Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand and fifty-nine: Pull out military training!

   The Grizzlies' twin towers shocked everyone's jaws. No one can believe that in this era of small balls, there are people who play the retro twin towers.

   The most important thing is that it succeeded!

   Of course, the Grizzlies’ twin towers are not “traditional” at all.

   When the Lakers played the championship twin towers, Gasol was able to hit the mid-range, which was already able to open up space.

   And now, the range of Gasol and Jokic can extend beyond the three-point line. And, the hit rate is still very stable.

   In addition, the two's coping ability and low singles skills are also very good.

   Throughout the history of the NBA, there is almost no such twin tower combination.

   can shoot, cope, and have a technical inside line, which all teams dream of. Such centers are very rare even in the golden age of centers.

  All, no team can have the luxury of having two such centers at the same time.

   But the Grizzlies did it.

   Of course, a 10-point difference is not a problem for the Warriors. The Grizzlies can quickly close the 11-point gap in the second quarter, and people believe the Warriors can too.

   Moreover, it is still unknown whether the two Big Macs, Jokic and Gasol, can play the full court with sufficient energy.

   Especially Jokic, the guy with almost no muscle lines doesn't look like a good physical player.

   This game is far from over.

   After the start of the third quarter, the Grizzlies continued to send their twin tower lineup. And the Warriors did not change, Kerr refused to increase the height of the lineup!

   So far this season, Varejao has only played 6.5 minutes per game, and McGee has only played 9.6 minutes per game.

   And the Warriors’ true starting center, Zaza Pachulia, who was absent from injury today, averaged only 13.5 minutes per game.

   It can be seen that Cole is not a coach who loves to use center. Rushing to increase the playing time at the fifth position will affect the entire Warriors system!

   Facing a strong opponent like the Grizzlies, Cole didn't dare to change his system hastily.

   He would rather gamble on the Warriors' offense than compromise for defense.

   In this way, the battle between the two sides officially began in the second half. As soon as he came up, Curry succeeded in displacing Jokic and got a small chance to play a big game.

   Jokic's defense is not always successful. If Conley can't get back after the pick and roll for too long, Jokic will have to stay in front of the ball holder.

   Therefore, the Warriors are not without opportunities on the offensive end, which is why Cole insists on the same formation.

   Warriors’ offense is his only hope for a comeback!

   Curry beats Jokic, that's naturally what he wants.

   Although Jokic's flexibility is good in the fifth position, he is still incomparable with a guard.

   Curry retreated in a false sudden, and swung Jokic out two steps away.

   After shaking off Jokic, Curry took a three-pointer and the basketball made a steady shot. The duel between two championship teams is never that simple!

   Jokic shook his head, his mobility really couldn't prevent dislocation. It can only be said that we must try to avoid this happening.

   At this time, Link stepped up and patted Jokic's ass, "It's okay, I will call it back for you. Isn't it just pulled out for military training, who won't?"

   After finishing speaking, Link ran to the front court excitedly.

   Jokic stood there scratching his head, "Military training?"


   Ian, Clark feels that he must have been teased by God. He really wants to shout, "Give me the ball, I want to go home."

  Because of this game from the beginning to the present, he has never met anyone he can guard against.

   Jokic and Gasol were in the second quarter. Now, his opponent has become Link again.

   "Why..." Clark's eyes were flushed and he almost didn't cry.

   This game is really bad for eight lifetimes!

"Oh? The Warriors changed their strategy. They used Kevin Durant to defend Gasol and Green to defend Jokic! In this way, the Grizzlies Towers can't do whatever they want! Kevin's tall arm There is no problem in defending the fifth position. If you continue to play **** the inside, the efficiency will definitely decrease, but..."

   Hubby Brown said and glanced at Clark. Hmm... Durant goes to defend the inside, then Link's "bomb" is left unattended.

   Clark, ask for your blessing...

   Link received a pass from Conley and motioned for everyone to pull away.

