Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand and seventy: Who is the real cake king?

   On December 13, outside the Federal Express Arena, a huge poster of Link and Harden looking at each other was hung up.

  This type of poster usually only appears in boxing or other fighting sports.

   But today, NBA officials have used such posters in basketball games.

   The original picture is very simple. In addition to the strong dialogue between the Rockets and the Grizzlies, this game is also a direct duel between the first and second MVP prediction rankings!

   So far this season, Link has naturally returned to the top of the MVP rankings with his outstanding personal performance and unparalleled team record.

   And Harden occupied a place in the top five of the MVP rankings last season. After the data explosion this season, he even surpassed Curry and Durant and directly ranked second in the MVP rankings!

   Harden's performance this season is obvious to all. It can be said that in terms of personal performance, he is indeed better than the Warriors!

   Some people even think that if it were not for the Grizzlies' 24 consecutive victories, even Link would have to be behind Harden!

   To put it bluntly, they think that Link can occupy the first position on the MVP rankings, which is the light of the team's record.

   If only better than personal performance, Harden is more outstanding than Link!

   Therefore, this direct confrontation between Harden and Link has also become the biggest attraction today.

   Even the question of who is stronger, Harden or Link, is even more talked about than the opening streak.

"This season's James Harden has undoubtedly ushered in the first peak of his career, second in the MVP rankings, Harden deserves it! This season, his destructive power does not need to be elaborated. Me too. I really want to know if Harden's burst data can continue in the Federal Express Arena!"

   Before the game started, Kevin Harlan followed today's theme to warm up the fans.

   Speaking of it, the Grizzlies' games in December are really exciting one after another.

   First the Warriors, now the Rockets. There are knights at Christmas and thunder after Christmas.

   For the Grizzlies, this period of time is really a hurdle to test their true strength.

   Of course, if the Grizzlies can defeat all four opponents, then they will be the only team that can kill the Cavaliers, Warriors, Rockets and Thunder so far this season!

   In the context of this season, this is a big honor.

   In other words, if the Grizzlies win these four teams, it is equivalent to cleaning up the biggest spoilers on their way to the championship!

   Of course, that's just the ideal state. The game against the Rockets means that the Grizzlies' challenge this month has just begun. Four strong opponents, they just met the second one.

   When James Harden and his teammates stepped onto the court, Link and the Grizzlies were already warming up.

   Harden looked at Link's back, and scenes of the past came to mind again.

   Among them, Harden was the most impressive on November 8th in 2014.

   That day, Link scored his career-high 63 points on the rocket!

   At the Toyota Center at the time, Harden had done his best to push the Grizzlies into desperation. As a result, Link performed the mortal performance of the gods, abruptly cutting off the rocket that was about to take off.

   In that game, Link’s every shot and every goal seemed to strike Harden’s heart.

   That was the worst match of his career!

   And the memory of the Rockets triumphing on the Grizzlies? Harden found that he couldn't find it at all!

   But today, Harden believes that this kind of memory will be born.

   If he can prevent the Grizzlies from winning their 25-game winning streak, he believes Link will also remember it for life.

   Before the game started, Mike D'Antoni laid out his tactics seriously. He hopes that the team will have an advantage as soon as they come up, hoping to be the first to crack the threat of the Grizzlies twin towers.

   Jokic and Gasol are indeed great, but they both move slowly.

   Unlike Rockets center Clint Capela, the guy’s extremely fast moving speed made him known as the “cake king” in the “cake-eating world”.

   He doesn't have any autonomous offensive ability, but he has scored high scores many times this season, relying on an inside cut after a pick and roll.

  On the pie piece, Jordan has to be a half short in front of Capella.

   D'Antoni’s plan is to let that Harden find Capella first and force the Grizzlies to withdraw the twin towers with a powerful impact. As long as the twin towers go down, the difficulty of the game will instantly be reduced by half!

   Harden will be much easier no matter whether it is a sudden or a pass, and he can master the game as he wants.

   Why did Harden have so many assists this season? Most of them are fed this way.

   Capella is more obedient than Howard before. Of course, the ability to eat cakes is also stronger than Howard after the decline.

   D'Antoni put the players on the field confidently. He believed that he could control the whole trend from the first minute of the game!

   However, when D'Antoni saw the Grizzlies’ starting five, he was dumbfounded.

   This game was different from what he expected from the beginning!

"Oh? The Grizzlies changed suddenly today! Coach Jogel did not play in the Twin Towers, nor did Tobias Harris return to the starting line. He played Montres Harrell, this is Harrell. The first game this season!"

   Hubie Brown pondered it with interest. He knew that Georgel was not a coach who likes to change.

   Once, he was ridiculed by fans as "a lineup is used to death".

   But this season, this is the third set of starters that Georgel has discharged!

   Facts have proved that every time Jorge adjusts the starting lineup, it will have an immediate effect. If it is not a special need, Georgel will not change at will.

   Harrell made his debut, making the Grizzlies fans look forward to it.

   But after being shocked, D'Antoni quickly regained his composure without taking it too seriously.

