Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand and nineteen: continuous good news

   July 7th, just as everyone was guessing Wade's next stop.

   The Grizzlies official and Wade’s social media suddenly announced at the same time that Wade will enter Memphis at a price of $48 million in 2 years!

   48 million in 2 years, which is much more decent than the Heat’s 1 year of less than 10 million.

   The respect Wade didn't get was recovered from the Grizzlies.

   After Wade joined, Link immediately posted a photo of himself and Wade hugging on the court on social media, and said, "Joining forces!"

   Wade is also very excited, he said, "I am very happy to be able to fight side by side with a great player like Link. We have always been good friends, and now we can finally do something together."

   The Grizzlies fans are naturally very happy about this. Indeed, Wade has passed his peak, and now he is no longer in the league's TOP10. But for the Grizzlies, this is still a very powerful reinforcement!

  Unexpectedly, Heat fans are not disgusted by Wade's approach.

   Indeed, the Grizzlies were once a deadly enemy of the Heat, but that was a few years ago.

   Besides, Pat Riley's behavior also annoyed the fans in Miami. Although very reluctant, they all support Wade's departure to achieve higher value and get higher wages.

   Not every parting will turn the two sides into enemies. When Nash left Phoenix, he also got the support and blessings of the fans.

   It can be said that this time the transfer is a happy one. In the free agency market, it is rare that most people are cheering for the Grizzlies.

   Are Grizzlies and Link still the villains that people hated? Yes, not anymore.

  Yes, because the Grizzlies and Link still have strong villain qualities.

   instead, it’s because grizzly bears are not disgusting.

   After the Warriors won the championship with Durant's joining last season, the "villain" in the hearts of fans changed from Grizzlies to Warriors.

  Originally, many people are looking forward to the day when the Grizzlies roll over. But when that day comes, most people are unhappy.

   After all, the Warriors and Durant's approach really made the fans very resistant.

   Such a strong lineup, such a brazen group, such a suspenseful way of winning... these are not what fans want to see.

   Compared with the Warriors, people are more willing to watch the Grizzlies' road to the championship.

   At least, the Grizzlies have never been a super team.

   Now, the Grizzlies finally have a team of Titans to join, the fans are very happy. The 15-16 season has just ended and it hasn't been a month since the fans are looking forward to the next season.

   Steve Kerr saw the news that Wade signed with the Grizzlies while on vacation.

   Aside from feeling sigh, Cole didn't actually feel much.

  Because he believed that even if Wade joined the Grizzlies, the Grizzlies still have nothing to do with the Warriors.

   Wade was abandoned by the Heat for a reason. Everyone knows very well in their hearts that Wade's state will continue to fall next season.

   Looking back at the Warriors, whether it is Curry, Thompson, Green or Durant, they are still in the upswing of their careers.

   Link wanting to turn over on a "Flash" who can no longer draw "Lightning" is simply wishful thinking.

   Compared to Wade, Cole is more concerned about Nash's situation.

   He has been waiting for Nash's reply for the past two days. As the general manager of the Suns at that time, Cole thought he knew Nash better than all the current coaches except D'Antoni.

   Stephen Curry wants to go further and reach the top, he can't do without Nash's help.

   But to Cole's surprise, Nash actually thought about so many days. In Cole's expectation, Nash should accept the invitation soon.

   Just thinking about it, Cole's phone vibrated.

   Cole, who was enjoying the sunshine on the beach in California, picked up his phone and took a look, Steve Nash.

   "Steve! I've been waiting for your call for a long time!" Cole was very excited, and he wanted to work with Nash again.

   "Haha, thank you for your patience, Cole. But I have to say sorry to you first."

   "Crack!" Hearing this, Cole suddenly tightened his fingers and broke the temples of his sunglasses.

   "What? Why are you sorry?"

   "I may not be able to accept your invitation, Cole." Nash looked out the window. In fact, he didn't know whether his decision was correct until now.

   "Is it because of the Canadian national team? As I said, you can go back to work in the national team at any time. We don't force you to follow the team every day."

   "No, not because of this."

   "What else can it be for?" Cole spread his hand.

   "I...I want to go to another team." Nash clenched his fist, he believed he must be crazy!

   But then again, when has he been "normal" again?

   Congenital spine advancement, back neuralgia... These two things made him unable to get out of bed, the pain was unbearable, and he even had to lie on the sidelines to receive a massage after he was suspended.

   But even so, he still insists, this is not crazy.

   He endured so much pain, so much suffering, so much blood and tears, didn't he just want to try it on his own strength?

   At the end of his career, Nash actually tried to be like other veterans. Join a team that can win a championship, and end the regrets of my career.

   So, he chose the Los Angeles Lakers and chose to team up with Kobe and Howard, the two best players in the league at the time.

The results of it?

   Facts have proved that if you approach the championship with the mentality of "getting the ring easily", the championship will get farther and farther away from you.

   If you want a championship, you can only fight!

   "I don't understand, Steve. Other teams? What do you mean?" Kerr was silent for a long time before speaking.

   "You tell me, Cole, Link, and Robert Pella came to me. They want me to join the Memphis Grizzlies."

   "What!?" Cole was taken aback. He thought that only the Warriors had contacted Nash from beginning to end. "You promised them?"

"Not yet, but... come on. I want to go there and see how much power I have. Haha, I know, this is not what a person my age should say. But... .. How do you know if you don't try?"

   Cole was silly. In an instant, the sun in California was no longer so bright, and the beach in front of him was no longer so beautiful.

   Wade joined the Grizzlies without causing any disturbance in Cole's heart.

   But Nash joined the Grizzlies... which made Cole a little uncomfortable.

   The Memphis Grizzlies have been very fierce this summer, and the operations are one after another.

   All these things fully illustrate one thing-Memphis wants to make a comeback!

  They want to overthrow the Warriors, they want to get back their own things, they want to stand on top of the league again!

   And, UU reading they can't wait anymore, they will do it next season!

   "Cole? Cole?" Seeing Cole did not respond for a long time, Nash shouted from the other end.

   "Um...I see, Steve. Well, good luck, I hope you can find everything you want in Memphis."

   Cole finished speaking and hung up the phone.

   The Memphis Grizzlies’ three consecutive championships have just ended, and they can’t wait to return to the throne, as if they didn’t put the Warriors in their eyes.

   "Less look down on people!" Cole couldn't help but patted the deputy of the recliner and yelled.

   After Michael Jordan won three consecutive championships, it took two years to lead the Chicago Bulls back to the top.

   The Grizzlies can’t wait for only a year. Who does Link think he is?

  Does he really think he can surpass Michael Jordan?

   Cole is very angry, he has a feeling of being despised, although he has just led the team to win the championship not long. But at this time, Cole couldn't wait to defeat the Grizzlies again.

  Any member of the Memphis Grizzlies is now his enemy.

   Including Steve Nash!

   Cole won’t let the Grizzlies easily end the era of the Warriors, and Memphis should get used to losing.

   Just when Cole was angry, Link received a call from Nash.

   As soon as he came up, Nash raised a question that made Link excited.

   "When will your training camp start this summer?"



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