Reverse Growth Superstar

: One Thousand and Forty Two: The Tragic Princes (Friday/Friday)

   Hubby Brown is not the first time to experience such a desperate moment in the Federal Express Arena.

   But at this time, he was still very nervous.

   Behind him, many fans are as intent as him.

  Because today, the two people who visited the Federal Express Arena have a very high lore rate!

   At this time, the Grizzlies in a white home jersey are facing the Portland Trail Blazers in a black jersey. This is the Grizzlies' second home game in a row since they played against the Clippers two days ago.

   When the game is about to end with only 31 seconds left, the two sides are currently tied at 101.

   Last summer, the Trail Blazers almost went through a reorganization. Because of their starting five tigers, four went away in one go!

   Except for Damien Lillard, the youngest, the Blazers didn't keep any of them.

  People thought that the Trail Blazers would fall after the first five went their separate ways. But last season, under the leadership of Lillard, the Blazers scored 44 wins and 38 losses and successfully reached the playoffs!

   And in the playoffs, the Blazers performed very well, until the second round of the "Galaxy Battleship" warriors were defeated.

   The Blazers can continue to be strong in the strong West. In addition to Lillard's best performance of his career, the rise of C.J. McCollum, the No. 10 rookie in 13 years, also exceeded most people's expectations.

   Last season, McCollum averaged 20.8 points per game and hit 41.7% from three-pointers!

   You know, before this, McCollum averaged less than 10 points per game!

   The appearance of Portland's backcourt double guns allowed the Blazers to still occupy a place in the top eight ranks in the West.

   And this pair of backcourt combinations have a characteristic, that is, they are never soft at critical moments!

   Faced with the Rockets in the first round of last season's playoffs, it was Lillard's final final moment to send the Rockets home!

   In a regular season last season, due to Lillard's absence due to injury, McCollum took the lead and finally threw a shot to kill his opponent in the last second of the game.

   These two guards have been labelled as "cold-blooded killers" by the fans. At moments like today, they were simply born for Lillard and McCollum!

   In this game, McCollum and Lillard performed very well. With the Grizzlies fully fired, they froze with the Grizzlies.

   Among them, McCollum made 6 of 12 shots from beyond the three-point line today and hit 50% of the three-pointers!

   Wade, Carter, Tony Allen and even Iguodala have taken turns to defend McCollum, but his fiery touch is unstoppable.

   Besides, Lillard also feels very good today. Although not many three-pointers have been scored, the mid-range jumper has scored a lot of points.

   The excellent performance of the double guns in the backcourt is the main reason why the Blazers can bite the score today.

   At this time, the Trail Blazers have the ability to complete the final blow, whether it is Lillard or McCollum.

   Lillard was delaying time beyond the three-point line, and it was Lillard’s good friend Link who came up to defend him at this time!

   Lillard is very calm, although Link is very strong, and in the 15-year playoffs Link and Conley teamed up to defend Lillard and almost autistic.

   But after all, they are good friends, and they train together every summer, Lillard himself is making great progress.

   Therefore, Lillard faced Link with less fear in his heart.

   After 24 seconds, the offense is only 6 seconds away. Lillard called for a screen and looked for a chance to score.

   The Blazers’ final attack option is Lillard!

   Now it only takes one two points, or even two free throws, for the Blazers to take the lead. Therefore, Trail Blazers coach Terry Stotts did not choose to take risks outside the three-point line.

   Besides, based on Lillard's sudden stop jumper shooting rate today, he believes that Lillard can finish this game just like the previous few times.

   Borrowing Mason Plumley's screen, Lillard broke through to the free throw line, and then stopped and shot!

   But Link appeared in front of Lillard almost without delay, and he took almost no time to get out of the cover!

   "Link defended well, he was not disturbed by cover, and he did not rush his head. Damien is in danger!"

   "Damn!" Lillard's heart "cocked", it's out of line!

   Of course he knows how good Link's defense is, and Lillard never expected to be able to easily shoot.

   But he thinks he can get at least a little shooting space, as long as there is a little shooting space, it is completely enough!

   However, Link didn't even give him the slightest gap!