  He thought to himself, Georg might just want to confuse himself. That guy Harrell should be just a fake starter, just a cover!

   A fourth position with no range, no technique, and no height, playing off the bench is the maximum limit.

   Putting this kind of person in the starting lineup would have no practical effect at all. D'Antoni still doesn't believe that the powerful Rockets will be driven into desperation by a blue-collar short forward.

   Link looked at Harrell next to him and patted him on the back.

   This long-haired brutalist forward, it's time to show his worth.

   "Concentrate, boy. If you can't keep up with the offense, I won't forgive you."

   "Don't worry, boss, I'm ready! If I can't catch your ball, I will cut my hair." Harrell smiled and moved his arms.

   "Keep your hair, Montres. If you mess up, stay and practice with me every night for a month."

   "Uh..." Harrell's smile disappeared instantly, because he believed that Link could definitely do such a thing.

   The game is about to begin, and both sides are ready to start the five tigers.

   On the Grizzlies side, nothing has changed except for putting Harel in the starting lineup.

   On the Rockets side, it is still the starting combination of Beverly, Harden, Ariza, Ryan Anderson and Capella.

   The Rockets’ starting lineup is excellent from defense to offense, and the Rockets’ bench also has bench bandits such as Eric Gordon and Corey Brewer.

   As far as the paper lineup is concerned, although the Rockets are not a star-studded multi-giant team, they are definitely not weak.

   What's more, their true strength is stronger than on paper.

   Link found that Harden was staring at him sternly. This is completely different from the state where he used to look blurred the next day with a hangover on the first day.

   The West, which was originally "monster rampage", now has Harden as a rival.

   But in order to let Draymond Green know how sad he is, this game must be won anyway!

   I finally passed the Lakers and "Daddy Road" level, but I can't stop there.

   The more things the Warriors can't do, the more the Grizzlies can do it!

   At the beginning of the game, Capela relied on his bounce advantage to win the first strike for the Rockets.

   Harden walked slowly through the half with the ball, he followed D'Antoni's tactics and played a pick-and-roll with Capela.

   Capela set up a cover for Harden, and Harden also honestly moved to the side of the cover.

   After the pick-and-roll was completed, Capela immediately cut inside and Harden passed the ball immediately.

   However, Harden regretted it as soon as he dropped the ball, because he discovered that Link did not chase him after the pick-and-roll, but went straight across the pass.

   He had expected this cooperation to be such a fight!

   Harden’s average assists per game this season is very exaggerated, but what cannot be ignored is that he also averaged 5.3 turnovers per game.

   He often sends out 14 or 5 assists in a game, which seems very powerful. But a closer look reveals that there are seven or eight mistakes.

   This is the difference between Harden and traditional point guards.

   Harden's organization is driven by offense, and he is not as accurate as a true traditional point guard in judging the pass.

   Harden passed this ball for granted. Link broke the ball from Harden's hand as soon as he came up. This was undoubtedly a blow to the Rockets and also poured cold water on the Rockets' high morale.

   But fortunately, the Rockets retreated fast enough, which didn't make Link easily counterattack.

   Link stopped outside the three-point line, and Ariza was waiting. But Link did not play singles by himself, but waved his hands like Harden, calling for cover!

   Harrell immediately got rid of Anderson who was entangled with him, and mentioned that he set up a pick-and-roll at a high position.

   D'Antoni frowned. The Grizzlies' tactics are exactly the same as the Rockets?

   Although Harrell is only the height of a small forward, his strong body guarantees the quality of his screen.

   Link passed by Harel, and Ariza immediately squeezed Harel away and rushed towards Link.

   But just then, Link hit the ground and passed the ball between Ariza and Anderson.

   Better than passing accuracy and organizing ability, Link does not think he is under Harden! After all, things like organizational ability cannot be explained by just looking at the number of assists.

   On the other Harrell has quickly cut into the basket. Ryan Anderson can't keep up with Harrell at all, his mobility is even better than Capela!

   A simple pick and roll, Anderson was left behind.

   And Capella? The Rockets' frame guard elite is being nailed to the three-point line by Gasol at this time!

   In other words, the Rockets' basket is unguarded at this time.

   After receiving the ball, Harrell didn’t pause, and immediately played a brutalist hack!

   His powerful dunk and wild shape made this attack full of power.

   Harel succeeded in eating pancakes!

   "Nice pick-and-roll coordination, Link's pass and Harrell's cut are just right! They played a tactic almost exactly like the Rockets, but one side failed, and the other side succeeded!"

   After assisting Harrell for a goal, Link applauded with joy.

   Off the court, D'Antoni is autistic.

   Originally, he wanted to use the pie-eating trick to attack the Grizzlies first, and he was quite proud of this plan.

   It's fine now, but the Grizzlies ate away on the Rockets!

   He thought that Harrell would not play a big role, but now he knows that he was wrong!

   Link's passing and Harrell's movement seem to be better than Harden and Capela's combination.

As soon as    came up, the Grizzlies sent the Rockets together.

   Capella's ability to eat cakes is excellent? ?

   No, Harrell has something to say.

   The title of "Bread King", it is estimated that it is time to change.

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