Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand and sixty-nine: Master and apprentice full of resentment

  Rachel and Link walked in the bustling mall, holding hands.

   Because of "fully armed" reasons, Link and Rachel are not recognized by too many people.

   Even if a few people recognize the most famous couple in Memphis, they are very polite and do not step forward to interrupt.

   Link's status in the eyes of the citizens of Memphis is extremely lofty. After all, he has brought honor to this originally dilapidated city that they could not even imagine.

   Therefore, the citizens here respect Link very much. And sometimes, not disturbing is the greatest respect.

   As Christmas is approaching, the mall is very lively. It is precisely because of Christmas that Link and Rachel decided to buy something.

   "It's really rare. It's about to face the key battle of 25 consecutive victories. You still have time to go shopping with me." Rachel is very happy because she hasn't been out with Link for a long time.

   Don't say go shopping together, due to work reasons, the two even spend much less time together than normal couples.

   "The game is very important, but you are also very important." Link smiled. He didn't think that going out to go shopping would affect the game with the Rockets.

   Besides, after getting married, Lin Kelian and Rachel were "shrunk" because of their work during their honeymoon. Lin Ke has always been a little guilty.

   So whenever he has time, he will accompany his wife to make up as much as possible.

   The two have been shopping in the mall for a long time, and they have bought a lot of things. They have ordered two Christmas trees to be shipped home.

   But looking at the dazzling array of goods in his hand, Link was still very upset.

  Until now, he hasn't thought about what Christmas presents he would give his teammates.

   In the past few years, Link has always had the habit of giving his teammates Christmas gifts. As a team leader, this is one of his ways to enhance the atmosphere of the locker room.

   In these years, Link has given many types of gifts.

   Expensive watches, own signature shoes, mobile phones, game consoles, earphones... Link gave everything.

   This year, I can’t give one person a box of drinks that I endorse...

   "By the way, Link, are you going to have dinner at home this Christmas Eve?" Just when Link was at a loss, a question from Rachel distracted Link from the gift.

"Of course, I can’t accompany you on Christmas Eve. It’s still possible the day before Christmas Eve." Link scratched his head embarrassedly. Because of the Christmas War, Link and Rachel could not be together on the first Christmas Eve after their marriage. pass.

   This year, the Grizzlies' opponent in the Christmas game is the old rival Cleveland Cavaliers. The duel between Link and James will not be outdated in any season.

   Speaking of which, Link and James spend Christmas more times than anyone else...

   No wonder the fans ridicule, Link and James are "love and kill each other." After all, apart from the closest people, who would spend Christmas together every year?

   Every Christmas, Link and James accompany each other.

   "That's good, I have a surprise for you!" Rachel said, smiling mysteriously.

   "Oh? What surprise?"

   "Can I tell you the surprise in advance? Silly. Okay, let's go back. We are almost too much to get it. We have bought enough things."

   It's okay if Rachel doesn't say anything, so that said, Link is even more looking forward to this Christmas.

   It seems that this year, his Christmas Eve is more than LeBron James.

   Finally, Link doesn’t have to think about a big five-and-three strong man every Christmas.


   After James Harden arrived in Memphis, he found that the city had been wrapped in a strong Christmas atmosphere.

   Looking at the scene in front of him, Harden curled his lips unwillingly.

   Speaking of Christmas, this year's Christmas War, the Rockets have been removed from the league.

   In the five Christmas battles arranged by the league this year, there is no Houston Rockets name.

   Although this means Harden can spend the holiday with his family, it also means that the Rockets have been looked down upon by the league.

   After all, only teams that predict the popularity and record of the next season in the league in the summer will be arranged to enter the Christmas game. Obviously, the Houston Rockets are not among them.

   Harden was a little bit indignant about this.

   No one wants to be looked down upon, and Harden is the same.

   Maybe he didn't care much about victory before, but it's different now.

   James Harden now has a desire to win more than in any previous period. He knows that if he wants to be great and not be looked down upon, he needs a championship trophy to support it!

   This season, the Rockets' performance surprised everyone. Harden believes that this can be regarded as a kind of revenge against people's contempt.

