Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand and seventy-seven: too strong, too strong, too strong

Today, the press conference after the game was naturally quite lively. Link, who set two historical records overnight, became the most dazzling star in the league tonight.

As soon as Link stepped into the media reception room, the whole room suddenly became noisy.

Even the reporters couldn't help blowing their whistle, applauding enthusiastically, and shouting for Link's wonderful performance.

At this moment, it seems that they are no longer reporters, but a group of fans who have seen their idols.

No way, Link's performance tonight is so wonderful and incredible.

The first player in history to hit 50+15+15, the longest opening streak in history.

This means that even the experienced reporter has never experienced such a crazy night.

It is not the first time that Link has broken a historical record, but people will never lose interest in it.

Every time he breaks a record, he is moving in a greater direction.

"Link, congratulations on leading your team to win this crucial battle. You must be very happy now, how do you feel at this time?"

After Link took his seat, the reporters immediately began to ask questions. Of course, the problem is not tricky.

In this night that belongs to Link, no one wants to fight Link.

"I'm really happy. It's a wonderful night. But what makes me most happy is that everyone in the Warriors must be very uncomfortable now. Especially Draymond Green, I think he may be so angry now that he has his mobile phone. You fell to pieces. It's okay, I will give him a new phone for Christmas."

Link won't be merciful, he will take Green when he comes up!

Before the start of the game, Green was the most ferocious of all grizzly bears.

Before the game started, he insisted that the Grizzlies' starting winning streak could only be tied with the Warriors.

Only halfway through the game, he announced in advance that the Grizzlies had lost the game.

These actions made Link very annoyed. Now Link finally had time to wash him off.

"By the way, Draymond Green has now deleted the dynamic that celebrated the Rockets' victory in advance. What do you think of this?" The reporters are naturally not too troubled. Link and Green’s war of words is theirs. Love to hear.

"You must think that Green is very unkind and not enough for men? In fact, I very much agree with Green's behavior. This proves that he really understands that this is not a game he can interrupt. James Harden today Well done, the rest of the Rockets did well today. They succeeded in driving us into a desperate situation. They may be one point away from the game victory. But Draymond Green? Please, this game didn’t. What's the matter with him, he doesn't even have the qualifications to comment. With his strength, he can only stare. You see, I can beat him even by swiping my phone during the intermission."

Link continued to speak harshly, and there was no need to show mercy to Green.

At the same time, on the Rockets side, Mike D'Antoni used three consecutive "too strong" to express his helplessness.

"I still can't believe that Link can finally grab the offensive rebound. His take-off height is beyond the reach of Capella and Ryan Anderson. He is too strong."

"Link defeated us at mid-range in an extremely classical way today. His offensive skills are very gorgeous and he has almost no shortcomings. This is really too strong."

"I tried to get Harden to avoid Link. At first it worked well, but then Harden couldn't escape Link's defense. Harden was in a tough fight and Link's defense was too strong."

D'Antoni's ambitions before the game are now gone, he is completely defeated by Link.

Harden has been strong enough this season, and triple-doubles are as common as cutting melons and vegetables for him.

But compared with Link tonight, Harden still looks small

D'Antoni’s greatest source of confidence is Harden, and Link undoubtedly collapsed his confidence.

Therefore, the moustache coach will repeatedly repeat the words "too strong" in the press release.

This is his most real experience after playing this game.

Link and Grizzlies became the only winners tonight, while the Rockets and Warriors ended very tragically.

The Rockets failed the leapfrog challenge, and Harden must continue to stay in the second place in the MVP rankings.

After the Warriors lost to the Grizzlies, the record was broken by the Grizzlies, and Green was humiliated by Link. It was really a shot through.

Now, the warriors must put down their arrogant attitude and step down from the throne.

Because this year's Grizzly's claws are sharp enough to break through the hard deck of the "Galactic Battleship"!

After the press conference, Link happily returned to the locker room, ready to pack his things and go home to end the perfect night.

But to Link's surprise, the chief team doctor Moon had been waiting for him in the locker room.

"Link, how do you feel?" As soon as Link walked into the locker room, Moon immediately asked.

"Extremely happy."

"It's not about how you feel, it's about how your head feels. After the fall today, you don't seem to get up right away." Moon frowned, his attitude was serious, not as if he was joking with Link.

Link scarcely fears anything. He is not afraid of strong warriors, nor is he afraid of James who is as strong as a bull.

But Link was only afraid of Mu En's serious expression. Once the chief team doctor became serious this week, it meant that there would be trouble.

"Head? Oh, I fell to the back of my head at the time, and I was a little dizzy when I lay on the ground. But after a short rest, it was all right. I didn't make a successful shot and a penalty. So, it shouldn't be a big problem." Link Spread his hands, he didn't want Moon to make a fuss.

" looks like you can't participate in training tomorrow, Link."

"Huh!? I'm really fine, Moon."

"It's not you who have the final say, Link. Even if I said it, it doesn't count. You are also an old fritters, you know the league’s concussion protection program. Once a player has symptoms of a suspected concussion The team has no right to decide whether you can come back. Players can only be allowed to return to the game after passing the league’s concussion detection procedures. Therefore, you may miss a few games, Link."

Moon was also quite helpless. Of course, he knew that the Grizzlies are now on the right track and could create even better records.

But there is no way, even if he allows Link to play, the league will not admit it.

This is the rule and must be followed.

"Hey, it's troublesome. But I won't be absent from the Christmas War, will I?"

Missing a few games is fine, but if he misses the Christmas game, Link will not do it.

Although he really wants to spend Christmas Eve with Rachel at, he doesn't want to be absent in this way.

Now it’s less than half a month before the Christmas War begins. It may seem like it’s still long, but it’s actually imminent.

"Hahahaha, don't worry. Look at your current situation, it should not be too serious. On the day of the Christmas game, you will definitely be able to go on the court. Now you have a few days of rest, maybe you can burst into a better state by the Christmas game. It."

"Really... Okay, let's follow the procedure. Damn, it seems that after losing the center of gravity in the air, you can't let your head land on the ground anyway." Link reluctantly complained.

"That's better than Green's face on the ground. Tonight, Green's face was beaten."

"Listening to you, I feel better again, Moon."

The two left the dressing room with a big laugh. This beautiful night was not spoiled by this little episode.

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