Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand and seventy-eight: 3 strongest pairs in history

   The next day, Link’s diagnosis was officially announced.

   After inspection, Link did indeed have a slight concussion. Therefore, he will be forced to enter the concussion protection program of the alliance.

   Link can't play until he passes the concussion test arranged by the league. Even training can't even participate.

   However, this news did not cause a big stir.

  Because after a season, some players often have minor concussions.

   One of the most famous is the 2010 Eastern Conference Finals, when "big baby" Glen Davis was stunned by Howard on the court with an elbow.

   Although he staggered to get up and wanted to participate in the attack, he almost fell down like drunk after two steps.

   In the end, the appraisal results showed that Davis had a serious concussion at the moment he was hit by the elbow.

   Davis, this is a very serious concussion. In fact, most players have very mild concussions, which are far less terrible.

The    alliance is to ensure the safety of athletes and avoid trivial matters, so it has established very strict concussion detection.

   Kevin Love just completed his second concussion test a few days ago. For most players, a minor concussion is not a problem, just a few days off.

  Besides, the Grizzlies didn't have too heavy games to play before the Christmas War.

   Now the Grizzlies have five games before the Christmas War. The opponents in the five games are the Kings, Jazz, Celtics and Pistons.

  Although the Jazz and Celtics are both playoff-level teams, to be honest, these two games are not painful for the Grizzlies.

   So even if Link is absent, it doesn't matter.

   Therefore, the day after the game, the most talked about is the Grizzlies’ 25-game winning streak to start the game, and Link’s single-game 50+15+15 miracle!

   His terrible data is called "the strongest triple-double in history" by fans!

  Even many big-name players who are active or have retired have expressed emotion on their social media.

   "I can't imagine what kind of data this is. I can only say that what Link did yesterday is as great as 81 points in a single game!" Kobe naturally praised Link loudly.

   As a friend, Kobe felt happy for Link. As a business partner, Link’s history is certainly good for beverage sales.

   As a father, his daughter's idol can do such a good job, Kobe is also very pleased.

   It can be said that after Link played "the strongest triple-double in history", Kobe may be the happiest person in the world except the Grizzlies fans.

   In addition to Kobe, the "old gangster" Michael Jordan was rarely serious when he attended the press conference. "This is a great record. Link directly increased the intensity of the NBA game!"

   It is the ultimate dream of countless people to have Kobe and Jordan praise themselves at the same time.

   However, Link turned this fantasy into reality.

   Except for Link, the second most popular person is not Harden, who scored 46 points in the last game and pushed the Grizzlies into desperation.

   Draymond Green became the most discussed player after Link. It can be said that people sit at home and the pot comes from the sky.

   Of course, most of Greenbot’s attention is negative. His social media was completely overwhelmed by the drool of fans. On the Internet, his posts and news are full of laughter.

   Before the game, Green yelled the most fiercely. But after the game, when the Grizzlies really broke the Warriors' record for the longest opening streak, Green didn't say a word.

   Today, Green is exceptionally quiet.

   I don't know how many media outlets are holding mobile phones at this time, waiting for the "big mouth" Green to stand up and continue to scold Link.

   But from the beginning to the end, Green did not express any opinions on the Rockets vs. Grizzlies game.

   As Link said, this time, even "Big Mouth" has no room for interruption.

   Before the opening 25-game winning streak and the strongest three- and two-faced game in history, Green couldn't stand up no matter how thick-skinned he was.

   Before the Warriors meet the Grizzlies next time and complete their revenge, Green can only endure the scolding from the fans.

   Link is still waiting for Durant's double return, of course, that may also become a double shame for Durant and the Warriors!

   When the fans are discussing Link, Link, the "protagonist", has a rare opportunity to stay at home leisurely.

   The league’s concussion protection program stipulates that players cannot go to training before passing the test, so Link is equivalent to a few days of vacation.

   But Link can’t be too indulgent these days. If he doesn’t have a good rest and fails the test, the trouble will be big.

   It's a pity that Rachel happens to have work tasks these days. Otherwise, Link will definitely have a better time during the unexpected holiday these days.

  In the absence of Link, the Grizzlies did not fail.

