Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand and sixty: It hurts them

   Looking at it now, the Grizzlies’ performance in the second quarter is almost a warm-up.

  Because of the Grizzlies’ firepower in the third quarter, it was even more intense than the second quarter!

   To be precise, Link’s firepower in the third quarter was stronger than the entire Grizzlies’ firepower in the second quarter.

   Klay Thompson and Ian Clark both seem to have become marionettes, at the mercy of Link.

   The entire third quarter has become Link’s solo performance time. Although he did not face up with Durant alone, this still cannot conceal his explosive performance on the offensive end.

   At this time, Link once again got the ball outside the three-point line. Thompson has posted very tightly, but he is still worried.

   After receiving the basketball, Link glanced at Durant behind Clay, as if saying to him, "Are you really not here to help?"

   After this, Link took two steps back, opened a little distance from Thompson, ready to sprint!

   Link's dribbling rhythm was fast and slow. Several times Thompson thought Link was going to abrupt, but he did not break through.

   Defending Link, let Thompson spread a sense of powerlessness. Because he felt that everything he did was under Link's control.

  He is like a nervous recruit, and Link is the mighty instructor.

   left or right, he can only follow Link's command.

   Link's series of flickers caused Thompson to open the distance from Link unconsciously, and he subconsciously wanted to defend Link's breakthrough.

   However, this is exactly the reaction Link wants to see.

   While Thompson was still guessing whether Link would go left or right, Link suddenly made a jump shot from a step away from the three-point line!

   Link's shot was without warning, from the dribble to the jumper, a series of actions were completed in one go.

   Therefore, Thompson did not predict Link's movements at all, and the interference was almost half a beat slower.

   Seeing Link easily hit Thompson's head, Cole covered his forehead in advance.

   He knew that this kind of ball Link is impossible to miss.


"It's in again, amazing! Link's three-pointer put the Golden State Warriors 21 points behind, 21 points! In the third quarter, the Warriors were completely blown by the Grizzlies! No, to be precise, they were Link broke!"

   Hubie Brown covered his head in disbelief and stood up. Although he had witnessed the whole process, he still felt unbelievable.

   If the Grizzlies played this score against other opponents, Hubby Brown would not be so excited.

   But at this time, he was fighting the Grizzlies on the court, but he was the defending champion!

   But a team with three superstars Curry, Thompson and Durant at the same time!

   They can win by big scores at every turn, and blast a terrible team with 130+ points in a single game at every turn!

   However, it was this team that wreaked havoc in the league that fell 21 points behind the Grizzlies in three quarters today.

   Before the game started, it was thought that no team in the league could rival the Warriors in offensive firepower. But today, this statement is undoubtedly outdated.

"In the third quarter, Link simply showed a god-level performance. So far, he has scored 20 points! No, don't get me wrong. I don't mean that Link has scored 20 points in total now, I mean he He scored 20 points in the third quarter alone! Counting the 15 points in the first half, Link has already scored 35 points before finishing the third quarter!"

   Jeff Van Gundy also took out a tissue to wipe the sweat from his bald head. Link's scoring performance in the third quarter was nothing short of what he wanted.

   Cole wanted to confront Link, he made a huge mistake from the beginning!

   The Warriors’ firepower in the third quarter can’t be compared with Link at all.

   Indeed, a lineup without a center allows the Warriors to play offensively. But their offensive efficiency today can't catch up with Link at all.

   A random selection of the rounds between Link and Thompson and Clark singles is enough to be included in the top five of the day.

   Shake, jump shot, breakthrough, Link is omnipotent!

   Against Thompson and Clark, Link seemed to be a dimensionality reduction blow. It's as easy as an NBA All-Star playing NCAA.

   Grizzlies fans all cheered for this, but the Warriors fans were shocked.

   They desperately discovered that Link's individual singles ability may not be comparable to Durant!

   Steve Kerr called a timeout after Link drew a goal easily.

   But at this time, there is only 1 minute and 45 seconds left before the end of the third quarter.

  In other words, in any case, the Warriors have to enter the fourth quarter with a score difference of nearly 20 points.

   "Damn, I'll defend him next!" Durant was very angry. For him, Link's excellent data is an insult to him!

   He didn't want to lose to Link. Whether it was a game or a personal performance, he didn't want to be worse than Link.

   Facing the roaring Durant, Cole did not speak. Because he knew that if Durant were to defend Link, the inside line would be blown again!

   Unless, he replaced McGee or Varejao.

   Whether to go to the center or not, this became Cole's only choice to change the game.

   But he hasn't decided yet, the timeout is over again.

   In the end, the Thunder still played the last 1 minute and 45 seconds of the third quarter with five small lineups.

   After the third quarter, the point difference between the two teams also became 25 points.

   Golden State Warriors, this season has never encountered such a big crisis.

  The most important thing is that they have never been so embarrassed on the offensive end!

   During the break, Cole finally compromised. He knew that now it was not that the Grizzlies had to follow him, but he had to follow the Grizzlies.

   The disadvantages must be reduced before the counterattack can be launched.

   Such an unfavorable battle, Cole hasn't fought for a long time. He is more accustomed to the three quarter clocking and off-get off work games, and today suddenly encounters such a strong opponent, Cole is really a little caught off guard.

   So after the start of the fourth quarter, the Warriors finally went to center.

   JaVale McGee was on the verge of an order. In this team with the Big Four, he has become the key to the Warriors' reversal.

   However, after seeing the Warriors had to withdraw from the small lineup, Georgel was more relieved.

   He knew that Link had already given the Warriors a taste. If it weren't for being forced into desperation, Cole would not easily give up his small lineup.

   After the start of the fourth quarter, the Warriors launched a fierce counterattack.

   However, their offensive efficiency is not as good as the third quarter. Because of McGee's existence, the Warriors' offensive space is no longer so big, and the rhythm can no longer play so fast. Their offense was not smooth enough today, and it was cut to pieces.

   Although the existence of McGee greatly improved the Warriors' ability to protect the frame, it still could not completely contain the Grizzlies' scoring momentum.

   Link was not satisfied either. After the start of the fourth quarter of UU Reading, he was still violently outputting.

   Although Durant returned to Link, Link has already accumulated a fiery touch in the third quarter.

   Durant came too late!

   All the frustrations in the Western Conference finals last season, Durant's arrogance from last summer to the present, Link's unwillingness...all these all turned into huge powers and burst out.

  So that even Durant was pulled out for military training!

   When the fourth quarter was halfway through, Link's personal score had come to 45 points!

   And today, Durant and Curry's combined scores are not as many as Link alone.

   When Link scored 45 points, the Grizzlies had already extended their lead to 32 points. Even for the Golden State Warriors, this match is completely hopeless.

   Therefore, Georgel took the lead in replacing Link.

   This move attracted wild cheers from the fans.

   Because Link is off, it means that the Grizzlies officially announced that the game has entered garbage time!

   Generally speaking, garbage time is a torture for fans. But today, Memphis fans cheered for it.

  Because it can put the game into garbage time against the Warriors, this is actually an honor!

When    Link went off, he waved to the four stands.

   Finally, he looked at the Warriors bench and looked at Durant, who was ashamed.

   Link laughed. It seems that today, the Warriors were hit hard enough by him...



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