a scorer who has passed away!


   The fans are teasing, the Heat are generous to everyone, except for Wade, Pat Riley really regards Wade as his family.


   This insulting quotation made Wade very sad. How does it feel? He made Miami his home and dedicated all his youth to it.


   But when he was old and wanted to die, he was kicked cruelly.


   Wade is no longer a kid, he has been fighting in this league for 13 years. He has seen too many comings and goings, splitting and combining.


   But this time, when it was Wade's turn to take such a thing, he couldn't accept it at all.


   In 2010, Dirk stayed in Dallas for 4 years with 80 million. At that time, it was reported that Cuban actually offered Dirk a contract of 96 million yuan for 4 years, but Dirk rejected it.


   Dirk told Cuban, "Too many, I only need 80 million in 4 years."


   In the same year, Ray Allen renewed his contract for 20 million in 2 years and Pierce 61 million in 4 years. At that time Ray Allen and Pierce were no longer young, and the league's salary cap was only 58 million.


   People have always said that Danny Angie is a cold-blooded bastard, but this time, compared with Pat Riley's operation, he is simply too warm.


   Of course, how could he forget that after Kobe was injured at the age of 36, he still signed a two-year contract with the Lakers worth 48.5 million.


   Does the general manager of these teams really know that these players are old? Do they really care about salary space?


of course not!


   But, this is called respect!


   Respect is not something everyone deserves, but the Heat should really respect Wade.


   Both championships first clicked on the table, saying that in 2014, James returned to Cleveland, Riley immediately gave Bosh a five-year contract of 118 million.


   But what about Wade? He did not get the final pension contract, but jumped out of the original two-year 42 million, and then signed a two-year contract of 31 million...


   That's right, jumped out of the current contract and signed a smaller...No one would do this, but Wade did it just to make the Heat have a salary space to operate.


   What is the return he waited for? It is an insulting offer of less than 10 million a year.


   shook his head, Wade turned off the TV. But he didn't intend to end his **** day like this, he picked up his phone and dialed a call.


   "Hank, haven't you slept yet? I think... well, I want to see you now."


   "Now?" The voice on the other end of the phone was a little confused, after all, it was almost one o'clock in the morning.


   "Well, just now."


   "Well, see you in the old place?"


"old place."




   Wade sits in a street basketball court next to Miami Beach. He likes it because the atmosphere here reminds him of the streets of Chicago.


   After a while, a man with a retro moustache, glasses, gray hair and a chubby figure walked over.


   Wade smiled knowingly when he saw him. As long as he can see him at any time, Wade is at ease.


   Henry Hank Thomas, professional sports manager under CAA. His first client was Tim Hardaway, who signed Wade and Bosh in 2003.


   But in fact, Thomas and Wade’s relationship began before 2003.


   From the moment Thomas entered the old dormitory building of Marquette University and met Wade and his family, mutual trust was established between them.


   At that time, Wade had a fight with his father. It was Thomas who was in charge of all matters concerning Wade's entry into the NBA and gave his family a lot of help.


   Wade has never liked to call Thomas his manager, because to him, Thomas means more.


   If you insist, Wade thinks Thomas’ identity is more like...father!


   When he was lost, Thomas brought him into the NBA.


   And now, Wade believes that Thomas can point out a way for his lost self.


   "Sorry, Hank, I know it's late." Wade beckoned Thomas to sit down and waved his hand.


   "It's okay, I'm used to it." Thomas shrugged. This is not the first time he has been worrying about Wade's contract renewal in the past two years.


   "This afternoon...what did they say?"


   "Pat Riley said he would like to raise his salary."


   "Really? How much?" Wade was overjoyed, and sure enough, Riley was not an ungrateful person!


   "20 million in 2 years, yes, 2 million more than 18 million in 2 years."


   "Fuck!" Wade's mood instantly changed from sunny to cloudy.


"I said long ago, I told you not to give in a few years ago, don't keep giving in, you don't believe it. Do you think Pat Riley will thank you for your concession? No, he will only go further because of your concession Squeeze you." Thomas shook his head. He hadn't persuaded Wade before. In 14 years, he even advised Wade to leave altogether.


   With Wade's state at that time, he could completely sign a long-term contract with a championship team.


   As a result, Wade refused, he chose to jump out of the contract and cut his salary voluntarily. At that time, Wade proudly said, "I am a player of the Heat, I am not going anywhere."


   How proud Wade was then, how lost now.


   "Yeah...maybe I should have listened to, Miami can't keep it." Wade looked up at the city that belonged to him, his heart cramped.


   "If you don't mind Riley insulting you so much, you can choose to stay."


   "Haha, what are the potential next homes?"


   "Chicago, your hometown." Thomas replied without hesitation, "They are very competitive in the East, and Jimmy Butler is also growing scaryly fast."


   "If... I mean, I don't want to be in the east?"


   After Wade said these words, Thomas cast a surprised look.


   "It's this time, are you still thinking about Miami? Don't want to be an opponent of the Heat? Even for this, you have to give up your hometown team's call!? God, you are hopeless, Dwyane!"


   Wade cocked his mouth slightly and shook his head, "Just treat me as hopeless, Thomas. By the way, is there news about the Memphis Grizzlies?"


  At this time, Wade suddenly remembered the text message that Link sent to himself in Los Angeles a few days ago.


"Yes, they asked, and they offered a sincere price. But I don't think you can maintain your exposure under Link's aura. Those who play next to him are Gasol, Conley and Iguodala. A tepid star player is only suitable for him. But you are not the same, Dwyane. Besides, you joined the Grizzlies, joined a ball that left Miami with a scar Team, public opinion will be very unfavorable to you."


   "It's this time, are you still thinking about Miami? You are hopeless, Thomas." Wade shot back his manager with the original words.


   "Hey, I said I didn't want to be in the East, but it wasn't because of the Miami Heat. Do you know what I'm thinking now, Thomas?" Wade continued.


"What are you thinking?"


   "I want to win!" He answered categorically.


   "Did you think about it?"


   "Almost, since you can't die in Miami... then go to a place where you can win. In the last few years, I don't want to admit defeat."


   After Wade finished speaking, he picked up his cell phone and found Link's phone number.


   This time, it's time for him to text Link.


   After the Heat lost to the Grizzlies in the 14th Finals, Link and Wade embraced and said that you are welcome to visit Memphis at any time.


   In the summer of 2016, Wade finally decided to go to Memphis to relax.


   "Now, do you still welcome me?"


   A simple text message determines the way Wade will go in the future.


  :. :

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