   The Rockets bus shuttled through the streets of Memphis. In addition to Christmas posters and advertisements, Harden also saw many promotional posters related to the "25-game winning streak start".

   As if the game hadn't been played, the Memphis was already celebrating the Grizzlies breaking the opening streak.

   This feeling of being ignored and looked down upon made Harden clenched his fists.

   "James, are you nervous?" At this moment, Mike D'Antoni sat beside Harden. He knows that the game against the Grizzlies is of great significance to Harden.

   If Harden was just an All-Star under McHale before, then Harden this season has undoubtedly become the best superstar in the league.

   But even so, there are still a lot of criticisms about Harden. What Harden has to do is continue to prove himself.

   Before, the Rockets and Harden had defeated the Warriors and proved themselves. And now, they only have the Memphis Grizzlies as an obstacle!

   If the Rockets can double kill the Warriors and Grizzlies, everyone will shut up.

"Nervous? No, I can't wait. I really want to see what the Memphis people look like when they smash their records with my own hands." Harden looked at the smiling Memphis citizens outside the window, and suddenly a strong surge came out. Destroy.

   personally destroy all this, well, it should be quite a sense of accomplishment!

"Haha, then I'm relieved, James. Listen, I don't think you are worse than Link now. I believe you will defeat him on the court at this time tomorrow. If we can defeat the Grizzlies and Link, all No one in the league will underestimate us. Prove it to them, James. Tell them that you are the best now!"

   After listening to D'Antoni, Harden nodded silently.

   Although the surface is very calm, D'Antoni knows that Harden's heart has begun to heat up.

   Why does D'Antoni not want to prove himself? Since the sun, his career has started to decline and he has fallen very badly.

   The Lakers brought the Lakers F4, which was a mess.

   Even though the Knicks had created the legend of "Lin Madness", the antagonism with Anthony made him leave New York in embarrassment.

   Before taking over the Rockets this summer, D'Antoni once reached the point where he could only be an assistant in the 76ers.

  From the top coaches to the assistants in the league, not everyone can stand such a big gap.

  People are beginning to question D'Antoni's achievements in the past. People say that he is a coach who only plays good offense and doesn't know how to win.

   The Rockets were looked down upon this year. In addition to the departure of "Warcraft", a large part of the reason is because the head coach of the Rockets is D'Antoni!

   In most people's inherent impression, D'Antoni's team is basically useless! Lessons learned from the Lakers and the Knicks, only a few years have passed.

   This mustache who was once admired by the media and fans as a top coach is now treated as a third-rate coach!

   Is D'Antoni willing? Of course neither!

   At this time in the Rockets, he had a better opportunity. He was confident that he made this rocket stronger than the original Sun.

   As long as they can win the championship, as long as they can defeat strong teams like the Warriors and Grizzlies, no one will question his ability!

   D'Antoni is still very confident. He knows that the reason why the Warriors lost to the Grizzlies a few days ago was not only because of Link's strong personal ability, but also because the Warriors' inside line could not withstand the impact of the Grizzlies Twin Towers.

   But the Rockets are different. Capella, who is worthy of the Rockets, and experienced Nene, Ryan Anderson and others, are not as vulnerable as the Warriors inside.

   Especially Capela, the No. 25 rookie in 2014, is already one of the best centers in the league at this time!

   As long as the impact of the twin towers is contained, the rest is up to Harden and Link to dominate the game!

   As for Harden now, D'Antoni is ten thousand at ease.

   D'Antoni and Harden, the pair of masters and disciples, are full of resentment and resentment at this time.

   These resentments may not originate from the Grizzlies, but they are all focused on the Grizzlies at the moment.

   The tree is very popular. The Grizzlies, who have won 24 consecutive victories, have become the ideal stepping stone for the Rockets.

   Harden and D'Antoni both aimed at Link's head in their hearts at this time. In tomorrow's game, they will not hesitate to pull the trigger on Link!

   While Link was still worrying about the Christmas gifts, the Houstonians were already threatening the city.



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