   On December 15th, in the first game after Link was absent, the Grizzlies defeated the Sacramento Kings 96-92 on the away game, expanding the opening streak to 26 games!

   In this game, Wade carried the banner of the offensive core. He scored 26 points, 5 rebounds and 7 assists in the game, upsetting the Kings' perimeter.

   This is the role of a veteran like Wade, and Link is relieved to hand the game to a player like him

   Although the Grizzlies finally lost the game against the Kings at home back-to-back the next day, their unbeaten status since the start of the season was broken.

   But no one will be upset about this. The fans are very satisfied with the Grizzlies' current record.

   26 wins and 1 loss record, still unmatched in the league.

   You must know that the current record of the defending champion Warriors is "only" 23 wins and 4 losses. As for other teams, it's even worse.

   After two games, Link also ushered in two good things.

   The first thing is that Rachel finally went home, and they can start making people without shame...No, they started a sweet life.

   And the second good thing comes from the chief team doctor Moon, who officially notified Link to participate in the league's concussion test.

   If the test passes, Link will be able to make a comeback immediately!

   Although he only missed two games, Link felt that his body was about to rust.

   On December 17, under the leadership of Moon, Link officially came to the concussion test site.

   At the beginning, Link thought that the concussion test was a simple computer test. When he walked into the training hall, Link was dumbfounded.

   "Is this a physical fitness test or a concussion test..."

  Looking at the pile of equipment and trainers in front of him, Link couldn't help but vomit.

   "Yes, I forgot that you have no experience in this area. Then I will give you a brief explanation. There are seven official concussion tests. Except for computer tests, the other six are physical tests."

   "What!?" Link swallowed, he was completely unprepared!

"From regular cycling exercises, to jogging, to agility tests to non-confrontational team training...After completing each of these procedures, it is necessary to ensure that the symptoms of concussion do not appear repeatedly. Finally, the NBA will also ask the neurological medical experts they hire to conduct concussion to evaluate you, and only after getting professional advice will decide whether you can play. You don’t need to be nervous, if you are really okay, the test is also There will be no problems."

  Moon patted Link's shoulder to show comfort. Link curled his lips. Fortunately, Rachel let him rest early yesterday, otherwise he would pull his hips today.

   Soon, Link realized the power of the concussion test of the Alliance. The test requirements are not generally strict, but also very grueling.

   After warming up, it is 30 minutes of cycling and 30 minutes of running, and there is no stopping in between! The heartbeat must be accelerated to more than 160 per minute, which is said to be able to truly simulate the situation of athletes in the game.

   After Link was so tired, he had to participate in 30 minutes of one-on-one training non-stop, but he couldn't stop.

After    passes, there is another 30-minute team training, and it cannot be stopped.

   And this is only the first round, such a test will be repeated three rounds! After three times, Link didn't show concussion, that's the end!

   After three rounds of tests, Link, who is known for his physical fitness, is exhausted.

  If the league allows helmets to play in the future, Link will definitely be the first to support.

   is not afraid of but afraid of this concussion test!

   But fortunately, after a lot of hard work, the experts finally agreed that Link's current situation can continue the game.

   He finally got out of the concussion protection program!

   Watching Link panting on the wooden floor of the training ground, Moon couldn't help laughing.

   Now, there are finally injuries that make Link afraid. From now on, that kid should also converge a bit.

   That afternoon, the Grizzlies officially announced that Link would be back in the next day against the Jazz.

   So people immediately began to discuss whether the truce in the past few days will affect Link's state.

As a result, in the game against the Jazz on December 18, Link blasted the gorgeous data of 34 points, 8 rebounds and 11 assists as soon as he came back, and restricted the Jazz top card Gordon Hayward's shooting percentage to only a pitiful 38.5%. .

   Hubby Brown, who explained the game, couldn’t help but ridicule, “If Hayward knew he had to face such a strong opponent, he might have chosen to play e-sports instead of basketball.”

   Under Link's strong play, the Grizzlies easily defeated the current sixth Jazz in the Western Conference with 103-82.

   Facts have proved that Link has no problems at all, and his state has not fallen a bit compared to before!

   Link's return has made the Memphis Grizzlies fully armed again.

   At this time, all Memphis fans are looking forward to Christmas Eve.

   They can't wait to see Link trample another monster under his feet.



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