   Clark’s Adam’s apple slid up and down, and it was too late to swallow. This was the same time he swallowed at a big man.

   "Hey, Clark, do you know what military training is?"

   "Huh!?" Clark didn't expect Link to speak to himself suddenly, feeling a little dazed for a while.

   "Military training is to tell you to turn left to turn left, and to ask you to turn back to back." After speaking, Link suddenly accelerated to Clark's left hand.

   Clark had to turn left to step forward and delay, but as soon as he turned around, Link changed smoothly forward and rushed to the right.

   Clark turned to the right again like a puppet. Now, he knew what military training meant.

   Clark's second turn was still a step slower, Link shook his position and stopped a jump shot and successfully scored the ball!

   Cole gritted his teeth. Although he was embarrassed, he couldn't help it. This is the price that must be paid to contain the twin towers.

   Of course he knew that Link would score easily without Durant's supervision.

   But Cole is going to fight against Link, to see who can kill the Warriors or Link's offense!

   But unfortunately, the Warriors' second offense ended in failure.

   This time, Curry passed the ball to Thompson to shoot. But Dinwiddie's defense is very active, much better than in the Western Conference Finals last season.

   What Dinwiddie has improved over the past summer is more than just three-point shots.

   The versatility that this guy wrote on the scout report has begun to show.

   "It seems that it won't be long before I won't be able to start." Wade was joking with Georgel from the sidelines.

   Although it was just a joke, it was proof that Wade admitted Dinwiddie.

   The sound of a basketball hitting iron was like a heavy hammer hitting Cole's chest. He hoped that Link would not make this attack, but it was a pity that Link let him down again.

   This time, the Warriors changed to Klay Thompson to defend immediately.

   Indeed, Thompson is a defensive player in everyone's mind. His greatest feature is that he will not make mistakes.

   Clay's defensive ability is fine against most players, but just not making mistakes, there is no way to limit a superstar.

   Link once again opened up one-on-one with Clay. Ever since the Warriors changed their defensive strategy, Link has been playing singles!

   This shows that the Grizzlies had long anticipated the changes the Warriors might make. Now, they just grabbed Link to death.

   Thompson was also a little nervous. Before Durant joined, he and Green defended Link the most.

   But every time Thompson and Link face up, the ending is not very good.

   Link looked at Thompson, his eyes were very firm, and he didn't even intend to give him any room to breathe psychologically.

   Link started to dribble alternately with left and right hands, and Thompson tried to steal it. Of course, he didn't really expect to grab a basketball from Link, but he wanted to disrupt Link's dribbling rhythm.

   But Link didn't mess Instead, he took advantage of the trend and jumped to the side where Thompson didn't reach out.

   Thompson hurriedly adjusted his center of gravity, but Link used a beautiful and fast back dribble to jump to the left, another change of direction!

   "Damn it!" Clark looked at Thompson and couldn't help feeling a little heartbroken.

  He and Thompson are like puppets, and Link lets you turn wherever you go!

   Link, who changed backwards again, accelerated his breakthrough. As soon as he took a step, he made another forward change of direction!

   Thompson turned around for the third time in a row to change the center of gravity, but he just turned around, only to find that Link was not really going to change direction, but suddenly retreated!

   Just like that, Thompson had to turn around to face beyond the three-point line. Since Link started dribbling to the present, he played Thompson in circles...

   After appreciating Thompson's "ballet", Link, who retreated beyond the three-point line, made a shot.

   Thompson had no time to interfere at this time, so he could only watch Link hit a three-pointer!

   Relax, Link scored five points in a row! The whole game seemed to be Link's personal performance.

   Cole covered his forehead. Link's personal abilities are too strong. Fight with him... Cole started to lose confidence.

   After the goal, Link smiled and opened his arms to Thompson. Except for Durant and Green, no one else even had the opportunity to restrict Link!

   Then, Link stretched out five fingers, and then broke two of them.

   Five people, he has already solved two.

  Who wants to be trained next? Stand up!



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