   Lillard knows that now it's not a question of being able to score. If you insist on shooting, you will definitely be blocked directly!

   In desperation, Lillard turned into a pass, "throwing the pot" McCollum.

   McCollum was not prepared to execute the lore at all. He seemed to receive a hot potato, and he hurriedly shot the ball as soon as he received the ball.

   The result is known, McCollum's three-pointer went out of the box, Portland's backcourt double shot missed the opportunity to kill the game!

   With 6 seconds left in the game, the Grizzlies immediately counterattacked!

   Link personally controls the ball to advance, reducing the risk of unnecessary passes and errors.

   Just after halftime, another "African Prince" Aminu posted up.

   In the past two days, Link really has a lot of friendship with the princes.

   Just killed the Cameroon prince Bamot in the last game, today there is another Nigerian prince Aminu.

   However, the situation of the two princes is very bad. In the last game, Barmot was hit by Link in two and a half quarters and scored 30 points and a triple-double. Today Link has also hit Aminu with 27 points, 11 rebounds and 10 assists.

   scored a triple-double for three consecutive games!

   The key hit, Link did not use any fancy moves. He started holding the ball with his back in the middle distance, intending to play Aminu with his back!

   In the last 1.3 seconds, Link rolled over and shot a jumper under the interference of Aminu's long arm.

  His turn-over jumper seems to be a combination of Jordan and Kobe, which is elegant and full of beauty, and his movements are very capable.

   Link seemed to be deliberately stuck in time. The moment the backboard flashed red, the basketball also followed the hollow into the net.



   Lillard and McCollum both opened their mouths, and Link's final shot was calm, as if he knew he would definitely score...

"Lore, the first lore of this season! Link won the game in the end. He let Lillard and McCollum see what a true cold-blooded killer is! Oh my god, this shot was wonderful. It's worth defending ten times, one hundred times! At that moment, I seemed to see the shadows of Kobe and Jordan in Link!"

   Successful lore, Link looked at Lillard, spread his hands, "Sorry, man, I don't want to lose yet."

   Lillard shook his head, admitting that he was unlucky.

  When he met Link, he had been prepared for this. After all, he is the strongest man in this league.

   Link's lore, the Grizzlies finally beat the Blazers 103 to 101.

   This is the most thrilling win for the Grizzlies since the beginning of the 16-17 season.

   But whether it's thrilling or not, the Grizzlies won the game, this is the fact.

   Seven consecutive victories, 7 wins and 0 losses, the Grizzlies' invincibility was maintained by Link's beautiful turn over jumper!

"Oh my God, this season the Grizzlies really seem to be back to their heyday. It's only been a year, and the Grizzlies have only been relieved after a year! I don't know which team can defeat the Grizzlies. I really look forward to the day when the Warriors and Grizzlies meet soon!"

"Yeah, Lillard and McCollum both did their best today. Their performance can't be faulted. However, if they want to win Link, they have to be Wrong, after this game, I think those who question Link’s ranking in the Hall of Fame Pyramid should shut up."

   "In fact, after the last game against the Clippers, they shut up."

   Listening to Hubby Brown and his partner starting to blow Link frantically, Bamot who was watching the game turned off the TV.

   The Grizzlies have won again, and they are still winning...

   Their strength makes Bamote admire him.

   Ever since he was beaten up by Link in the last game and was brutally abused by the Grizzlies, Bamot has been very concerned about the development of the Grizzlies.

   He believes that in ten minutes, the news of Link's completion of the lore will surely re-screen all sports websites in the world!

   This unparalleled attention, I am afraid that even James may be beyond the dust.

   And that's why Bamot cares about Grizzlies.

   He doesn't care about attention, but one of his friends needs it.

   So Bamot took out his phone and sent a text message, "In any case, you must play against the Grizzlies. Also, try to win them! If you can, you can become famous!"

   After a while, Bamoto received a reply, "Don't worry, I will do my best. I have already drawn a red circle on that day on the calendar. Maybe I will really surprise them, haha."

   Looking at the text message, Bamott smiled in relief.

   If it's Joel Embiid, a genius... well, maybe he can really do it.



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