Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand and seventy-six: 1 game, 2 records

There was a "buzzing" sound in Link's ears, and he was really hit hard just now.

But judging from the expressions of his teammates, Link thinks he must have scored the goal just now.

I have to say that Capella and Anderson are also dark enough to start.

Confrontational sports, being pressed on the court, sometimes can't control emotions at all. Once the emotions get out of control, the strength will start to get out of control.

Think about it and know that the Rockets chased the Grizzlies for the entire game, every time they came to the door and couldn't go further.

Now it’s hard to get the best and last chance, but let the opponent catch an offensive rebound...

Whoever changes this kind of thing will have a mental breakdown.

If you encounter this kind of thing when playing NBA2K games, many people are sure to throw the handle and scold difficult computers for cheating.

But in real matches, there are only falling people.

Link's performance today is even more cheating than the most difficult computer in the game.

After lying on the ground for a while, Link slowly got up with the support of his teammates.

He touched the back of his head, but luckily he didn't get any bleeding. Otherwise, they will have to be forced off the court to be dealt with.

All the scenes on the scene were aimed at Link, at this guy who just made history.

A single game of 50+15+15, this is the data that has never been able to come up before!

Not Bill Russell, Wilt Chamberlain, and Michael Jordan!

All of you sitting today are fortunate enough to be witnesses of history!

They have witnessed this first time, and it is very likely that it will be the last time a player can score 50+15+15 in a single game.

"Link, it's great, I know you can make history!"

"Well, as long as the penalty hits, we will win."

"It's an honor for you, Link, this is a great historical record."

The teammates hugged Link one by one, and all the fans stood up and cheered.

"This is our victory, guys. Without you, the team could not create a historical record of 25-game winning streak." Link waved his hand. He always thought that the history of his teammates meant the 25-game winning streak.

After Link finished speaking, everyone stared at him in surprise. Little Gasol even came forward and touched Link's head.

Isn't this guy stupid?

"Uh...what's wrong?" Link found that the warm-blooded atmosphere suddenly became embarrassing, and he hurriedly looked at the big screen at the scene.

That's right, the Grizzlies did have a three-point lead!

But soon after the two teams scored, Link saw his own data.

50 points, 15 rebounds and 15 assists...It seems there is nothing wrong, but it seems something special.

A 50-point triple-double is not uncommon for Link before. As early as 2013, Link had reached the milestone of 50 points and triple-doubles in the game against the Pacers.

50 points in a single game is not too unusual for Link. After all, his career record is 63 points.

That said, the data today is nothing unusual.

So what's the strangeness?

"Don't you know?" Wade walked up with a smile, looking incredulous.

"Ah? What happened?" Link still looked dumbfounded.

"Damn, we thought you knew, so we didn't remind you. With 50 points, 15 rebounds and 15 assists, you are the first player in NBA history to get this type of data in a game!"

As soon as Wade finished speaking, Link felt more dizzy in his head.

what's the situation? Why has it become the first in history again for some reason?

"Hey, do you want to continue the game or go back to chat?" At this time, the referee interrupted the conversation between the Grizzlies players and signaled Link to get to the free throw line.

Link frowned and stood at the designated position. The camera's special training also captured his serious expression.

"Link must be under great pressure now, because his additional penalty will directly determine the outcome! If the penalty is made, the Grizzlies will have a four-point advantage and wait for the end of the game! If not, the Houstonian will have to make another three. The chance to shoot the basket changes everything."

Hubby Brown’s interpretation is the same as most people think.

But in fact, Link frowned not because he was worried that he would miss the penalty.

He was thinking, why didn't he find out earlier that he wanted to break the historical record!

If he knew that 50+15+15 was a historical record, he would definitely have reached it long ago. It's all right now, but it just happens to be stuck on the hurdle of 50+15+15, isn't it easy to be surpassed in the future?

It's a mistake, it's a mistake!

"That group of guys, don't know to remind me, who knows it's a historical record." Link muttered, and slapped the basketball twice.

People think that Link's psychology and Link's real psychology are completely different.

Unexplainably, it was another milestone night.

But, this kind of unexpected joy is even more exciting.

Link shot softly, the basketball steadily entered the frame, and the penalty hit!

At that moment, D'Antoni's face was ashen. In theory, the Rockets still have a chance.

They only need to hit a three-pointer, and then immediately use foul tactics, there is still a chance.

However, theoretical things have always been impossible to force on the court.

The actual situation on the court is often much more complicated than the theory.

For example, today, the Rockets are attacking strictly in the most efficient way in data analysis.

And Link? Most of his choices are the least efficient middle distance heads-up in the data analysis, and his style of play is very classical.

But at this time, it is not the Rockets who will win the game.

Basketball is not a math problem, it is always a game for athletes.

Data analysts can never be the protagonist.

"Link also made a free throw. He scored a game-high 51 points in this game! After continuing the previous game and hitting next season's high of 48 points, Link immediately rewrote his single-season scoring record today. Great. Great athlete, great Link! Today, he will take two historical records at once!"

Hubby Brown had to yell out, because the atmosphere on the scene has begun to be a little out of control.

The last time Hubie Brown met this deafening shout at the Federal Express Arena was the time when the Grizzlies won the championship at home in 2015.

With a 25-game winning streak + the first player in history to hit 50+15+15, there is nothing better than such a night.

In the last few seconds of the game, the Houston Rockets had no choice. They could only let Harden quickly take a three-pointer.

Everyone knew what the fire would do, so Link predicted Harden's shot easily.

Harden originally wanted to make Link a foul, but Link avoided it very carefully.

In the end, Harden's shot knocked to the front of the rim, which was ridiculously crooked!

The trick of committing a foul is not so effective all the time.

Gasol grabbed the rebound, with 2 seconds left in the game.

But the Spaniard hurled the ball into the air, not giving the Rockets a chance for a tactical foul.

The basketball hasn't fallen yet, it's over in two seconds.

The electronic buzzer is mixed with the cheers of the fans, and then decorated with a pair of raised arms and the red light on the backboard, forming this perfect picture!

"It's over, 138 to 134. The Memphis Grizzlies defeated the menacing Houston Rockets at home and successfully broke the 24-game winning streak set by the Warriors last season! And in this game, Link also scored 51 points. With 15 rebounds and 15 assists, he became the first player in NBA history to score 50+15+15! Tonight, Link is the master of the league!"

Link did not shake hands or hug Harden and any Rockets players.

At the end of the game he jumped onto the technical stage. Open your arms and enjoy the wave of fans cheering.

At this time, he doesn't care about opponents, he just wants to enjoy everything he has made!

At the same time, Draymond Green took out his mobile phone silently and deleted his previous activity.

But obviously, even if he deleted it, many screenshots of evidence have been saved.

He couldn't imagine how many people's saliva he would face tomorrow.

Green only felt that he was extremely humble now. At this moment, his mind was full of Link's reply.

"This is a real duel between top superstars, there is no room for you to interrupt, three single superstars."

Well, facing a guy who can blast down historical data, Green found that he really had no room for interruption.

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